In the next second, Lin Yue's figure suddenly disappeared without a trace from this small room on the outskirts of him.

When he opened his eyes again, he was standing on the deck of the lifeboat on the top floor of the Titanic, and there were many lifeboats on both sides of the deck.

The Titanic had a draft of more than 10 meters, and the height was nearly 40 meters above sea level.

Lin Yue stood at the top and looked at the sea, as if he was standing at a height like a ten-story building.

The salty sea breeze blows in your face, and it is very pleasant.

It was also this moment.

There was information about the world that came to his mind.

Lin Yue's identity in this world is the son of Captain Smith, a friend of the Celestial Empire.

This time he boarded the ship, and it was also the invitation of Captain Smith to write a letter.

Lin Yue's residence on this ship is also located next to the captain's lounge on the deck of the lifeboat.

The luxurious first-class cabin in the original movie is located on the first floor below the deck of this lifeboat.

Lin Yue was wearing a white bow-tie shirt with a black tuxedo suit on the outside.

He knew it was the basic standard for all the successful men on board.

He touched his pocket, and some of the mobile phones and other items that were in his pocket were gone.

Instead, he wore a mechanical watch on his left wrist.

The time shown above is 11:40 a.m. on April 10, 1912.

Lin Yue clearly remembered that the Titanic started at 12 o'clock, and it was 11:55 when Jack boarded the ship.

Rational and decisive thinking made Lin Yue make up his mind for the first time: in order to complete his task as successfully and easily as possible.

If Jack is kept outside the Titanic, it will save a lot of unnecessary trouble.

It also saves this handsome guy from losing his young life on this ship!

With this thought at this, he quickly ran along the top lifeboat deck towards the shore side.

At this point, the time is approaching the time of departure.

So the long ladders for boarding the lifeboat deck, the first-class deck, and the second-class deck have long been put away.

There is only a third-class shore door, and a long wooden bridge is erected.

It's already 11:52!

Lin Yue quickly walked down the stairs on the side of the cabin.

He passed by several guards from the ship's soldiers.

"Hey, Mr. Lin, the captain has instructed us to keep you safe, and it's better for you not to run around. "

I'm going down for something. Lin Yue replied as he ran.

"Mr. Lin, it's about 12 noon, the time the Titanic departs is the start of lunch, please go to the first-class restaurant to eat at that time!"

"Okay, thank you."

As Lin Yue ran down, some guards on the side told him some things on the boat.

Obviously, Captain Smith, who brought him aboard, had a very high prestige on this ship.

Lin Yueyi came to the door of the third-class deck at the bottom.

At 11:55 a.m.,

he looked out the door, and there was no one coming from the long bridge to board the boat.

"Did you expect it wrong? Could it be that

Jack is already on the boat?" Jack is a handsome and kind young man, but if he crosses over this time and Jack is on the same boat with him, there will be a big love triangle.

It will also add a lot of trouble and burden to Lin Yue's serious investigation work!

11:57 a.m. 11

:58 a.m! Until 11

:59 a.m., the huge hum of the Titanic's voyage had sounded.

Suddenly, from the other side of the long bridge at the pier, Jack, with his yellow hair and a handsome face, and his friend rushed from a distance with a baggage.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, we haven't gotten on the boat yet, wait a minute!" "Wait a

minute, wait for us to go up!"

Lin Yue looked at the time, 11:59:59.

"Close the door. He shouted to the two navy-uniformed guards next to him.

"Mr. Lin, there are two more, they have already come. "

The time has come, and you, as soldiers on the ship, should have a strict sense of time. Otherwise, I'll report it to my uncle Smith. "

Okay, Mr. Lin. We immediately closed the hatch. You don't want to bother the captain about this!"

The two guards began to close the last hatch of the entire Titanic!

A large iron bolt locked the hatch directly.

Lin Yue looked through the window and saw Jack and his friends standing on the dock boarding bridge.

The two of them looked lost and slapped the crossbar on the side of the bridge.

The loud hum above the roof of the ship sounded again.

The Titanic began to go offshore and prepared for a long voyage.

Lin Yue came to the outer deck of the third-class cabin.

The No. 1 chimney spewed white steam, and 25 of the 29 boilers had begun to fire one after another!

The Titanic slowly left the dock under the pull of the tugboat.

Its two outboard propellers began to stir up the waters of Potton Harbour.

As the Titanic sailed out of port, the Philadelphia Cruise Ship, the St. Louis Cruise Ship, the Ocean Cruise Ship, and the New York Cruise Ship at anchor around all honked their horns to salute it to

show their respect

for the ship of the century

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