Firepower is king

Chapter 326 Encounter on a narrow road

Now Gao Guang is full of confidence.

It doesn't matter whether he is arrogant or full of confidence. The highlight is that he is confident. No one has the chance to shoot him in front of him.

Considering the terrain and the battle situation, Gao Guang didn't want Mike to block bullets for him in front, as long as he could kill the enemy first.

The truth is this truth, but not everyone can speak this truth.

So when Gao Guang once again held his two guns and rushed forward in the alley at a speed several times faster than a normal assault, the few people following him immediately felt what it was like to be a runaway mad dog.

Mike's speed could definitely keep up with Gao Guang, Francisco and Paul were a little reluctant, and Zhao Qian, not to mention running away with a gun, put down the gun and ran with a special running posture, but it was a bit difficult to catch up.

"'s not..."

After calling twice, Zhao Qian shut up. There was a war, so you couldn't yell blindly. The only thing you could do was to run after him as hard as you could.

Weaving is to avoid the enemy's main defensive direction and attack the enemy from the side or behind. Everyone knows the principle, but it is very difficult to do. It is the only way to defeat the strong with the weak, and to hit more with less. As long as the insertion is successful, , that’s basically a complete victory.

He zigzagged and ran for about a hundred meters in a general direction. Gao Guang felt that the distance was enough. Then he turned right and started running forward. The road went surprisingly smoothly and he didn't meet any enemies. Then he continued to run forward. I don't know how far I ran forward, but when I heard the sound of gunfire and reached the side, I turned right again.

Then this time when he turned a corner, Gao Guang met a group of people head on.

The person at the front was wearing a white T-shirt and a black man wearing a cotton hat. The people at the back were all wearing black tactical uniforms, but they were clearly dressed like the Lions mercenary group.

In this alley, the two sides met unexpectedly. There were seven of them in the highlight, and there were also seven or eight people on the opposite side.

But Gao Guang came with the determination to fight anyone he saw, but when they met this group of enemies, their appearance was very sudden, so they lost the opportunity.

What else can I say at this time? Compare hand speed.

The highlight didn't stop. After he saw the enemy, he accelerated. He swung the gun up with a shake of his hands, and the two guns fired at the same time.


High-pitched and shrill screams rang out, and the black man in the white T-shirt began to scream. Bullets flew from his left and right sides, knocking down the people following him one after another.

The people on the opposite side did not raise their guns. When they started to raise their guns, the highlight had already fired. When they wanted to aim the gun roughly in the direction of the highlight, the four people in front fell silently.


The leading black man was still shouting. He didn't hide or run. He just stood there, raised his arms, and then closed his eyes and screamed as hard as he could.

They bumped into each other at a corner. The highlight was only four or five meters away from the black man. When he hit and ran past the screaming black man, six of the eight people following him had already fallen. .

In an alleyway that was no more than two meters wide, there was no need to adjust the muzzle pointing in a wide range, only fine adjustments. The last two shots of the highlight, one left and one right, killed the two people without any suspense.

What Zhao Qian saw and heard was watching Gao Guang rush up alone and run over. Two pistols kept firing, and then the enemies on the opposite side cooperated very well and fell down in unison.

The black man was still screaming, and Mike stepped forward and strangled him by the neck, whispering: "Shut up!"

Zhao Qian and the three of them stopped and stopped. They didn't know what to do anymore, so they were very relaxed, but they were really at a loss.

Zhao Qian was hesitant and didn't know why, but the comrades beside him trembled: "Wow, bulldozer."

"No, no, harvester! Brother, haven't you seen the scene when a large harvester harvests corn and wheat in the farmland? The enemies are like harvested crops, falling in rows in front of him."

Although he was a little out of breath, his words were very organized.

Gao Guang wanted to continue rushing forward, but what he heard stopped him. Then he turned back and said, "Well, what did you say?"

"What? Uh, uh, falling down in rows in front of you..."

"No, I didn't hear the previous sentence, the first sentence clearly. What was you talking about?"


"That's right! That's it!"

Gao Guang raised his pistol. The muzzle was no longer smoke, but he still blew a breath. Then he nodded and said, "I like this. From now on, please call me a harvester..."

At this time, Mike let go of the black man with the hat, and then the black man shouted, interrupting Gao Guang's words.

Mike slapped him across the face, and then he snapped: "What are you going to do!"

"They let me lead the way, let me lead the way!"

From the looks of it, he knew that this black man was a local resident. He guessed that he was also leading the way. Gao Guang could only ask again: "Where are you going and what are you doing?"

"They were going to stab another group in the back. I didn't know them and I was forced to lead the way."

"Get out!"

He couldn't find anything valuable from the temporarily captured guide. After Gao Guang kicked the unlucky and lucky guide to get out, he immediately waved his gun and said: "Keep charging!"

You can't waste time. You have to continue rushing when you need to rush. It's best to meet in a narrow road like this. Only in this narrow road encounter and shooting with guns can the high-light harvester effect be maximized.

Now it seems that we have entered a zone where the warring parties are intertwined. The two enemies are fighting in a melee, but there is no clear and clear battle line, so I really don’t know who I will encounter. I just listen to the nearby gunfire becoming more intense.

