Chapter 26—Transformation

It is one thing to understand.

Continue to refine, another matter.

There are only nine chances left, and Lin Feng is especially cherished. This is the last chance before entering the witches. Although I really want to get more master materials, such as the extremely hot silkworm, in the southern ancient domain, it is not difficult to obtain through my grandfather.

Of course, it is almost enough to ask for the real isn’t own style.

There are still nine chances. After entering the final step, you need to find the ‘feeling’. If these nine times are not found, then…

It seems that there is not much fate between myself and Xingbao ‘圂’.

In a way, Lin Feng is very convinced of intuition.

Close your eyes and stand high and steep.

The fire is surrounded by the flames, and it sounds like a raging fire snake, and the aura is hot.

Reminiscent of the first time I really used the ‘three-dimensional fire’, Lin Feng insight deep pond, the first time the feeling is the most true and most cut, the most deep between the heart and lungs. There was a moment of rushing, and there was a moment of whirlpool, and the void seemed to tear.

“strength, absolutely exists.”

“This mystery is far more terrifying than imagined.”

“It is not completely completed, but it has already ignited changes in the world. I can imagine it.”


Muttered inwardly in one’s heart, Lin Feng is more heart-warming.

It is a kind of extreme curiosity, surging in my heart, I really want to know the legendary Tianxing Xingbao ‘圂’, what kind of existence is there, how many reverse Heavens! I remembered that day, I witnessed Lin Biao’s escape, and underneath my own eyes, Lin Feng felt a twist.

This is the might of the heavenly treasure!

The ability to compare with the sky.

If he can restrain the existence of the heavenly treasures of his space on that day, then at this moment, there will be no existence of Lin Biaodi, and he will not have to worry about it, not to mention the thorns of the thorns, including the series of great turmoil in the southern region. Maybe it is dissolved in the invisible.

What is lacking is a powerful enough treasure!

Legendary exists!

now. You are at your fingertips!

“hu,xi~~” takes a long deep breath and Lin Feng completely enters his own world. The might of the stars and the stars are undoubted at this moment. As imprinting, the process of failure has been played back over and over again. Every detail, every moment, is so clear and clear.

Deep insight!

This is the advantage of the auxiliary class special eyelids.

Perhaps they don’t have a combat class to directly improve their strength, but they help Martial Artist itself all the time. All aspects are used. Learning department. Imitation system. The combination of the two is complementary and long-lasting, and Lin Feng is the ultimate in cohesion.

Switching to other tool refining divisions, perhaps failing thousands of times, may have a little feeling.

But Lin Feng. A failure is more than a million times.

Endless analog playback, such as review the old and know the new, looking for that feeling. The feeling of right, the feeling of wrong, the penetration of artistic conception and the revealing in the failure of refining, are equally remarkable, really isn’t not remembered, no branding, it is like a piece of jigsaw puzzle. Fight together.

Yumi three waited patiently, and also knew what Lin Feng was doing.

The tool refining teacher often sums up after the failure of refining, and will review it to avoid making the same mistakes.

At this moment, they just have to wait patiently.

An hour.

Two hours.

Three hours.


time. Slowly passing.

Lin Feng’s insight, especially for the first time.

Because this is a new comprehend, a new experience, and a new ‘field’ that has never been touched. Until the fifth hour, in the mind of the in the mind simulated tens of thousands of times, even millions of times, Lin Feng opened his eyes, bright light shimmer.

From the first failure, no more ‘information’ can be obtained.

Although there is still no feeling, it is a waste of time, even if this time is still a 100% failure, then…

It is a must-go path.

“Peng!” failed again.

A completely different burst than before, the terrifying cracker might is even better, and Lin Feng is once again thinking about it.

Failure, sometimes more than successful comprehend!

“The fire of three dimensions is actually a mystery.”

“Compared to the first three stages, it is more like a simple ‘introduction’ that will trigger the mystery.”

“Promoting the refinement of the Tianjie Xingbao ‘圂’.”


Lin Feng secretly thought.

Failure can always have new insights.

Just a second time failure, I have a clear understanding of the entire refining process. Close your eyes, simulate the scene again, simulate this new failure, the insight is very deep, just like the discovery of the New World.

This time, I have not insighted for five more hours.

Just less than three hours is over, Lin Feng very fast and then Fire of Rebirth.

Hey! The fire is dazzling, symbolizing the unbeaten will.

Failure, not terrifying.

Repeated defeats!

Lin Feng, the bones are filled with stubbornness and persistence.

And more, is the desire for ‘victory’, is the heart of a Martial Artist, all-round fighting.

the third time.

the fourth time.

the fifth time!

After repeated failures, the Nangong Madame was also sweating, and they were even more nervous than the parties. Every time the fusion is like the heart is about to jump out of the throat, the mouth is dry and the spine is cold.

How is heaven’s might strength!

