First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 215


Chapter 215 The true meaning of Kuixing!
Geese have left marks, people have left pictures.

There are many legends about souls and ghosts in folk biographies and legends, but Yang Yu was still a little surprised when he saw such a strange fog with his own eyes.

The fog overlapped with the corpse. At first glance, it looked like an afterimage that appeared after being drunk, but in fact, it was not a human form, but more like water vapor.

"This is seeing all beings?"

Yang Yu looked up and down and was a little surprised, but this obviously didn't look like the legendary 'ghost'.

Suddenly, as if he was aware of something, Yang Yu stretched out his hand, and a red light that only he could see flashed, and the shadow of Purple Gold's bottle gourd disappeared in a flash.

And the mist above the corpse also disappeared.

A ghost? !
Yang Yu's heart trembled as he sensed the Cauldron of Gluttony.

In the dark cauldron, the Purple Gold bottle gourd slowly turned, red light flickering, as if to kill something in it.

Along with this process, all kinds of characters appeared on the wall of the tripod.

"This works too?!"

Yang Yu startled.

The text on the wall of the tripod is exactly the message contained in the mist.

It seems to be words, but it can be carefully sensed, and it can even evolve into a scene, flowing in his heart.

[Fang Qidao (Remnant Soul): Pilong Road, Selangor, Qingshan people, born in a wealthy, quite gifted. I worshipped Six Doors when I was young, smart and ambitious...]

[...Leave it to death and then be reborn, in a special place, I failed to rush through the 'type of devil's rebirth method', and half of the souls were unable to leave from the body ……]

[The soul is incomplete, the information is unknown]

“He is for the cultivation method?”

Yang Yu was slightly startled Besides, there are some surprises.

Fang Qidao escaped all the way to Spiritual Mountain Village, not to seek death, but to cultivation. In that dao fruit miscellaneous talk, there is only a clear record of evil art that robbed others of dao fruit!
A kind of magic escape method.

It is the evil art used by monk Huanxi at the end of Qin Dynasty to seize other people's dao fruit.

It is said that this demon art practice can divide Soul Spirit into parasitic fetuses in other people's bodies. It can not only manipulate others, but also has the power of rebirth.

However, the technique of cultivation of this evil art is extremely harsh.

Not only do you have to find a place in Yin Fiend to pass the pass, but you can pass the pass only when you are about to die. Since the end of the Qin Dynasty, there are only two or three people who have completed this evil art. That's it.

Among them, the monk himself is also included.

one after another After reading the message contained in the mist, Yang Yu knew the entire process of development.

Fang Qidao did not know where to get this evil art. Over the years, he has been looking for the place of Yin Fiend. At the same time, he is also paying attention to those suspected of carrying dao fruit through the power of Six Doors. intelligence.

When he was hit hard by the golden armor and was chased by himself, a crazy idea arose in his Dao Heart, and he deliberately brought him here.

It is the last step of kicking the 'demon out of the body' with the help of the quiet Spiritual Mountain village, and at the same time, I also want to use this strange place to plant the devil yourself!
Unfortunately, he miscalculated a little.

You Spiritual Mountain Village is not the place of Yin Fiend, the fog is not Yin Fiend, but the dead breath left by those who died under the Seal of Evil for some reason in the past 90 years.

The Seal of Suppression of Evils belongs to the demonic path.

As long as one dies under the evil seal, Soul Spirit fragments are unable to leave from the body, so that even if Fang Qidao successfully cultivates this evil art, he cannot divide Soul Spirit at all, and the devil will be revealed. kind.

In the state of the living dead, I watched myself surrender to the evil seal, and the soul spirit of anger was broken...

"The spirit is really strong."

Fang Qidao was so pissed, Yang Yu naturally had no sympathy.

No one has sympathy for a murderer who wants to kill himself before he dies.

On the contrary, looking at the evil-proof seal slowly turning, other thoughts arise.

dao fruit, that is, Divine Ability, is also a magic weapon.

It's just that it can't be driven before the level map is refining. Although I can't fully control these pieces of dao fruit at this time, it can be guided a little.

To really take control, you can only wait until the ceremony is complete.

Purple golden bottle gourd reluctantly spit out the mist.

The anti-evil seal is softly trembled, swallowing the mist, and then it glows with blue and black light, and the lines on it also light up slowly, looking evil and hideous.

At the same time, the information about this dao fruit also flowed through Yang Yu's heart.

Among the three dao fruits, the seal of Zhenxie is the most evil.

It belongs to the demonic path, and it takes the path of controlling all evils in order to serve oneself, just like the legendary tiger demon. Those who are suppressed and killed by it have no chance of reincarnation. enslavement.


A few moments later, a scream resounded, and the mist was completely swallowed by the Zhenxie Seal. Yang Yu was in a secluded state. Look carefully.

Fang Qidao's grumpy and ferocious face flashed across the mist.


Yang Yu opened his eyes, stretched out his hand, and touched Fang Qidao's eyebrows.

With the movement of his thoughts, the mist that was refined and melted flowed into his body again from his eyebrows.

ka ka ka ~
Yang Yu let go of his hand, and after a while, the corpse lying upright on the ground suddenly moved, and then he opened his eyes!
"Really feasible?!"

