Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 27 Competition

“Zi Man Lou is in secret deployment.” Elaine beautiful eyes flashed and swayed.

“He wants to catch Zi Yao’s mother’s purple scent.”

what! ?

Lin Feng’s booth pupils suddenly lit up.

Unexpected news, I did not expect it at all, but from the mouth of Elaine, there is no 100% also eight, 90%.

What did he do with Zhao Yao’s mother’s ‘Zi Xian Xian’?

“Sir must be clear, the reason why Miss Zi Yao will be forced to marry the old genie in the day, what is the reason.” Elaine beautiful eyes flickering, whispered. One sentence is like a slap in the top, and one of Lin Feng’s hearts is instantly made to understand.

Don’t be afraid of the old, just use it!

Zi Yao will be subject to the Zimanlou because of her mother. This is the case once and twice, three times!

“A good purple building, it is really insidious.” Lin Feng eyes cold.

I know very well in my heart. What is the reason for Zi Yao’s arrest of Zi Yao’s mother, Zi Yao and herself are a foregone conclusion, and it is difficult to change the facts. Even if Zimanlou grabs Zi Yao’s mother, can she threaten Zi Yao? The answer is coming out, that is –


“Good deep heart.” Lin Feng complexion slightly changed.

Sure enough, as the information said, Zimanlou is very good at grasping the weakness of human nature. He will go to the fire for Zi Yao, and he will not hesitate to sneak into the underworld, open fire with the sinister sins, or even offend the Emperor, to prove his affection for Zi Yao. Deep, for her to do anything.

Even if it is dead.

“But… I have never met him, why should he be so anxious?” Lin Feng blinked brightly and instantly lit up.

Purple Moon Family!

I have entered the Purple Moon family and talked with Patriarch.

“Zi Yuan sells me?” Lin Feng’s heart was cold, and the killing intent in his eyes flashed away.

After all, I had a secret conversation with Ziyuan on the same day, and I had to deal with the purple mansion. Only Ziyuan knows one person. Forced to choose one, is it possible, he chose to choose himself, but in fact he chose Zimanlou? There was a burst of anger in his heart, and Lin Feng’s eyes were getting colder and colder.

The intention of Zimanlou is obvious, first to be strong!

Some people are in the hands of them, even if they are not threatened. At least I can’t deal with him.

this point is very important!

“many thanks.” Lin Feng looked at Elaine, looking at clanging.

The news she provided to herself is thousands of times more expensive than this stack of materials!

If not, it really makes Ziman Lou, and I am in trouble!

“Hey!~” The light is shining, Lin Feng has more moments of red light flashing the treasure, Saint King Level aura 澎湃astonishing, and Eileen’s eyes light up, and the screams lightly cover the small mouth. Shining bright shines.

Heavenly red level treasure!

“This news, information, and the last favor, I think it should be enough.” Lin Feng handed over the red level treasure.

Compared to the favor that I owe, compared to the news of Elaine, what is the trifling piece of red level treasure! Money is nothing but the body outside, for the moment of yourself, the heavenly red-level treasure is really chicken. Even if it is converted into a witch coin. It’s just a hundred thousand.

“Since Sir is so bold, the little girl is disrespectful.” Elaine smiled.

“A sum of money. Sir’s gift, is far from the intelligence value. So, if Sir still wants to inquire, want to know, Elaine is free to serve Sir once.” Elaine Clearly said “Remind Sir here. Zimanlou is not a good person.”

“I know.” Lin Feng deep like.

Immediately, the flashing figure is leaving, and the time is tight, so you can delay!

Full of anger.

Misfortunes to the family!

In the world of Martial Artist, there is such an iron law.

However, this is really isn’t stated. Therefore, there are not a few Martial Artists who have made such things.

Right now, there is one!

“紫满楼!”Lin Feng tightly clench one’s teeth ,眼中恨意毫不掩饰。

Again and again, three more!


Easily said than done !

“sōu! ”疾驰而行,Lin Feng 破空之速快至巅峰。

所过之处风驰电掣,仿佛将空间都是穿破,早已到达极限速度,Battle Spirit World 的巅峰。wind sighing and cranes calling ,吹动头发,Lin Feng 目光灼灼,随着离开裕隆茶庄,心中怒火稍是平静了少许,冷静下来。


“紫渊此人胆小怕事,坐在Patriarch 之位以利益为先。”



Lin Feng 心之一咛。


以紫渊的个性若真要出卖自己,倒不如与自己决绝而断来的更简单,没有‘danger ’。自己的实力有多强,手段如何他很清楚,断然不可能拿clansman 和他自己性命开玩笑。


“眼线。”Lin Feng 心之inwardly ponder 。

“身为紫月王,紫满楼在Tribe 中一呼百应,必然有许多眼线。”

“尤其是那些长老,看的出来对紫满楼都甚是尊重,我与紫渊密谈之事许多长老都知晓,此风传到紫满楼耳中,以他的奸猾阴险,必然能猜得几分,眼下抓Zi Yao 娘亲,可以说是以策万全。”




吁!~长put out a breath ,Lin Feng 目光灼灼。


但眼下,猜测再多也没有意义,最重要的是…决不能让Zi Yao 的娘‘紫汝仙’落在紫满楼手里,若不然自己恐怕麻烦大了。

Yu Yu Yuan.


