Chapter 15—The Disaster of the Southern Ancient Areas

Southern ancient domain.

The war is on the verge of being on the verge of a big collapse.

The ancients, with an enviable innate talent and ability, the blood of inheritance Divine Beast, each ancient expert as long as it can blend with the Divine Beast blood, the time will be the existence of Saint Level. However, the heavens are fair, giving the ancient cult the ability to avenitude defitude, and depriving him of many other abilities, such as


The ancient physique is weak, even human beings are inferior.

Every ancient expert is born Heavenly God Cultivator, Heavenly Spirit Master, but very few ancient artists become the top Martial God expert, the weakness of the physique is destined to the ruggedness of the ancient expert in the Martial God road, it is difficult to have great Accomplishment. Therefore, the ancients can never be the main theme of war, they can only attack with the witch expert, which is its biggest disadvantage.

Congenital defects cannot be changed.

Although regardless of the emperor’s also good, eclipse nine yin, there is a foresight to send the witches expert to enter the seven ancient areas, with the protection of the ancients expert, but this is only a small part of the witch expert, how can and long-awaited Is the demon expert comparable?

Black crushed a bunch!

Under the planning of Lin Biao, the demon expert is on the one hand to contain the great Wu people in the policy of burning jade, and not to let them rescue; on the other hand, the demon king of the double-faced lion family, Zong Yong, and the demon of the dragon tortoise family Wang ‘Yujiang’ is a double leader, straight to the southern ancient domain!

The five royal families of the Yaozu are among the top five Source Energy.

The double-faced lion family, innate talent ‘Senmu’, is full of vitality; the dragon elephant turtle family, innate talent ‘Hongshui’, the rainbow is shining, the rainbow water is coming from the sky. I can’t stop, crush everything. The ability of the two demon kings has been used by most of the southern ancient domains to master Source Energy’s ‘Fire’ Heavenly Spirit Master, especially the dragon elephant turtle family, and the fire element Heavenly Spirit Master’s nemesis.

At the moment, the army is pressing, and it is approaching. The southern area is in jeopardy!


Flame, Mori, Rainbow, crazy confrontation.

The demon expert is rushing forward without fear of death, one after another, facing the ancients expert flame attack suppression, the former servant followed by direct attack. Although the front of the meat shield type witch expert tried to resist, but the absolute difference in the number, the ancients expert is full of loopholes.

Again. The ancient people are now stunned, fleeing, fighting, and there is no fixed match.

Was caught by the demon!

“haha~~” The sound of laughter came from the demon army. It was a ‘strange person’ with two faces, one was a big laugh, and the other complexion was calm. In the eyes, there is a faint killing intent, which is the demon king of the double-faced lion family. Sprinkle the opening: “Laojiang, how long can you tell the ancients?”

The ‘Old River’ in his mouth is a short old man, but the body is strong but surprisingly terrifying.

With a strong body that is completely out of proportion to the face, each muscle seems to have terrifying explosive power, wrinkles on the forehead, and a slight hunchback on the back. However, the looming light flashed the scales, like an old man carrying a turtle shell.

Dragon elephant turtle family demon king, Lijiang!

“There is no need for three hours, the ancients will be defeated all over the line.” The sound of the Lijiang River is low, and a dark glow flashes on the dark face. Confident.

“I don’t know if I can meet the ‘Feng Feng ancient god’?” Zong Yong double fists clenched, battle intent 粼粼.

“He must be there.” Minjiang said solemnly, “The seven ancient gods, their status in the ancient domain is supreme, I am waiting to attack the southern ancient domain, and it is expected that the ancient god of the phoenix will not be a gallbladder, escape.”

“Hey.” Zong Yong’s mouth is cold-streaked, and his eyes are bright light shining. “If you can kill the ancient god of Feng, you and I have added a lot of credit.”

Lijiang blinked, but he slowly shook his head. “On strength, Yu Li and you and me are between the two, you and I are trying to beat him easily, but to kill him…”


“Is it?” Zong Yong frowned the head.

Minjiang nodded and said: “There is no need for greed, as long as the southern ancient domain is broken, you and I have already recorded the first merit. Killing and killing the ancient god of Fengfeng is only a icing on the cake. If you want to kill him, you and I are not immune to creation, bite Off more than one can chew, there is no need to do this.”

Zong Yong thoughtfully, said while loudly laughing, “I am still thinking about the old river, and right, and attacking the southern ancient area is enough!”

The river complex is still calm, and the bright light is in the eye.

Compared with the smug ambition of the Yaozu, the ancients are now mourning.

Not only the corpses are everywhere, but the blood flows into the river. The ancients expert is even more morale. Everyone frowns and shows the color of disappointment. In the face of this level of general attack, let alone a southern ancient domain, even if you add a few ancient domains, I am afraid not necessarily against the demon.

And the war and retreat.

Fortunately, the ancients expert is far more united than the witch and the demon, and there is a ‘邬凤古神’ 邬li sitting in the town, the ancient folks are all going to the place.

