Chapter Twelve God’s plan, initial results

The battle of the Lich is heating up again.

After a period of rest, the two major battle intents are boiling.

Especially the Yaozu, as if forgetting the mystery of the ‘corpse disappearing’ before, there is no need for a bit of scruples, with the twelve demon stars as the main line, the division of the 12th road sweeps across the entire land, countless witches, ancient Tribe falls, sweeping, crushing Dry weeds and smashing rotten wood, not even a blade of grass grows.

Fighting hard!

Lin Biao’s eyes turned to another task.

He and the ‘pole’ are the mutual use of the relationship, and now with the ‘polar’ terrifying intelligence network, the battle is even with no difficulty. For a time, the witches were like coward, completely retreating to the witchcraft, not only the morale of the witches, but also the ancients and the clansman.

What is the dragon head and how can it be done?

Yu Yu Yuan.

Lin Feng went back to ‘free’.

The ‘cooperation’ with the shadow has begun, waiting for him to collect materials, seeing the warming of the Lich and the two sides, while practicing the spear is to enhance the strength. No matter whether the body is also good or not, every day is steadily improving.

Strength, never too much.

The good news is also coming from one piece.

“breakthrough.” Lin Feng smiled slightly.

Breakthrough’s really isn’t own, but one of the first Martial Artists of the ‘God’s Plan’, who did not expect a small name to be named, and it was only a four-month period in the creation of the plan. In, from the middle of the saints to the high order of the saints, to the peaks, after…

Complete breakdown!

Achievement Saint King Level exists.

“Shuimu, one of the youngest Martial Artists of the first group of gods.” The face of the cockroach smiled and was very satisfied.

“The smaller the age, the greater the potential.” Lin Feng eyes burned.

舜nodded and said, “Young Martial Artist can be promoted to Saint Level in this cultivating environment, showing how aptitude innate talent is.” Looking to Lin Feng. I am sincere and convinced. “Fortunately, Lin Feng, you insist on executing the creation plan. Otherwise, I am likely to miss a Saint King Level expert.”

“I didn’t think so much.” Lin Feng smiled indifferently. “Even without the breakthrough of the King King Level, the first Martial Artists of the God-making Plan can have the same fighting strength as the Saint King Level.”

舜 light ‘Well’ a voice: “Yan Wang, Lu Wang, this experienced Saint Level peak expert. Now compared to the ordinary Saint King Level other Martial Artist, the combat strength is even worse. Especially in the real The tempering in the ground is even tempered into a steel, and many Martial Artists have spontaneously formed a combination to increase the amount of fighting strength.”

Lin Feng is scornful, said with a faint smile: “With this batch of Martial Artists, it is now enough to sweep the eight major leagues of humanity.”

舜hearing this both pupils can’t help but shine.

“Unforgettable, now I don’t have this plan.” Lin Feng looked at him and his eyes flashed. “I don’t want the strength of the Southern Region to be exposed too early. It causes unnecessary conflicts.”

He smiled and said: “Now, no, maybe in the future?”

Lin Feng smiled lightly. “What will be said in the future?”

There are two.

For the southern region, good news came one after another.

After the water animal husbandry, the second Martial Artist ‘blade crazy’ also broke into the Saint King Level, as the name suggests, one person and one blade is extremely crazy. Unlike the water animal husbandry, the blade is not crazy. But he blamed the blade as qi deviation, madly killing, killing, and killing in the real shield…

Inexplicable, it is breakthrough.

Many times, what many Martial Artists lack is just an opportunity.

And under the encouragement of water grazing and blade madness. Real Shield The first batch of Martial Artists of the Gods Plan is more like a bloody, more and more persistent crazy. In particular, the six-month limit, the first inspection period of the God-making plan is approaching, and it is more forced out of the Martial Artist’s heart.

They are no weaker than anyone!

For Lin Feng. The result is undoubtedly gratifying.

The half-year deadline has created the first burst of the Martial Artist, the most loyal and powerful Martial Artist in the South, and the big breakthrough in the last two months. A total of twelve Martial Artists became the existence of the Saint King Level, including the ‘Inflammation King’ of final day breakthrough.

Innate talent In general, aptitude, he is only general, but on the fighting spirit, Yan Wang is proud of everyone.

Born to have a Martial Artist heart, with the idea of ​​not admitting, although the aptitude innate talent is not as good as other Martial Artists, but after years of accumulation, accumulation of thin hair, Yan Wang is the breakthrough into Saint King Level, plus its own heritage, Today’s Yan Wang strength is stronger than the previous demons.

He has become the second expert of humanity.

Second only to Lin Feng.

However, it is only temporary.

“I believe that after the love of the seclusion, you will be able to breakthrough into Saint King Level.” Lin Feng slightly smile.

