
This is also expected by many people.

Although, they want to see the diary owner able to create the downgraded version of [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] through [Magic Creation Original Book] in one fell swoop, but unfortunately, how unrealistic it is, after all, using [Magic Creation Original Book] to create perfect magic is not going to the vegetable market to buy vegetables.

It’s so easy and easy.

Otherwise, what Mephisto Fellers and the Grey Magicians Association did before would not have happened.

Of course –

This is just a failure, and there are still many people like Junai Himejima, who have blind confidence that the diary master created the downgraded version of [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] through [Magic Creation Original Book].

Moreover, the owner of the diary also said.

The difficulty created by the downgraded version of [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] through [Magic Creation Original] is much easier than when I first used [Magic Creation Original] to create [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse], isn’t it.

He also has absolute confidence in this.



[After summarizing the reasons for the failure, I used [Magic Creation Original] to create it again…]

[At the magic node, it needs to be handled well, it can no longer be the same as when [Lower Dark Magic: Silent Night Barrier] and [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse] were created, and the same is true in terms of the combination and operation of magic and spiritual power…]

[Although, before Lavinia filled in a lot of my weak magical foundation, when I just created a downgraded version of [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] through [Magic Creation Original], I still felt a lack of mystical knowledge, not only in terms of magical knowledge…]

[The mystery of this world that I have come into contact with is still too short in time…] If I were really asked to perform the middle perfect magic created out of thin air through [Magic Creation Original], I am afraid that I would not be able to do it, and now with the basis of analyzing [Supreme Wind System Magic: The Realm of Violent Wind], it is equivalent to drawing a scoop according to the gourd, and it is still very possible… I finally know why Lavinia said that the artifact [Magic Creation Original] was strategic… Let’s not mention this for now…”

[Let’s first create the median perfect magic of the downgraded version of [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm]…]

[Same as the previous steps…]

[To frame the magic framework with fantasy, you need to be more cautious in the magic node, and use a little spiritual power as the brush of the magic skeleton, and at this point, it should cooperate with the magic node…]

[Build a bridge with magic to give birth to magic…]

[With thoughts and steady breathing, not only thoughts need to run the direction and direction of magic and spiritual power, as long as it is possible to create the median perfect magic of the downgraded version of [Top Wind System Magic: Wind Realm]…]


[Success?!] ]

[Succeeded, finally succeeded, before [Magic Creation Original Text] recorded [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] blank page, a six-sided whirlwind and [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] pattern somewhat similar to the [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] pattern was engraved on it…]

[——[Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Goggles]! ]



Really succeeded?!

Although some people think that the diary master can finally successfully use [Magic Creation Original] to create median perfect magic, it should also be like the first time he used [Magic Creation Original] to create [Lower Dark Magic: Dark Eclipse], he failed seven or eight times.

No one expected the diary owner to create success the second time.

Successfully created a downgraded version of the [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] Median Perfect Magic [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror].

It was a bit of a surprise.

Even Himejima Juna, who had always been a little inexplicably blindly confident that the owner of the diary used [Magic Creation Original Book] to create perfect magic, was a little stunned.

It’s a little too easy.

“Your surprise is still to come!”

After avoiding the eyeliner sent by the major gods, Lavinia looked at the content of the diary displayed on her mobile phone, and couldn’t help but shake her head and said.

She clearly remembered that when that magic came out, even she was scared.

It may be a subversive change for the entire wizarding world.



[[Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror], it is the same as [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm], it is defensive perfect magic, except that [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] is immovable defensive perfect magic, while [Middle Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror] is passive defensive magic…]

[When fighting, you can first engrave a [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror] on your body… When attacked, [Median Wind System Magic: Rouling Wind Mirror] will appear six diamond-shaped wind mirrors composed of wind elements, and the biggest function of [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror] is used to defend against enemy sneak attacks…]

[For me, it’s defensive magic in the true sense, and it’s completely different from [Lower Dark Magic: Silent Night Barrier] that is used most for Yin…]



See here.

Many people are complaining madly in their hearts.

It turns out that “you” also know that the perfect magic created by using [Magic Creation Original] before is used to Yin people, with great deception, a defensive perfect magic that cannot be used can make such a Yin move, and I don’t know what to say.

However, for [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Goggles], this passive defensive perfect magic.

Many magicians’ eyes lit up.

Passive defensive perfect magic such as [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Goggles] is exactly what they need, after all, magicians are naturally crispy, although, it is not like in a game or film and television drama, being close to the enemy loses the ability to fight back, completely finished.

However, the essence of magicians is still long-range combat, hand-to-hand combat is always at a disadvantage, especially in the face of sneak attacks, [Median Wind System Magic: Rouling Wind Mirror] This perfect magic can just make up for their shortcomings in this regard, and the median perfect magic is enough to suit most young magicians.

Only now they don’t even know the identity of the owner of the diary.

About [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Glasses] can only be thought about now.



[Now that you’ve created a downgraded version of [Upper-level Wind Magic: Wind Realm] [Median Wind Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirrors]… Just while the iron is hot, the downgraded versions of [Quasi-Miracle Space Magic: Dimensional Jump Teleportation] and [Quasi-Miracle Illusion Magic: False Reflection] have been created…]

[It’s just that the look in Lavigna’s eyes next to me is even more strange, like looking at a monster, I don’t bother to pay attention to her…] Throw the downgraded version of [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror] that has just been created through [Magic Creation Original Scripture] to her, try the effect…”


[Although, [Supreme Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] is the highest perfect magic, and [Quasi-Miracle Space Magic: Dimensional Jump Teleportation] and [Quasi-Miracle Illusion Magic: False Reflection] are quasi-miracle perfect magic, but in my eyes they are the same…]

[The same process as the previous creation of [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror], it is almost the same as the method of concocting…]

[Maybe with the experience of just using [Magic Creation Original Text] to create [Median Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror], when it came to creating the [Quasi-Miracle Space Magic: Dimensional Jump Teleportation] downgraded version of Median Perfect Magic, it was surprisingly smooth…]


[Success again!] ]

[——[Median Dark Magic: Black Shadow Magic] Create success! ]



To the result.

No one was surprised that when the diary master used [Magic Creation Original Text] to create a downgraded version of [Topmost Wind System Magic: Wind Realm] [Middle Wind System Magic: Rokuling Wind Mirror], the downgraded versions of [Quasi-Miracle Space Magic: Dimensional Jump Teleportation] and [Quasi-Miracle Illusion Magic: False Reflection] will also be bound to succeed.

“Huh! What is he going to do?! ”

Suddenly, someone saw the new content updated in the diary, and the difference widened their eyes.

“He’s questioning the perfect magic created by [Magic Creation Original], and he actually wants to shatter the [Median Dark Magic: Black Shadow Technique] that he just created.”

“…… This”

“What exactly does the diary owner want to do?!”


One after another exclamations rang out.

It was as if something had happened in the contents of the diary that made them unbelievable.

However –

And that’s true.


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