Under the old locust tree, the residents of the courtyard house were gathering, except for Zhang Xiaoshan's family, most of them came.

"Silly Zhu lost his wife this time. He is miserable. I heard that he spent 1,200 yuan."

"If the person ran away, he must get the money back."

"Can Jia Zhang give it?"

"Definitely not, but Jinggong, if she doesn't give it, she has to."

"Where's the silly pillar?"

"Haha, he is holding the letter Qin Huairu gave him in the house, crying." Xu Damao is blind and has good ears. He is very happy now.

People have different opinions, and all kinds of peculiar opinions and arguments emerge in endlessly.

Liu Haizhong puffed out his belly, holding the trumpet bought from Zhang Xiaoshan for 20 yuan, and shouted pretending to be majestic:

"Everyone is quiet. In response to this incident of Qin Huairu running away from home, the hospital will hold a general meeting at 7:30 tonight. Everyone should leave now, and go to work early."

The beauty in the center of bangs is not good. Just seeing Yi Zhonghai's appearance, he felt that Yi Zhonghai had just lost his wife and daughter-in-law, and he might die at some point, so he could become a grandpa.

He has nothing to pursue now, and his three sons have run away, leaving him only to be an official.

Yi Zhonghai sat on the threshold like a dead body, without saying a word. If it wasn't for the constantly changing expressions on his face, everyone would have thought that he had gone with the big mom too.

Jia Zhang sat on the ground in the middle courtyard with her stick in her arms, crying, this time she was really desperate.

Even when he just went out, the neighbors kindly led him out.

Without Qin Huairu, she and Banggen might starve to death. If the eyes are not blind, the street will definitely find her a job. But there must be no way for the street now, after all, no one can raise two wastes for nothing.

Sticky looked confused, he didn't know why his mother only took away his two younger sisters, but not him. He didn't dare to think about the future. Stick was smart since he was a child, and he knew where everything about him came from.

Without Qin Huairu, who in the yard will let him, who will give him delicious food, will it continue to return to those days when he can't see or hear.

With a loud cry, the stick collapsed, escaped from Jia Zhang's arms, and rushed forward.

Wow, the stick planted into the big water tank in front of Shazhu's house.

what's the situation? You can't do this when you're thirsty and want to drink water, right? Everyone in the yard was stunned.

Seeing the thumping of the two calves exposed outside the tank, people realized that a few people went up and lifted the stick out with all their might.

Stick was rescued and sat on the ground without saying a word. People thought he was stupid. The kind-hearted Yan Jiekuang went up and gave him a few crisp big slaps, and he cried bitterly:

"I can't hear. Where's my hearing aid? Has anyone seen my hearing aid?"

The people in the courtyard looked at the hearing aid on Banggen's neck and understood that the hearing aid had been flooded and broken.

No one will spend 1,300 yuan on hearing aids for him anymore.

Many people had to go to work, and after a while, there were not many people watching the fun in the yard, only Jia Zhang and Bang Geng were left howling.

I have seen too much, and no one cares anymore. I like to sit on the ground and shout, and no one goes to help.

He Yushui was comforting Silly Zhu: "Brother, don't be sad, when you get the money back, with so much money, what kind of wife will you marry?"

"In the countryside, 1,200 yuan can marry a row of yellow-flowered girls."

Silly Zhu cried sadly.

Qin Huairu left him a letter, writing out all these years, lying to him, plotting against him, seducing him, etc., and added a sentence at the end, hoping that Shazhu can marry a good wife.

After so many years, Shazhu has long been aware of Qin Huairu's tricks, but he deceived himself by pretending to be deaf and dumb. He would feel ridiculous.

I used to think that Qin Huairu was under control, but I didn't expect Qin Huairu to run away without making a sound.

Just like in the plot, Qin Huairu sucked his blood, and he also controlled Qin Huairu, making her unable to leave him.

Qin Huairu's escape was widely spread, and soon the street and the factory received the news. After all, the escape of a well-known beauty can give many people someone to brag about.


At 7.30 in the evening, You Fengxia also saw the courtyard meeting for the first time.

It was still the table of the Eight Immortals, and it was the same residents who were watching, but Director Wang and a clerk from the street were also sitting at the table of the Eight Immortals.

"Little San, this is the all-hands meeting. There are so many people and it's so lively." You Fengxia was a little excited, as if she was watching a movie.

"Hey, it'll be lively later, wait and see the performance of this group of people." Zhang Xiaoshan looked disdainful.

Liu Haizhong still spoke first, holding a loudspeaker and saying:

"Everyone is quiet. This conference mainly talks about how Qin Huairu ran away with her two daughters, and how to solve the problem of Jia Zhang and Banggen. Now I invite Director Wang of the Street to give a speech to everyone, let's chirp chirp chirp .”

