What is the twenty-first chapter?

Return to the southern domain.

Stepping into this area is like going home to Lin Feng.

No matter how powerful the imperial city is in the underworld, the reputation is thunderous, and how the spiritual qi of the witchcraft is dense, here is the real ‘home’ of Battle Spirit World, the only place to have a sense of belonging except the country of hunting. .

In particular, Vermilion Bird is a place where you were born and a second hometown.

Everything is fine, Lin Clan is booming, and the righteous father Lin Biao is already in a semi-recessed state. Lin Clan is officially taken over by Big Brother ‘Lin Battle’, but the real affairs are controlled by the big dance, the dance voice of the killer. It’s meticulous, it’s clean and degrading, and even the management family is now at ease.

The decision of the day was very correct.

Big Brother, I really need such a good help to help him.

Most importantly, the dance and Big Brother are really in love.

“Ha!” “Ha! ~” practice martial arts, can be seen everywhere.

Lin Feng looked far away and didn’t bother to go.

In front of the entire Ganluo area, all of them have become the territory of Lin Clan. The former Martial Artist family has already been relocated. The site of Lin Clan has already been already empowered. The Ganluo area is dozens of times rich and powerful. The backstage is the largest in the southern region. It is well-deserved that it is called the strongest family in Shiluo County.

These news, I have heard a little from the release of my heart.

What you see today is what you say is true.

The true power of Shiro County is the saint’s “Shijia Luo”, and the existence of the day that he looked up to is beyond the reach of it. Shakya is the sacred king, and he is the owner of the southern domain. The entire southern domain is under his jurisdiction, not to mention trifling Vermilion Bird, trifling.

Vision gaze towards the distance. In the inner city, his golden statue stands tall and is worshipped by people.

From the eyes of those who worship Martial Artist, they can fully see respect, worship, and admiration.

“I hope this quiet and stable life. It can last forever.”

“Human, really isn’t must dominate the Battle Spirit World. As long as there is a comfortable land and a carefree life, that would be enough.”

“This is the wish of most people.”


Watched These busy humans, Lin Feng’s heart is moving.

Most of them don’t care about the outside world. After all, they can live well, and it is better to be able to live better.

As for the others, how can we manage so much.

And he is the owner of the southern domain. As a human being, this is his responsibility.

“Shua! ~” “Shua! ~ ~” in the distance, a few aura is very fast approaching, Lin Feng carrying his hands, hanging up and standing, calm and comfortable. The aristocrats, aura, knew who they were, even if they didn’t use sense. In fact, they never concealed their own aura.

This time, I don’t need to hide it.

“pay respects to Lin Di.” headed by Yan Wang. The sages sighed on one knee and sighed.

Among them are the men of Yan Wang. Disciple, there are also white Madam, Sakyamro and other saints in the Shiro County, one look very respectful.

“No need to be polite.” Lin Feng’s voice was light and his eyes fell to the inner city, but there were so many lords. Many Martial Artists have noticed this. With a longing for nostalgia, I turned to look at the crowd, said while waving one’s hand, “nothing caused a sensation, let it go.”

The All Saints responded. Very fast is scattered and left, leaving only Yan Wang.

“Let’s go, Yan Wang, go back to Taoyuan.” Lin Feng overlooked the bottom, and his eyes disappeared, and the complexion was just right.

“Yes, Lin Di.” Yan Wang Yingdao.

Go all the way, no hurry or slow.

It is not unexpected to know from the mouth of Yan Wang that what happened in the southern domain after he left. With the sublimation of the Lich War, the defeat of the Witch, the full invasion of the Yaozu, the ‘crisis’ of the southern region, the human eight major leagues are now in danger and have entered the scope of the demon attack.

On the contrary, the southern domain is weak and neutral, and the danger is much smaller.

“In fact, the real racial awareness of the Martial Artist is not too strong.” Yan Wang said, “For them, whether they can survive is the first.”

Lin Feng nodded and it was not difficult to understand.

After all, relying on the side of the Witch is only used.

Although they are both human and ethnic, they look different from each other. The Martial Artist who left the Southern Region to rely on the eight major leagues of human beings is more concerned about their own safety, whether they can avoid this disaster, or Is it safe to save your life?

“So, is the situation in the southern region now stable?” Lin Feng looked at Yan Wang.

“Almost, it’s time to go, don’t want to go and stay.” Yan Wang said resolutely, “Although the Transmission Array will still have a fragmented Martial Artist every day, more people choose to believe in Lin Di, choose to stay. “”

Lin Feng smiled. “They just wait and see.”

Yan Wang spoke up: “Though this is the case, at least better than before.”

Lin Feng nodded, remembering that when he took over, every Transmission Array was full of traffic, and countless Martial Artists wanted to leave the South, and it was like a tree that was so horrible. On the same day, I set up the Transmission Array myself, one to appease the people’s hearts, and the other to delay the time, the effect has now all come out.

