Film and Television Adventure System

Film and Television Adventure System Chapter 257

Zhuge Wolong furiously said: "What? Is there such a thing? Whose subordinates are those soldiers?"

The soldier said: "Yes... it's General Li Linwu's subordinate, who only surrendered two months ago!"

Zhuge Wolong laughed angrily: "I said how could this kind of scum be born, it turned out to be the old soldier of the year, good, very good! Commander, how do you deal with these soldiers?"

Guo Lingfeng said solemnly: "No matter what, let's check it out first!"

They brought a group of people to Qianmen Street. They saw two soldiers who insulted women were kidnapped by Wuhuada behind Qin Shitao's guards. A large group of soldiers were facing them with weapons in their hands.

"Military strategist?...The handsome?"

"The commander and the military adviser are here, let's get out of here!" Seeing Guo Lingfeng and Zhuge Wolong are coming, the crowd around the audience rushed out of their way.

The two walked to the front of both sides. Guo Lingfeng looked at Qin Shitao and then at the person on the other side, and asked, "What are you doing? Are you trying to rebel?"

Qin Shitao hurriedly said: "Marshal, these two soldiers blatantly entered the house and insulted the women. They were caught by my guard. We were about to take them to Caishikou and beheaded to show the public. These soldiers came to block us! "

Guo Lingfeng turned and asked, "Which one of you is the leader?"

A tall officer in the group of soldiers stood up: "The final general Lu Xiaoyu has seen the general and the military division!"

Seeing that he had a face with a Chinese character, Guo Lingfeng was born with thick eyebrows, big eyes, dark skin, and a sense of justice from the outside, but he has lived for more than 70 years now (all the time he has traveled together), and he does not judge people by appearance. So he asked, "You brought these soldiers to hinder General Qin's law enforcement, right?"

Lu Xiaoyu said neither overbearing nor overbearing: "Marshal, please listen to what the end general said! These two soldiers are both subordinates of the end general. Both of them have always fought bravely, and they have repeatedly made military merits in our army. Are they okay?"

Guo Lingfeng said solemnly, "Do you know the three military orders I issued today?"

Lu Xiaoyu said: "The general will know that General Qin sent people to the ministries to pass the order!"

Guo Lingfeng sneered: "Then I ask you, did these two soldiers violate these three military orders?"

Lu Xiaoyu sweated on his forehead and bit his head and said: "Yes!"

Guo Lingfeng shouted: "Then why did you obstruct General Qin's law enforcement? Do you know what the crime is for blatantly disobeying the military order?"

Lu Xiaoyu said: "Defied the military order... and made a decision! But... Marshal, these are the life and death brothers of the end general. They also saved the life of the end general in the previous battle. How can the end general know Endu? Report?"

Guo Lingfeng looked at the thousands of soldiers behind him, and his voice became louder: "Have you received the life-saving grace of these two soldiers, and want to repay you?"

Lu Xiaoyu hurriedly said, "If you return to the commander, they are just trying to fight the injustice between the two brothers, not deliberately gathering people to embarrass General Qin!"

Guo Lingfeng pondered for a moment, and said: "Initially, I thought that our army was a just army that overthrew tyranny, and rescued the masses of the people from the dire people's army. There are many things that I don’t need to say, because the drums don’t need heavy hammers. Judging from what happened today, I was wrong!"

He suddenly shouted: "I ask you, if someone breaks into your house and takes away your food, would you like it?"

"Unwilling!" the soldiers shouted one after another.

Guo Lingfeng then asked: "If this person not only robbed your family of food, but also ruined your sister, would you fight him hard?"

"Fight with him..."

Guo Lingfeng roared again: "If at this time our rebels came and caught this guy, and sent to the execution ground to beheaded for public display, do you...are you going to intercede for him, or go to the execution ground to see him beheaded?"

"This one……"

This time, most of the soldiers did not answer because they understood.

Lu Xiaoyu was full of cold sweat on his forehead. He did not expect that Guo Lingfeng would destroy the morale of the soldiers behind him in just three sentences, and he did not expect Guo Lingfeng to be so determined to kill the chickens this time.

"Brothers!" Guo Lingfeng flew into the air and said loudly, "Why did we revolt? It was not because we were oppressed by the government and the excessive taxes and taxes made us unable to survive. Otherwise, we can live a good life. Who is willing to rebel? We are now Having captured the capital, should we oppress the people in the capital?"

