Firepower is king

Chapter 289 Teaching how to be a good person

Some people just don't understand their own position, and they always feel that they can only rely on their talents and be arrogant if they have real abilities. Just be arrogant. It is normal for young people to be arrogant, but the problem is that pride can depend on people, occasions, and time.

To put it simply, you can be proud, but you should keep a low profile when you meet a real boss, because not all of those bosses are approachable and big enough to hold a boat in their belly.

Bill was proud of his career but not very ambitious. When he saw the newcomer Gao Guang, he wanted to step in. There was actually no problem with this. The problem was that Smith finally introduced Gao Guang to White and joined the SIG factory team. Then, Gao Guang came here. Is it for Bill to step on?

Smith wasn't angry at first, and he wasn't angry knowing that Bill was very proud, but he couldn't do it if Bill dared to step on the highlight.

So Smith immediately became angry. When he was angry, he wanted to teach Bill how to behave. As soon as he started to praise Bill, Danny quickly and immediately caught Smith's intention, so he quickly followed to help.

Poor Bill didn't know what was happening from beginning to end, and when White understood Smith's intention, he was powerless to stop anything.

You still need to be tough in blacksmithing. As long as Bill is good enough and can hit the highlights to the point of losing his temper and win beautifully, the most he will do is lose face and be fooled by others.

But White never expected that Highlight would actually win Bill.

The final result was that Gaoguang won, without using any tricks or underhanded tactics. The real result was that Bill was defeated in all aspects. This was the root cause of the disastrous consequences.

From beginning to end, only White could forcefully prevent the game from happening and continuing. After he discovered Smith's intentions, he had every chance to stop the game, thus saving Bill's fragile psychological defense.

But White didn't stop him.

Smith is a capitalist, Danny and White are both high-level workers, but they are not in the same class as Bill and Gao Guang.

So after Smith has made no secret of his intention to kill Bill, what can White do? The answer is of course to give up on Bill.

Looking at Bill's own mentality, it would be best if he can withstand the blow, but if he can't withstand being pulled down, White, as a senior worker, is naturally on the side of capital, and Bill's attitude towards him is indeed not too polite, then Forget it, if it's destroyed, just destroy it.

I just signed him today, and he was blown away in the blink of an eye. This feels quite strange, but the good news is that it was Gao Guang who blew Bill away. This is also the shooter he just signed. Thinking about it this way, White feels much better. .

"Well done! Unbelievable!"

White walked up to Gao Guang, patted Gao Guang's shoulder, and said excitedly: "It's unimaginable that you can defeat Bill after practicing for less than half a year. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it. Gao, from now on you will be the number one shooter on our team."

White would not be stupid enough to praise Bill at this time and criticize the big boss's recommendation, big boss' support, and big boss' love. His brain is not sick.

This is internal competition. The winner is the boss, and the loser becomes the second child. Don't talk nonsense.

Just looking at Bill's appearance, he may not be able to be the second best player. The SIG factory team is not uncompetitive, and the original top scorer is also very strong. If Bill's mentality completely collapses and he never recovers, then can he? Being the third or fourth child is a problem.

So it has to be either Smith or Danny who is better.

Smith would not rely on his status and wealth to criticize Bill, nor would he point his finger at Bill's nose and curse, as that would be disrespectful to him.

Just like now, just saying a few words quietly, coupled with Gao Guang's extraordinary strength, he could easily teach Bill how to behave.

Therefore, Bill didn't lose unfairly. He could be taught how to be a good person by Smith, Danny, Gao Guang, and Gao Guang's younger brothers. This lineup was so luxurious that he couldn't even ask for it.

" guys..."

It's just Bill who still can't understand the good intentions of others. He is now furious, pointing at Smith and angrily saying: "You guys..."

If nothing else, Bill would have been so anxious that he would curse.

But how could White let Bill curse? He sternly said: "Bill! Watch your words. If you lose, you lose."

"You have united against me. This is a conspiracy. You are deliberately trying to trick me!"

Bill pointed at White, and he said with an angry face: "You are basically together, you are just like them, you deliberately framed me!"

White spread his hands, looked at Bill seriously and said, "Bill, think before you speak. If you lose, you have to accept the result. Don't lose your future just because you lost the game."

White had done his best, but Bill didn't appreciate it.

"I won't play any games for you!"

Bill grabbed his hat angrily, threw it on the ground without hesitation, and roared: "I quit! You guys join forces to cheat!"

This is someone who cannot afford to lose, a typical person who cannot afford to lose. Not only does Bill have a poor psychological quality, he is also very classless.

White was very calm. He spread his hands and said, "Okay, we have officially signed a contract. The contract is for two years. If you want to break the contract, just pay us liquidated damages, three million US dollars."

Bill was suddenly stunned. He looked at White blankly, but White said with a look of disgust: "You have to pay a price for unilaterally tearing up the contract. Okay, you can leave. Calm down and think about yourself." Future, let’s go, get out of here, leave now.”

Bill gasped and froze for a long time, and then he finally turned to leave, but at this time White suddenly shouted: "Hi, your hat!"

Bill hesitated for a moment, then picked up the hat from the ground, patted the dirt on it, put it on his head, and then slowly walked out of the shooting range.

Smith smiled and said: "I'm so sorry for ruining your top scorer."

White shrugged and said with an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter, I lost Bill but gained Gao. I should thank you for recommending Gao to me. A super new star has made his debut, and he doesn't need a signing fee or a fixed salary. The only thing I have is competition bonuses. What I am considering now is whether I should sign a supplementary agreement with Gao and give him an annual salary."

Smith smiled and said: "This is a question for you to consider. I can only say that your idea is good, but it depends on your willingness to go high."

White exhaled and said to the leader of the gun team: "Help Gao familiarize himself with the shooting rules. Let Gao play in our game tomorrow. From now on, Gao will be the top shooter in the team."

White is not directly in charge of matters within the Gunners, but he is the manager, and of course he has absolute say.

What's more, Gao Guang's position has been achieved through his ability, so the team leader will naturally have no objections. However, his team is ready to welcome Bill as the top scorer. In the end, it turns out that Gao is such a pure newcomer. This is the only surprise. Yes, and this surprise is a bit big.

After finishing speaking, White went over and held Gao Guang's hand. He whispered: "I know you are strong, but I really didn't expect you to be so strong. Mr. Gao, as the top scorer of the gun team, you must have the ability to meet your status." Otherwise, let’s sign a supplementary agreement this afternoon, what do you think?”

I overslept today, and I don’t have time to write this chapter. It just ends this excessive plot. I will write two thousand words first, and write more in the next chapter.

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