It’s wise to delay the day.

Although losing some Martial Artists, it retains most of the strength of the Southern Region.

The most important thing is that the Martial Artists who left are originally vacillating, and there is no sense of belonging to the southern region. It is a pity to go.

Discard its dross and take its essence.

“Yan Wang.” Lin Feng blinked lightly.

“Oh?” Yan Wang looked at Lin Feng.

“Those who are staying, very fast, will be proud of the decisions they made.” Lin Feng smiled, started talking.

“Hey?” Yan Wang startled, watched Lin Feng stunned back, it is not clear why.


The best Land of Cultivation in the South is now completely public.

But all saints can enter cultivating.

Lin Feng is not a self-satisfied person, let alone the real Taoyuan is ‘Tianxingfu’, which is already unique to himself. The second level of the external Taoyuan spiritual qi is dense, although the power of the heavens and the earth is there, and there is no comparison with the stepping star house, and again… human cultivating aptitude is not as good as other races.

The Southern Saints want to become stronger, and it is difficult.

The cultivating condition is one point for a good one.

“Peng!” “Hey!” The fighting is constantly changing, and it can be seen everywhere in Taoyuan.

Lin Feng gazing all around ,watched The battle between the saints, the corners of the mouth faint smile.

These saints may have a big gap compared with those of the Imperial City, but they are truly shackles, and some of them are quite loyal. Regardless of their aptitude, at least they are human beings, have responsibilities to human beings, and have loyalty to themselves. This is not comparable to other experts.

Strength can be artificially improved.

But responsibility and loyalty can’t be done.

“Hey?” Hey, Lin Feng saw a giant pillar, and many of the brands were lined up in a row. As you can see, a Martial Artist is moving to one of the brands, but another Martial Artist is a complexion.

“Fighting strength ranking.” Yan Wang smiled and explained, “On the day, Lin Di, you advocated practicing with the war, enhancing the human Martial Artist fighting strength, and then doing it. The rewards and punishments are clear, the top-ranking Martial Artist will get a lot of money. Reward, enhance strength.”

“Not bad.” Lin Feng nodded and agreed.

It’s just a matter of knowing what you want. For Martial Artist, practicing with the war is the fastest way to improve your strength. At present, Taoyuan gathers so many Martial Artists together cultivating, if the closed-door cultivation is undoubtedly a waste of time, not to mention the strength and fighting strength can not be equated.

Martial Artist can only grow slowly after thousands of battles.

“Hey there, huh?” Yan Wang smiled and pointed to the front, but the ground was startled.

Lin Feng looked at it, and it was also a light light.

In the distance, the sly expression is dignified and awe-inspiring. The king of Jiuzhou, such as Qin Wang, is gathered in the side of the body. It is being discussed fiercely. If you look at this situation and atmosphere, you know that you should have happened. Vision gaze towards Yan Wang, four eyes opposite, the latter also nodded.

In the southern domain, something went wrong.

“Shua! ~” The eyes are slightly bright, and Lin Feng has not made any guesses.

Northern domain.

“Hahaha, Brother, can give you hope!” The left out of the ordinary greeted warmly, and his open hands seemed to want a hug.

However, the ugly monster in front of him was a sneer, but the disgusting arms that stretched out of the blood vessels. The left out of the ordinary showed a sly smile, but they also reacted very quickly. They reached out and said: “The unparalleled Prince came from afar, hard work. “”

Unparalleled Prince!

The ugly monster has a huge head, a disharmonious figure, and looks like a ghost.

However, the cold light shot by the eyes was accompanied by the terrifying soul of the soul, so that the surroundings space seemed to change. The most astonishing was that there was a third eye on his forehead, which was closed at the moment, but even so Feel terrifying strength.

Eyes of the family!

Prince, unparalleled.

“Is the room arranged?” 猊 Unparalleled hoarseness, but arrogant.

Behind them, dozens of eyes are followed, and there are more than five Saint King Levels.

“Of course, of course.” Left out of the ordinary smiley face, such aunty color like the human eight major league alliance lord, like a flattering, compliment: “not only arranged the room, there are a hundred beautiful women, For the unparalleled Prince to choose to sleep.”

Shua! ~ 猊 Unparalleled instant eyes lit up, revealing obscene color.

The expression changes, quite fast.

“Not too fast to lead the way!” 猊 Unparalleled voice is very sharp, it is already too late.

“Unparalleled Prince, please.” Left out of the ordinary, smiled and made a ‘please’ gesture, and saw the unparalleled follower of the monkey rushing forward, the left out of the ordinary face smile instantly Proud, eyes bright light flashing, confident.

Some people in the sky have secretly helped, and he will destroy the conquest of the southern region and grasp more.

Lin Feng?

What is it!

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