“Do you feel it?” Wang Shi looked to the South Palace, Damam, his eyes wide.

“En, the bursting might is getting bigger and bigger.” Nangong Madam nodded and looked at each other. The two of them were in a good mood.

Lin Yu Momei is good surprisingly, “What does that mean, Master?”

Turning around, Namam’s beautiful eyes flash, and the key to the refining of “Tianjin Xingbao’圂” is the fusion of the last 1st rank segment. The variability of the three main materials, the different Life Energy levels, is destined to be ‘ The process of integration is harder than going to heaven. The deeper the fusion, the more ‘intimate’ the contact between energy and energy, the greater the chance of success!”

Lin Yumo is also smart in ice and snow. When he is stunned, “So the closer to the 100% ‘fusion’, the bigger the magnetic explosion will be!”

Nangong Madam nodded, and at this time Wang Shi’s eyes lit up, “It’s starting again!”

The sixth refining!

Lin Feng, still does not feel anything.

In fact, this is normal, which is, after all, the ‘mystery’ category. It would be too easy to say that there is a feeling. Moreover, even more so, the comprehend is not marginal, although a lot of things come together like a broken puzzle, but Lin Feng still has not found a key point.

But there is no time to waste.

The failure of the first five times is already in the heart.

There is no place to find comprehend, only the living medicine to a dead horse, anyway, there is still room for squandering.

Do your best, listen to Heavenly Fate!

It is your own. I will come sooner or later.

Not your own. There is no good result for the strong demand.

Try your best!

“Hey!~” “Hey!~” Fire Chi Lie. Lin Feng complexion is calm.

I have not known how many times to refine ‘Divine Beast blood essence’, but it has not failed once, even if Divine Beast blood essence gives me a different feeling, but always with no difficulty. Peace of mind. Feeling that Divine Beast blood essence has once again become ‘wilting’, Lin Feng knows that the burning will be completed satisfactorily.

At this time –

“pā !” “pā lā !” Divine Beast blood essence is an inexplicable change.

The tiny particles wrapped in the flame, 1 divided into 2, like transformation, Lin Feng’s heart is awkward. Lightly purse one’s lip Lips, Fire of Rebirth The ultimate limit of eruption, the smoldering of the star source force continues, the mind is completely concentrated.

“Sure enough, you can’t take it lightly.” Lin Feng secretly pondered and said.

Fortunately, Divine Beast blood essence is the first refining, and you can single-handedly ‘handle it’.

Huge and weak. Suddenly up and down.

The bright red Divine Beast is a bloody glow, like an unruly Divine Beast, trying to rebel against fate. Lin Feng’s eyes are light, and the Fire of Rebirth is rising, and then rising! The feeling of the heart is getting clearer. The rapid consumption of Fire of Rebirth is the perfect constraint.

The combination of star power and flame is getting more and more intimate.

“Hey!” “Hey!~” Flame Chi Lie, Lin Feng completely suppressed.

The bright fire, as if to be able to restrain everything, is now in my heart, inexplicably has a feeling of incitement, but can not say.

“This is…” Lin Feng’s eyes were light and the Fire of Rebirth was displayed, as if he felt something.

The change of the flame is more and more compact, as if it has some kind of traction, and it attracts each other with the star source. The contact is more comprehensive, more direct and more enterprising. Lin Feng looks right, and the final step of the condensate is done quickly and refining.

Feeling, totally different!

“Perfect state!” Lin Feng eyes bright clear.

Although I don’t know why I feel this way, this state is something I can’t ask.

It’s like the bone pupils suddenly change from 1st grade to top grade. If the strength can control everything, this moment, the ability to control the fire is completely transformation. If you control all the world, everything in the sight, the space, time and energy of the surroundings become clear and incomparable.

“Hey!~” eyes shining bright, Lin Feng speeds up.

In the blink of an eye, the forging of Heavenly Ya Crystal is as familiar as it is, but there is a stranger.

Is a stranger to strength!

“Hey!” “烀 !!” The feeling of the flame, great change.

The Fire of Rebirth seems to be reborn, and it is totally different from the combination of Star Force. Lin Feng is close to her lips, but her heart is excited and excited. At this moment, she is very calm. In a short time, the condensate of Heavenly Ya Crystal is completed and transferred to Nangong Madam.

Then, the baking of the extremely hot silkworm is the beginning.

Simple and direct!

Fully entering the state, Lin Feng’s eyes are shining, and the sharp focus makes the baking speed faster and faster, which is more than 30%. Every time the flame burns, it brings the feeling of excitement of the heart. The star source force completely raises the level of the flame.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” heartbeat is extremely fast.

The extremely hot silkworm in front of you, very fast, was wrapped in flames, and Lin Feng’s chest was ups and downs.

The color of the flame is dim and dark, and the sense of the heart is getting stronger and stronger. At this moment, I finally understand –

It turns out that Fire of Rebirth has evolved.

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