First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 127


Chapter 127 is a red sky!

Outside the moat, several troops dispersed to maintain order, and the refugees were strictly prohibited from entering.

The refugees may have opinions, but at this time they are all obediently queuing up, waiting for the porridge factory to put porridge, and the speed of the state government office is still very fast.

The first batch of porridge had already started to be cast before the two had left.

"It's really open to release grain!"

All the displaced people were overjoyed, not only the porridge factory began to serve rice porridge, but also a large number of victims who received porridge and rice in the distance Under the command of a large number of officers, simple sheds were built.

“With tens of thousands of refugees, there is no soil and no food, how long can the Qing State granary last?”

Some people are also worried.

grandiose is a huge refugee team of tens of thousands of people, of which there are naturally scholars who are literate and hyphenated.

Yang Yu and the rebooting monk walked around the temporary venue outside the moat, listening to all kinds of messy sounds, and they were not very optimistic.

When the number of people exceeds 10,000, the word "vast crowd" is easy to say, but it is actually very difficult.

How much is the daily ration for tens of thousands of people, needless to say, how much is it just excretion?
If there is no management and cleanup, the moat will be cut off for at least half a month.

"I just hope that Master Xu really has the ability to take care of these refugees."

Rebooting sighed inwardly.

Martial arts is not very useful in such occasions. Martial arts are extremely high, and they cannot solve the livelihood problem of tens of thousands of people.

“Let’s advance to the city.”

Yang Yu set up the horse and returned to the city with rebooting.

At this time, Qingzhou City was heavily guarded, and there was no household registration guide. Even if you had money, you could not enter the city gate. Even a rebooting monk who followed Yang Yu had to show the guide.

Qingzhou City suddenly became lively.

The spacious street was actually a bit crowded at this time, some people were running to tell Xu Wenji, some people heard that a large number of refugees were coming, and they wanted to push goods to sell.

More, of course, are the Lifu and the officers who brought grain from the city.

For a while, the streets and alleys were very noisy, and Yang Yu, who had five senses superhuman, immediately frowned.

"Master Xu ordered that hoarding is strictly prohibited, and any grain merchants must not be reluctant to sell or raise the price of grain! Those who have surplus grain at home should not panic buying grain!"

Changjie Everywhere in the grain shops, officials shouted loudly.

But it's just a shout. Without him, there are too many people rushing to buy food.

The arrival of a large number of refugees has broken the balance of Qing State. The inner city is not yet known, and the outer city is already very chaotic.

Everyone who has some money in their hands joins the frenzied buying.


Yang Yu shook his head inwardly.

Xu Wenji's arrival is only one hour, Qingzhou City is so big, the news shouldn't spread so widely, and the people shouldn't be so alert to go to grab food.

Don't ask, it's a dismount.

"The grain sellers dare not raise the price, but they still can't buy grain... Most of the people queuing in front of the grain shops are their own family members."

He retreated from the crowd with a wry smile. When he came out, the face of rebooting was a little ugly.

Qing State is not Yudu Dao, and his status as a monk in Fulong Temple is useless.

"The local tyrant of Qing State is not Nie Wendong, but the Four Great Masters."

Yang Yu knew this.

Nie Wendong has been in charge of Qing State for a long time, but the four great masters have been rooted for more than a hundred years, and their power has penetrated into all aspects, even if they are obedient on the surface.

If you secretly use some means at will, no matter how good the decree is, it will not go down.

The price increases, and food can be bought.

If you don't raise prices, you won't be able to buy food!
"Xiao Seng wanted to do his best, but who knows..."

He had a slight setback in his rebooting, and he was not a alms, so he spent money to buy it, but he didn't even get half a grain of rice noodles.


Not far away, a loud laugh burst out. The two looked sideways and saw a drunken scribe being thrown from the restaurant. came out.

A few guys scolded and spoke badly.

The scribe laughed drunkenly: "Wait, you want to look down on people, you need to know that my nobleman, Kong Xiucai, has arrived!"

"I see you How much do you owe you on credit for being a scholar? But you don't drink alcohol every day, and don't think about it. Not to mention studying and preparing for exams, you can also write a document in the yamen!
But you..."

Slightly The wealthy shopkeeper shook his head and sighed:

"If you are a person like you, how could someone from a noble family support you?"

"Haha, old shopkeeper, did you not hear it before? Yun? Prefecture Xu Wenji, the elder of the two dynasties, the Minister of Military Affairs!"

That Kong Xiucai staggered, as if he had been unstable.

Hearing this sentence, both drinkers and passers-by have a big laughter.

They all laugh at him as an inferior scholar, but he is actually attached to Master Xu, so that he can overestimate one's capabilities.

"Look at you!"

Kong Xiucai didn't tell the difference, and staggered towards the inn.

"This benefactor has some knowledge."

The rebooting expression was slightly positive, but it was nodded:
"They only say that a talented person can't be attached, but they don't want to. This Master Xu came alone, except for an old servant, there is no one available..."

There are still many words from the rebooting monk, Yang Yu is not surprised, but he is too lazy to answer him.