Like himself, Qianghuanghuang is a singer who breaks 70%, aptitude innate talent, and combat strength, all of which are top-notch and rare for human beings. In the past few months, the various loves of the thousand loves, plus the comfort of the heavenly treasure, once the breakthrough becomes the Saint King Level, the strength of the thousand love kings is determined to win over the king.

“At that time, even if it is not worthy of separation, at least it can be compared with the real machine.” Lin Feng nodded.

Breakthrough, Saint King Level, the first level, you can reach the strength of the city level.

This is my own estimate of the strength of the thousand love kings, not estimated strong, only weak!

Yu Yu Yuan.

“This is 300 million yuan, they will be handed over to you, Yan Wang.” Lin Feng looked at Yan Wang, calm.

300 million turkeys! ?

Headed by King Yan, the first group of talented plan breakthroughs became the Saint King Level’s twelve human elites, and the complexion was shocked. Watched In front of this, they are in the same strength, but there is a difference in the strength of the ‘Lindi’, only in addition to worship in the eyes of admiration.

They know exactly who they are bringing into the Saint King Level.

It is this appearance that does not astonishing youngster emperor!

“Too much?” Yan Wang’s cheeks, Rao is the scene he used to see, can not help but be stunned by this huge amount of money.

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently: “Saint King Level does not increase the strength, the level of increase, the required treasure, star fruit, etc., the price is not at a level with Saint Level, and it is rare, 300 million The currency is just barely enough.”

Originally within his plan, the gods plan to reach the Saint King Level.

At the moment, the effect is so good, it is a pity that it will not continue.

Moreover, I have enough money in my own money, and it is not bad to train some of the exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp exp. In addition, the material given to him by the black shadow is already in place, and the currency is coming one after another. The problem of money does not need to be worried. It can be carried out on two sides, three sides or even four sides at the same time.

Those who arrive at the Saint King Level also need to change the cultivating environment.

Yu Yu Yuan is a good choice.

The first group of god-making plans was over.

The results achieved are quite impressive, and the twelve breakthroughs become Saint King Level, which is undoubtedly unprecedented for humans. And those who did not breakthrough become the Saint King Level’s other expert, the combat strength has also been considerably improved, but the six-month ‘special training’ will end here.

Limited natural resources must be the most reasonable application.

Even if Lin Feng feels a little sad, he must do the same.

No rules are not square.

These eighty-eight experts can still continue cultivating in the real place, but they can’t enjoy other special natural resources. After that, they can only see the bottleneck of their own. In any case, the current cultivating conditions are ten times more than the past.

“I believe that with enough patience and time, many of them still can breakthrough.” Lin Feng blinked, said resolutely.

“En, just like the King of Fire, many of them are good seedlings selected by Emperor Sui, perhaps aptitude innate talent is not high now, but wins in fighting spirit, not convinced.” 舜卓然 nodded, “character determines fate, The tempering in the real place will make them more refined.”

“What happened to the second batch of Martial Artists who made the gods plan?” Lin Feng asked.

“Very good.” Satisfied nodded and said, “The selected Star Territory Level is a young Martial Artist. There are now hundreds of advanced Saint Levels.”

“Very good!” Lin Feng eyes shining bright.

These Martial Artists are a signal and experiment. They are the young and promising Martial Artists that they have chosen. Perhaps they are not as loyal as the first experts in the creation of the plan, but the aptitude innate talent is much better and shorter. This has been so much progress in a few months and the results are quite good.

“Just…” The brows are clustered and the words are stopped.

The subtle expression changes fall in the eyes of Lin Feng, how can the heart be unknown.

One word: money!

The results achieved are far more exceeding, and then the budget that follows will be far more exciting. It is undoubtedly a happy worry for you. At the moment, there are millions of dollars, and the outflow of thousands of coins, although a large aptitude excellent expert is also cultivated, which also makes the financial exhaustion.

“This is 300 million turkeys.” Lin Feng took out a storage ring and smiled.

“Hey!~” The eyes are completely lit, the bright light is flashing, and the watched Lin Feng is incredible.

Too mysterious!

Lin Feng, where is that much money?

It is like an inexhaustible vault, quite bizarre.

“I said that there is no need to worry about money.” Lin Feng smiled and watched, and said, “What you have to do is pick more elite experts for the South, and cultivate more Saint Level, Saint. King Level exists, the more the better!”

“Funding is just a small problem.”

“Starting to expand immediately, the third batch of God-making plans can be opened, and the fourth batch can also be prepared.”

Lin Feng eyes is bright.

With the implementation of the creation of the plan, the thoughts in my heart are getting more and more popular.

Human beings are fully capable of upgrading!

As long as there is enough natural resources, human beings can continue to enhance the strength. In a short period of time, they still can’t compete with the witches and the demon. However, in time, they can become a great strength of Battle Spirit World.

Today’s southern region is already the number of saints with a total of 600 people.

More than doubled in the past!

And this is just the beginning.

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