Fire Phoenix

Chapter 124 Alone on A Full Moon Night

At the Qifeng Palace, the Imperial Palace of Can Kingdom

Yun Canglan sprawled on a soft bench. There was sliced watermelon on the table in front of her. Yun Qin flapped the fan behind her, sending a cool breeze, and Yun Qi massaged her shins.

"Mistress, my hands are shaky." Yun Qin complained. He was a man! It would be humiliating if martial artists saw this.

Yun Canglan ignored his complaint and ordered, "I'm hot. Flap the fan harder."

Yun Qin rolled his eyes, cursing her silently.

"Mistress, it's our fault." Yun Qi had had enough of Yun Canglan's cold attitude, and decided to confess.

Yun Canglan raised her brows, "Really? Tell me what you did wrong."

"We shouldn't have killed those officials." Yun Qi cast a careful glance at Yun Canglan. Yun Qin, Yun Ri and he decided to kill the officials behind Yun Canglan's back. They knew they should not, but their intentions were good and for Yun Canglan's benefit.

Those officials were Wu Ci's companions. Wu Ci was dead, and they harbored resentment toward Yun Canglan and planned to rebel against her. Yun Canglan was kindhearted and hadn't kill them. But Yun Qi and his companions couldn't bear it, feeling they should kill anyone who might endanger the Mistress. Therefore, after a discussion, they killed everyone that had joined the rebellion.

They had thought the Mistress would not find it, but they were wrong.

Yun Canglan sighed, "I had a plan. I wanted to leave them for Huo Liuyun to kill, as he is the proper one to order it. But you were impatient, and now every official is jittery. They only submit to my power. To seize the world, we need to have popular support. You were too impulsive."

Yun Qin and Yun Qi immediately stopped their work and knelt down, "Mistress, we are so sorry. We made a decision without authorization and got you into trouble. Please punish us."

Yun Canglan shook her hand, "Never mind. Arise. I know you did it for my benefit."

"Mistress, " Yun Qin said seriously, "it's a full moon tonight."

Yun Canglan frowned.

She leaned back into the softness of the bench again.

Yun Qin and Yun Qi knew what she was thinking about, 'You miss Mr. Tianyan. Why don't you visit him?' They thought to themselves.

dn't forget last month, Tianyan pushed her door open, and his face was covered with tears, but he forced a smile for her. She didn't want to use a man like this anymore.

She was not fickle in love, on the contrary, she loved deeply. From Qi Yuntian to Feng Gui, every time she fell in love with a man, she was cheated and betrayed. Although she was able to advance or retreat in love, every failed relationship made her emotional vulnerability that much worse. She was ashamed that Lei Tianyan saw that.

Yun Canglan grabbed a cloth bag and walked aimless along streets.

It was getting dark outside and lights were coming on in the streets. There were less pedestrians out walking. Many vendors had packed their goods and gone home. The most bustling places at that moment were the brothels.

Yun Canglan didn't know where she should go to. She walked out of Can City, and the city gate was closed. Then she realized that she had left the Imperial Palace and was in a suburb.

The city gate was closed and she was unable to go back to Can City tonight. She could only find a place to sleep outside the city.

But she was not sure whether she was able to get through the night.

Yun Canglan finally found a dilapidated house, which had been empty for a long time.

It was summer, but it was somehow cool that night, especially for a weakened person.

Yun Canglan closed her eyes and held the bag closely. She hoped that she could fall asleep and get through the night alone.

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