First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 221


Chapter 221 To match or not to match? !
Hearing the old man's words, Xiao Qingfeng's heart was shocked, and then he shook his head:

"If it is for that child, the clan uncle doesn't have to do this."

Of course he listened to the meaning of the old man's words. come out.

Just to deceive Wei Zhengxian in order to kill that kid is definitely not a good deal.

The person in front of him, named Xiao Zhan, is the most respected person in the Xiao Family in the Qing State army, and his status in the army is second only to Wei Zhengxian.

It's only because of their constant presence at the border that their reputation is not obvious.


The old man couldn't help laughing out loud, shaking his head:
"Qingfeng, remember, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. I will wait all the way. It's not easy to get here, how can you risk yourself because of a muddy leg?"

"Is there really something going to happen outside the customs?"

Xiao Qingfeng was slightly surprised.

Others thought that Wei Zhengxian was due to riots outside the pass, and Heavenly Wolf, who led the team, naturally knew that he was trying to avoid the battle for succession of Long Yuandao.

It's not that there's really any turmoil outside the gate.

"Not bad."

Xiao Zhan has nothing to hide:
"A few days ago, a spy came to report that there were experts fighting at the bottom of the mountain, and it was suspected that the Someone came from the 'divine wind station' and lost his trace."

"divine wind station?"

Xiao Qingfeng expression moved: "Li Yuan?"

The divine wind platform is one of the most famous Great Sects, and its status is similar to that of Great Ming Lanke Temple, Floating Buddhist Temple, and Sword Mountain Village.

And Li Yuan, the god of war, is the master of Divine Wind.

According to legend, as early as 50 years ago, it has achieved Martial Saint and has a great reputation.

"Fifty years is not too short. It's enough time for the rest of the two countries to recuperate. In these years, the border has really begun to stir. It seems to be a small friction, but who knows?"


Xiao Zhan coldly smiled, didn't say much, and instead said:

"Qingfeng, you are the seeds of the clan who have been cultivating with all their strength, waiting for the seeds of the season, more than the old man. It's important! You can secretly direct this matter, but you must never take action yourself!"

Xiao War God was serious, Xiao Jingfeng and the others also agreed.

"Don't worry, my little nephew still knows the importance."

Xiao Qingfeng was a little unwilling, but he still agreed.

Everything has pros and cons.

He was supported by his family, and he was given all kinds of material things. At the same time, many things were beyond his mind.

Don't take risks, that's what he has heard most in the past 30 years.

In fact, even the most dangerous fights he has experienced over the years are all under the family's watch.

"It's good if you know."

Xiao Zhan tapped him on the shoulder and said softly:
"Beyond the decades of planning in the clan, your current Forbearance can't be considered What kind of humiliation. When the sky changes, nothing can stop you!"

"The sky changes..."

chewing on the word , Xiao Qingfeng was a little complicated in his heart.

"If the person I invited won't come, you must not act rashly. If you are not going to be a last resort, you must not do it in the pass!"

Finally, Xiao Zhan turned around. leave.

Watching his leaving back, Xiao Qingfeng suddenly turned his head, coldly swept over Xiao Jingfeng and the others with a shy face, and walked away.

After this conversation, he still doesn't know where this clan uncle is here to beat himself.



Sunrise and daily income.

Looking at the curling smoke in the autumn wind, soaking in the medicinal bath, and thinking about Yang Yu who had spent the night, the rare mood calmed down.

Heavenly Wolf, with a strong military spirit, is the most life-like city he has ever seen.

This is a real irony.

The cities he experienced before, whether it was Heishan County, Mulinfu, or Qingzhou City, did not have such an atmosphere.

Even in the most prosperous urban area of Qingzhou City, there are no shortage of local rogues, and gang fights are not uncommon.

But at Heavenly Wolf, that's rarely the case.

This is a military pass, and most of the people are family members and descendants of the military. Even if there are foreign settlers, they must be very safe.

The traders who come and go are very disciplined.

Of course, no matter how good a place is, it is bound to have its dark side, but Heavenly Wolf Pass is indeed the city with the best security that Yang Yu has ever experienced.

None of them.

It was a little chilly in the early morning of autumn. Except for the smoke from cooking, there were only soldiers on patrol and few pedestrians on the street.

Most of the shops along the street have just opened their doors.

The most are some shops that sell breakfast.


Yang Yu, who was going to the blacksmith shop to get custom ore iron, went somewhere, and suddenly his heart moved.

His five senses are extremely sensitive, and when he walked here, he suddenly noticed something was wrong, and his secret gaze disappeared suddenly after he walked into this street.

"Give up? Or..."

Yang Yu was a little surprised and looked all around.

"Freshly baked pancakes, steamed buns, and bean curd!"

Seeing Yang Yu stop, the vendors nearby became louder.

"Ten pancakes and a bowl of tofu brain."

Yang Yu seemed to have noticed something and sat down.

In these years, there are many people who can't get enough to eat, but this does not prevent the abundance of various kinds of food. There are more than ten kinds of food points on the small stalls.

It also comes with a lot of side dishes.

"It's salty."


The hawker laughed in response.

It didn't take long, it was delivered to the front, and there was still a piece of cake.

Yang Yu came to a table with a plate of rice, pretending to be unintentional:

"Is there anyone here?"