After the clapping of hands, Director Wang beeped a series of clichés. The residents of the courtyard seemed to know how the Jia family would survive in the future, but they seemed to know nothing.

At this moment, Yi Zhonghai put down the jar, cleared his throat, and took over the trumpet that Liu Haizhong handed over to speak.

"Old sister-in-law of the Jia family, now that Qin Huairu has run away, and the engagement with Sha Zhu is also void, you should return the 1,200 yuan to Sha Zhu."

Director Wang and the clerks of the street were stunned. Qin Huairu is worth 1200 yuan, is it inlaid with gold?

Director Wang saved only that little money for a year and a half without food or drink, 1,200 yuan, a veritable huge sum of money.

"Ah, I don't agree, Yi Zhonghai, you old rascal, the incident was caused by you and silly Zhu, who caused my daughter-in-law to run away, and the 1,200 yuan is compensation." Jia Zhang's hope for survival is that money.

Residents of the courtyard were in an uproar, it was the first time they saw such a shameless person. They used to know that Jia Zhang was shameless, but now they realized that her shamelessness exceeded their imagination.

Yi Zhonghai was impatient, he was gone, and if he didn't get his money back, he would really collapse.

Director Wang is here, and Jia Zhang doesn't dare to call God, Lao Jia and Jia Dongxu anymore.

She could only play tricks, sitting on the ground silently, resisting.

"Ms. Jia Zhang, you are cheating, you are committing a crime." Yi Zhonghai snapped.

Jia Zhang remained silent.

After discussing with Director Wang, the three uncles made a decision.

Liu Haizhong held up the trumpet and said in an official tone: "After discussion with the three of us in charge and Director Wang's approval, it is now decided: Mrs. Jia and Zhang will return the 1,200 yuan to Shazhu, otherwise Shazhu can call the police."

Mrs. Jia Zhang stood up this time, nodded silently, led by the three mothers, and accompanied by four or five mothers, entered Jia's house together.

After a while, several people came out. Jia Zhang's face was ashen, and he started to tremble when he walked.

The money was returned to Shazhu, and he began to count in front of everyone.

"That's not right, 600 yuan is missing." Shazhu counted it again, and he could see that it was a lot less before counting, after all, he handed it to Jia Zhang.

Mrs. Jia Zhang began to complain: "I hid under the bed. It was 1,200 yuan when I put it away. Qin Huairu must have stolen it. I can't see, and I have nowhere to hide. The three uncles and Director Wang must decide for me. ah."

The people in the courtyard also began to discuss, many people thought that Mrs. Jia and Zhang told the truth this time, but some people didn't believe it, and Zhang Xiaoshan was one of them.

Qin Huairu probably didn't take the money, he had warned Qin Huairu, she didn't seem to have the same thoughts herself.

Yi Zhonghai's heart skipped a beat, if he was old and cunning, he could see Jia Zhang's flash of complacency when everyone was discussing in the courtyard.

He stood up and said with a serious expression: "Since Jia Zhang said that Qin Huairu took it away, then you can call the police. Let the police search Jia's house first. If you can't find it, you can hand over the arrest of Qin Huairu." Comrade police~www.readwn.com~ He gestured to Director Wang again: "Director, do you think it's okay? "

Director Wang nodded in agreement.

"No, Qin Huairu took it away, and I handed over the money, so why search my house. Director Wang, you can't listen to their nonsense. These people see my house like this, and they are thinking how to bully us two useless people gone."

A look of panic appeared on Jia Zhang's face, and he yelled guiltyly.

With her shouting, everyone understood that the money must have been hidden by her, and she wanted Qin Huairu, who left, to take the blame.

A guilty conscience is talking about people like her.

After the three uncles discussed with Director Wang in a low voice, Liu Haizhong held up the trumpet and said:

"Stop messing around, Mrs. Jia Zhang, put away your tricks. Now ask for the last time, is the money taken away by Qin Huairu? If you dare to lie, the police comrades will come later and they will find you out. It’s a crime. You’re going to jail.”

Jia Zhang was trembling all over, and tremblingly took out a handful of money from his crotch...

At this point, the last bit of trust and pity the residents in the courtyard had for Jia's family disappeared, thinking that it was bad retribution for her family to become like this.

There is a reason why a good daughter-in-law like Qin Huairu, who has been a widow for so many years, was forced to leave.

Originally, Director Wang and the others were going to talk about how to help the Jia family and how to let the Jia Zhang family and Banggen continue to live, but no one mentioned it this time, and the meeting ended hastily.

As for how Jiazhang and Banggen will live in the future, no one cares.

There are too many people who starved to death these years and couldn't survive for various reasons, and they couldn't manage it at all, especially the reputation of Jia's family was so bad that no one paid attention to it.

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