Fire is King

Chapter 173

, firepower is king

Gao Guang knows where the sniper is, of course, he only knows a rough range.

The trunk lid was open, and a bullet hit a little above the rear lampshade, the bullet pierced the tail bevel, and there was a piercing bullet hole in the thin iron sheet, which presumably indicated the location of the sniper.

Then a bullet was also shot on the high-gloss gun, and the bullet directly penetrated the air duct above the barrel.

The highlight can know that the sniper is in a house directly opposite the villa, and it is more likely that it is on the roof, because the roof is open and can fire bazookas, and the sniper should act with the person who fired the bazooka.

The house was not too tall in the first place, and if it was not on the roof, then the height was not enough, and the shooting boundary was not enough.

From this, it can be concluded that the sniper is on the roof, he moved to the leftmost position, only here it is possible to barely see the highlights hiding behind the car, or only a part, such as the sticking muzzle, and occasionally the head exposed.

The body provides a concealed effect to the highlights, although there is no protection, but it is enough.

After finding that the highlight fired continuously, killing all the people who rushed into the yard, the sniper on the roof was extremely eager to kill the highlight, but he couldn’t see the highlight, so he could only shoot blindly, and as for the second shot, that is, the moment he hit the barrel, it was purely coincidental.

This sniper is a little material, he has no way, in order to cover his teammates, he can only forcibly shoot without seeing the highlights, not miss.

Highlight confirmed that the sniper would shoot again, and must have fired while he was shooting with his probe, because the sniper has this ability.

The distance is about 100 meters, and the accuracy of automatic rifles and sniper rifles is not much different at this distance, and the key is within the range of bright light.

But it is not within the absolute control of highlights.

The absolute control range of the highlight is still a little small, about thirty meters, even if he uses a rifle, his absolute control range is still thirty meters, but within one hundred meters, the highlight can be shot without a bullet, but he needs a certain aiming time, although this time is extremely short, but he must have a little time.

Judging the position and situation of the enemy and us, Gao Guang has already figured out how to defeat the sniper.

So Gao Guang can’t hear what Ali is saying, but there is no problem, he is not waiting to be headshot by the sniper, he is waiting for the sniper to show his head.

Gao Guang still pointed his gun at the gate, and he seemed to be unaware of the sniper on the roof, but this was all an illusion, an illusion created by Gao Guang.

The mind to play tactics is dirty, but in the case that the enemy has an absolute advantage, under the premise of not being able to get any effective cover and no fire suppression, how can you solve the sniper without using tactics.

The location is roughly determined, but the highlight has to search carefully and identify that it is a sniper, and he also has to disguise himself as a prey to be slaughtered.

Finally, the afterglow of the high-glossed eyes saw a head on the roof.

One hundred meters, hit an enemy who is only outcropped, that is, a target the size of a head, this is really difficult, and more than half of the position of this target is covered by the scope and the body of the gun, and the enemy also wears a helmet.

The lethal area where the highlight can really shoot is probably only the size of an apple, because at this distance, the bullet is really likely to be bounced off by the helmet,

Unless he hits correctly, there is a high chance that the bullet will slide away on the helmet, so the highlight must try not to hit the helmet cover.

Having said all this, the result was clear in a second.

Gao Guang did not squat, he showed a small half of his body behind the car, enough for a sniper to take him away, but the moment Ali shouted to crouch, Gao Guang saw the head exposed in the corner of the roof, and his eyes locked on that head.

Unlike other gunners, after the highlight’s line of sight is locked, the gun will be used to find the area where the eyes are locked, rather than the eyes and the gun to search for the target.

The head did not move, the eyes were squinting at the roof, the muzzle pointed from the doorway to the roof in an instant, and Gao Guang completed the whole process of aiming at the three-point line for the first time and opened fire.

The gun rang out, and the head on the roof was still there, but it didn’t move, and it was still lying there.

I don’t know if I hit it, I didn’t see the blood flowers in the highlights, and the enemy didn’t make an obvious shot reaction.

Immediately dodged after shooting, Gao Guang had no intention of firing a second shot, he suddenly crouched, leaned forward again, and snapped two shots at the second group of people who rushed in from the door, and after finding that there were too many people rushing in, there was no time to shoot accurately, he pulled the trigger for the first time and did not let go.

After hitting a sniper in the distance, I don’t know if I hit it, I have to immediately turn around and hit the assaulter who is close in front of me.

Gao Guang is very busy, he is so tired.

Holding the trigger, the bullets in the magazine ran out in a moment, but the effect of the burst was really not good, a total of six people, precision fire killed two, and the remaining four one-shuttle bullets were not killed.

Two were shot, but they didn’t die, and two were shot but not injured at all, because they both had body armor, so all four were able to fight back.

However, one thing must be known, that is, there are few people in this world who can calmly and accurately fire under extremely accurate and extremely dense suppression fire, and shoot bullets that immediately end the battle.

The enemy has a chance to take out the highlights, but they can’t seize the opportunity, because they are not super elite forces in this world that can be compressed within four figures.

