First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 106


Chapter 106 Hundred Steps Flying Sword
“This Seven Mysteries Sect’s How dare you?"

Looking at the file, Yang Yu was very surprised.

Great Ming still has a clan Feudal System, but not everyone in any clan can be named prince.

Four hundred years ago, after the imperial family repression, it was difficult to seal a prince, and there were only nine princes in charge of a land.

Being able to be crowned as a king represents extremely powerful strength.

For example, Zhang Xuanba, the king of Zhao in the West Palace, who is in charge of Linlongdao, is the best War General in the world, and one of the twelve Martial Saints.

Because of its powerful strength, it is not only in charge of Linlong Road, but also has the right to control the world's troops and horses during wartime.

Longyuan King is in charge of Longyuan Dao, and his strength may not be as strong as that of the Xifu King Zhao who name shakes the whole world, but it is also impossible to be inferior.

Dare to steal his treasure, this Seven Mysteries Sect is really daring.

The surprise flashed in his heart, and Yang Yu continued to read the file.

Seven Mysteries Sect, located in Longyuan Road, Baizhou, is a Great Sect with inheritance of more than 400 years.

It is said that 400 years ago, the Seven Mysteries Sect followed the Great Ming Taizu to conquer the north and the south, and established the unification of the world. The position is also always stable.

Perhaps not as well-known as the Great Sect like 'Hanging Mountain''Sword Mountain Village''Lanke Temple'.

But also more than a sect like Qing State White Dragon Xuan.

How could such a force be so unwise to steal the golden armor and take the risk of destroying people?

"Could it be that the golden armor is more valuable than I thought?"

Yang Yu became more and more puzzled, but it also gave birth to great curiosity.

He doesn't believe that a Great Sect like Seven Mysteries Sect, which has survived for more than 400 years, would cause such a catastrophe because of a single thought.

Unless, the value of the golden armor is much higher than he imagined!
Continue reading.

This volume contains the life and whereabouts of the Seven Mysteries Sect's Sect Master, Elder, guest, and even the common disciple.

And in it, he also found the ghost shadow.

However, the records ended more than 100 years ago. It seems that this wicked martial arts has really been lost.

"Is this file the only one?"

Yang Yu slightly frowned.

Compared to the dossier he had read before, this dossier was indeed a bit brief and flimsy.

If this is the case, it would be underestimating the intelligence capabilities of Six Doors.

"The more detailed dossier was transferred by Chief Constable a few days ago, and is temporarily out of the case room."

The old man replied softly.

"Chief Constable..."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered.

Six Doors always catches the word, and of course he hasn't heard of it.

Compared to Bright Gown Guard's publicity, this Chief Constable is too low-key, and there are few rumors about it.

"I heard that everyone in the Seven Mysteries Sect has fled and fled, and all of them have been on the list of murderers. This is very rare in these several decades."

A middle-aged Constable with a dark-skinned complexion walked over, asked the old Zhao Tou for a volume of files, and also chatted with Yang Yu.

"It's really rare."

Yang Yu gave him a look.

Six Doors' Constables are few and far between, because every Constable must have an annual quest for murder.

The breath of this middle age person is not much weaker than that of Tiefeng.

"Lin Hanguang from a certain family, I have seen Brother Yang."

The middle-aged Constable nodded slightly, which is considered paid respect:
"I just came out of the murder room and heard about Brother Yang. When you read the file of Seven Mysteries Sect, you can't help but talk, please don't take offense."

"Where?" Do you know about Mysteries Sect?"

"I know a little about it."

Lin Hanguang indifferently said:

"Although the Seven Mysteries Sect has followed Taizu , but because the Sect Master of that generation died in battle, he lost the sect protecting martial arts 'Hundred-step Flying Sword'.

The reputation has long since been lost, and I am afraid that I will be forced to commit a major crime this time. Extreme."

"Hundred-step Flying Sword?"

