Fire is King

Chapter 199

The rise of every big guy is inevitably accompanied by the fall of a big guy.

Gao Guang does not mind stepping on the Duhe family to play his own prestige in Baghdad, not holding anyone’s thigh, not using other people’s names, that is, he Gao Guang wants to go to war with the Duhe family.

Gao Guang can find a lot of people to help, the time and place are favorable, he at least accounts for a person and, nothing else can say Sen can help, Musa can also help, and even Camiler can help.

But Gao Guang may seek their help, but he will definitely not let them dominate, and he simply uses the role of a thug to appear.

Let Dawson lead, that is the war and the Duch family’s affairs, let Moussa’s family come forward, that is the battle between Musa’s family and the Duhe family, as for letting Camille contribute, after all, the Duhe family has the most real threat to him, but in this case, people can only think that the war between Camille and Duch continues.

Gao Guang wants the effect of stepping on the strong rise of the Duhe family, not the effect of Baghdad having an extra gold medalist.

Retaliation is not completely incapable of external forces, but the entire retaliatory action must be under the complete control of Gao Guang and completely dominated.

So intelligence is especially important now.

“I want information about the Duhe family, well, I’ll buy it!” ”

Intelligence is Sanji’s main business, and intelligence business is the goods Sanji wants to sell the most.

“The information of the Duhe family is basically public, but it needs to be collected and summarized, and I have prepared it in advance, if you need it, I can give it to you immediately, it only needs 100,000 US dollars. ”

Gao Guang hesitated, and then he was very surprised: “One hundred thousand? ”

“One hundred thousand, that’s a very reasonable price. ”

“Ten thousand… What do you think? ”

Sanji was not angry, he looked just a little embarrassed, and said softly: “The intelligence business is basically not bargaining, because intelligence is a very time-sensitive special commodity, and I will make a price based on the needs of the buyer, so please don’t bargain by chopping a knife in the neck.” ”

Gao Guang was slightly embarrassed, but Sanji spread his hands and said, “Since this is the first time we have officially done intelligence business, I will give you a discount, ninety-nine thousand yuan, US dollars.” ”

It’s a thousand cheaper, forget it, or don’t discount, the province owes a favor.

“That’s 100,000,

I pay you cash, how to give me intelligence. ”

Sanji silently took out a USB flash drive and said, “It’s ready for you.” ”

Gao Guang was slightly surprised, because Sanji took the information out too quickly.

“As an informant, anticipating the needs of customers is a basic skill, and I know that you will need the intelligence of the Duch family, so I have been prepared. ”

Gao Guang took the USB drive, and he said to Francisco: “Take 100,000 to Sanji.” ”

Francisco opened the bag, pulled out a bundle of bills from it and handed it to Sanchi.

Sanji accepted it with a smile, he bowed slightly, and said, “It’s really a pleasure to work with you.” ”

Gao Guang did not hurry to check the USB drive, he said to Sanji: “What I need most now is manpower, if I want to start a war with the Duhe family, I need manpower even more, how do you think I should solve this problem.” ”

“It’s counseling, and counseling is paid. ”

“Uh, how much? ”

“I thought about it, and in terms of our friendship, this consultation came with it. ”

Sanji is a very businessman, and he smiled and said, “My suggestion is that you first find out the situation of the Duhe family and find out the strength of the Duhe family before making a decision.” ”

“This is the consultation you offer for free? ”

Gao Guang felt that Sanji was too confused, and what he said was the same as not saying it.

Sanji hesitated, but he finally said very seriously: “There is a sentence that I don’t think should be said, but I still want to advise you, you are still young, young is sometimes an advantage, sometimes it is a disadvantage, such as young people dare to fight is an advantage, but easy impulsivity is a disadvantage, I think since you have obtained the intelligence, or carefully study the intelligence first, and then consider using retaliation methods, when you start to design specific actions, Then consider the issue of manpower and firepower configuration. ”

The highlights are indeed a little too hasty.

After thinking about it, Gao Guang said to Sanji: “Okay, I’ll study it carefully, now I have a question for you, you need to pay, that is, is it safe for us to continue to stay in this hotel, and will Musa be implicated because of this?” ”

Sanji smiled and said: “It must be safe here, the Duhe family does not have the ability to launch an attack in the green zone, as for Musa, he will be fine, even if the relationship between Musa and his family is not good, the Duhe family does not dare to do anything to him, your question is also intelligence, but I gave it away for free.” ”

After speaking, Sanji stood up, he let out a long sigh of relief, and said, “That’s the end of today, I have to go back.” ”

Gao Guang stretched out his hand and said, “Wait a minute, well, about that machine gunner.” ”

In today’s battle, if there is a good machine gunner, the combat process is definitely different.

Although the final result is not a big problem, but the process is a little scary, highlight none of these people are good at using machine guns, especially vehicle-mounted machine guns, and if there is a professional machine gunner, the process is definitely much easier.

So Gao Guang really wanted to quickly dig that Patrick over.

Gao Guang stood up and said to Sanji very seriously, “That excellent machine gunner, Patrick, do you know where he is?” Can you help me dig him up, the sooner the better. ”

“Headhunting is really not my forte, but… Well, I can try, I’ll find out where he is, and then I’ll contact him, and if I manage to get him over, you’ll have to pay me $100,000, and if I can’t get him to join your company, you’ll have to pay me $20,000. ”

“Deal, Francisco, give me twenty thousand.” ”

Francisco took out two stacks of bills and gave them to Gao Guang, who put them on Sanji’s hand and said very seriously: “Please.” ”

Sanji was gone, and Gao Guang slumped on the sofa, and then he exhaled a long breath and did not speak for a long time.

Mike sat on the other end of the sofa and said helplessly: “Today’s things are really, uh, boss, it’s so difficult for you to find this machine gunner, so how much do you have to pay him.” ”

Gao Guang said without hesitation: “I don’t know, I estimate that the annual salary is at least 300,000 yuan, and it is said that the salary of this top machine gunner is very high.” ”

Mike frowned, “Is it worth it?” ”

Francisco said without hesitation: “Value, absolute value.” ”

Gao Guang waved his hand and said, “I’ll go talk to Musa, you two take Paul to find a room.” ”

Where does Musa have a computer, and a lot of things have happened today, Gao Guang has not yet told Mussa.

In any case, Gao Guang’s job now is also to protect Moussa.

Now Gao Guang and Musa’s identities have quietly changed somewhat, but this is Gao Guang’s inner change, but for Musa, his mentality seems to have not changed much compared to before.

“Busy? What happened today? ”

“Borrow a computer and use it. ”

Gao Guang sat down, and when he inserted the USB flash drive into the computer, he said to Musa very seriously: “I’m going to war with the Duhe family, and they have targeted me.” ”

Mu Salen paused and said, “War? That kind of war? ”

“Well, it’s revenge and counter-retaliation until one side completely falls. ”

Musa scratched his head, UU read the book said: “Well, I don’t seem to be able to help much, although this matter is because of me, but my uncle should not start a war with the Duhe family, so all I can do is financial support.” ”

Waving his hand, Musa said a little embarrassed: “I can probably provide some funds, how much do you need?” ”

All given money, what else do you want?

Gao Guang got an unexpected surprise from Musa, the cannon sounded, the gold taels, this war is to get money fast.

“I’ll first see what is going on in Duhe’s family, look at it together, and then I can know how much money is needed. ”

Musa became the gold lord again, and he had to have a good attitude towards the gold lord, Gao Guang moved to the side and said, “Come, let’s study it together.” ”

——Off topic——

Yesterday I was really tired …


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