Chapter 22 Turbulent Chambord Land, Straw Hat Pirates Danger!

Come to the other side of the Chambord Islands.

Not long after leaving the auction here, the Straw Hats and his gang encounter Orochimaru, who came to capture Supernova.

The two sides soon became at war.

At this time, on the same pedestrian street, I saw a very strong man carrying a huge axe.

And this person is the nephew of the yellow ape, Zhan Taomaru.

Orochimaru wore a belly pocket, and I didn't know that I thought it was an aunt.

And the strength of this man with the strictest tone should not be underestimated.

Although it is known as the strictest style, it is actually a big injustice for what others ask and answer.

And ordinary supernovae can't get any benefit in his hands.

Even in the navy, Momomaru was considered close in strength to vice admirals.

And he is also the captain of the naval scientific troops.

He commanded a large number of pacifists.

At this time, the two sides have encountered for a long time.

Quite a few battles broke out.

At this time, everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was injured.

And the damage is not small.

Because the pacifists of the Navy are too strong for the current Straw Hat Pirates.

It's not at all that they can solve it.

At this time, the members of the Straw Hat Pirates were really chased by a pacifist.

And Straw Hat Luffy is engaged in a bloody battle with Orochimaru.

Zhan Taomaru held a giant axe in his hand and kept slashing.

Sometimes if you find that the axe is too bulky, you will stick the axe in the ground and fight Straw Hat Luffy at close range.

At this time, Luffy had not yet learned the tricolor domineering.

And Zhan Taomaru has initially mastered the armed color domineering and the sight-seeing color domineering.

Luffy's attack was completely expected by him.

And his attacks carry armed colors.

Luffy's teeth grinned even with an ordinary punch.

Luffy's rubber fruit's abnormal resistance to beatings is completely inexerted at this time.

I can only let Orochimaru gain the upper hand.

But Luffy is not an ordinary person, and he knows that the man in front of him is full of weirdness.

He also directly used the rubber machine gun and relied on a large-scale offensive to widen the distance between the two.

But it was not long before it opened.

Orochimaru was really ready to strike at Luffy the straw hat in front of him again.

Unexpectedly, a laser suddenly shot over, interrupting the battle between the two.

The laser passed by Orochimaru's side, and then hit Straw Hat Luffy directly.

The speed of the laser was so fast that even Luffy, one of the supernovas, did not have time to avoid it.

Watch as Luffy the straw hat in front of him is hit by a laser.

Orochimaru also quickly reacted to who did this.

So powerful and so fast, there was no one but the man.

Orochimaru didn't need to look back to know that the yellow ape had arrived.

"Uncle Yellow Ape, I don't need your help!"

Orochimaru said very unhappily.

After all, Straw Hat Luffy was already on the verge of defeat.

In this way, the yellow ape not only took away his credit.

And it made his heart very unhappy.

After all, he didn't need the help of external forces to defeat Straw Hat Luffy.

And what will others think if the yellow ape strikes like this?

Will he think that he can't beat this straw hat Luffy.

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

After all, there were quite a few navies here in addition to pacifists and him at this time.

After Luffy was shot out by the laser, the yellow ape also appeared.

"Uncle Yellow Ape, you shouldn't have made a move!"

Orochimaru said very unpleasantly.

"Oh, Orochimaru, don't worry about that. "

"The most important thing we can do right now is to clean up the Straw Hats!"

Yellow Ape said casually.

The Straw Hats, who were still dealing with pacifists, were shocked when they saw Luffy being shot out.

"I actually knocked Luffy away with one blow. "

"Who is this uncle!"

Nami thought a little anxiously.

But soon she remembered.

In combination with the conversation between Orochimaru and the yellow ape, the reaction of the naval soldiers hit the blow.

In the end, the Straw Hat gang also judged that the wretched-looking guy in front of them was Admiral Yellow Ape.

After the yellow ape appeared, the faces of everyone in the Straw Hat group changed.

"It's actually a general!"

"This sucks!"

Nami supported her body with a weather stick and said worriedly.

At this time, Solon was not lightly injured by pacifists.

He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Is he a general?"

He said with some concern.

Because he was already injured very much at this time.

He knew he didn't have any more strength left to fight.

And the strength of the admiral is so strong.

An inexplicable worry could not be waved away in his heart for a long time.

And Sanji also stood up with difficulty and looked up at the yellow ape.

"Damn, the strength of a war peach pill is so strong, and now the general is also here..."

Sanji said with the same concern.

It can be seen that Yamaji is also very worried about the arrival of the general.

Originally, the general was very terrifying, and now the people of the Straw Hat Pirates are even more killed and injured.

Under such circumstances, Yamaji's concerns are not unreasonable.

"Admiral, is it Admiral?"

"Why did the general come here!"

Qiao Ba was also eaten back at this time because of his ability to use it, and he was even weak when he spoke.

"It's really here, Admiral..."

Everyone in the Straw Hat Pirates was very worried, after all, the general was not an ordinary navy.

There's a good chance they're going to lose here.

"Great... General..."

Luffy lay on the ground and said with difficulty.

At this moment, Luffy became very weak after eating a laser beam of the yellow ape in the front.

Not to mention standing up, even simple opening is very difficult.

But Luffy knew he was the captain, and he had to encourage his crew at this time.

But he really didn't have the strength.

And the Straw Hat Pirates had already felt the horror of the general before.

They have encountered pheasants, and in front of them they feel like they are nothing.

What supernova, what bounty of more than 100 million, in front of the admiral, is just an ant that can be crushed to death at will.

If it weren't for the guy from Qingji who looked at Karp's face earlier, it is estimated that their group would have been given to Yang by Admiral Yang a long time ago.

After all, the strength of the green pheasant is completely needless to say.

Compared to the yellow ape, it is no worse.

Now he has met another general, the yellow ape, and to be honest, the Straw Hat gang has no confidence to meet it at all.

After all, I was once bitten by a snake, and I was afraid of the well rope for ten years.

At this moment, how dare the Straw Hat Pirates clash with the general.

They really had a hard time getting through this time.

"Oh, it seems that you know my identity. "

"But isn't it too late to regret it?"

The yellow ape said flatly.

Then he raised his hand and it was a laser.


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