Finance: I Have The Strongest Stock Trading Simulator

68. Take the initiative to lower the subscription amount, the big guys are all stunned!

The scale of public funds has exceeded 10 billion yuan, and the trend of doubling has also exceeded the one-week launch.

There are various signs that Ye Xuan's fund has stabilized and is starting to occupy the market in an orderly manner.

With the passage of time, Xuanyuan Capital will also expand its pace in the public offering market.

Of course, the management fees of the public funds released later will not be so expensive, but they are still a little more expensive than others on the market.

But good things, as we all know, are expensive.

With Ye Xuan around, these funds are not afraid of losing money.

After the money-making effect comes out, there is no need to worry about other things.

9 pm.

The net value of public funds is updated.

[Xuanyuan set sail mixed] Net worth: 2.18 yuan (+17%)

Ye Xuan said that he can do whatever he wants, as long as it is more than 13%.

But as soon as I bought it, I still bought a variety of tickets for the floor and ceiling.

The worst is to buy one or two points in the water.

In this case, it is simply impossible to only increase by 13%-14%.

"Awesome! 39

"It turned out to be true, it doubled in 5 days, and the net worth has been updated!!99

"Too fierce!!

"It's so cool, I have doubled the number of people I got on the first day!! It's a pity that I only bought 70,000 in panic, and now I look back and want to slap my face!!

"Me too, when I first saw the prophecy of the big boss, I was shocked, why did the mere 10% management fee frighten me off? I deservedly couldn't make any money!!

"I'm afraid I didn't join the car in 1949, right??"

"I can only say that, according to the current trading method of the prophecy emperor, it is never too late to buy!

"Obviously, he wants to make this fund a benchmark product and use it to gain popularity!!


Ye Xuan is the idea.

This fund is really used to open up the market and give back to fans.

Of course, the trend will not be so fierce after that, but it is still steady to make money.

Inside the tourist group.

Ye Xuan's public fund net worth update today also shocked them.

You must know that a lot of hot money in this group is of entertainment nature, and if you have participated in 10 million, it is to help Ye Xuan.

They had no idea how much money they would make.

After all, at that time, the whole network was black.

Of course, I also have the idea of ​​being optimistic about Ye Xuan. After all, the previous trade of 100,000 to 2 billion is real.

His skills are definitely the top in short-term trading!

But now it seems that this is so much more profitable than doing it yourself!!

The prophecy emperor is so terrifying!!

Alliance Leader Zhang looked at the profit of his fund and said with emotion: "I'll be good, I bought it for 10 million, it's only been three days, I've made 50%, it's more terrifying than making money myself! 々!"

Fang Xinxia nodded fiercely: "Who said no, if you invest 100 million, 50 million will easily be paid!! The prophecy emperor is still a bull!!"

Brother Zhao: "I cried, although I have made money in my trading during this time, but not as much as Brother Ye!! 39

The hot money industry, or any industry, is the master.

Obviously, Ye Xuan's strength has conquered this group of hot money.

Even though they are older than Ye Xuan, they are willing to call him brother!

Ye Xuan was taken aback when he saw them like this.


If you really want to subscribe for hundreds of millions of dollars, will this public fund, Lao Tzu, still have fun?

If any of you are redeemed, wouldn't I have to sell it?

Although this is rare.

Ye Xuan has an idea in his mind, to set a maximum subscription amount, 500,000 is almost the same.

The significance of public funds is actually to give the public a channel to invest in stocks, without worrying about their own uncertainty or what the situation is.

But if these people are allowed to buy in such a large amount, I am afraid it will not work.

will lose its promotional significance.

Ye Xuan thought to himself: "When I look back, I will tell Du Xiaoxi, let her change the standard of the subscription amount, first change it to 100,000, and refuse you big dogs to enter the market.

"What I want is popularity, not really to help you make money!

Although Ye Xuan also has a 10% management fee, does he like it?

This is just a standard of sincerity.

And to say the most profitable.

That must be the [Prophecy Emperor Leek Group].

The group of friends here are all full of studs on the first day that the fund has just appeared and raised.

Among them, the little crocodile subscribed the most, with a total of 19 million!!

[Prophecy Emperor Leek Group].

Today is also laughter.

Sun Tingting said with emotion: "I know that the prophecy emperor makes great money, but I didn't expect it to be so great!! It took me only a few days to invest 5 million, and I have doubled it!! 99

The little crocodile couldn't hold back his smile: "What are you doing, I have studded 19 million, think about how much I made?"

Group friends: "`~ Haha, Mancang Stud's 300,000 has already made an explosion of 300,000, I feel like I've earned it!!"

Group friends: "Is this the power of belief? The prophecy emperor will never let us down! 35

Group friends: "Chongchongchong! You can always believe in the Prophecy Emperor! 35

Not surprisingly.

After this net value comes out today, there will be another wave of purchases.

What about the 10% management fee?

It is obvious that Ye Xuan's way of trading can easily offset this 10% in a few days!

Inside the office.

Du Xiaoxi was stunned after hearing Ye Xuan's thoughts.

"What? Mr. Ye, you want to lower the subscription size of the public fund on the day to 100,000??

Ye Xuan nodded.

After this decision is made, it will definitely spark a heated discussion again, but Ye Xuan doesn't care about it at all, I don't want to make money, what should I do?

It is willful!

You must know that the size of a public fund directly determines the position of a fund manager (the king of money).

Even more, it can also help other private stocks lift the sedan chair.

After all, after the foundation handed over the funds to you, you can do whatever you want!

Ye Xuan said with a smile: "For me, public funds are not a tool for making money, but a tool for publicity. What I need is for more people to subscribe to it, rather than making money for some big dog owners.

"If I really need to make money, I can go to the stock market to make a lot of money myself, why does the merger need to do a public offering to make it unnecessary?

"On cutting leeks, I have never been afraid of anyone in this market!"

"What I really want to do is to make money among retail investors and have pricing power in the future financial war!!

Pricing power, these three words are things worth trillions!

Why can northbound funds use tens of billions of funds to leverage the hundreds of billions and trillions of disks in the entire big A, isn't it because they have pricing power?

This is what Ye Xuan is looking for.

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