First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 213


Chapter 213 is finally 'passing'!

In the empty military tent, Yang Yu sat quietly and adjusted his breath, concentrating on his mind and energy:

"Hope, the Imperial Court is not exhausted..."



Under the hazy moonlight, there are densely packed and connected military camps.

Banners hunt, baleful aura rolls.

In the center of the continuous barracks, among the large tents guarded by Armored Soldier, there is a solemn killing aura.

A dozen or so sturdy generals in armor all looked at the middle person with cold eyes. Although they were a little flustered, they were staring at the middle age person.

Shock, doubt, pleasure, killing intent...

Emotions that are almost substantive, unabashedly added to the body of the middle age person, making his body tremble more and more.

"The old fogey, do you want to invite my general to a banquet?"

Someone grinned and held the handle of the knife:
"Are you stupid?!"

As the voice echoed, a gust of wind suddenly erupted in the camp, and a silhouette with an arrogant and domineering atmosphere broke into everyone's sight.

Seeing this person, a group of people in the camp one after another saluted, but the middle age person gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger in his heart.

Black boots, fire cloak, golden armor...


The person raised his eyebrows and looked down:
"Why, recognize This General has this armor?"

The middle age person trembled, had difficulty breathing, and gritted his teeth:
"How can you not recognize it?!"

golden Armor is not uncommon in the army, but how could he not recognize this armor on the person who came here?
"Master Gao captured the capital, and he didn't want any rewards, so he was going to get this 'King Qin's armor'! I heard that this armor has a lot of background? Whose armor is it?"

The person sneered and enjoyed the pleasure.

The pleasure of trampling on the unattainable scholar-officials in the past is really indescribable in words.

middle age person eye socket cracked, can no longer be patient with grief and indignation:
"Hong Gu Xiaoer! Dare to insult my Taizong!"

The black boots pressed down, crushing the middle age person to the ground, Hong Gu looked down, and his words were full of contempt:

"Go back and tell that old fogey, his banquet, this general I will go to the meeting, let him disperse the middle army, and wait!"

After saying that, leg raised, kicking this middle aged scholar out of the account.


There was a burst of laughter in the tent.

"Tai Zong, Tai Zong!"

The middle age person covered his face with grief and anger, sobbing sobbing.

The laughter came to an abrupt end.

"No courageous and corrupt Confucianism, defile our army tent! Come, drag him down to feed the dog!"> "Which one has the guts to go with this general to meet the old fogey for a while?"

"My subordinates are willing to go!"

There are a lot of responders, and the imposing manner is high.

There are also people who are hesitant and worried about being deceitful, but they don't dare to say anything.


Hong Gu slapped his palm and laughed, then said:

"The old fogey may have a plot against it, but unfortunately, the dignified arrogance is over. He himself will die soon! To tell you the truth, four of the seven military envoys under the old fogey's account have already sent them down!"

"Just write a book. One letter, no matter what plot against the old fogey, it will be in vain!"

"The general is mighty!"

There are few people who are disturbed in their hearts, and they are all calm, and it is difficult to turn up a wave of old fogey, who is expected to be seriously injured and dying.

Not long after, various orders were issued to strictly guard the central army. Hong Guyi and a group of generals had already led the elite cavalry and straddled away.


When he saw the tent in the distance, Hong Gu stopped his horse and pointed finger towards:
"The generals are credible? Those who welcome us have been waiting here for a long time!”


The generals were suspicious.

I heard footsteps, and several cavalry troops walked out of the woods, and they all dismounted before they got close.

Only said to come and greet.

"Where are Zhou, Zhang, Zhu, and Wang? Why don't you come to greet this general?"

Hong Gu's eyes were cold.

The faces of the people who greeted the crowd changed, but they were all depressed, but they still gritted their teeth and responded:
"General Hui, several Jiedu envoys have been invited to the big tent by the Great General, and they should be waiting at the moment... ..."

"en. Lead the way!"

Hong Guyi indifferent expression.

Seeing this, his generals also slowed down, but they did not relax their vigilance.

Although Zheng Changgong was seriously injured and dying, he was the ultimate existence in the world. Even Hong Guyi himself was secretly on guard.

However, unexpectedly.

Walking all the way, unobstructed, especially outside the Central Army, there is no silhouette, it seems that the Central Army has really dispersed.


Hong Gu threw away the horse's whip, and the strong wind poured directly into the tent. The torch was swaying, the aroma of wine and meat was overflowing, and there were even musicians. Wait, the dancer waits.