He was sent to the Inn at will, and Yang Yu returned to Six Doors with his sword in hand to deliver the mission.

Six Doors cold and cheerless.

Yang Yu ignored it, and went to hand over the task. He also went to get some medicine pills, and read some files. It was not until it was dark that he said goodbye to Lao Zhaotou and left the case room.

After returning home at a moderate pace, closing the door and lighting the oil lamp, Yang Yu abruptly opened the window, rolled over, and dived back to the street where Six Doors was located.

Looking around all around, Yang Yu used his strength carefully and climbed to the roof of the restaurant closest to Six Doors.

Although it was recently, it was still far away. Looking down from above, with his eyesight, he could barely see the Six Doors station.

The Six Doors at night is very quiet. From a distance, it seems that there is no one there.

Six Doors is in the business of arresting murderers and taking people, and there is no shortage of martial arts in hiding.

"The old lady Shi will never come back, but I will return safely. If the old lady Shi still has helpers, they will definitely move."

Yang Yu's eyes flickered.

He'd definitely be out of luck when he went back to the city, not to mention that he even went to Six Doors on purpose.

Wait, one hour is over.

Yang Yu was very patient, and sure enough, after a while, he saw a dark figure walk out from the back door of Six Doors, a few flickers, and it was far away.

"Sure enough..."

Yang Yu was relieved.

Tap lightly, go down to the restaurant, follow along not far or near.

Unexpectedly, the shadow didn't go far, and after a few turns, it returned to an alley not far from Six Doors.

"There seems to be something wrong... This smell, a bit like..."

Yang Yu lowered his body and frowned.

Not long after the man entered the alley, an entire group came out, looking at the dress, he looked like a night pilgrim, and his sense of smell was excellent.

In the pungent stench, he smelled another smell.


Yang Yu's heart trembled slightly:

"I don't even have half a day to put grain in the warehouse, so I'm going to burn the grain warehouse?!"

The arrival of homeless people, the opening of warehouses to put food, and the kerosene at night, it is hard for Yang Yu not to have such associations.

"Nie Wendong? Four Great Families? Or..."

Yang Yu's thoughts are revolving, he is full of doubts and surprises, but he keeps on following up.

This group of people are not night pilgrims. All of them have martial arts. They walk very fast and are very careful.

Qingzhou City is a border defense city. It not only has a granary, but also needs to be refurbished every year to ensure wartime costs.

The granary is in darkness.

The neighborhood here is empty, and the nearest residents are also outside the hundred zhang. Any open flames and fires are strictly prohibited.

In addition to the tall fence, there are soldiers patrolling, which is considered to be heavily guarded.

"These people actually dare to burn the granary..."

Yang Yu's eyes turned cold.

The Qing State granary is not only used in wartime. If there is a major disaster in Qing State, it will also be dispatched from there for food relief, and even if there is a food shortage in Qingzhou City, it must be dispatched from here.

Once it was burnt down, not to mention the tens of thousands of refugees outside the city, the people in the city were probably alarmed, causing chaos.

"So ruthless, so ruthless!"

Yang Yu's heart was cold, and he couldn't help holding the longbow behind him.

"Let them burn!"

At this moment, a low and cold voice floated from behind.


Yang Yu was alert in his heart, turned back, and saw one silhouette jumping down from a tall building not far away, the people were like goshawks, swiftly moving. Come on, fall lightly.

The man is wearing a gray robe, and his stature is slightly thin, his complexion is sallow, but his eyes are as bright as a morning star.

Yang Yu recognized that this man was the old servant who led the horse to Xu Wenji in the daytime. Looking at his breath, I was afraid that he was not weaker than the deputy commander of Qi Gang.

"It's a knife, a sword, and a bow. You're young, but you've learned a lot..."

Glancing at Yang Yu, Huang Yu Sixiang looked at the granary with a cold expression on his face:

"This Qing State is really rotten in the bones. As soon as the adult came here for half a day, he was impatient to let him take the blame..."

"Back the pot?"

Yang Yu's eyes narrowed: "This granary?"

"It's empty, it's already empty!"

Huang Sixiang coldly snorted:
"The rats will starve to death when they go in. The food has already been emptied..."


Even if There is already speculation, and Yang Yu's face still can't stop twitching when he hears this:
"If this is the case, this Qing State is really bad..."

"More than Qing State Since the Old Prince was seriously injured, this Longyuan Dao has been considered rotten..."

Huang Sixiang sneered:
"An empty warehouse, let them burn it! After burning it, the account will be settled. It's time!"

"The water is gone! Put out the fire, put out the fire!" , is a raging fire that can be seen in half of Qing State!
The crimson flames dyed red for half the night, and Qingzhou City, which had not yet slept, was completely boiling.

"Burn it, burn it."

Huang Sixiang's face was sinking like water, and he turned his head suddenly: "Where are you going?"

"You put out the fire. Come."

Yang Yu took a step and held a longbow:

"I'll kill you!"

Good night...I will fight for the third watch tomorrow!

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