Chapter VIII Who is he?

make a prompt decision.

For Lin Feng, there is nothing wrong with who you trade.

The important thing is that security and money.

The same was true of the original auction, which race was sold to good person or bad guy, which was originally an unknown number. Ming Ming Ming sells, it is normal. However, if many things can’t be stopped, then you don’t need to take care of it. Right now, no matter whether the shadow is true or not, whether it will dig a pit and wait for yourself, these are not important.

Now trading with this shadow, for yourself, many advantages and no disadvantages.

“I don’t take advantage of you. It’s not only smashing ninety-nine pieces of smoky money, but you’re giving you one hundred and eight pieces of this 1.2 billion yuan.” Lin Feng looked at him with a sigh of relief. Stopped talking, waiting for the black shadow to respond, then immediately put in 12 pieces of blue-level ‘圂’, throwing the storage ring.

Pā ! The black shadow catches, it is not an accident or a surprise, just a light opening: “Good.”

Did not check, the storage ring disappeared, the black shadow looked at Lin Feng: “How much ‘圂’, I have to be all.”

Both pupils bright light flashed away, Lin Feng asked: “regardless of grade ?”

“Yes, regardless of grade.” The shadow of the shadow is calm. “At normal price, all sold to me is, you don’t have to worry about money.”

Rich and rich!

Although Lin Feng was shocked by the wideness of the shadows, he was always jealous.

The other party’s bottom is not known to herself. On the contrary, she has been completely seen. Perhaps this is a profitable business, but it is not necessarily a good thing for herself. A large amount of ‘圂’ outflow will have a huge impact on the entire Balance Spirit World scale.

What’s important is that the shadow identity is unknown, and the purpose of buying so many flaws is not known.

Too much ‘unknown’ means great risk.

“My inventory is running out. There are eight to one billion worth of ‘圂’ in the fashion.” Lin Feng spoke openly and left a mind. There is no need to reply to the shadows so quickly. What is the matter? Whether it is possible to maintain long-term transactions is open to question. Can’t refuse at the moment. But it is not easy to give a positive answer.

“Good.” The shadow is also simply, “Do you trade now?”

“Give me three days.” Lin Feng looked at the shadow. Looks great, “I have to sort it out and see how much I can sell.”

“Three days later, I came to you.” The shadow of the shadows fell. The figure has been turned into a smoke, completely disappeared. It is coming and going like the wind, mysterious. Watched the direction of the black shadow, Lin Feng both pupils flickering, thinking.

This matter is quite weird and has many doubts.

“The whole Battle Spirit World, you can take out the two billion yuan of money at once. There are very few.” Lin Feng’s heart of the ponder.

I have just said that there are still eight to one billion worth of ‘圂’, the other side with the slightest hesitation, plus the 1.2 billion yuan now, in other words his body is far exclusiveing ​​2 billion yuan. Can be easily taken out.

“On that day, I was worth 1.8 billion yuan, and I was able to rank third in the wealthy list of the witches.”

“Is he one of the top two in the Witch’s list?”


Eyes, Lin Feng thinks about thousands.

Who is he?

This problem has been bind in my mind until the black shadow has gone half an hour, Lin Feng is relaxed.

This matter, let’s talk later!

Who is he, is it really so heavy for himself?

“The ‘圂’ sold to him is only one hundred and eight pieces, even if it is sold once, it is only two hundred pieces, which is equal to the quantity sold to the eclipse.” Lin Feng thought, nodded. “Today, 5 billion yuan has been raised. If you can make enough energy to wake up Nether Roar and save Duo Duo, I don’t need to sell more ‘圂’.”

After all, natural resources are limited.

Although he can refine the infinite amount of cockroaches, the main material is almost exhausted.

The most important thing is that you are a ‘secret weapon’ for yourself, and you can arm yourself to Martial Artist in the South. It will become a powerful strength that cannot be ignored in the future. If you sell too much, it doesn’t really help you.

After all, what is the use of witchcraft?

Even if the gods plan is implemented, it will be enough to sell the value of one billion yuan after three days.

at the moment……

It’s time to do business.

“Five billions of money, finally gathered.” Lin Feng clenched his fist and watched bright light shining.

At this moment, I have been waiting for a long time.

The ancestral temple.

“Cunning humans!” Eclipse nine eyes are cold, cheeks twitching.

Beside the Kui Tu is also a brow, and it is tangled in the heart, but it is a carefully arranged killing move, and then again, Lin Feng resolves. For the first time, the batch trades let them have no choice to delay the plan; this time, Lin Feng seems to know their plan and put their pigeons.

“He seems to know something.” Kui Tu sounds low.

“Can you contact him?”

Kui Tu shakes his head and shakes his head. “There is no contact information left. Every time he is active.”

The eclipse of the nine yin eyes is cold and cold, “wait another three days. If there is no news at that time, you will go to the Emperor City to find him. Earn my Witch’s 2 billion RM, and let him easily slap the bottom! “Complexion is ugly, but it is the two billion coins that are forcibly taxed from the witch clansman.