He couldn't help but smile:
"Everyone is there?"

In the big tent, the atmosphere was depressed.

Even the musicians who are playing and the dancing girls are a little trembling with fear.

In the big tent, there were only eight people seated, and there were only a few serving people.

Yang Yu was sitting at the top of the table, and he looked faintly at the place where he started, and seven Jiedushi were present.

These seven people either wore armor, or clothed, or closed their eyes to rest their minds, or looked down at the papers, but they were all people with condensed breath and tyrannical blood energy.

And they are all generals who have experienced bloody killing.

Hong Guyi, who looked like no one else, looked unnatural.

"I would have liked your preparations very much. But..."

Hong Gu stepped into the tent, sniffed lightly, and smiled:

"This General drinks alcohol, and has always liked to sit at the table, I don't know..."

Hearing this, everyone in the tent turned pale, even the musicians and dancers were all startled and looked at their masters.

Who is at the table?

Naturally, the barracks commander, Great General Zheng Changgong!


A young general smashed the wine glass, his eyes became cold and severe:

"In front of the Old General, you are a Junior, you dare to take the seat?!"

"It is only natural for the guests to be seated. Why, do you have an opinion?"

The people behind Hong Gu looked at him with cold eyes, and their breath became cold.

"General Hong said it politely."

A slightly rich middle-aged Jiedushi chuckled and echoed.

Seeing this, the other Jiedu envoys had different expressions, and the young general's eyes sank as he looked towards the top.

"The visitor is a guest..."

Under the gaze of many eyes, Yang Yu faintly sighed, got up with difficulty, and walked down with the help of a few young generals.

This scene, everyone can see clearly.

With everyone's eyesight, they can naturally see the weakness of the person and the deep twilight that can hardly be concealed.

"That General is disrespectful!"

A strange light flashed in Hong Gu's eyes, and he walked up to the first seat in a grand manner.

The generals it brought also took their seats.

When all the Jiedu envoys saw him, their hearts became more and more disgusted. That's all, Hong Guyi. What are these things that deserve to be seated with us?
"It is said that there is no good banquet without a good banquet, but now it seems that is not the case! haha"

Someone laughed.

"You are welcome, today is a private banquet, nothing else, drinking is the main thing!"

What is the status of Jiedushi?
In the huge world, these are all first-class characters, the great characters who govern millions of soldiers and civilians!
Who is Zheng Changgong?
Pillar of the Kingdom, Great General, Martial Saint Level great expert who name shakes the whole world.

And at this moment, these great characters have to sit under themselves!

"Yes, drinking is the main thing!"

A group of people under his subordinates agreed.

For a while, it seems that the guest and host are reversed, not like coming to a banquet, but more like the host who invites people to the banquet.

Seeing such an unpretentious attitude, it is the rich Jiedushi, and his face is a little bad.

"As long as you like it."

Yang Yu coughed lightly, showing weakness.

In fact, he doesn't need to show weakness either. At this time, he is really too weak.

This old and seriously injured body can't hide from anyone who cares.

However, he is also watching the changes in the expressions of these Jiedushi, waiting for their mentality to become unbalanced.

Who is Jiedushi?
At the end of the Tang Dynasty, any Jiedu envoy was the ruler of a prefecture, the military and government alone, the parents of thousands of soldiers and civilians, and was almost a local tyrant.

Even Zheng Changgong should be treated with courtesy.

Because of their great power and high status, they don't care about the fall of the capital. Because the world is in chaos, their status is higher.

But if something threatened them, it was different.

Just as in the last years of a dynasty, the surrenderers, when the previous dynasty was over, rebelled again.

Is this what they were thinking about?

It's just because their own interests are shaken.

While thinking about it, Yang Yu frequently persuaded him to drink, and he did not spare the good wine that Zheng Changgong had accumulated over the years, for fear that they would not drink enough.

And these Jiedu envoys are a little uncomfortable today, and they often drink to themselves without waiting for persuasion.

As the gongs and chips staggered, everyone got a little drunk.

'This Old Guy really gave up struggling? '

Hong Gu murmured in his heart.

He is arrogant and domineering, but not stupid.

In fact, he's been tempting all the time, however, the Old Guy seems to be really serious.

Could it be that the Master's Divine Ability broke his mood and persistence?

You must know that the people he brought are more than that. The rest of the people are afraid that they have already begun to take over this army with the tacit approval of other Jiedu envoys.

