Fire Phoenix

Chapter 106 Tianyan, Grief

As daylight broke, the dewdrops sparkled as the light touched them, and the breeze blew the thick green leaves making it a fresh and comfortable morning, for the beginning of a hot summer day. On the horizon, the sun was surrounded by growing clouds, as if it would rain.

Footsteps hurrying along the path shattered the peaceful quiet in the yard where Yun Qin and Yun Qi kept watch all night.

It was Yun Shu, Yun Hua and Lei Tianyan who disappeared the night before.

Lei Tianyan's outfit, once a vibrant red was covered in dirt, rips and disheveled. There were strands of hair sticking to his face, and he looked confused and anxious, without his usual charm.

He looked worried as he walked into the yard helped by Yun Shu and Yun Hua. He clutched a delicate cloth bag close to him, protectively.

Yun Qin approached him, and checked his pulse. Fortunately, he only had a few bruises, and his bones and muscles were intact.

"Yun Yu's people found Mister Yao Yan on the outskirts of town, where he was being held, hostage. Luckily, Yun Lie's people responded quickly and were able to rescue him." Yun Shu said, in a matter, a fact manner, like last night was an ordinary event, but they knew Mister Yao Yan might have been killed if they had arrived later than they had.

Lei Tianyan asked in a weak voice, "How's Yun'er?" his disconcerted face full of anxiety. "Where's Yun'er?" 'Last night, of all nights, why did it have to be last night? She will die without being detoxed. Yun'er needed me.' In his heart, he blamed himself.

Yun Qin looked at the ground, and Lei Tianyan became more apprehensive, "There is something wrong with Yun'er? Isn't there?"

Yun Qin and Yun Qi were quiet. They knew precisely how Mister Yao Yan felt about their Mistress, and that he would be embarrassed. So what should they tell him?

The grief was evident on Lei Tianyan's face, "No, Yun'er will be fine, no..." He said, feeling guilty.

He paled as he threw his arms up, pushing Yun Qin off him, and flung the door to Canglan's room open before anyone realized his intent.

He stood in the doorway, his

was as though he was in a daze, not knowing where to go or stop, and so he continued until he had left the General's House and was out on the bustling streets, and had meandered into a dark alley with no road.

At the end of the alleyway, he was at a loss of what he should do and stood blankly staring at the wall in front of him.

"Wow! Even when I end up lost, I'm so lucky that I find a Beauty." The raspy voice came carried from the entrance of the alleyway, but Lei Tianyan stood motionless.

"Damn it! Are you a fool? Eh, it's okay, as long as you look good."

Lei Tianyan had a certain effeminate quality, which instantly attracted everyone.

The man looked Lei Tianyan up and down with a dirty look in his greedy eyes, and seeing Lei Tianyan wasn't resisting, he got closer to the catatonic Lei Tianyan. "Hello there, tell me are you lost or were you waiting for me? No worry, either way, I'll make you happy enough."

Then he reached out to Lei Tianyan with a grubby fat hand, and Lei Tianyan still absorbed in his thoughts was unresponsive.

"Aaah!" The man let out a scream, and his fat body fell to the ground with a thud. At the same time, an experienced and quite capable shadow blocked the entranceway to the alley, and a cold air filled the entire alley.

Lei Tianyan finally recovering smiled bitterly at the icy figure.

"Are you here to laugh at me, Shui Minghan?" He asked.

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