"No!" the soldiers responded one after another.

Guo Lingfeng continued: "I understand your feelings. After all, these two people are comrades-in-arms who lived and died with you, but this does not mean that they are qualified to disobey the military order, nor does it mean that you are qualified to disobey the military order. Now I Ask you, are you wrong?"

His last voice used the power of the true essence, and the sound was so loud that everyone's ears buzzed. Thousands of soldiers behind Lu Xiaoyu bowed their heads and showed a shameful expression. Many people whispered: " We were wrong!"

Guo Lingfeng said angrily: "Dare to do it or not? I will ask again, are you wrong?"

All the soldiers shouted: "We were wrong, please punish you!"

Guo Lingfeng said: "It is the first offender for you this time, I will spare you this time, but the death penalty is unavoidable, and the living sin is inevitable. I punish you every ten people into a team and show me carefully in the streets and alleys of the capital. China inspected and found that anyone who violated the three military orders immediately arrested him and brought him to General Qin. The punishment time starts now and ends in three days. Can you...can do it?"

The soldiers shouted: "We can do it, thank you for not killing!"

Guo Lingfeng said: "You go down and inspect!"

The soldiers retreated one after another and rushed to every corner of the capital under the leadership of the team leader.

Guo Lingfeng saw Lu Xiaoyu turn around and wanted to leave, so he landed in front of him lightly and said: "I can forgive their sins,!"

Lu Xiaoyu hurriedly knelt down and said, "Marshal, the general knows that he was wrong, please spare the general this time?"

Guo Lingfeng turned his head and asked, "Where is Li Linwu? Call him to have a look. This is the subordinate he taught!"

Li Linwu came to the scene a long time ago when he heard the wind, and when he heard Guo Lingfeng's words, he hurried to the front, knelt down on one knee and hugged his fists and said: "The future is late, please forgive me, the commander!"

Guo Lingfeng sneered: "Li Linwu, let me ask you, this Lu Xiaoyu was enlisted during the Jinhua Uprising, right?"

Li Linwu hurriedly said: "Yes, he is a fellow of the final village, and we signed up to join the volunteers together!"

Guo Lingfeng said: "Okay, let me ask you, what should be the crime as an officer inciting soldiers to gather crowds to make trouble?"

Li Linwu's face turned pale for an instant, and he stammered: "According to the military order...dang...dang cut!"

Guo Lingfeng said: "Okay, you are his immediate boss. He should be executed by you personally if he violated the military law. What are you waiting for? The military law is not enforced?"

Li Linwu knelt on the spot, tears flowed out: "Marshal, please forgive him this time? I would like to use all the military service in exchange for his life, as long as he can survive, I am willing to be demoted. You can drive me out of the army as a soldier..."

"Enough!" Guo Lingfeng said angrily, "Because of your superiors who favoritism and pervert the law, there will be his subordinates who regard military law as nothing! What is military law? I repeat it in front of you today. Our military law must There are laws to follow, laws must be followed, law enforcement must be strict, and violations must be investigated! Have you heard clearly?"

The soldiers all rose up and echoed: "Listen clearly!"

Li Linwu's face turned pale, he knew that Lu Xiaoyu was dead...the two soldiers were also dead...

Chapter 352 Human Righteousness (3)

(The third update today, ask for monthly pass and subscription!)

The soldiers of the two strong women and Lu Xiaoyu, who agitated the soldiers to make trouble, were all beheaded to show the public. The atmosphere of the up and down of the rebels was suddenly renewed, and no one dared to violate the military law.

Li Linwu was demoted several levels, from the East Route Army general with 100,000 troops to the captain of the Thousand-man Team. If he hadn't indulged his subordinates, how could Lu Xiaoyu gather to make trouble?

Zhuge Wolong has always run the army rigorously. According to his idea, he originally wanted to reduce Li Linwu to a soldier.Guo Lingfeng Nian has taken the lead many times since he started the army, and he has repeatedly made military exploits, so he is still open to him, and has not done things so absolutely.

After the rebels occupied the capital, the northwest and southwest provinces also presented surrender tables. Zhuge Wolong arranged for Zuo Lang and Wang Hao to lead 150,000 troops to the provinces to accept the surrender.

As the saying goes: It is easy to fight the world, but it is difficult to sit in the world!

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