For the eclipse, it is a considerable amount!

Despite the purchase of a lot of ‘圂’, such ‘mistakes’ have always had an impact on his position as a witch.

“I will.” Kui Tuo calmly, nodded slowly.

Compared to the eclipse, he hates Lin Feng more and has a greater voyeurism!

Because Lin Feng has more than just ‘圂’, a huge number of witch coins, and one of the Three treasures of Battle Spirit World!

This is the most important!

The battle of the Lich, start again.

After a short ‘rest’, the two sides fought again, and the demons provoked them. The witches passively fought, but they had no choice. Although the mystery of the disappearance of corpse has not yet been solved, the war is beginning to be a continuation without stopping.

The hatred of both sides is not a day or two, two years a year.

Not dead end!

It’s just that compared to the previous ones, both the Witch and the Yaozu are taking care, and their eyes are staring at the situation and staring at each battle. The mystery of the disappearance of the corpse corpse is a major event for the Lich and the two, perhaps their two big tribes are like the sea, but it does not mean that they can tolerate other small impudent on their heads, cheap!

Moreover, the ones who died are the heroes of Tribe.

Their corpse, how can it be tarnished!

“When do you act?” Tu Longxuan said solemnmnly.

The steel-like body is so sturdy and compact that it doesn’t seem to have a little muscle, like a steel man. As one of the four Golden Blocks, Tu Longxuan is second only to the Emperor’s ‘Emperor’, and he is responsible for the cooperation with Lin Biaodi.

“No hurry.” Lin Biao was light.

Tu Longxuan frowned, said heavily: “A month has passed, and no action has been taken at all. What do you want?”

Lin dynasty vision gaze towards Tu Longxuan, slowly said: “I have my own size.”

“I advise you not to play tricks!” Tu Longxuan eyes cold light, aura cold.

Lin Biao’s mouth is cold-streaked: “Stupid, if I want to play tricks, why should I cooperate with you? If you have doubts, you can be very arrogant, and you can’t do anything about each other. If you don’t even have basic trust, what cooperation? significance.”

Tu Longxuan is a color change, cheeks **.

He is also anxious to make meritorious deeds, but now he is rushed by Lin Biao’s words, but there is no rebuttal power.

There is a saying that the plan is led by Lin Biao.

“don’t be impatient.” Lin Biao looked at the eyes of Tu Longxuan, but he did not do too much. He also gave a date to slap, and the cooperation with ‘Poly’ was also great for him. The benefits, after all, on intelligence capabilities, the entire Battle Spirit World does not have an influence and a ‘pole’.

Moreover, the five-fifth account, as the Emperor said, he paid far less than the ‘extreme’.

Simply put, it is the empty glove white wolf!

As for loyalty and betrayal, there are no such words in his dictionary.

Benefits are fundamental.

“At the moment, the wind is very tight. Not only are the demon kings staring tightly, but the eyes of the four demon kings are gathered together, and they are not allowed to be negligent.” Lin Biao slowly opened his mouth and explained that it was through the mouth of Tu Longxuan to inform the emperor. After all, it is good to be open and honest for the first time.

“What is the use of a sacred corpse?” Lin Biao’s mouth sneered, looking into the distance, the heart has long been fixed.

According to the ‘extreme’ intelligence, the new Wuke eclipse has just got a lot of valuable ‘圂’, no matter the quantity or quality is better than the previous one. With the character of eclipsing the yin and the situation of the Lich War, he is absolutely certain that the Witch will have a great counterattack.

And that battle was enough to match the results of hundreds of thousands of times!

“When you want to do it, you will be big!” Lin Biao is proud of himself. “If you do one vote, you will earn him enough!”

Seeing the arrogance of Lin Biao’s mantle, full of confidence, Tu Longxuan eyes shining bright, is also deeply affected by its infection.

Yu Yu Yuan.

Lin Feng, enter the bottom.

The completely enclosed space, the blockade of the Royal Garden, is now one of the most important moments for Lin Feng. From Kill Little Heavenly Dog, from Heavenly Martial Continent, it’s been ten years since I went to the peak of the Battle Spirit World pyramid.

One of the goals set at the beginning was about to be completed.

Nether Roar!

This is the Starry Sky-class cosmic airship, which is the inheritance of inheritance, the master’s legacy of ‘Baili Feng’, the greatest legacy, including Duo Duo. On that day, if there was no Nether Roar, he would have died and even the entire Heavenly Martial Continent was destroyed. There would be no country to hunt.

History will be rewritten.

Today, everything will be restored to its original state.

“Duo Duo ……” Lin Feng eyes is light and reveals a color of nostalgia.

Duo Duo and his own friends are also friends. If you don’t save yourself, Duo Duo will not run out of energy and sleep.

Now, finally have the opportunity to wake up Duo Duo!

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