Fire Fist of the Rebirth Pirate Comes to the World

Rebirth of a Pirate - Fire Fist Descending Chapter 182

Ace, who had wanted to gently smile to show that he was fine, coughed violently and actually oozed a little blood from his nose and mouth!

"What the hell is this" Seeing the inexplicable condition that had appeared on his body, Ace was at a loss for words.

"It seems, it's reaching its limit, after all, it's a series of overloaded battles." Lilith fiddled with her chin and kept looking up and down at Ace, "What can you do with a body like this? Even if you could keep fighting, it wouldn't do much good, and don't forget, you can't fly."


Ace was silent for a moment, indeed, he was able to move in the sky by moon steps and flaming outbursts, which were fundamentally different from flying, such that aerial combat was naturally a terrible way to move.

"Indeed it is, I can't fly because I have no wings." Ace shrugged back at Lilith Shu, his tone light but with unquestionable determination, "But I'll go without wings, even if I have to build a pair of wings!"

"So, pathetic individual heroism, boys seem to be so willful, and so is the little brother." Lilith half-lidded and laughed softly, "It's a shame that ninety-nine out of a hundred heroes are dead, the remaining one not dead, but disabled."

"Ah, even if they are, because I can't find a reason why I'm doing this, heroism huh, who knows!" Ace grinned, took a step forward, and the wildly released flames materialized, gradually gathering in one place at his back, then with a loud bang, four brilliantly unfurled wings of flame appeared on Ace's back, unabashedly releasing the scent of the sun's rays, like the sun that illuminated the darkness.

No, it was actually inaccurate to say that the wings were actually wings, there were neither gorgeous feathers nor smooth flowing lines, nor even any fancy - it was just four pillars of fire spraying in different directions.

"It's not that I'm not afraid to die just, but because there is something more important than life that I need to find, because it's a pirate and pirates can't run away no matter what."

His voice was light and firm, melting with an indelible dignity.

"Because I am, the flame of fighting spirit!"

Ace gazed ahead, his hands gradually tightened, his eyes gradually sharpened, the four pillars of fire on his back were now still emitting burning sparks, running the power of the tyrannical flames, stumbling towards the air Well, the movement method was still just spraying, but at last it wasn't a single spray, the four pillars of fire pointing in different directions were able to ensure that Ace could control the direction in the air.

"Never run away? he seemed to be doing that when we first met." Lilith tilted her head, her body trembling slightly, an intense and touching glow flashing in her eyes.

The crowd on the distant island, whose eyes reflected Ace's current state after filling with countless stunned amazement, quarreled incessantly.

"Wow! The boss has turned into a fire-breathing dragon, eh, how come it's a fire-breathing dragon with two pairs of wings?"

"Wait, it's a forked bat too maybe!"

"Nonsense, that's obviously a fireball rat, didn't you hear what the boss just said about 'fighting flames'?"

"No, I think there's a good chance it's a Flame Rat as well."

"Don't make a wild guess, it must be a Flamethrower!"

"It's a fireball rat!"

"It must be the Flame Rat!"

"Exploding Beast!"

Chapter 77 - Baptism of the Dream Moon

"There is, there is a ghost,"

Those were the first words Lilith heard after the Golden Noah docked and Lilith revealed her face to everyone.

Yourself as a ghost? Although Lilith's full smile was still there, if one looked closely, it wasn't hard to notice those little twitches at the corners of their eyes, and a moment later it was already clear that they didn't know about the Nine-Tailed Fox Fruit, and certainly didn't know that Lilith could be reborn through the ability to break her tail.

"Is it the enemy?" The one who is asking the question at this moment is Sabo, he can feel that the woman in front of him, whose eyes shine like the most precious ruby, is emitting a noble and beautiful dangerous atmosphere all over her body, and this feeling is not the same as the red, if the red is a sharp sword that discloses, then the woman in front of him is a poppy that kills without showing any traces.

The first thing that you need to do is to make sure that you have a clear understanding of what you are doing and what you are doing.

On the other hand, the other members of the Black Inferno Bandits were also the same, for no other reason than the fact that the impression this woman had brought to them was too deep, and now they were all cautiously on guard against any possible attack from the other side.

"To kill her?" It was Yuriko who opened the door, and she could already make a guess when she saw the expressions on everyone's faces.

Even if no one had told her, she could roughly guess that the "resurrection of the dead" that happened to Lilith had a lot to do with Ace, based on Ace's strange behavior before.

"What's your motive?" Yuna pulled the little Rota behind her and pointed the "Silver Rose" raised in her right hand directly at her opponent, unabashedly releasing her murderous aura, "Please give me a reasonable explanation, or else I can treat you as an enemy just because you have occupied the pirate ship that originally belonged to us. "

Doda, Grace, Morgan, Brooke, Cornelius, and Hulk, who was badly injured, came forward one after another and stood side by side with Yuna, Grace put her finger on her sunglasses and sneered, "I'm so sorry, but Miss Yuna means the Black Inferno Bandits, and as for what to do next, I think Miss Lilith will have a plan. "

Although the Sapo Bandits' side didn't say anything, the looks on their respective faces had made the attitude clear that their own group was standing behind the Black Inferno Bandits, and if Lilith made any changes, they would be the first to join the battle.

