The fourth episode of the catastrophe Chapter 8 I came out

Lin Feng, temporarily settled down.

In fact, it has also no choice.

After all, the ‘world’ outside is too dangerous.

It is like a scholar who has the power of a hand-free chicken and enters the land of great desolate.

Luck, really isn’t every time so good.

Only strength is the fundamental law of survival.

day to day.

Cultivating, very boring and boring.

But collecting ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone’ brings a nice ‘surprise’.

Nearly a hundred fifth grade ‘Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone Hearts’, plus tens of thousands of Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone, exciting millions of heavenly treasure points…



The improvement of strength is extremely fast!

The ontology devour and refine ‘stalactite ‘ not only strengthens the ‘weak’ of the Human Soul, but also the body that has reached the ultimate, and the promotion is more abnormal. But the real decisive factor for strength is ‘Life Soul’, the 3-star Soul User weapon – Aurora Cone.

“Hu” Lin Feng took a long breath.

“Test the strength of the ‘Life Soul’.” Lin Feng got up and walked forward, lightly mumble, “I don’t know if I can break through the 2nd rank.”

In front of Lin Feng, there is a quirky equipment, three meters high and two meters wide. The huge flat panels exude a metallic luster, and the unique structure is full of beauty. On both sides of the screen, two crystal-like columns like chimneys are extremely dazzling.

Life Soul Tester.

Value: 10 million starlight points.

Taking a long deep breath, Lin Feng’s eyes burst into a faint glow, and his heart was quiet.

Hands out. Put in two empty mechanical holes in ‘Life Soul Tester’, in an instant –

Nourish! Nourish! !

If the current strikes, the body is lightly tremble. The soul power in the mind fluctuated sharply, and the Soul Core turned very fast. Instantly, the chimney-like crystal light 璀shining, from the transparent color directly into the red, the color slowly deepens.

a little. a little!

Lin Feng’s eyes are cold and the Soul Core’s rotation reaches its maximum speed.

“pā !” The color of the crystal column jumps, and the faint yellow is like a starlight.

2nd rank!

Lin Feng’s tight look finally eased. Long spits out a mouthful of impure air.

Use [Soul Secret] fourth page Heart Art next to the ‘whirlpool’ for seven days of continuous cultivating. Finally got a good ‘war fruit’. Life Soul strength, which is the ‘Soul Core’, has entered the 2nd rank. Not only does the control of soul power increase, but the strength is also enhanced.

Most importantly, Aurora Cone can finally use the second form!

Aurora Cone has seven forms. Soul Core can cultivating one for each rank.

Open [Aurora] secret book, Lin Feng read it carefully.

“second form, Half-Moon Arc.”

“Soul Core reaches the 2nd rank to be cultivating. forming half-moon ……”

Lin Feng succinctly succinctly, after a brief introduction, it is rough and obscure difficult to control control skills, simple but refined. This requires more than a comprehension and more constant practice. Practice again until you are fully mastered.

“With the increased strength of Life Soul, Aurora Cone’s might can improve.”

Just as the strength of the increase increases the attack power of the weapon, the reason is similar.

“And first form compare to the second form has a stronger attack ability.” Lin Feng burning like eyes, “if cultivating into ‘Half-Moon Arc’. My fighting strength, compared to seven days ago, will be greatly improved , several times or even ten times!”

Lin Feng shook his fist and his eyes sparkled cold.

If you can easily solve the ‘2nd rank Dense Fog Beast King’ on the same day, everything will be much simpler.

The real trouble is the ubiquitous Dense Fog Beast King, like a mad dog.

Hunting it is your primary goal!

Stalactite Cave, the inner road is complicated.

There are plenty of empty caves, one of which is Lin Feng cultivating ‘Aurora Cone’.

Although it is a cave, it is also hundreds of meters long and wide, no more than half the cultivation room, of which stalactite has already been collected, so ‘Tiandi Dibao’ can not be wasted.

“哗” has a faint glow.

Lin Feng takes out ‘Aurora Cone’ and the diamond-shaped metal exudes a refined glow.

“Sense is one more strong.” Lin Feng looked bright.

As the Soul Core rank improves, you can feel your own ‘control strength’.

Desolation –

The Aurora Cone floats and the scream of ‘嗞嗞’ squirts and spins to form a circle condensed by cold light. The faint silvery light With the dullness of the evening, in the meantime, the surrounding qi flow is all cut, forming a huge vacuum.

Migh great!


“pā !” in a blink of time, Aurora Cone was interrupted by sense.

“No.” Lin Feng shook his head. “Half-Moon Arc and Aurora Arc are completely different controls and can’t be confused.”

Lin Feng’s right hand flashed lightly, and Aurora Cone appeared.

“Try again!” Lin Feng blinked.

Aurora Cone started again, and the snoring was fierce, but the Lin Feng complexion was still awesome.


Aurora Cone is back in his hands.

Try again!

again and again.

Constantly learn and explore in failure.

Although there is no Teacher, Lin Feng’s comprehension has always been strong.

The first time cultivating ‘Aurora Arc’, it was an introduction at night, and when I was fighting Chi Lie, I was able to play 80% might.

