Chapter 17 is the heart of the people, always unpredictable

The second person who made a statement appeared.

The eyes of all the people gathered together, and the sound of screaming, Lin Feng also looked at the source of the sound, only to see the king of the king raised his hand, expressionless. Although it is a statement, but it does not with Lin Feng look at each other, but selectively avoids the eyes, but I do not know whether it is guilty or afraid?

In favor of Lin Feng disqualification, two votes!

Yan Wang brows up, looking at the king is quite unpleasant.

In a way, his relationship with Yu Wang is not bad, but he did not expect that the king would be beaten at this time.

“Four Senior Brothers!” Yan Wang was quite angry, but he broke out with an arm in front of him, and the Emperor complexion was as calm as the lake. Lightly said, “Do not instill your thoughts on others, respect. Four Junior Brother’s choice.”

Yu Wang!

“Neutral one.” Lin Feng lightly thought in one’s heart.

Under the Emperor’s seat, in addition to the Big Senior Brother ‘舜’, it is the strongest of the two Senior Brother ‘Lu Wang’. Followed by Yan Wang and Yu Wang, in fact, Yan Wang is close to the Big Senior Brother. Everything is based on the singularity of the horse. Although the surface of the king is standing on this film, he is actually a very proud person. He has his own ideas and ideas. Not willing to give up.

“Having this choice is also common sense.” Lin Feng is very clear.

If oneself loses his qualifications, then the possibility of the king becoming the owner of the southern domain is much greater.

Suddenly, he is also quite confident, hiding the trump card in hand.

The atmosphere is getting more and more dignified.

Two votes to one vote, the main face of the Orange Palace is arrogant, while Lu Wang, Huang Ni and Yu are still thinking, especially Lu Wang, complexion changes non-stop, at this time the mood is extremely complicated, estimated At this moment, the most entangled is him.

Because, except for Lin Feng, he believes that his strength will never be worse than anyone present!

It even includes 舜.


Lin Feng’s strength is equally clear, and it is even harder to have a good relationship with Lin Feng. At this moment, if he voted in favor. It means that all the skills he has done before will be lost. In the future, if Lin Feng becomes the owner of the Southern Region, things will become very troublesome.


Lu Wang complexion changed for a while.

Bet, still not gambling?

“I object.” The fourth voice sounded.

At the time when Lu Wang was hesitating, the second negative had already appeared.

The complexion icy king turned his head, and the orange brow’s main brow wrinkled a bit deeper, the two look quite astonished, completely did not expect the yellow nitrogen will cast ‘black’, including Lu Wang are startled . Lin Feng looked at the long-haired man with a smile and nodded to himself. He smiled and nodded to him.


I don’t know this long-haired man. But the sense gets his aura.

Among all of them, his strength is the weakest. Only the high order of the Holy One. It is the luxurious woman who, although trying to hide aura, can still feel that her strength is the peak of the Holy One. The rest of the crowd is exactly the same.

Only the long-haired man in front of him is the high-ranking of the Holy One.

“It’s very smart.” Lin Feng smiled slightly in his heart.

He is obviously very clear that even if he is disqualified, he will not be able to take the position of the owner of the Southern Region. Why is he not so adult and let him owe him a favor? In time, if you really become the owner of the Southern Region, even if you don’t take special care of him, at least… it won’t be directed against him.

With the statement of yellow nitrogen. The situation is once again flattened.

2: 2!

Surroundings, all the saints are quiet and open-eyed, and every vote becomes crucial.

Only Lu Wang, 乩轲 and Sui Emperor are left!

Looking at the calm look of Emperor Sui, it is obviously a decision. In fact, whether it is Lin Feng or the owner of the Orange Palace, Yan Wang knows clearly that Emperor Sui will definitely vote against it and protect Lin Feng. In other words, at this moment, it is actually 3: 2, the black leader!

Yan Wang clenched his fists, and his eyes were burning.

Because of the yellow nitrogen ticket, the Luwang complexion is even more ugly, and the Orange Palace owner is also sweating at the palm of his hand. In her expectation, Huang Ni could not vote against it at all, but sometimes the world is so wonderful, you think he will vote in favor, he is unexpected.

The heart is always unpredictable.

In favor, or against?

For Lu Wang, I am thinking of heaven and thinking of hell at the moment.

He clenched his fists, and he had already walked to the edge of the cliff. His eyes were stunned, and his eyes flashed. It seemed that he was still undecided. Lu’s eyes suddenly magnified. “Yes, he and I are hesitating. , are waiting for the other party to decide!”

“If I vote against it, he must also vote against it, not to sin Lin Feng.”

“In fact, he wants to vote in favor. If he does vote at the moment, plus the black of Emperor Sui, the result has come out.”

Lu Wang was suddenly stunned and fully understood.