Looking at Fang Qidao who was 'deceiving the corpse', Yang Yu straightened his teeth.

This is almost a 'living dead' in disguise, right?
Looking at the indifferent corpse, Yang Yu spoke up:

“Stand up!”

'Fang Qidao' stood up straight and knocked down a piece of the cave.

"Sit down!"

"Stand up!"

"Turn your head!"



With mixed feelings, Yang Yu tested it over and over again.

With the evil-suppressing seal as a medium, he can indeed manipulate the living dead. However, the living dead have no spiritual wisdom. Although they are flexible, they are inferior to the living ones. Don't know how much.

Moreover, his every move requires Yang Yu to issue orders, which looks weird, but in fact it's not very useful when it comes to fighting.

In the real battle of life and death, even Yang Yu at this time cannot do two things at the same time.

"According to the rank map, Kuixing has the ability to control hundreds of ghosts, and it should be because of this seal of slaying evil... but I can't do it for the time being."

Yang Yu was determined.

Compared with the rank of only one dao fruit, Kuixing's advantage lies in the combination.

God and ghosts can be seen through the secluded, Abyss Dragon Sword can be killed and descended, purple golden bottle gourd can be swallowed, refined and strengthened, and the evil seal can be ruled!
This is the true meaning of Kuixing!

He wants to refining the rank and become a star, and there is still a long way to go.

It's just...

"This shit, corpse, no matter how you look at it, it's not a serious rank..."

After trying for a long time , Yang Yu began to experience his own changes since the sit cross-legged.

The refining of the Kuixing rank map is not only as simple as adding a Divine Ability, although there is no drastic change in the outside, there is a transformation in the subtleties.

Due to the particularity of rank, this change is more reflected in the spirit, making his five senses more sensitive.

At the same time, his internal organs and blood membranes are slowly undergoing transformation.



In autumn, everything is bleak, but it is a harvest season. At this time, there are still some days before the harvest, and the fields are already busy. in a frenzy.

On the Tiandi, teams of officers came and went in a hurry, monitoring, escorting, or loading vehicles.

In the fields, many households feel heartache.

The autumn has not yet come, and the grains at this time are mostly green. Under the harvest, the loss can be said to be huge, but looking at the officials who come and go, no one dares to object.

With enough money, who is not to sell?

As I drove my horse into the Mulin Mansion, all I saw along the way was such a sight.

Under the circumstance that the four masters were no longer constrained, Xu Wenji's high pressure made Qing State officials break out with extraordinary execution.

The fields are being harvested and the vehicles are being sent.

Many prefectures and counties were mobilized.

"Drought in Deyang Mansion..."

Yang Yu's heart sank, and he hurried his horse to go without stopping, and soon came to Mulin Mansion.

When he saw the person in charge of the Mulin Mansion, the sky had already dimmed, and on the pier where the tide was rising, Huang Sixiang was commanding and shouting from a high place.

At this time, it was Huang Sixiang who was responsible for the complicated transportation of materials from the Mulin House.

He was already going back to Qingzhou City. Ling Ying brought Xu Wenji's orders. In desperation, he could only arrange food and grass here.

Although the water transport from Mulin Mansion could not reach Deyang Mansion, it was much faster than the land route.

At this time, Mulin House, in a frenzy, not only many prefectures and counties in Mulin House, but also the prefectures and counties without waterway, are also transporting food and other materials in an endless stream.

There is another transfer here, and it will be sent to the nearest terminal to Deyang Mansion, and the second transportation will go directly to the disaster area.


Yang Yu just stepped into the pier, Huang Sixiang’s heart skipped a beat, and the light in his eyes hit the place where he came from.

"Where did the expert come from?"

The thought flashed, seeing it was Yang Yu, he immediately relaxed, stepped down a little, has fallen from a height, borrowed a few times, has come to the near.

"Good boy! I heard that you have made great achievements again? Good boy, it seems that you will climb to the head of an old man in a few years!"

Huang Sixiang sighed in his heart.

Using his channel, he naturally heard about Qingzhou City. This young man is not as good as the weak champion, but he is already famous all over the world.

"It's just a coincidence, but Mr. Xu is very skilled."

Yang Yu smiled and said what he meant.

"Are you going to Heavenly Wolf Pass? It's the adults who are going to do it..."

Hearing Yang Yu's request, Huang Sixiang's brows furrowed, and he obviously guessed that what.


Yang Yu looked at the river. At this time, there were several times more boats than before, and the mighty river seemed a little crowded.

"This letter must not be asking for help! Even if the mountains and rivers are exhausted, the adults will not mobilize the border troops. He is also an old man who has walked out of the mountains. How can he not understand this truth?"

Huang The four elephants seem to have guessed something, and their faces are a little dignified:

"You go here, I'm afraid it won't be peaceful..."

The power of the four people, from the temple to the bottom The rivers, lakes and green forests include many aspects, and there are naturally many soldiers.

Having a background, a martial arts, and a network of contacts, the people of the Four Great Families are very powerful in the army.

"Although I'm here to deliver a letter."

Looking at the rolling tide, Yang Yu looked calm and had some anticipation:

"But someone wants to Try my means, then let him go!”

Good night……………… Push a book "The Edge Alliance of the Film and Television World" riding crutches, unlimited streaming, film and television, old author, character保证

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