First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 199


Chapter 199 The Storm

Lightning strikes at night.

Two silhouettes one after the other, when they crossed the line, they still couldn't help fighting each other.

Neither of them had any reservations, and every collision caused smoke billowing on the long street.


Ji Longshan's eyes were red, momentum is big, power is deep with a heavy punch, swinging away the sharp sword of the moon .

Even at this time, he has to admit that this mad woman who is chasing after him, has far more martial arts attainments than himself.

Even with the Divine Ability achievement, she couldn't help her in a short time.

He was extremely angry in his heart, and he almost couldn't hold back and wanted to turn around and kill him completely. However, every time he thought of turning back, it would rise like a awn on his back. sense of crisis.

So much so that she had to endure Yu Fengxian's pursuit and chopping.


With a sudden force, the azure blade light slashed behind him was shaken away, and Jilongshan stepped on it with a huge force.

Financial body refinement is a Divine Ability from the outside to the inside.

In the beginning, the skin is like gold and iron, which can block swords and soldiers. Later, it will penetrate deep into the viscera and bone marrow, rebuild the body, and burst out even more majestic power beyond imagination.

Although he hasn't reached that point yet, when he activates his blood energy, he can also burst out with a tremendous force that is far beyond ordinary.

He stepped on it this time, like a thunderbolt, and the ground was surging like waves under his feet. Under the impetus of the force, the emptiness of the air was violently smashed away by him.

Behind him, scarlet blood energy dyed the wind and smoke red.

It really looks like a roaring red dragon, with a fierce and vicious attitude, rushing towards the towering tall building.

"Yang Yu!"

Yu Fengxian staggered back, she only took a step back, but this step difference made it impossible for her to catch up with Jilong Mountain again.

Seeing the red dragon soaring into the air, my heart is also ruthless.

At the same time as his steps exerted force, the Yanyue broadsword he was leaning on suddenly swung up and let go, he heard a 'chi' sound, and it turned into a very fast rotating blade.

He killed the red dragon.

Simultaneous sound, warning.

However, in the dark of night, the airflow burst like thunder, and for a while, I don't know if it could catch up.

"Sneaky people!"

The splitting the air sound coming from behind, Ji Longshan didn't realize it, and slammed it down with a fistful of fists, tenseveral feet away. , the raging astral qi has shattered the entire restaurant:


At this moment, Ji Longshan must have seen the sneaky in his heart. The junior who was hiding, looked extremely terrified.

However, the next moment.

His expression froze, and his red eyes seemed to freeze at this moment.

Under the raging wind, above the billowing smoke, and in the wind of his punching fists, a faint sneer was drawn on a strange and young face.


He said.

At the same time, a golden streamer shot up from the extremely exaggerated bow in his hand.

Bottom up!

There is no way to avoid it!

No flash!

At this moment, Ji Longshan finally smelled the familiar and strange life aura.

This arrow can't be stopped!

With a loud noise, the thick and hot blood was blown away by the strong wind into the night.


Ji Longshan opened his mouth to speak, but felt that his strength was pouring out like a flood of open gates. Instead, it was filled with heart, bone marrow, and soul. Excruciating pain!

The more powerful the Divine Ability, the more fierce the backlash after being broken.

"en? This is..."

Yu Fengxian, who was chasing after him, trembled, and when he looked up, he saw that the golden light came from the bottom up, piercing the hole. The scarlet is like a blood dragon.

Flying into the night with more leeway.

Straight is like a Divine Sword, cutting the sky open.

steel essence The burly body that was cast fell heavily to the ground, and a large amount of sand and dust swayed.

Until now, Yu Fengxian still didn't recover, staring blankly at Yang Yu who walked out of the smoke, a little incredulous:

"You, killed him? ”

Innate Divine Strength, rare.

Excellent arrow technique, powerful.

The combination of the two is like a tiger that has grown wings. However, with the arrow technique alone, can you penetrate the Divine Ability of Longshan Hundred Refinements?
"Master's handwriting..."

Yang Yu seemed to have beads of sweat on his forehead, stretched out his hand, and handed the Yanyue broadsword he took to Yu Fengxian:
"Also, he Not dead..."

Not dead? !
Yu Fengxian's eyes narrowed, looking towards the falling dust.

In the thick blood-reeking qi like brimstone, Ji Longshan has become a bloody man, and the thick blood squeezed out from his body, hot and pungent.

"Okay, arrow."

He opened his mouth and blood poured into his throat, but Ji Longshan didn't realize it, his blood-stained red eyes stared at Yang Yu. , as if seeing something.

His face went from incredulous to a relieved smile at the end:

"so that's how it is, it turned out to be you. Well, you killed me, very good, very good... ..."

"What did you say?"

Yang Yu looked at him.

This long-standing robber is undoubtedly the strongest person who has ever fought in this world, and his Divine Ability is the most restraint of an archer like him.

If he encounters such a fierce opponent in normal times, he can only use the terrain and night to deal with him with arrows, but he will still be invincible in the end.

"Say, what did you say? I only hate that I didn't kill that old pig and dog..."

Ji Longshan smiled miserably:

"That old beast , sinister and sinister, not to be underestimated, you, be careful..."


Yu Fengxian saw the strangeness and looked towards Yang Yu, who was also stunned In a trance, I don't know what to think.

A mouthful of blood poured out.

Before death, people seem to remember the past.

At this moment, Ji Longshan seemed to see the first half of his life, wrong, right, happy, sad, desperate, unwilling...

All kinds of past events flowed by in front of him .


Ji Longshan tried to reach out, but in the end, he fell down.

A generation of big bandits died.

"He is also a pitiful person..."

Feeling the demise of Qi, the baleful aura between Yu Fengxian's eyebrows also dissipated a lot: "But You shouldn't bring his misfortune to other innocent people..."

"He died not wrong."

Yang Yu spat out one mouthful of impure slowly air , in a low voice:

"There are people, but damn..."

He came to Qing State not long ago, but he had also heard about what happened to Jilong Mountain.

Even, he knew very well that the tragedy that happened to Jilongshan also happened to other people.

The only difference is that those people have long since died silently.

"Don't mess around..."

Yu Fengxian heard something, slightly frowned.

Yang Yu nodded and turned to look.

At the end of the long street, a group of people came slowly, including Xu Wenji, Bright Gown Guard, Six Doors, and four experts.

A group of people with different expressions, or indifferent, or happy, or relieved, or cold-eyed.

"Let's go, let's go."

Excessive mental effort, Yang Yu was too lazy to stay, waved his hands, and walked away without waiting for others to approach, carrying a bow and knife into the darkness.

In the depths of the perspective that no one can see, there is a streamer rolling.



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