It seems as if a clear stream flows through the body, and the cold sweat on Lu’s forehead disappears suddenly, and the whole person is awake.

He must make a decision immediately.

If not, when it is time to make a decision, it will be too late.

“I agree.” Lu Wang’s voice was very low and did not look up. It seemed to be afraid of colliding with Lin Feng’s line of sight. Surroundings, everyone screamed, but now the situation has turned back to the vote in favor, the orange-yellow palace reveals the expression of the victory, the cold look of the king is also a little slow.

The yellow nitrogen is still the same, as if the result is not concerned, and the Yan Wang converges a lot after being dissuaded by the Emperor, just clenching his teeth.

In fact, he also guessed that Lu Wang would vote in favor, of course, as Lin Feng expected.

“The human heart is greedy after all.”

“As long as there is a chance, who wouldn’t want to fight?”

Lin Feng chuckled in his heart, but did not blame Lu Wang and Yu Wang.

Even if Lu Wang is pleased with himself, he must be self-important at the crucial moment.

People are not for themselves, and they are destroyed.

The two are actually the same, ambitious, the difference is that Lu Wang is more obvious and more active. Lu Wang is very knowledgeable about the trend of the economy. Looking at the overall situation, such people generally choose to go in the most favorable direction for themselves. This is the case before you please yourself. The same is true now.

If he is finally the owner of the Southern Region, he will inevitably sneak a shot and try to make up for the bad effects of the matter of this day.

This kind of person has a special ‘title’, which is –

Wall grass.

3: 2!

Agree vote, lead again.

Only one vote. Affirmative votes will be the first to reach four votes, and Lin Feng will be cast out.

The scene was quiet, and at this moment, when it was time to uncover the gong, the gambling was about to be divided. Counting the black Emperor’s black, now it is just playing 3: 3 level, all the key, the final victory depends on one person.


The thief who was born a hundred years ago is also evil, and his style of action is like a falcon.

The Orange Palace Lord showed a confident smile. In her anticipation, the thief ‘乩轲’ must be the first. He has a chance to vote in favor. It is 99% or more! Lu Wang and Yan Wang’s eyes are concentrated, close to the lips, because they are already out.

They all want to fight for the position of the Lord of the South.

Then we must first kick Lin Feng out!

“Yes!” “Yes!” “Yes!” Except for these two words, there is nothing else waiting for the final decision. The inflammation king complexion has become extremely ugly, but it has a lot of understanding of this ‘乩轲’, according to his character will inevitably vote for.

In the field, only Lin Feng and Sui Emperor are still complexion as usual, waiting for the final result.

Eyes, all focused on one person.

At this time, he also looked up, and the pair of bright eyes like falcon flicked Lin Feng. Shining, there is no half-avoidance, “I oppose.” The short three words made everyone stunned and unpredictable.

He is against it! ?

Lu Wang is about to pull his eyes out.

What to do!

Inside the venue. There was a bang, and everyone was completely shocked.

Just one vote against it, but all the voices of discord are broken. The Orange Complex’s main complexion is white, Lu Wang and Yu Wang are completely dumbfounded, but this is a key to the black, such as subverting the overall situation, all the efforts they have done before.

A blind man, save the whole situation!

Lin Feng was surprised and surprised.

I don’t know the man like falcon in front of me. The cold eyes show that he is really isn’t in good relationship with himself, and he is not like Lu Wang. He deliberately pleases himself. The most important thing is that his strength is worthy of the number among the people. If he is out, it should be more favorable to him.

But why…

He wants to protect himself?

Lin Feng blinks flickering, puzzling.

In fact, everyone has a question mark in their heads, and they don’t understand why they cast such an inexplicable vote. According to the words of the Orange Palace, that is the only chance of 1%, but it is just like this.

The heart is hard to measure.

But the facts are facts.

Speaking from the mouth, he did not think that he would change again. After he voted for the vote, he was still a cold-looking appearance, as if he was unreasonable to everyone. This screaming thief ‘乩轲’, a hundred years ago, is an extreme self.

Now, the votes and negative votes have once again become a tie.

3: 3!

However, the Orange Palace, Lu Wang, and Wang Wang, everyone knows clearly that they lost.

The motion will end with 3:4. Only when the Emperor Supreme casts the last negative, they will fall short and have no choice to accept the result of Lin Feng’s continued competition. At this moment, there is no chance. Yan Wang’s face is already smiling, and Lin Feng is slightly smiling.

It seems that everything will be so perfect.

Of course, many times, many things, no one can expect.

Just as no one guessed that he would vote for ‘black’, no one guessed that he had been protecting Lin Feng’s Emperor…

Will vote for the most incredible vote.

“I agree.” Sui Emperor spoke lightly.

Everyone is in the same place, completely at a loss.

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