Hong Gu was puzzled in his heart, and his words were sharper, appearing to be overbearing.

He looked at Hong Guyi, who was high-spirited and vigorous behind the papers, and then looked at Old General, who was sitting at the bottom, with white hair and beard, and a little unsteady.

In the tent, everyone has different thoughts.

"Play music, dance!"

Seeing that everyone was getting a little drunk, Yang Yu glanced at the musicians in the corner and couldn't help but feel nervous.

He is not very good at words.

Even if it is, it will never be possible to convince these veterans who have been around for all these years in a short period of time.

In fact, Zheng Changgong, who was seriously wounded and dying, could not persuade these Jiedu envoys to persuade them when the time was approaching, the emperor fled, the court was scattered, the enemy army was approaching, and the people were alarmed.

In fact, the only people who can convince these rulers are themselves.

The music of King Qin breaking the formation is the most popular military music in the Tang Dynasty.

If the people who hear it can't bear it when the country breaks down, the mountains and rivers are burning.

That's really exhausting.

The music changed, the dancers entered the venue, accompanied by the dance of lithe and graceful, Hong Guyi and the others seemed to be unknown, but the rest of the Jiedushi were all shocked. .

This is...

Seeing that everyone's expressions seemed to change, Yang Yu was slightly calm.

But he knew it wasn't enough.


"This song?"

The clanging voice overwhelmed the Wei Mi's voice, and Hong Gu suddenly noticed the difference. Jiedushi's expression suddenly became sad.

"What song is this?"

He looked at his subordinates, and several of them were stunned. Know what rhythm?
Yang Yu was thinking about it when he heard the sound of a cup shattering.

"The sage opens Changli, and the ministers are loyal to Dayou; after you look at the Revolution, it will be the autumn of peace!" With one kick, he turned over the papers in front of him, and his face burst into tears. His voice was shrill and reverberating:

"I'm ashamed!"


This a long whistle, Hong Guyi suddenly changed color.

However, before he could scold him, he saw a cold light burst out. It was from the place where he started. He was always showing weakness, he was dying, and a pair of Zheng Changgong was dying.

The hot heat flowed down the stomach from the throat, and the huge heat brought by Burning Life San suddenly exploded in the body.

Far more than his own blood energy, in an instant, with his surge, the turbulent slammed into Hong Guyi like a wave!

"Everyone, Taizong is on top, breaking the formation is happy, how can we be in the company of thieves?!"

A roar of rage.

The ultimate move that had been brewing for a long time burst out.

Hearing these words, several Jiedu envoys who wanted to stop him in front of him and behind him couldn't help but stagnate.


The next moment, the terrifying blood energy exploded in an instant, and Hong Guyi's color changed suddenly.

Break out!


In Cauldron of Gluttony, the brilliance burst out, and it was a moment of fire.

Yang Yu suddenly returned to his senses, and saw the rank map 'hua hua' in front of him making noises, and the light and shadow on it were intertwined and circulated endlessly.

In a trance, he seemed to see an old man with white hair and beard, screaming and falling on the battlefield, his blood was dry, but his eyes were still wide open.

Seeing that his obsession is immortal, he experiences the scene before his death again and again.

Unwilling, regretful, regretful.

All kinds of emotions are extremely strong and lingering for a long time.

Finally, he saw in the deep mountains again, the scholar with a beard and a strange face, who was going for the exam with a sword.

He stood on the hill, looking at the magnificent and prosperous city in the distance with nostalgia, tears streaming down his face.

"I am incompetent, incompetent..."

Yang Yu was in a trance, as if he heard Hong Zhong's voice again, with sadness and relief.

Looking again, the majestic silhouette is bowing her hands and bowing from afar.

“Many thanks!”

Soon, it was like smoke and dust.


The strong emotions rolled in Yang Yu's heart and slowly faded, which was Zheng Changgong's obsession and reluctance.

After an unknown amount of time, Yang Yu suddenly returned to his senses.

On the wall of the tripod, the text flows:

[refining progress: surrender to its heart (completed)]

The white light in front of me is gone, and the glory has converged , as if the level map that was blown by the strong wind also calmed down, the light and shadow on it were all extinguished, and it turned into all kinds of Dao Accumulation and flowed down.

Submerged into his body, straighter as in the depth of one's soul.

This is the rank map of Kuixing,
is also the Divine Ability 'Tongyou'!
1st Step , it's done.


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