There was a dead end ahead, and he could turn left and right. Gao Guang heard gunshots on the right, so he turned to the right first. After turning his head, he saw four people in the alley, hiding behind a wall. The one at the front He was stretching out the gun and firing aimlessly. Then when he suddenly put the gun away and came back, he happened to meet Gao Guang's eyes.

The high-gloss shot hit him with one shot. The distance was a little farther, a little more than thirty meters, but the shot still hit, just on the chin, and it was not fatal.

The person who was shot dropped the gun and fell to the ground, then began to roll over, but the other three people had their backs to the highlight, and they didn't even realize that the bullet came from behind.

At the same time, behind Gao Guang, at the other end of the T-intersection, the same three or four people saw Gao Guang and the others.


Suddenly he found someone coming behind him, whom he still didn't recognize. What followed was extreme chaos. Mike and Francisco raised their guns and started shooting at the enemy on the left. Paul finally got something that could reveal his presence. When he got the chance, he knelt down on one knee and fired rapidly at the enemy on the left from his kneeling position.

The three of them attacked the left side, leaving the enemy on the right with the highlight. Mike and the three of them didn't even think about whether the highlight could take care of the other side.

Gao Guang raised the gun and took aim carefully. Although his careful aim seemed to others to be just a moment, although his aim was accurate, the distance was indeed because the bullet scattering surface began to naturally increase, so Gao Guang's Another shot hit the enemy, but it still failed to kill the enemy instantly.

However, the highlight still ran forward. Since the distance was a bit far, it was better to close the distance.

Two people were shot in succession, and the gunshots from behind were strange. Finally, someone turned around, but it was already too late.

Gao Guang had already run a few steps, and then he still opened fire while running. He shot twice, killing the remaining two enemies quickly. One was shot in the front and the other was shot in the back of the head.

Then Gao Guang shot the two people who were shot but not dead, ending their suffering.

After confirming that all the enemies had been killed, Gao Guang looked back and saw that Mike and the others had just killed the opponents on the other side. This kind of roundabout battle that directly penetrates the enemy's back, as long as the enemy is not prepared in advance, it is basically a one-on-one hit. .

But this time the enemy is not the Lion Mercenary Group, but a group of people wearing colorful clothes. They also have body armor, but not everyone has one.

Zhao Qian stood in the middle of the T-shaped intersection, looking left and then again. What he saw today was a bit subversive, so he just stopped talking. Anyway, he just followed wherever the light was going.

Gao Guang ran over and took a look. He saw the two-story building occupied by the Lion Mercenary Group, but it was still about a hundred meters away. The alley in front of him was a rare one. Straight alley.

The high light retreated, ran to the other side, and looked out. The view was blocked by the building, and the two-story building could not be seen.

"Go this way. The view from the other side is too good and people will spot you."

There is nothing else to say. There is only one thing to do now, rush and fight until all the members of the Lion Mercenary Group are killed.

Gao Guang finally changed the magazine for his pistol. Then, while he was changing the magazine, he looked back at Zhao Qian and said, "Follow you."

It does take courage to take the lead, but now Gao Guang has reached the point where he is arrogant and arrogant. As far as he can see, there are only chickens and dogs, and there is no psychological pressure.

The highlight rushed out again.

Then he had just climbed out five or six meters, that is, beyond the house that had just been used as a bunker, when he turned around and saw two people running in the alley to his right carrying several RPGs on their backs, so he subconsciously waved and fired. , the shooting while moving laterally, still hit the head of the one in front with one shot.

But after the shot was fired, Gao Guang had no time to stop, so he could only continue to run forward, but Francisco behind him was very awkward and fired a shot, but missed. .

Paul followed suit and fired, then he stopped.

The enemy who was running with the rocket launcher on his back also stopped. He was confused because he saw someone in the alley in front of him dodge, his companion fell to the ground, and another person dodged, and then it seemed like a bullet came from his side. It flew over, then a third man, another shot, but he was still fine.

It seems like there is an enemy?

The man carrying the RPG didn't know whether he should turn around and run back. His mind was a little confused, and then he saw someone turning back, shooting him, and then said angrily: "Damn it."

After all, it is indeed difficult to shoot accurately while running fiercely, but the man carrying the RPG finally realized what he should do.

It was time to lie down, or turn around and run, but there was only twenty or thirty meters away, and it seemed like it was too late to do anything.

Another person stopped at the entrance of the alley, turned his head and looked over, and then the tall man who squatted down and held his breath finally made the right shot.

His body shook. The man holding the RPG in his right hand and two rockets in his left hand finally fell down softly. Then he heard the man in the alley say: "Is the pistol really easy to use?"

Zhao Qian didn't fire. He just watched Paul fire three times in a row. He was shot once while running, shot once when he stopped, and then had to adjust his posture and shot again. After the third shot finally killed the enemy, he felt that he My understanding has shifted, so I just asked Paul to verify it.

Paul put away his gun and said quietly: "He is a mad dog, if you imitate him... you will die."

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