The only way to take out a super gunner is another super gunner, either a cannon or a stray bullet, but it is by no means a few people who rush in.

It’s not that the enemy is too incompetent, it’s just that the highlights are too powerful.

Gao Guang did not change the bullet, he pulled out the spare pistol again with his left hand, faced the enemy, did not hide or retreat, at the moment when the bullet in the rifle magazine was empty, the left hand waved, snapped two shots out, adjusted the posture, snapped and fired two shots.

Rifles and pistols switch back and forth seamlessly.

Gao Guang hit a sniper for the first time, the first time he pressed a group of assaulters face to face, it doesn’t matter if he hits near and far, he is tired and dangerous, and he can finish the work.

But then again, these enemies are tenacious enough, their companions have died, and the people behind them still dare to go up, which is enough to show their strength.

These people are definitely not miscellaneous soldiers, they are definitely elite, but they are unfortunate to meet Gao Guang.

Gao Guang is the kind of person who has no reason to talk about, he specializes in elite, if these enemies dare not rush in, only dare to release guns from afar, raise the gun above the head and shoot indiscriminately, Gao Guang really can’t help them.

Now the enemy dares to go up, and the result is that the highlight hits so much that there is not even time to change bullets.

But it doesn’t matter, there is still a rifle in the trunk, and there are four spare rifles in the highlight.

The right-handed rifle is suppressed in succession, the bullet is finished and the left hand pulls the gun for accurate roll call, the right hand throws away the empty rifle and then goes to the trunk to get one out, the left hand inserts the pistol back into the holster to hold the rifle handguard, the right hand pulls the bolt to dial down the fast and slow machine, the left hand holds the rifle and aims at the sniper’s position again, the right hand holds the handle and holds the trigger, take a look, the sniper is still lying in place in the same position, confirm that the sniper is dead, in one go, get it.

The sniper is dead, but there are many people on the roof now, Gao Guang saw a person with something aimed at him, it doesn’t matter, move the shot ready to replenish the sniper to the right side, just need to move a little position, fire, the person carrying the bazooka falls backwards.

There was also a man on the roof, he mounted the gun on the edge of the roof, and without waiting for careful aiming, fired at the highlight, this is the machine gunner.

In this case, you must not hide, as soon as you dodge, it will be over, first of all, the car can not block the machine gun shell at all, and secondly, even if the car can block the machine gun bullet, but as long as the machine gun blocked does not dare to emerge, the enemy will have someone to fire a bazooka, highlight they still have to finish.

So no matter how many enemies there are, the highlights must also press the enemy to fight.

The enemy must not be allowed to complete the combination of machine gun and sniper and bazooka at the same time.

One more shot, causing the machine gunner to lie down directly and dud, the high-gloss rifle moved quickly, searching for new enemies on the roof.

Once again, Gao Guang saw the figure shaking, he could not see what weapon the enemy used, his eyesight was not so good, and the enemy learned to be smart, even if he launched a bazooka, he did not dare to stand up and launch with swagger.

Highlight fired again, because the enemy’s exposed range was too small and the target was too small, so he aimed for a little longer, and this time was enough for the enemy to complete the shot, but Highlight shot forward, and after the enemy was shot, a rocket whistled into the sky instead of flying towards the car where Highlight was hiding.

The battle continues, the shooting continues, the rockets fly, and Gao Guang still suppresses the enemy with a gun, but the enemy is still tenaciously trying to solve Gao Guang’s roadblock. UU Reading

The enemies on the roof tried to solve the highlight and open a passage for the attacking assaulters, but they couldn’t, and they also dragged the companions who launched the assault and pulled the highlight attention for them, and the enemies near and far fought together, but still could not solve the only roadblock.

A person suddenly appeared from the roof, he suddenly got up, if there is a tactic, it is that he intends to be the same as Gao Guang, while suddenly appearing, seize the opportunity of that moment to fire, either kill Gao Guang or be killed by Gao Guang.

Gao Guang and this enemy who can be called premeditated for several seconds opened fire at the same time, but Gao Guang suppressed the enemy, so he had a little first-mover advantage, and the enemy did complete the fire, but a little slower, he failed to hit Gao Guang, but was hit in the neck by Gao Guang’s shot.

This is a heroic duel under the desperation of the enemy, of course, it is not a fair duel, it is not very fair to the enemy, in front of the highlight with an absolute sense of gun, within a range of 100 meters, under the premise that the highlight always suppresses the enemy, even if this gunner has many companions, his attempt to shoot the gun is also looking for death.

After this shot, no enemy appeared, but Gao Guang did not dare to turn back, did not dare to turn around, he could not have a momentary relaxation, because he must maintain the suppression of the enemy, loosen, slow down, it may be over.

I saw that someone else was poking up on the roof, but without waiting for Gao Guang to shoot, he immediately retracted again.

Since then, no one has appeared on the roof, no one has appeared in the doorway, no one has been left.

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