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed.

He has also heard legends like Flying Sword.

It is said that there is a Peak martial arts in the door, which can fly thousands of miles away and take people's heads.

Even in rumors, it's Peak martial arts.

This Seven Mysteries Sect actually has such martial arts?

He was quite surprised, but he remembered yesterday's gray robe man. With his ghost-like movement method, if there is a martial arts like the Flying Sword.

The world is so big that there is nowhere to go, no one can't kill.

"This is your file."

The old man in the filing room threw a file to Lin Hanguang, and his attitude became a lot colder.

Lin Hanguang glanced coldly, but didn't care much, turned and left.


Lao Zhao's head was lightly snorted, seeing him go away, he couldn't help sneered:
"Yang Constable, this Lin Hanguang is said to have met Seven Mysteries Sect when he was a teenager. If you fail to be a teacher, you will remember all these years in your heart, you better be careful when dealing with him."

Yang Yu looked funny.

A lot of Six Doors joined halfway, which is a lot more chaotic than Bright Gown Guard, who needs to know the bottom line.

This old Zhao head was not happy because he didn't get the money.

Naturally, Yang Yu didn't bother to care about these trivial matters, and handed over another 2 taels of silver, asking for news about the 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword'.

This old Zhaotou seems to have mediocre martial arts, but he has been able to guard the case library for many years, and the information is probably more well-informed than the Constable of the overwhelming majority Six Doors.

He belongs to Tiefeng's mouth and is one of the most important people to make friends with.

Yang Yu is wealthy and has just received a salary for ten years, so naturally he is willing to give up a few silver tael.

"Yang Constable is really open and bright."

After giving up the money, Lao Zhao's attitude is naturally excellent.

After thinking for a while, he turned around and took out another volume of ancient scroll, gently blowing off the dust on it, and said:

"The martial arts of the hundred-step Flying Sword is still there. No, old fogey doesn't know, but there are some rumors that are not true or false, Yang Constable will take a look."

"many thanks."

Yang Yu took the ancient scroll , flip through.

As this old Zhaotou said, there are many unverified rumors in this ancient scroll.

For example, Seven Mysteries Sect Sect Master, once used a hundred-step Flying Sword to take the head of an enemy general among ten thousand troops, and even assassinated some of the most powerful enemies of the Great Ming Taizu.

There are even more rumors that the Seven Mysteries Sect Sect Master can mobilize a hundred swords within a hundred paces, kill people like mowing grass with a single thought, and the strength of one person can rival a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses.

"I heard that this 100-step flying sword cultivator is extremely difficult to learn. First of all, you need to find a sword that suits you the most, and train it with a special method. It is said that you also need to use your own blood. Evil sect."

Xu Shi was very satisfied with this achievement, and Lao Zhao said a lot more:
"In fact, what about the Flying Sword? A capable man and a soldier, he is extremely fierce.

Perhaps it was the people at that time who increasingly distorted the truth."

I silently read this dossier and thanked Yang Yu with a look on his face. Quietly left the case room.

When I got out the door, I protruded one mouthful of impure air, and my heart was beating violently.

"Bingjia Lingshu..."

Yang Yu felt a little throbbing in his heart.

After a lapse of four hundred years, the rumors in ancient scroll could not be refuted, but he was convinced of the psychic skills mentioned in it.

The Three Secret Techniques contained in the golden armor has this thaumaturgy.

"The energy storage of the Cauldron of Gluttony is going to speed up again."

Yang Yu's expression turned pale.

As he got more and more ingredients, he became more and more stretched in refining.

Even though he was swallowing iron broad beans day and night, it was difficult to meet his own needs, which had to give him a headache.

Perhaps, really want to swallow gold?
With a long sigh in his heart, Yang Yu packed his mind and turned around to go to the utility room, ready to choose the martial arts promised by Six Doors.

There are many categories of martial arts in the world, but they are only divided into three categories: upper, middle and lower.

