The twenty-eighth chapter is pleasing to the heart

Kill chickens and monkeys!

But in fact, the appearance of the Tianyan family is unexpected.

For Lin Feng, the Martial Artist of the Eight Major Domains is the real ‘chicken’. This time, the dare is a big army attack, invading the southern domain. The initiator is the eight major leagues, really isn’t the eye. Despite the fact that there is no match, there is no need to know if you dare to make Heavenly Spirit.

As long as the eight major leagues are hit, the southern region is naturally calm.


Lin Feng’s eyes are already blood red.

Killing intent Boiling, no need to hide.

After three days of calm, waiting for three days, everything is breaking out now. Faced with hundreds of Saints in the forefoot, and the Star King Star Territory Level expert, it is no different for yourself. The weakness of human strength has long been obvious to all, and everyone knows.

Perhaps the number of Star King Star Territory Level experts is second only to the Yaozu in Battle Spirit World, then…

The number of Saint Level experts, but Err.

“chi!” Blu-ray dazzling, turning on the killing rhythm.

The hand is spear falling, the space sense is clear and free, Lin Feng eye light blinks like a practicing the spear, the end of the spear’s arrogance mighty and powerful, supplemented by Saint King Level, the star source force, the emergence of the constellation Dao of Strength, Lin Feng entered the state at the moment.

Enlighten spear state!

Of course, this does not mean stopping the killing, but the killing is completely carried out in the end!

No mercy.

In the Heavenly Screen.

Peng! Peng! Peng! A severe exploding cry bloody glow, pervading the entire Heavenly Screen.

The terrifying scene is touching, it is like hell, and Lin Feng tells all the southern Martial Artists with the most practical actions, the simplest and degenerate action.

Dare to commit the Southern Region, kill without mercy!

The name of the tyrant is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Nowadays, there is still more to win, let the southern region of the Martial Artist hit the bottom of my heart.

But unlike before, the name of the ‘tyrant’ at this time is much more intimate and taller. It is much safer. Because Lin Feng’s ‘violent’ is against the enemy, it is to protect them, not the ‘violent’ of their own people.

Very different.

Therefore, although the picture is extremely bloody, but the Martial Artist did not feel nausea and nausea, but the bottom of the heart for this ‘tyrant’ is shouting, supporting. Looking at the sacred people of the eight major domain alliances. Not only does not have half sympathy, but it is extremely hateful.

They are damned!

Do not live because of your work.

The fall of a corpse, the disappearance of a personal class expert, is undoubtedly a disaster for the eight major leagues.

Humans, why have you died so many Saint Level experts!

Short moments at the moment. More than a hundred died.

The rest of the human expert is besieging Lin Feng, but in the face of Lin Feng, who controls the limit speed and Dao of Space, the so-called siege is a joke. Not to mention the speed of catching Lin Feng, hit Lin Feng’s clothes corner, they can’t even lock Lin Feng’s aura.

The strength gap is too big!

This is not a level of competition at all, it is the killing of tiger entering a flock of sheep.

sheep. Sooner or later, you will be killed, or…

Run away.


“Escape.” Yan Wang looked stunned.

“Can you not escape?” Lu Wang shook his head in silence, his eyes bright light, “no escape only one dead end.”

It’s faint and laughed: “They don’t even have the chance to hurt Lin Feng. In the face of such a killing, how about running out of the star power? With Lin Feng’s speed, you can easily escape the encirclement, only The rest of the virtual film will return to the massacre.”

“The eight major leagues. There is no hope of winning even one in ten thousand.” Your smile is easy and natural.

Yan Wang and Lu Wang are also smiling and smiling.

To be honest, they still had some concerns before, but they were afraid that the other person would be more powerful, and Lin Feng was outnumbered. However, this time it is an eye-opener. The strength of Lin Feng is beyond one level. It does not take a lot of effort, and it is easy to control the whole situation.

Eight major domain alliances. It is like a mustard.

“It’s no wonder that Lin Di asked us to make Heavenly Screen.” Yan Wang nodded.

“Lindi does not want to be low-key again. Moreover, he should want to reassure the people in the southern region.” Qin Wang said resolutely.

“External shock, the same is shocking inside.” 舜said with a slight smile. “It’s more than the ordinary people who believe that the neutral saints in Taoyuan and even a small part of the saints in the eight major leagues will be convinced by the strength of Lin Feng. This strategy has a great strategic role.”

“I am taking it.” Yan Wang smiled and shook his head.

“I have already served.” Lu Wang shrugged and smiled helplessly.

The two looked at each other and couldn’t help but smile.

However, it was the former hostile hostility. At present, it is already burying the suspicion, and there will be no power struggle.

They are already convinced.

The blood of the killings flows into the river, and the corpses are everywhere.

The eight major domain alliances have already made birds and beasts, chickens and dogs jumping, and fleeing in all directions. Lin Feng was suspended in the air, and the bloody glow in his eyes was gradually receding. Instead, it was a clear one. The feeling of spear was deeply imprinted into the heart, but it was simple but hundreds of seconds of killing, but it was comparable to years and even decades of painfultaking cultivation.

