Fire is King

Chapter 044

Gao Guang saw the camp of the guerrillas.

The so-called camp is just a wooden house, very scattered under the big trees, such a camp can only be found in the ground search, aerial reconnaissance is impossible to see, because the canopy above the camp is too dense.

There is almost no sunlight in the camp, it looks very dark, and there are basically no plants in the camp to cover the ground, so the camp can still see far away.

Of course, far away is also relatively speaking, the highlight cannot see the other end of the camp, he can only see the wooden houses extending into the distance, and then the distance is obscured by the woods. The wooden houses in the camp are large and small, but

it is easier to distinguish that the wooden house is a place such as the headquarters, because those wooden houses are not only larger, but also have more people coming in and out, and there are many people protecting nearby.

There are more than a dozen people on guard near a wooden house covering about 100 square meters, and there are people in and out of the wooden house from time to time, and other wooden houses also occasionally come and go, but everyone seems to be busy.

“Twelve armed guards, there must be someone hiding in the wooden house, the number of people in the entire camp will not be less than five hundred, this is the headquarters of the third branch of the Colombian armed organization, no wonder the third division is the most mysterious, they actually hide here.”

George’s voice was so small that he couldn’t hear what he said without paying attention.

Frank is a lot calmer now, and after discovering that this is really a large camp and has apparently existed for a long time, he seems to have completely despaired, but after complete despair, he has also become calm. “I don’t know if

the cap is dead, and if he’s not dead, I don’t know what the cap says.”

After saying lightly, Frank looked at the camp and said: “But since this is a permanent camp, the guerrillas are unwilling to give up and have to move because of us, so this has a basis for negotiation.”

George didn’t speak, he just looked at Frank, and Frank said with a flat face: “It is impossible to forcibly rescue, they are ready for battle, I went to negotiate with the guerrillas, let them put bottle caps, if they refuse, then you will evacuate yourself.”

After speaking, Frank said with an indifferent expression: “I hurt you, now I will remedy it.”

Eraser said angrily: “Shut up, I didn’t mean to comfort you, but does it make sense for you to say this?”

George said in a low voice: “Captain, you should know the style of the third division of Gewu, they will never compromise, you can only bring the kung fu kid to negotiate, so that there is no point except to let the enemy have two more hostages.”

“Kung Fu Kid, don’t go, I’ll go myself, maybe some of them can speak English.”

The captain had already made up his mind, he waved his hand and said in a low voice: “It’s almost four hours, they want to execute the bottle cap, they can’t wait any longer, only I can go.”

The eraser grabbed Frank’s clothes by the collar again and whispered, “Are you crazy?” We can’t save the bottle cap, you can only go to negotiate and catch yourself, captain! We know what to do in this situation!

Frank whispered, “Yes, we should retreat, leave quietly, as if we had never come.” ”

Retreat? Leave quietly?

So what about John?

Gao Guang was extremely surprised to hear it, but he listened to Frank’s meaning, as if he was unwilling to do so, so he did not rush to express his opinion, and still watched coldly.

“But John and I have been comrades for many years, and I… I can’t just leave like that.

Frank finished speaking, he now did not have that feeling of losing his soul, only firmness.

“Guys, I’m sorry to put you in such a situation, in fact, I have come here to see the terrain before, I rented a plane to see it myself, not to find the money, but to see the terrain and environment in the early stage, but I really did not find that there was a guerrilla camp here.

After saying it calmly, Frank spread his hands and said, “I know that there is no point in negotiating, and I really know what the consequences will be if I go to negotiate.”

Gao Guang couldn’t help but say, “What are the consequences of negotiation?” I said a few words to each other over the intercom, and they didn’t seem to be averse to negotiation.

Frank smiled, but Eraser said angrily: “Think with your brain, if you were the commander of the other side, would you negotiate with someone?”

George also said helplessly: “You don’t understand the style of the Colombian guerrillas, it’s not that they don’t negotiate, but we are not qualified to negotiate with him, as I said, the third division of the Colombian armed forces organization is known for its cruelty and toughness, think about it, did the other party really agree to negotiate?”

Gao Guang thought about it, and he found that the person who spoke to him on the walkie-talkie did not agree to negotiate from beginning to end, he only said that he would pick up if he wanted someone, and then gave four hours. Frank also said that it may be negotiable, but Frank said that it may be negotiable

, not that it will definitely be negotiable.

Gao Guang looked at Frank, but Frank shook his head helplessly and said in a low voice: “Joey is right, these people, there is no concept of negotiation in their minds, I think the only thing they have to do is to kill a few and count a few, as for the location is exposed, then it is exposed, they just need to change places.”

“But how cumbersome it is to migrate.”

“Rookie, migration is very troublesome, but this is the rainforest, the enemy commander does not have to worry about being surrounded, he can continue to stay in this camp, wait until the government army comes to attack and then move, the most important thing is…” Eraser grabbed Gaoguang’s clothes and said with a curious look: “Why do you think that this is the only camp for the guerrillas?”

Gao Guang was speechless, the eraser loosened his clothes and whispered: “Whether it is exposed or not, it does not matter to the guerrillas at all, I know what you are thinking, you expect to threaten them by revealing the location of the guerrillas, but this is meaningless.”