As strong as the 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword', it is only in the top ranks, maybe the superior ones also have strengths and weaknesses, Yang Yu is not known for the time being.

But on him, apart from the 'Old Mother Wants to Convince Qilu', which is unknown in rank, only the Four Elephant Arrows are the middle martial arts.

The armored room is located in the south corner of Six Doors. Compared with the case room, it looks a lot deserted, but there are also a few sparse people.

Yang Yu came pacing, but there was a special guard at the door of the armored room, and the atmosphere was very strong.

There is a reclining chair behind the door, and a short, gray-bearded old man less than four feet long is lying on it, rocking gently.

Different from Lao Zhaotou, the old man seemed to be loose, but Yang Yu smelled a dangerous breath.

"Bronze Badge Constable?!"

The two gatekeepers were a little surprised.

The old man on the rocking chair opened his eyes, and there was a dim light in his turbid eyes:
"Are you from Montenegro?"

"Montenegro, Yang Yu .”

Yang Yu surrendered.

The armored room was heavily guarded, and in addition to the three people on the surface, he also noticed at least a dozen slight breathing sounds in the dark.

"It's not yet the weak crown, so lucky."

The old man sighed slightly and threw a booklet:
"The armored room is strictly forbidden to enter, this booklet says There are some martial arts, you can choose one of them..."

Good luck.

Yang Yu knows that this is not just the old man's idea, and there are many people in Six Doors who hold similar ideas.

In their eyes, they just happened to encounter the Liansheng Rebellion, and also happened to encounter Sima Yang who went down the mountain to loot.

Yang Yu understood the thoughts of these people, but he didn't care much, and started to choose with the book in his hand.

The booklet is very thin, but there are not many martial arts on it. Except for the lower ones, there are more than 20 middle ones.

It covers blade, spear, sword, halberd, fists, legs, fingers and palms, internal training and external training, etc. Martial arts can be said to be extremely comprehensive.

Any Sect of Qing State may not be so comprehensive.

Only Yang Yu glanced at it, but frowned:
"Is that all?"

He doesn't know what the background of Six Doors is. But this booklet is absolutely missing.

Because, the few martial arts mentioned by Tiefeng before are not on it.

"Really? That might be the old man's misunderstanding..."

The old man patted his head, and even said that he was confused, so he hurriedly changed a book of ancient scroll and handed it over.

Yang Yu glanced coldly.

This volume has a lot of details on martial arts, but there is still no Six Doors' most famous 'Blade Technique' and 'Sword Art'.

There is also no inner refining 'Mirage Dragon'.

But he was sneered in his heart.

He didn't think about choosing the martial arts of swords and martial arts, and he didn't need to practice martial arts.

I didn't do much entanglement immediately, and directly chose the 'Copper Iron Iron Arm Technique' which is an external refining martial arts.

He turned away without saying a word.

"You're young."

Some people shook their heads when they saw this scene.

But I understand that the half of Li is the most greedy person, and he must have taken a fancy to the medicine pill that the kid received.

However, this kid is a bit stubborn, and he chose to leave outside the door.

“Old Li, this kid is already a Bronze Medal Constable at a young age, and the future is only limited. Why did you offend him to death?”

Seeing Yang Yu’s separation Go, the two Constable guards also shook their heads.

Yang Yu's name has been circulating in Six Doors for several months, and although some people do not believe it, it is not guilty of offending.

"The old man has only two years to live. He is King Yama, so what is there to be afraid of?"

Half of Li's eyes were cold, but faintly sighed:
"When a young man is successful, he often gets carried away. An old man grinds his temper for his own good!"



Qing State is not easy to live in.

It was three hundred and forty silver tael before Yang Yu bought a small courtyard not far from Six Doors.

According to the usual monthly salary, it will take ten years to eat or drink, even if this is just a small courtyard.

