Chapter 4 Auction Hall, the great melee is about to break out.

The auction hall is full of people.

More and more people are coming here.

Li Mu also found that there were many more people in the auction hall than in other places.

"Hey, have you heard, there are fish people in the things in this auction!"

"How can something so cherished be taken out for auction?"

Two passers-by talked.

Li Mu was shocked when he heard the conversation between the two passers-by.

Speaking of the fishman, he immediately thought of the fishman Kemi, and it was because of her that Straw Hat Luffy subsequently made a move on Draco.

And at this time, since there is a fishman auction in the auction hall, it is likely that the next auction will be about the fishman Kemi.

The Draco incident is also about to happen.

Thinking of this, Li Mu decided to go to the auction hall to find out.

There are many people coming and going, and Li Mu is no different from ordinary people when he mixes inside.

Coming to the auction hall, Li Mu specially chose a position in the back.

He only planned to quietly pick up the attribute, but did not intend to participate in the incident.

After all, his current strength is not strong, and if he is involved with Draco, it will not be a good thing for him.

Once inside, he began to look at the largest auction hall in the Chambord Islands.

The seat at the front is obviously very different from the seat in the back, and the seat in front looks very luxurious.

The seats in the back are crowded and somewhat shabby.

At the front of the auction hall is an incomparably wide front desk.

It can be seen that the auction house was built with great care.

At this time, more and more people poured into the auction hall, and there were many people sitting in the originally huge auction hall.

At this time, three people wearing hoods and heavy clothing walked in.

The three are Charles Ro the Draco and his father Rhozwald St. and his sister Princess Anne.

The three of them were covered by guards who kept laying the carpet forward, followed by many guards.

The noble identities of the three were undoubtedly revealed.

It can only be said that it is worthy of being a Draco, and the pomp is directly full.

When the three people passed by, everyone lowered their heads and did not dare to look at it casually.

For fear of causing dissatisfaction among the Draco.

"Bow your head! Don't look around. "

"Be careful to set yourself on fire!"

Everyone did not dare to offend Draco in the slightest.

Surrounded by everyone, the three Draco soon arrived at the front seat of the auction hall.

At this time, except for the three Draco in the first three rows of seats, none of them dared to step forward and sit down.

It can be seen that no one is willing to offend Draco easily.

And this is mainly due to the ancestors of the Draco.

Their ancestors saved the continent, so their descendants enjoy a very privileged status.

Protected by the world government and able to do whatever you want.

They can ignore the law and morality.

But once someone dares to attack the Draco, it will be wanted and hunted down by the world government.

That's why he didn't want to clash with Draco.

And all the past events also prove that there is no good end in a conflict with Draco.

"Hmph, such a big pomp."

"It's not about to be beaten later."

Li Mu complained in his heart.

However, this Draco is fragrant, as long as Draco is beaten, it is the beginning of countless disputes.

As Draco sat down, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Mu continued to observe the people coming and going.

A big snow-white bear caught Li Mu's attention.

He naturally knew that this was Beibo, the pet of the Red Heart Pirates.

Sure enough, after Bebo is the supernova with a felt hat and a long sword.

Trafalgar. Gauze!

Other members of the Pirates of Hearts followed.

It can be seen that the auction is still very attractive.

Even the pirates were attracted a lot.

There are even supernovae.

After Li Mu noticed the Red Heart Pirates, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

After all, the subsequent dispute will definitely involve the Red Hearts Pirates.

This is a precious attribute point.

But at this time, Li Mu was most concerned about when the Straw Hat Pirates would come.

After all, the dispute over the matter was caused by Straw Hat Luffy's attack on Draco.

A red-haired man was unusually conspicuous, and behind him was a man in a mask.

It is Kidd and Kira of the Kidd Pirates.

The two were followed by several people, also members of the Kid Pirates.

When he saw a few people, Li Mu's heart was even more happy.

"The Kidd Pirates are also here, and now it's only the Straw Hat Pirates!"

He thought excitedly.

Although the dishes are almost ready, the main course is late.

Li Mu was still a little nervous waiting for the Straw Hat Pirates.

He did not spare anyone who entered the auction hall, and observed everyone who entered the auction very carefully and carefully.

Sure enough, in the end, as more and more guests poured in, a straw hat caught his eye.

"Finally here!"

The big stone in his heart finally fell.

At this time, Luffy, who was wearing a straw hat, walked in front first.

With a very exaggerated step.

"Kemi, we will definitely save you!"

Luffy thought very firmly in his heart.

And behind Straw Hat Luffy is a green algae head carrying three swords.

The green algae head yawned as he walked.

As the only three-bladed stream in the Straw Hat Pirates, he is the pirate hunter Solon.

Solon was followed by Yamaji, who held a cigarette in his hand and covered half of his curly eyebrows.

At this point, the three major combat forces of the Straw Hat Pirates have also arrived.

A light flashed in Li Mu's eyes.

"Great, the three strongest combat forces have arrived!"

"As long as the conflict breaks out now, attribute points will definitely be indispensable."

He thought happily.

With the entry of the three major combat forces, the people of the Straw Hat Pirates also walked in.

The little thief cat Nami's eyes are shining.

After all, it is the butler of the Straw Hat Pirates who is in charge of their property.

At this time, she has two hundred million Baileys on her hands, and she can definitely take Kemi's choice.

At that time, he will be able to save Kemi without breaking out of conflict.

Although he thinks very beautifully, Li Mu, who is in God's perspective, knows that it is not so simple to save Kemi the fishman.

Frankie, Chopba, Robin and Usopp followed.

And among the crowd of the Straw Hat Pirates, there was also a man with a hat and an overcoat.

Fishman Xiaoba!

As Kemi's best partner, Fishman Xiaoba really came.

This is also an indispensable part of the conflict with the Draco.

Seeing that the protagonists were in place, Li Mu was also relieved.

"It's all here, and now the conflict is inevitable."

"There's a good show to watch next."

He thought with great anticipation.

And the Kidd Pirates, the Red Hearts Pirates also found a place to sit.

The Straw Hat Pirates were a little back because they came slowly, but they still found a place and sat down.

The auction started right away.


[New books set sail, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for collections, ask for everything! ] 】

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