To kill Dao of Spear by killing.

Practice is far more powerful than thinking alone.

This war has benefited a lot.

“My spear, really isn’t exist for spear alone.” Lin Feng eyes, dark heart.

“On that day, the reason why I picked up spear, I took it for more than ten years, of course, because of the relationship with spear, but more because I want to guard, protect my family, and guard everything I want to guard.” Lin Feng closes Eyes, the scene of Lin Family Village is still clear.

I have never forgotten to take spear’s original intention and learn the purpose of Wu.

It is also true to this day.

Return to the original intention, return to the original, return to the truth.

Everything, starting from the beginning.

“This is Dao of Spear, which belongs to me, and Dao of Spear, which has my mark and memory.”

“In the name of guardian, killing is the way.”


The heart sinks, Lin Feng opens his eyes.

At this moment, there is no distracting thought in the eyes. I have seen the spear of the Spear of the Clouds. I have seen the spear of the Dragon Peak. Now my spear is clear and clear, and the road to the Starry Sky Expert realm is the spear technique. It is completely bright and there are no twists and turns.

Just follow this path, then –

Spear’s way, self-contained.

Hey! ~ The end of the spear disappeared.

A black clothed. The body has a strong bloody taste, but there is no blood stain, whether it is the enemy or its own.

Lin Feng’s eyes are burning, the heart is calm, even if he has just experienced a cruel killing, but for his own, such a battle is too sparse, and the fighting desire is not even as good as a rival. Such as the war with the ugly old blame, such as the strong purple moon family.

The opponents of the human domain are too weak.

Even if there is an eye-catching expert to help out, but it is completely self-contained, even the Saint King Level’s peak-eyed expert can not play the strength.

Today’s avatar is too powerful!

Although not much is killed. But it is enough.

I believe that for a long time, the eight major leagues will not dare to do anything, and they dare not have a slight attempt on the southern region.

In fact, it is no problem to compromise the eight major leagues with their own strength.

Of course, it is not necessary.

There are birds in the forest, and the southern domain is not completely controlled by itself, let alone other? Insatiable is really isn’t good. A southern region is enough now, and its own ‘creation plan’ does not need to involve too much. After all, natural resources are limited, and it is better to concentrate and cultivate more efficiently than its scattered culture.

“Two hundred or more.” Lin Feng is indifferent.

Everything you kill is not a Saint Level expert. It doesn’t make a move to the Star King Level Star Territory Level Martial Artist.

After all, they are really isn’t mainstream.

If you really want to kill. The Ontology Fire of Devour appeared, and at least a thousand of the Star King Star Territory Level experts died. But there is no point in doing this. It is the same root, and it is too urgent for them to fry. They just listen to the left out of the ordinary.


“Left out of the ordinary is faster.” Lin Feng has a narrow eye, pondered and said in one’s heart.

As early as the moment of kill 猊 unparalleled, he has already searched for the left out of the ordinary. But he didn’t want him to slip faster than the rabbit, and there was no trace in the blink of an eye. Not only him, the deputy alliance lord of the eight major leagues, ‘Liu Lao’ is also an old man, and he has long since escaped.

Have these leaders. No wonder human fighting strength is so weak.

Will there be no god, how strong is the soldier?

Wild world.

“Call, hu~~” breathless, left out of the ordinary complexion pale, and the chest is ups and downs.

Already timid, the soul that was killed by Lin Feng was lost, and just before the unparalleled escape, he was already sneaking away. I saw Lin Feng kill Ni Long, left out of the ordinary, knowing that today’s battle is over, Lin Feng’s strength terrifying is completely unexpected, and the situation is not good, it is a great luck.

Either don’t do it, do it yourself and do it!

What is a shame?

I can’t always be like the unparalleled material, but I have to face, and I am hesitant, leaving hope.

As a result, the two ends are not on the shore!

“Too underestimate him.” The left out of the ordinary complexion changed and changed. The bright light in the eye flashed, but it had a gray cold glow, which seemed to be similar. Long sighed, shook his head, left out of the ordinary brows can not help but wrinkle, since muttered, “has not completed the task, this is trouble.”


the other side.

“Failed, the Lord.” Liu Lao’s low voice sounded, and the left hand compass shone with a faint glow.

“Expected.” The voice of the compass was calm, as if guessing the results early.

Liu old startled, do not understand, “subordinate is unknown, the Holy Lord knows why it is defeated and incited to attack the southern domain?”

The compass was quiet for a moment, said indifferently, “Lin Feng is so good to deal with, he has already died. Some things, you don’t need to know so much, do your part.”

Liu’s dim eyes were slightly burning, and he said, “Yes, the Lord, then the next…”

“Wait for me.” The voice of the compass was short and decisive.

When you are in a hurry, it is a direct interruption of communication.

“The Lord, it seems to be very valued for Lin Feng.” Liu Lao closed the compass, thoughtful.

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