. Fire God Forbidden Land Chapter 20: Lin Feng’s decision

“Young Master, do you want to…” Lu Zhong’s eyes showed a killing intent and made a gesture of wiping his neck.

“Do you have a brain, now when!” Lu Bao roared, but it was just a sigh of gas, curled one’s lip, “A year of elite competition, all parties are gathered together, for a country to take things Bigger, lost Lu Family reputation, you want me to be killed by the old man!”

Lu Zhong’s fart was photographed on the horse’s leg and turned into a punching bag, but he only dared to sing.

“Young Master, there is no 7-star suite, how do you entertain the ‘influential figure’?” Lu Cheng solemnly asked.

“damn it, mad at me!” Lu Bao looked angry and angry and punched.

Lu Cheng lightly sigh in one’s heart, but hate iron is not steel. If Lu Lubao is greedy and lascivious, and indulge in the wine pool, how can he even do this little thing, can it be done two days earlier? But now regrets will not help, Lu Cheng slightly handed, said resolutely, “Young Master, a total of three 7-star suites, one of the 7-star suites Master and the relationship between the master is very good, it is better to … ask him?”

Lv Baold curled one’s lip, a face reluctant, said while waving one’s hand, “Then you are not going to go!”

Lu Cheng secretly sighed , said with a bow , “Yes, Young Master.”

“damn it.” Lu Bao flew up and kicked a flower pot, but it was still difficult to get rid of.

I remembered Lin Feng’s arrogance that he just didn’t put him in his eyes. It was a tingling itch, and he wanted to tear him into pieces.

“This bastard!” Lv Leopard’s eyes ominous light revealed, “After and again, I will provoke me again, if I don’t give you some color to see, how can I lift my head in the future!” The leopard took the hatred and remembered the video of Lin Feng and Li Ming who saw it on that day, but felt guilty.

“Star River Level 7th rank. cultivating person grade eight grade spear art ……”

“It’s just a garbage!”

Lu Bao is extremely disdainful, and his eyes are full of sorrow.

With his strength, dealing with Lin Feng is as easy as pinching an ant.

“Embroidered shelf, how could I be scared by the momentum of this waste on the chaos of the day?” Lu Ying frowned, remembering the situation of the day. It is still incredible. Immediately, he shook his head. The strength of Lin Feng was seen in the video screen, and there would be no fake.

“Forget it, think about what the waste does.” Lu Leop shook his head. “The match draw of the elite competition should have come out to see who my first opponent is.”

Long sighed, Lu Bao immediately gathered his mind and went out, for him. The elite competition is the most important thing at the moment.

Old man has ordered, must enter the top ten!

As for Lin Feng…

“Just let you squat for a while!” Lv Bao eyelids dense.

“Lin Feng, don’t let me find the chance, when… I will make you die very badly!”

“You wait and see!!”


“Right, Yinger, I wonder if I can help me introduce the general situation of Green Cigarette?” Lin Feng asked.

The matter of the Sea Senior has been closed, and he has no worries, and he can settle in the Green Smoke City for a while. But I came here early. I don’t know anything about the Green Smoke City, that is, the reflection building itself was only entered because of its ‘majestic shape’.

As a result, the positive and negative layers are not clear. There was a joke.

Instead of being confused at the time, it would be better to find someone who knows the Green Smoke City to ask clearly, once and for all.

The ‘yinger’ in front of you is the best candidate.

“Oh?” Yinger’s eyebrows were slightly surprised. “Sir is not afraid of Lu’s Young Master revenge?”

Afraid of him?

Lin Feng shook his head indifferently.

Such a calm and confident expression seems to be easy. Lin Feng fell in the eyes of Yinger and suddenly became a ‘mysterious’ point. The beautiful eyes flashed, and I couldn’t help but think of the temperament of Lin Feng. But I didn’t put the Lu Young Master in my eyes. At last, Yinger was very curious about Lin Feng.

The strength is good. The temperament is calm, but it is more and more gold…

What Yinger thinks, it seems that there is no accurate answer.

The eyebrows suddenly picked up.

“Yinger?” Lin Feng saw that Yinger’s god was not guarding and screamed.

“En.” Yinger recovered, and smiled. “Siir is interested in the Green Smoke City. Yinger will know what he is saying. The Green Smoke City has been the owner since the last time. It has been hundreds of years. Now it is It is jointly controlled by Fang and Lu, among which…”

When the road came, Yinger’s voice was soft and clear, and Lin Feng nodded from time to time and remembered it.

Including the origin of the green smoke city, the large and small sections of the city, shops, large and small, very careful. Yinger is an inhabitant of the Green Smoke City, and he is also in the important position in the reflection building. He knows about the Green Smoke City. Lin Feng’s extraordinary memory is not only forgotten, but also forgotten.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Lin Feng’s understanding of the Green Smoke City became quite versatile.

Even if it is more than Weihai, it is more than nothing.

“The original name of ‘Green Smoke City’ is so good.” Lin Feng nodded.