In any case, you always need a heart and mind.

For example, the Witch Emperor is the Witch, the Emperor is the Terran, and the Southern Supreme is the Sovereign.


Dressed in loose robes, the man has a short hair and a bright light in his eyes.

Standing in the wind, watched the looming wars in the distance, the brows of the plow are tightly twisted together, and the complexion is dignified. Really isn’t The demon family has no trace of this time, but no one can expect it. The Yaozu, who has been far away from the northeastern part of the mainland and in the northeastern region, will inexplicably attack the southern ancient domain.

Unexpected by everyone.

“The demon, when did it become so cunning?” The question in the heart of the plow is difficult, but it is difficult to get an answer.

“Deeply knowing the way of the art of war, the Yaozu must have such strength, and it has been strange to defeat the Witch in the second time Lich battle.”


The secret thought of the heart, 邬 长 sighed.

The thoughts flashed past, but there was no need to think too much. At the moment, it was already burning eyebrows, and there was no more retreat.

How to do?

There is no way to think about it.

With his strength, he came out with no difficulty, but as the ‘old god’ of the southern ancient domain, here are his people, how can he go. If even he is gone, what can the southern ancient domain continue? How many of his people can survive?

This kind of behavior that is greedy and fearful of death, he will not do it.


Yu Li looked back to his home not far away, and his eyes were full of fear.

“Only hope to stick to more time.” 邬 心 心 忖 忖 “ “ “ 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望 希望Passing the torch.”

“Linger, protect the lady.” The sound of the plow was just right, and he spoke openly.

“Yes, Master.” Huang Ling shook hands.

“Cong, mirror. With me…” When the eyes of the ploughing eyes were cold, the bright light was burning, “Welcome to the demon!”

“Yes, Master!” Feng Cong and Feng Jing are also bust intent boiling.

“哗~~” shines, Lin Feng finally arrives.

Penetrating that is already a broken faint protective wall, the spiritual qi is venting everywhere, scattered. From the destruction of this wall, it is known how fierce the war is, the existence of the wall is a warning, and the second is to protect the spiritual qi from leaking. However, it has become a useless thing, and it is what the Yaozu is doing.

“Boom!” “Boom!!!~” In the distance, I can clearly hear the sound of the battle, like thunder piercing the ear.

Lin Feng’s eyes are deep, and the severe beating at the chest is getting stronger and stronger.

The whole person has a feeling of squatting.

Too familiar!

“It’s here, the feeling of the heart is here!” Lin Feng licked his lips and tightened the pair one’s teeth.

It is because the grandfather is in distress. The bloodline of a loved one is rogue, telling yourself?

Definitely is!

Lin Feng grips the end spear with his right hand. In the eyes, the cold light is deep, and the half point is not stopped. I am really isn’t, and the life and death of the ancients have nothing to do with themselves. It is not the importance of the clansman of the ancient phoenix, but…

Grandpa. Must be saved!

“xiu!” hurriedly pulled out, Lin Feng’s deep like.

From the point of view of the heartbeat’s severe, the current battle is fierce, and the degree of danger is bound to be far away.

Yaozu. This time it is indeed prepared.

“Chi!” “Chi! !” Lin Feng both eyes killing intent.

In the gallop, from time to time can see the demon who scattered the massacre, watching the face of the fierce, is to remember the scene of the country of the day. The end of the spear cold light is the first direct kill, there is no bit of mercy.

Right now, the Yaozu is the enemy.

Hate the bones, the endless enemy!

The behavior of the Yaozu is horrible!

“These bastard.” Lin Feng complexion is cold, but everywhere it is seen that the demon raging, the ancients also have many old and weak women and children, too late to escape, being caught by the demon, some are savage by the demon, some It is even more insulted by the Yaozu.

No humanity at all!

Even if they can be turned into human figures, even if they can spit out words, their nature is still ugly, still bastard!

“Go to death!” Lin Feng sounds cold and with a vibrato.

I saw a few ancient women who were covered in red strips and were humiliated after death. The scene made her heart cramp. Several wolves, the fox family’s demon expert, arrogant laughter, while the side is the bite of the ancient woman’s flesh, mixed with crying shouts, mixed with painful screams, how can people calm down! ! !

Human tragedy!

Chi! chi! chi! ! !

The hand spear fell, the blood splashed and even splashed on the face, Lin Feng did not care, deeply hated.

What is left now is just full of anger!

Angry to the extreme!

“Bastard!” Lin Feng both eyes blood red, body vibrating with the end of the spear are in the change of severe, the blue light absorbs the blood, as if the sense reached the master’s anger, the kind of heart movement, let The end of the world spear indulge, killing intent rich.


kill! ! !


Wherever, crying dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.

Repeatedly witnessing the bloody, repeated atrocities seen by the eyes, so that Lin Feng can no longer suppress the anger in the heart.

This is human nature.

Touch the softest heart to the depths of the heart.

It is a person, can’t bear it!

“The demon, damn!!!” Lin Feng clench one’s teeth, bathed in a bloody killing.

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