Chapter II pronouncement

“This…” The panelists felt a bit hesitant.

Although Lu Wei is a high-powered person, if he is sentenced as he said…

But the penalty is too ‘heavy’ a little.

Daddy, not far from the loud and crisp laughter.

Everyone looked at it, his eyes lit up slightly, and Lu Wei was a deep brow.

Come walked like a dragon and stepped like a tiger, tiger chest width back, face beard, is quite bold.

One of the two powers of the Green Smoke City, Fangshi Patriarch, Fang Tiansheng.

“Lu Patriarch is not because Lin Wen is bad for you, the communion is private?” Fang Tiansheng said with a smile.

“Fang Tiansheng, you are coming to disturb!” Lu Wei said solemnmn.

“I have always been seeking truth from facts.” Fang Tiansheng said while loudly laughing, do not have a deep meaning, “not like some people, chicken belly, go behind the door.”

“Hey.” Lu Wei disdained coldly snorted and said, “No matter what, Lin Wen did kill people, you must be severely punished, or I will wait for the name!”

“A small accident, Lu Patriarch must be ignited.” Fang Tiansheng mouth cornered, watched everyone, “This green smoke city is not your home, the elite competition is not you, I can say the final, fair, everyone vote, how? ”

The panelists commented and nodded in agreement.

“With you.” Lu Wei coldly said with a smile, complexion slightly changed.

Time, one minute and one second passed.

In the audience, the discussion about the war just increased, especially the last ‘severe’s ‘magnetic explosion’, which is even more memorable.

The last penalty I saw was delayed, and everyone suddenly screamed.

Lin Feng looked up and looked deep.


“dang!” The crisp bell rings.

Like a verdict, everyone suddenly quieted down.

“At the end of the game, Choi Hung Wong-lin wins!” The sound of deep like sounded, and cheers and sighs burst into the audience. However, some people are happy and worried. The colorful sects of the sects rose up and celebrated with a happy smile on their faces.


This is really isn’t over.

“After all the judges voted, it was decided that Lin Wen killed Li Ming.” The sound of deep like sounded again. “But it was an accident and the trade-off was heavy. Therefore, the General Assembly decided to punish the small punishment, Lin Wen lost the competition. Qualification, no objection!”

The sound fell, like a thunder.

There is a hot discussion about the stop and rise in the audience, but there are also good and bad, and there are also those who regret it.

“Hey.” Lu Wei coldly snorted, cold eyes staring at Fang Tiansheng, and immediately angered away.

Fang Tiansheng smiled lightly, but did not pay attention to Lu Wei. It’s not a day or two for Fang and Lu to be wrong.

Looking at Lin Feng on the martial field, Fang Tiansheng has a god.

In the ear There was a wave of snoring, and Lin Feng smiled lightly.

The result is not bad.

The ‘accident’ that I made myself was really accepted.

“I thought it would be a life-long ban, but it was saved.” Lin Feng lightly said.

Manslaughter often exists in the elite competitions, after all, the two powerful Martial Artists fight together. No one can guarantee that they will not kill each other. Lin Feng had already learned many ‘cases’ long before the plan killed Li Ming.

work. Naturally well thought out.

“Goodbye, the elite competition.” Lin Feng’s mouth smudged a touch of curvature.

For myself, the two goals of participating in the elite competition are now fully completed, and there is no regret.

As for entering the top ten to get the qualification to enter the ‘green smoke secret’, or enter the finals. Get the identity token of ‘雁翎尊府’…

These are just icing on the cake, and they are optional.

“No!” Ji Xia startedled up and his eyebrows were deep.

Sima Yi watched Ji Xia, smiled. He is too clear about the character of his discipline.

“What happened, Senior Brother?” Qin Qianqian’s face was inexplicable.

“Damn!” Ji Xia clenched his right fist, and the blue cathedral pupils changed instantly.

“Thousands, you still don’t know your Senior Brother?” Sima Yi said with a smile, “What are you attending this elite competition?”

“It’s fun.” Qin Qianqian replied without thinking, in a blink of time, nodded, “It turns out.”

“Master.” Ji Xia looked at the eyes, said solemnly, “Can you help Lin Wen to resume the qualification?”

Sima Yi shook his head. “Apprentice, don’t be too demanding.”

“Yes!” Qin Qianqian said, “In any case, Lin Wen is definitely not your opponent.”

Ji Xia deep exhales one breath saying, holding a pair of fists, his face is completely lost.

He, I really want war!

“Really, this will cancel our qualifications.” Yan Hong looked rough.

“Forget it, elder sister, the sentence has been sentenced.” Yan Qing comforted.

“We have all entered the top ten now.” Xiaolu pouting small mouth, “It’s really unfair to Big Brother Lin, he didn’t mean it.”

deliberately? !

Blush and indigo are mutually taking a glance.

I think of the entire group of Fengyanggu, and obviously has a great hatred with Lin Feng.

It won’t be…

At this point, the door of the passageway suddenly opened, and the figure of Lin Feng was instantly revealed.

“Big Brother Lin is back!” Xiaolu was surprised and said, even ran over.

Blush and indigo reveal a touch of faint smile, but also greet it, regardless of Lin Feng is intentional also good, not intentional also good.