Just as everyone was gazing at the crowd, waiting for what Lilith would say next, they noticed that the other party had taken something out of their sleeves.

"Watch out!" Yuriko stepped forward, blocking in front of everyone, all body has been opened "vector reflection", but did not want to feel anything come, could not help but to look at the other side, and make her several to be speechless, the other side took out, even just a fan?

"Alara, everyone is so outrageous, not giving even a little chance to explain enough" an almost perpetual faint, petulant smile made it impossible to tell what was on her mind, only her ruby eyes glittered in the blazing sun. "Because there's still attachment to this world, I've come back from the yellow road, and"

"We're companions now oh."

"Who wants to be companions with someone like you! I haven't forgotten what you've done to us." Doda was the first to jump, he had always subconsciously felt that beautiful women were dangerous creatures that would get in the way of his cousin's happiness well, the mere idea was quite unbelievable.

"That's right, we don't trust you at all."

"I'm really very sorry about that." Gris sighed and waved his hand, "As you can see, we're not welcome at all."

"No, I agree." It was Yuna who spoke up now, word for word, powerfully, "We need her power."

Only she and Ace were the only ones who had seen the true power of the few phantom beast species Animal Line Devil Fruit abilities that were even rarer in number than the Natural Line, but stood at the top of the Animal Line pyramid!

There was consternation in everyone's eyes, Cornelius was even more shocked, Sapo was clearly tempted but had his hesitations, yet everyone's ears were also filled with Morgan shouting in exasperation, "Hey, hey, what kind of lousy reason is that, she's but"

"I know." Yuna let her guard down and locked eyes with a smiling Lilith, a complex light in her eyes, "but there's no denying that she's stronger than any of us."

"Cut." It was hard for everyone to say anything except for Morgan who turned around angrily, but Sapo's eyes were quite indignant, presumably resenting Yuna's statement that Lilith was stronger than all of them.

"Wise choice." Lilith closed her folded fan, as she swept the smiling expression off her face, the iron-blooded murderous aura suddenly rising, "I really want to try it, this new power."

When the cold, dark, phosphorescent flames of light in Lilith's hands fluttered and flickered like a purple nightmare, the minds of the crowd went blank, and then it was only horror that poured out, for the scene that was happening before them was all too familiar to them as the Black Inferno Bandits.

"Fighting Flame", not so much a flying jet, but rather a jetty new flame armor, under the control of Ace's mind nowadays, the back of the fire wave tossed and surged, four jet-like pillars of fire coalesced and swirled, each raging and erupting in four different directions towards the back part, the vortex of flames absorbing the violent armed colored tyranny in reverse, absorbing the endless tyranny into the flames, lending the explosion to strengthen the power of Ace's movement.

Such a state, indeed, can also be called "flight".

But this was not enough, not to mention the sublight speed of Aneeru's elementalization, the Red Dragon with twice the speed of sound alone was far from Ace, but there was one thing that the "flame of fighting spirit" was above the two, and that was the instantaneous speed of the explosion.

"Aneeru has entered the clouds, looking at his actions just now, he's probably preparing a move that will kill him in one blow."

Ace grunted, his back once again erupted with shimmering purple streams of flame, the temperature around him rose rapidly, the air was filled with increasingly violent waves of fire, the huge recoil pushed Ace forward, stirring the rolling cyclone, gathering into a hurricane roaring with endless winds under the effect of fire, the whole man had actually arrived directly in front of the red dragon!

A moment ago the distance between the two was more than a hundred meters, and Ace's almost ghostly speed was completely unexpected by the red dragon, the dragon's vision was strong, they could even distinguish colors in the darkness, yet the red dragon was unable to catch the trajectory of Ace's actions, and this would be the catalyst for its death!

"Only one chance!" The huge burden brought by his body made Ace's vision a little blurred, and even his tempered body could not withstand the speed of the explosion.

As soon as the words came out, the sky was suddenly filled with wind and clouds, and the golden clouds above the canopy roared and swirled into a vortex of electricity that danced wildly, and countless scattered currents roared and scattered, releasing a powerful force, while the purple light flashed in the air, and the heat and the sun intertwined with a frightening intensity, both aimed at the red dragon in the middle at the same time, intending to destroy everything on the other side!

There was, indeed, only one chance.

The red dragon's instinctive warning kept echoing in its head, and before the two forces arrived, it had already sprouted the idea of retreating, but at this time, a sudden change occurred.

The sky was still bright, but everything around it had become cold for some reason, a trace of faint purple flame scattered everywhere continuously, as if it had struck the most wonderful code in the world, as if it had traveled through centuries.

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