“So there is no possibility of negotiation at all?” Now Gao Guang was also desperate, he looked at the heavily protected wooden houses in the camp, and said with a lost soul: “What about the bottle cap?” We can only rescue him by force, right?

George was silent, the rubber looked helpless, and said in a low voice: “Boy, I have known the bottle cap for many years, I care about him more than you, so we came here to observe and try to rescue him, but you also saw that this is a camp, there are too many people here, we can’t rescue him at all.”

Frank gently patted Gao Guang’s shoulder and whispered: “I am willing to do everything to make up for my mistakes, but now I can’t confirm whether the bottle cap is still alive, so don’t do meaningless stupid things, I will go to negotiate with the guerrillas, I hope they can let the bottle cap go.”

The eraser said angrily: “You want to die!” You don’t speak Spanish, what can you talk about? He couldn’t speak loudly, but the volume of the eraser

couldn’t help but increase, until George gently poked the eraser, and the eraser lowered the volume and said to Frank: “Captain!” We can’t give up the bottle cap, that’s why we will come, but we can’t be buried for the bottle cap, that’s pointless, there are only four of us here, now what we should do is quiet evacuation, now I will take responsibility, I will give the order, listen to me, we will start evacuating…”

The rubber was suddenly stunned, he looked at Gao Guang and said stunnedly: “What are you doing?”

Gao Guang was beside them, but Gao Guang now had a gun in his hand and his finger on the trigger. “I know

there are many enemies, I know there is no way to rescue the bottle cap, I know that I should not be buried for the bottle cap, but…”

Gao Guang paused, and then he said helplessly: “But I can’t do it, let me leave like this, I can’t do it.”

The eraser’s face sank, and he said very seriously: “What do you want to do.” “I know

you’re right, I know you didn’t abandon the bottle cap so you ventured here, and I know you shouldn’t do hopeless things, let alone bury your dead companions, because that would be meaningless.”

Gao Guang finished speaking, and then he said with a resolute face: “I still want to save the bottle cap, and I still want to at least find out whether the bottle cap is dead or alive before leaving.”

The eraser sank his face, and then he whispered: “I appreciate your attitude towards your comrades, you are the best brother of the soldier, but please find out the situation, there are only four of us, and in the enemy’s camp, there are at least hundreds of people waiting for us!”

Gao Guang pointed to the camp and said, “They are sending people to search for our tracks, so the camp is actually very empty, there are very few of us, I think the guerrillas should be able to identify this through the footprints, so they will let their guard down, because they can’t imagine that only a few of us dare to come back here.”

George was extremely surprised: “You actually want to rush in and rescue the bottle cap by force?”


The eraser shook his head and said with a solemn face: “Rookie, you are crazy!”

At this time, someone from the big wooden house that Gao Guang had been paying attention to came out, and two people pushed a person and came to the outside of the house. The

man being pushed was John, who was injured and walked slowly, but he was still able to walk on his own, but he was quickly pushed to the ground.

At this time, a voice suddenly sounded in their headphones.

“Three more minutes is four hours, it looks like you didn’t come.”

After four hours, Gao Guang spoke again, he didn’t have a special tone, just said very coldly: “In three minutes, I will shoot your companion, that’s it.”

Everyone heard, but the four reacted differently.

Frank whispered, “What did he say?”

Gao Guang exhaled and said in a low voice: “The bottle cap is not dead, he was executed in three minutes.”

John could be seen, and without making a sound, he turned over with difficulty from the prone position, and then lay on the ground.

Looking at John, who was waiting for death, Gao Guang bit his lip and said, “The enemy really can’t think that we really dare to come, I think that if you hit the enemy by surprise, there is hope to rescue the bottle cap.”

The rubber said coldly: “Put your gun down.” UU Reading

Gao Guang shook his head, and then he whispered: “I’ll go by myself, you can help me or not, but you don’t stop me, if you stop me, I’ll shoot, don’t shoot at you, but the enemy will hear the gunshot.”

Eraser moved forward, he was about to grab Gao Guang, but Gao Guang raised his pistol and pointed it in the direction of the camp.

“If you dare to come near me, I will shoot!”

The eraser stopped, and he said in extreme anger: “You are crazy! The enemy is vigilant, even if there are few people in the camp, it is not something we can cope with, this is not a silent sneak, this is a strong attack!

“You can retreat if you want to, no one can find you in the rainforest, they can’t catch up with you, you can leave safely, so I didn’t bother you, now… There is no time to waste.

Gao Guang’s voice trembled a little because of nervousness, and he whispered: “I’m going!”

After saying that, he turned and ran, and Gao Guang left the grass where he was hiding, bent over, tried not to make a sound, and ran towards the enemy’s camp.

The rubber was stunned, he was furious, but still raised his rifle.

George also raised his rifle, he first aimed it at Gao Guang’s back, but immediately aimed the muzzle at the sentries in the camp, and then, full of helplessness, he said: “This guy is crazy!”

The rubber gritted his teeth and said, “Damn rookie, mad dog, he’s a mad dog!”

George said helplessly: “What to do!”

Rubber raised his gun and aimed at the enemy holding the gun beside John, and said angrily: “What else can I do, cover him!” Wait until he and the bottle cap are dead, withdraw!

Frank raised his pistol, he looked at the back of the highlight’s fast running, and said stunnedly: “The way he runs up, he really looks like a dog…”

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