What is the relationship with them?

“This day kills!!” Ding 菅 tightcle one’s teeth off, cumulant complexion is a bit terrifying.

She used to defy the defending, just to get the heart of the Senior Brother, but did not expect to see the final Senior Brother, but was destroyed by Lin Feng!

Hate the bones!

I hate Lin Feng, but it’s more than one.

Ding Hong’s eyes are as fierce as they are, and they can’t wait to lick Lin Feng’s skin and drink Lin Feng’s blood.


Lin Feng, still alive and well.

In fact, Lin Feng has no reason to be arrogant.

“Let’s go.” Lin Feng said with a slight smile.

“Lin Feng, you…all right?” 裴红said with hesitation.

“What’s the matter?” Lin Feng is good surprisingly.

“It’s okay.” Yan Qing smiled and grabbed the red hand. “Let’s go.”

Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, and he smiled slightly, and immediately left with the Caisong people.

The people who left the gnashing teeth were lost, but they lost the Dam and lost their soldiers.

Lin Feng and Li Ming war are of great vividness.

However, the elite competition entered the third round of the competition. Every game is a confrontation between experts, and it is equally wonderful.

Lin Feng’s departure does not eclipse the game too much. In order to enter the top ten, every Martial Artist is desperate to go all out.

Entering the green smoke secret, there are great diangers.

But again, there is huge gain!

Ji Xia. Qin Qianqian, Bai Shen, Hu Wei, one by one expert all cleanly settle their respective opponents and enter the fourth round. As the game deepens and becomes more and more exciting, people have already tossed Lin Feng that war to be the topmost clouds.

Lin Feng, does not care about ‘virtual name’.

What if you win the championship of the elite competition?

Green Smoke City, you are just a passer-by.

The goal in the heart. Never forgotten.

Father, Zi Yao, and even Duo Duo, at Battle Spirit World, have too many things to do on their own.

But no matter what, there is no one thing to do.

Enhance strength!

Lin Feng deeply understands the importance of strength.

In Battle Spirit World, it is more cruel than the Heavenly Martial Continent. It is only the attachment of the witches, and the witches. Also not the Master of Battle Spirit World.

To live on this vast and boundless land, only non-stop cultivating, then cultivating.

Become a real expert!

Lin Feng, seclusion.

As soon as I came back, I gave a few words, and Lin Feng entered the martial arts hall.

Breakthrough Star Sea Level !

Wishing the witch’s ‘blood’ will not cause any trouble. Because of the existence of the Phoenix Destiny Chart, the Fire Fate Star Chart is forcibly blending this drop of ‘blood’. War God rank’s breakthrough, which has nothing to do with Phoenix Destiny Chart, is just the ‘strength’ of the body itself.

“Three needs one guide!”

“My Human Soul Core energy. Enough!”

Lin Feng’s eyes shining bright, the most important of the three needs is the ‘Human Soul Core’.

This is a huge bottleneck limiting 99%War God, especially the energy required from the Star River Level 7th rank to the peak of the Star River Level, more like Haohai.

Every War God will go crazy about the ‘Heart Technique’, which is why.

The higher the Grade Technique, the more Qi of Heaven and Earth will be absorbed and the faster it will be absorbed. Maybe you can take a variety of Immortal Fruit grasses that contain Heaven and Earth Energy, which absorbs faster, but… How many War God can afford this expensive price?

And myself, Human Soul Core is already ‘full’.

The crazy absorption of water droplets in the waterfalls, although most of them are absorbed by the ‘Star Chart’, in the body, every drop of water droplets absorbs a little bit and is absorbed by the Human Soul Core. Even if it is only a trivial point, it cannot withstand this huge amount.

If it is not physically restricted, Human Soul Core has already been transformed!

“Body, Star River Level 7th rank, meets minimum requirements.”

“And the last need is enough Heaven and Earth Energy.”

Lin Feng laugh indifferently.

You don’t need to absorb ‘The Crystal of Different Beasts’ to supplement Heaven and Earth Energy. Even if it’s pure ‘Alien Crystal’, there will be impurities, which will cause many obstacles in the process of Breaking Star Sea Level. Perhaps it’s cheap to use ‘Immune Crystal’ to breakthrough, but…

Do you care about this money?

“It’s best to break through with Immortal Fruit, as the Sea Senior said!”

Lin Feng’s eyes lit up and he took out three 4-star Immortal Fruits. At that time, the fragrance was fragrant and spicy qi was born.

The entire martial arts hall is full of pleasant aura.

“Normal breakthrough, a 4-star Immortal Fruit supplemented with several 3-star Immortal Fruits is enough.”

“Three 4-star Immortal Fruits are more than enough.”

Lin Feng’s eyes are bright, the hole in the chaotic swamp, 4-star Immortal Fruit has dozens of them, just collecting a small part.

“There is the last… the key one.” Lin Feng explored his right hand.

The fifth grade “The Discrimination” appears in front of the eyes and shines brightly.

魄 术!

Encourage ‘Corporeal Soul of War God’ and open your body password!

This is the most critical existence.

“Get started.” Lin Feng sinks exhales one breath saying.

(Second more ~~) (.)

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