“En, so there is an annual ‘excellent competition meeting’.” Yinger said with a slight smile, “Every year for the ten quotas, the major sect that is smashing the head, as long as the age is not more than 30 years old , you can participate in unlimited times.”

“Compared to the first entry of Martial Artist, the experienced Martial Artist enters the ‘green smoke secret’ and naturally takes advantage of it.”

“The green smoke mystery is so magical?” Lin Feng is very curious.

“That is of course.” Yinger smiled lightly. “Sir just didn’t have seen Weihai Senior? The seven ‘Longyang carvings’ of Fengyanggu were obtained in the green smoke secret. At that time, I didn’t know how much sect influence The red eye is now the treasure of the town of Fengyang Valley.”

“Longyang carving, seven…” Lin Feng lightly mumble, the eyes are instantly shining.

In the mind, the seven wooden carvings of various shapes and colors, as well as their own cultivating “Longyang spear art”, are completely stunned by Lin Feng.

“The original is called ‘Longyang carving’.” Lin Feng secretly thought, these seven spear intent wood carvings are indeed called ‘the treasure of the town,’ the first spear intent contained in the first wood carving, with Longyang Spear art 》might is so powerful, and the ‘second spear’ of Ding Hong’s exhibition that day has more spear intent than the first spear.

A spear spear increment!

If it is the seventh spear, what about might?

Lin Feng snorted and snorted, and his eyes sparkled.

Anyone who learns spear will pursue the top spear art spear technique, and he is no exception.


When Yinger is beautiful, how can he not see what Lin Feng thinks, and he said, “If Sir wants to go to the ‘Green Smoke Secrets’, I am afraid I will wait until next year. Just now, a total of 688 sect influences, 1600 The match table of the contestants has been freshly released.”

“Now, the entire green smoke city is full of enthusiasm, and there are many discussions.” Yinger said.

Lin Feng shook his head in a pity, indeed, if he knew it earlier, he would definitely fight for it.

According to the Sea Senior, as long as you enter the thirty-two strong, you can get the middle-level ‘魄引术’, and enter the top ten, you can enter the green smoke secret.

Very tempting!

“Unfortunately.” Lin Feng secretly thought, but did not care too much.

A lot of things have already been doomed.

“Can I look at the battle table?” Lin Feng looked at Yinger with a little curiosity.

“Of course.” Yinger smiled lightly, and immediately moved the lotus step. “Please here.”

Green Smoke City, Jiulongdou martial field.

Here, it is one of the most prosperous areas in Green Smoke City.

Every year, the ‘Essential Competition’ is held in the martial field of Kowloon.

It is a vast group of buildings composed of nine giant dragons circling the martial field, increasing in layers. The layer is separated from the layer by 100 meters. The entire martial field of the Kowloon Bucket is about a thousand meters high. It is not inferior to the reflection floor, and the most astonishing is the area of ​​its every layer.

Quite broad!

In this green city of green smoke, it is extremely luxurious.

Every layer, the audience of each martial field is enough to accommodate millions of people.

And at this time –

On the ground floor, the largest square area, countless people are occupying the entire space, as if the entire Green Smoke City people are concentrated here. People can be seen everywhere, and the water is leaking. Although there is still a day and a half away from the ‘Essence of Contests’, it is already boiling.

With the announcement of the entry list, in the various areas of the martial field in Kowloon, not only have the Martial Artist information been sold, but also the various gaming offices.

This rare event has pushed the atmosphere of the Green Smoke City to the most **.

The most important thing is that the battle table was announced.

“elder sister, the first time on the butcher of the blade door, we simply abstained.” Yan Qing men dressed, bitter face.

“Yeah, Red Senior Sister, we lost. But the last time the butcher almost entered the top 100, the strength of the Star River Level 7th rank, the Green Senior Sister could not win.” Xiaolu pouting, depressed “It’s all red Sister Sister, the signing is too bad.”

The red face was red, and he said, “What do you say, stinky!”

“In any case, it was originally played for the Junior Brother.” Xiaoqing whispered, “If I find that I am a man, I am really dismised.”

“Forget it, Red Senior Sister.” Xiaolu worriedly said, “I heard that the butcher’s means is extremely cruel, although the convention stipulates that Martial Artist must not be killed. But the last Martial Artist defeated by the butcher, each It’s all serious injuries, I’m afraid of Senior Sister…”

“I also know that Qing Er is not the opponent of the butcher, but…” The blush bites his lip. “But we really can’t afford it.”

The sigh of red sighed, “Cai Yuzong has been swimming for nine consecutive years. If this time I lose again, we can’t keep the only remaining quota.”

“At that time, the color 翡 翡 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 恐 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 裴 Yan Qing, Xiaolu, and Lei Blade are silent, and everyone’s emotions are extremely low.

No, no, no refund.

And then –

A pleasant and familiar voice, suddenly appeared in the four in the ear.

“Let me participate in the competition.”

Second more~~

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