I have been tired from work these days. I have always wanted to take the time to write a testimonial, but I always forget it. If I have time tonight, just write it.

   First of all, I am very grateful to Lu Ming for his recommendation, which allowed me to add so many fans and readers to this small street.

   At the same time, thank all friends who support and subscribe to this book.

   The results of this book are actually not ideal. I still attribute it to my own abilities. I wrote two Infinite Streams and ended up in the street. I still don’t have the talent for this.

   In fact, I still wanted to write the same Hong Kong language as before. I created the title of the book "Rebirth of the Dragon City Years", but unfortunately the previous "1968" was suddenly blocked, and I had no restrictions on the book.

   Now, although the results of this book are not ideal, but it is not bad, Lu Ming greatly recommended it to me many times.

  Being a human being, if you know enough and have poor grades, you will have to finish the book to be worthy of editor Lu Ming, and worthy of all book friends.

   So this book will definitely be finished, and it will be gone if you don’t write it.

   I also have an idea about the new book. Only when the book is finished, it is estimated that there will be three volumes, about 300,000 words, and the total number of words will be about a million words.

   Here, I would like to thank Lu Mingda again, and thank all readers who supported and subscribed.


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