And now –

“嗞嗞” Aurora Cone spins fast.

Extremely strong centrifugal force, with a more terrifying rotation speed, enhances attack might.

In an instant, Lin Feng’s eyes were shining.

Pā ! The Severe-rotating Aurora Cone splits in half, and the same diamond-shaped, rotating is more rapid and more irregular. The huge cold light circle does not decrease, the instantaneous, terrifying vacuum qi flow under the influence of two diamond-shaped cold light, sudden increase!

“Half-Moon Arc !” Lin Feng shouted in a deep voice.

Hey! Hey!

Two extremely fierce air bursts.

Aurora Cone flies straight and is lightning fast. But Lin Feng’s brow is tightly clustered.

Peng! !

Severe exploding cry, the hard stone wall condensed by the ninth grade ore ‘Gritty Iron Ore’ broke through a three-meter-deep hole. However, Lin Feng shook his head, his right hand flashed lightly, and two diamond-shaped metals appeared instantly and merged into one.


Full control failed.

“With my current Life Soul Power, just to control the edge.” Lin Feng secretly thought.

It is like a person who can bear a hundred pounds, just mentioning the heavy goods. Very reluctant…

“More cultivating, mastering skills are virtual. Enhance Life Soul Power, easy to control two attack power. Is the most correct method at present.” Lin Feng eyes flashing, the idea is very clear.

It is the most labor-saving to think about how to bear the weight of this cargo. most convenient.

It would be better to raise your weight to a hundred and fifty pounds, or even higher!

Grasping the key essence !


Seven days later.

With a bit of confidence, Lin Feng smiled lightly.

In the hands of Aurora Cone, the twinkling of the cool glow, the sound of “嗞嗞” is like the music of the sky, the moment –

Pā ! !

Two cold lights flew away at the moment of division.

Like a cloud of lightning, slamming down!

“Half-Moon Arc !” Lin Feng coldly shouted.

The hands were stretched and crossed. Suddenly, the flying ‘Aurora Cone’ crossed a Half-Moon Arc. Two large silver auras limit the collapse, slanting up! Half a meter, ten meters, one hundred meters! Sudden increase to the limit, surrounded by stone wall gravel.


Two Half-Moon Arc circles crossed in the middle. Like a huge ‘x’, the cold light shines.


Severe shocking cry.

The stones at the top swayed and fell, but under the terrifying cold glow, they were completely twisted into fine powder.

“Might is quite strong!” Lin Feng’s mouth showed a faint smile.

More powerful than you expected!

Tens of ten times that day.

In front of the stone wall, there is a huge deep hole. Deeply branded Lin Feng this astonishing attack. Both eyes are stunned, Lin Feng feels very satisfied, clenched his fist, and as the right hand cold light flashes, suddenly –

Reproduced by Aurora Cone.

“When I am fully proficient, it is when I am out of the hole!” Lin Feng’s eyes lit up.

“Come on!!”

Two days later.

Outside the cave, a figure appeared.

“I am coming out.” Lin Feng was suspended in the air.

Let out a long enjoyed breath, just half a month, like a world.

Behind the rapids of the waterfall, the sound of pouring down into the ear, pleasant and fresh.

Lin Feng smiled awkwardly, and the slightly curled corner of his mouth was full of self-confidence. Now, his strength has been greatly improved!

Mind in a blink of time Diffusion, like a huge spider web, unscrupulous. Lin Feng’s neck, a faint starlight flickering, look closely, in Lin Feng’s body surroundings is a layer of thin mist, completely covering his figure.

3-star Spirit Treasure, Concealed Fog Talisman.

There is only one feature that hides aura.

However, the value is sufficient for 100 million starlight points.

Because ‘Concealed Fog Talisman ‘really isn’t hide aura in the ordinary sense, but at any time, you can hide aura.

Includes galloping flights, including when using the mind probe.

Unless the enemy’s strength is higher than its own strength, or has other higher rank spirit treasure, such as detection capabilities, such as search capabilities. After all, between the spirit treasure and the spirit treasure, there are constraints and anti-constraints.

But here, Lin Feng is not afraid.

Dragon Race, will you use spirit treasure?

“It seems that there is no ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’…” Lin Feng’s mouth slid slightly.

“Sure enough, with the black fog to the extent of the black fog, there is not much ‘Black Fog Demon Dragon’.” In other words, the appearance of ‘Black Fog Crystal Stone’ is the Heavenly Treasure Crystal Stone that blends Black Aug Demon Dragon’s aura, and here Black fog is thin, and the reverse is known.

“Exactly, you can fight unscrupulously.” Lin Feng flashed a faint red glow under his feet.

Just galloping less than 10,000 meters, suddenlyly ——

Mind sense, a pitch-black shade, quickly approaching yourself!

“Come on?” Lin Feng faintly smiled, Aurora Cone cold light flashed in his hand, and his eyes sparkled with a bright glow.

“Just give it a try, how strong is the Half-Moon Arc’s might!” Lin Feng’s face showed a confident smile.

(Second to third, a little more than half, desperate! I am tired on the weekend, my wife is at home, I can’t keep my heart code…). . )

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