I entered the yard with all kinds of things I bought, and the woman hired to clean it has also cleaned the yard.

After paying the money, Yang Yu closed the door.

"Half a plum..."

Putting a full bag of iron broad beans in the room, Yang Yu's eyes sank slightly.

Unlike Lao Zhaotou, the moment he approached the armored room, he sensed the strong malice in this Old Guy.

With the strengthening of his five senses one by one, he becomes more sensitive to the outside world and seldom makes mistakes.

The Old Guy harboring malicious intentions is definitely not just wanting some benefits, there are definitely deeper reasons for it.

But he wasn't surprised either.

Whether it is in the court or in the rivers and lakes, the more you go up, the more people will benefit.

Unless he wants to be a little officer in Black Mountain City all his life, this is simply unavoidable.

"This is where people are in the rivers and lakes..."

Long spat out one mouthful of impure air, emptying out distracting thoughts, Yang Yu took off the big bow of iron essence and pulled it vainly , and slowly let go.

If anyone is here, find out.

Every time he pulled the bow, down to the soles of his feet and five fingers, up to the spine, the dragon was shaking violently.

ka ka ka ~
With the movement, the muscles and bones in his body rubbed and the sound of blood flowing became more and more intense.

Between the inner breath, the warm breath spreads upwards from the crotch, waist and abdomen, shoulders, arms, and even the whole body.

In his feeling, it was like an iron coat covering his body.

With just two more steps, his iron crotch skill will be practiced to the Great Accomplishment.

This is also the reason why he chose the 'Copper Head Iron Arm Technique'. The Iron Arm Technique is about to have a Great Accomplishment, but it is not enough to carry his Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers.

Foreign power is what he most urgently needs to solve at this time.

The sword skill or the inner training of the Qi method can be slowed down.

In the small room, Yang Yu pulled the big bow again and again.

Every time, he bowed the full moon, and then let it go gently, so as not to let it sound empty, so as not to waste the bow.

Sixiang Arrow is not only an arrow technique, but also contains a very brilliant refining method. These days, whenever he has time, Yang Yu will draw the bow.

Be familiar with bow and arrow, but also in temper muscles and bones.

Such movements seem to be gentle, but in fact they are much more effective than swaying the force on the Martial Practice Stage.

If he doesn't have Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, even four swaps will drain him up to ten draws.

Again and again.

I don't know how long it took before Yang Yu squandered all his energy into dressing up, and a strong sense of sleepiness rose in the mind.

Without resting, he swallowed the iron broad beans while exerting a set of slow health-preserving fists to gain strength.

Wait until your stamina recovers a little.

Sit cross-legged just now, with slightly closed eyes, enter the Cauldron of Gluttony, and pick up the golden armor glowing with golden light.

Refining the Nine Bulls and Two Tigers recipe again, Cauldron of Gluttony's energy storage has hit rock bottom. According to his estimate, it will take at least two months to fully charge it.

No matter how curious he is about the things in this armor, he can only wait.

"The technique of refining fine gold, the technique of tempering armor, the technique of psychic armour..."

Yang Yu muttered to himself.

He was already certain in his heart that the gray robe must have come for this fine golden armor.

The Seven Mysteries Sect, for the sake of this armor, has almost perished, and all members of the Seven Mysteries Sect have an arrest warrant. Naturally, they will not give up at such a huge price.

As long as you hold this armor, those people will definitely come to you again.

Yang Yu opened his eyes and lifted off his wet clothes, revealing his fine golden armor.

Cauldron of Gluttony has absorbed the essence of this armor, and its body is already tasteless to him.

Although fine gold is precious, firstly, he cannot cut it apart at this time, and secondly, once it is discovered, it will be in great danger.

Taking off the golden armor and holding it in his hands, Yang Yu's eyes flickered and he muttered to himself:

"The Great Sect of four hundred years of inheritance, I would never let it go. Am I disappointed?"

Well, something. . . . .晚安大家

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