俗话说的好,三个女人一台戏,眼下Zi Yao ,千恋皇及释芷心正聊的开心,一片其乐融融。

“Lin Feng !”“Big Brother Lin ~”见到Lin Feng 回来,三女顿时绽起笑容,唯是千恋皇和Zi Yao watched Lin Feng 的both pupils ,似乎看出来一点什么。beautiful eyes 轻动,Zi Yao 开口问道,“出什么事了,Big Brother Lin ?”

“娘现在人在何处,Zi Yao ?”Lin Feng said resolutely 。

Shua! ~Zi Yao pretty face 瞬时一变。

“蛮荒,虽然事情暂时告一段落。但我并未让娘返回Tribe 。”Zi Yao beautiful eyes 轻动,从Lin Feng 的语气中她听明白许多,不需要再多说什么,Zi Yao very fast 开启罗盘,随即拨通。


耐心的等待,随that ‘滴~滴~滴~’的长声,心仿佛被吊到嗓子眼。


“娘!”Zi Yao 惊喜喊道。

清然的声音透出浓浓惊喜,众人瞬时deeply exhaled 。唯是Lin Feng both pupils 闪动,紧抿双唇。事情仍未完结,伊莲既有情报知紫满楼在抓Zi Yao 的娘,说明他们必有所倚仗。


“对,之前他们已经挟持Zi Yao 娘亲一次。”Lin Feng both pupils cold light 直射。

以紫满楼的个性,就算放了紫汝仙,也不可能一点后手不留,若不然蛮荒如此之大。他何来信心能力去抓Zi Yao 的娘!这其中,必有猫腻所在。想到这Lin Feng 背脊骨一片冰冷。

“Zi Yao ,问娘现在身在何处,附近可有Transmission Array ?”Lin Feng 焦急的喊道。

Zi Yao 闻声pretty face 微是苍白,连是问道,一旁释芷心极为紧张,千恋皇beautiful eyes 闪动。随即亦是开启罗盘。

“Big Brother Lin ,娘说她也不知在哪里?”Zi Yao pretty face 发白,神色尽显担忧之色。


Lin Feng 双拳一握,心之inwardly shiver 。

眼下正是危急时刻,自己必须要在紫满楼entire group 前找到Zi Yao 的娘‘紫汝仙’。不然后果不堪设想。但蛮荒如此之大,自己该如何去找Zi Yao 的娘?想到这heartbeat 不禁加快,surroundings 气氛一片凝重。

Desolation –

“sōu! ”远处,一道身影如闪电般弛来,Lin Feng 目光望去,正是靳棘。


顺着靳棘的目光,Lin Feng 顿时望向千恋皇,后者目光烁然的望向Zi Yao ,said resolutely ,“Zi Yao younger sister ,麻烦让你娘亲开启罗盘定位,将坐标位置告诉我们,并和Lin Feng 的罗盘进行互相定位。”

Zi Yao beautiful eyes 闪动,随即照做。

“靳棘。”千恋皇望向靳棘,beautiful eyes 卓然,“Zi Yao 报出坐标位置,你立刻去查离此最近的Transmission Array ,和Lin Feng 一起,人命关头,速度必须要快!”

“我明白。”靳棘said resolutely 。

“many thanks 。”Lin Feng 望向千恋皇,感激点头。

有她在这儿,冷静的帮自己出主意,事情very fast 便是梳理的清清楚楚,有条有理。

“好了Big Brother Lin ,坐标位置是……#%x!”Zi Yao 报出一堆数字,靳棘目光bright ,默念几遍,瞬时如闪电般窜出,直取芎御苑Transmission Array 所在,Lin Feng 对着Zi Yao 点了点头,lightly said ,“放心,我一定会把娘带回来。”


Race against time!

“xiu! ”“xiu! ”几个折弯,Lin Feng very fast 便是进入Transmission Array 。


眼下,什么都是虚的,时间才最紧迫,从伊莲得知消息到现在,已经过去许多时间。以紫满楼的效率,若真知Zi Yao 娘亲‘紫汝仙’的大概位置,现在虽仍未抓到她,但恐怕用不了多久便将stretch a hand and grab it 。

You must be fast!

“好了么,靳兄?”Lin Feng 望向靳棘,后者此刻满头大汗,正紧张的操作着。

Five seconds, ten seconds, fifteen seconds…

时间,一点点流逝,Lin Feng 眼中焦急无比。


“pā !”眼眸璨光,Lin Feng 直接踏入Transmission Array 。


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