Across the table, is a The old man wearing a dark green gown, normal height and very thin, heard Yang Yu's question, nodded:
"Whatever you want."

Yang Yu sat down and started gorge oneself.

After practicing martial arts, his appetite has greatly increased, and he eats several times more than ordinary people every day. This is when he swallows gold and iron every day, and he will recover his physical strength.

Otherwise, it would be dozens of times bigger than ordinary people.

The old man on the opposite table put down the bowls and chopsticks at some point, but he didn't leave, just looked at Yang Yu lightly, and finished eating like a strong wind scattering the last clouds, before he spoke:
"How does it taste?"

"Salt and delicious, tender and delicious, it is a rare food."

Yang Yu slightly nodded.

"What kind of food is this?"

The old man smiled dumbly:
"The really good tofu brain should be ground with the brain of a hundred birds, a small bowl, It is enough to hold thousands, a spoonful of mouth, seems to have thousands of birds chirping in the ear, that taste is the delicacy of the world."

Yang Yu wiped the corner of his mouth, cold response:
"Then It's not tofu brain."

"It's delicious food."

The old man pushed the bowl and chopsticks in front of him at will, and the soup spilled.

Yang Yu could see clearly, but he didn't eat a single bite, so he couldn't help sneering:

"You're too bad at your surface skills."

This Old Guy is waiting for him.

Yang Yu knew it when he saw him for the first time.

The old man was not annoyed, and asked with a light smile:

"The little beggars in Heishan County must have suffered a lot and paid a lot of hard work all the way to this day. ?"

"Another bowl of bean curd!"

Yang Yu suddenly opened his mouth and asked for another bowl of bean curd:

"Sweet! "

"hehe ~"

The old man smiled slightly:
"If I were you, I would drink nectar, eat delicacy, sleep and beauties matched, wake up and be powerful I'm in control! If not, how can I be worthy of my hard work?"

"The nectar is delicious."

Yang Yu nods.

There are options, which one wants to eat dirt?
There are countless delicacies and wines in this world. He is not an ascetic, and his appetite has always been there.

"Who is the old man, you should have some guesses in your heart."

The old man stroked his long beard, indifferently said:
"There is still a daughter in the old man's family, named Yan, twenty-eight years old, dignified in appearance, fine in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but lacks a good match..."

"Gold, silver, wealth, silk, gourmet juice, women's sexual rights... Do you want to win over this Yang?"

Yang Yu's heart was not disturbed, but he wanted to laugh:
"It seems that Mr. Xiao's temperament is still a little smaller..."

With his martial arts today, whether it is gold, silver, wealth and silk, or women's sexual rights, as long as he wants, it is not easy to get, but it is definitely not something that cannot be obtained.

What made him want to laugh even more was the attitude of the Old Guy.

Perhaps he has been in a high position for a long time, or he was born noble, and he doesn't know how to win over people.

Even though he promised many benefits, Yang Yu did not feel the kindness of little bit in him.

Some, only indifference and contempt, as well as a touch of excellent killing intent hidden by him.

“Your talent is not bad, and you have a little skill, but so what? What about the weight of one person, compared to the accumulation of more than ten generations of me?”

The smile on Xiao Zhan's face was gone, replaced by a mountain of dignified oppression:

"You have made great achievements several times, but you are only bronze medals. You know, the same credit, old man Can I take you to the Six Doors headquarters in Kyoto?"

The old man's voice was neither loud nor low, but others seemed to be unable to hear it at all, except for the food vendor trembling with fear, sweating on his forehead.

No matter what, the diners on this street are all his subordinates.

"Power, status..."

Yang Yu gently stirred the tofu brain in the bowl:

"So what?"

"A rotten Confucian who has lost his power can't give you what you want, but an old man, Xiao Family, can give you, and more."

Xiao Zhan tapped on the table. , indifferently said:

"You are a smart person, you should know how to choose."

During the speech, he was always looking at the youngster across the table.

A youngster who was born in a poor family and with outstanding innate talent, he has seen too many people. These people, no matter what their appearance, have a desire for power and status beyond ordinary people.

What makes him slightly frowned is that the man opposite, seems to remain unmoved.

"Indeed, I've always thought of myself as a smart person, and you're right."

Nodded agreed with Yang Yu.

While Xiao Zhan's expression softened slightly, the conversation changed again:
"However, I refuse!"


"Everyone has their own aspirations, and they can't force it."

Xiao Zhan sighed slightly, and didn't seem to want to persuade any more. He tapped the table and stood up:

"Slowly. Eat slowly, chances are running out!"

After saying that, he turned and left.

And many of the diners who were seated also got up and glanced at Yang Yu coldly, following closely from behind.

"I haven't answered what you asked before."

Xiao Zhan's footsteps were slightly paused, he turned around indifferently, and then looked at the youngster who was eating tofu brain at a moderate pace.


"You ask me, how does the weight of one person compare to the accumulation of more than ten generations of you? I will answer you..."

After slowly eating the last bite of the pancake, Yang Yu put down the silver and got up. He swept over everyone and landed on Xiao Zhan.

The tone is light, like a heavy stone falling to the ground:
"You guys are also worthy of being compared with me?!"

On the long street, it suddenly became quiet, and you could hear needles falling.

The eyes of several vendors became horrified.

The eyes of the diners flashed surprised and angry, killing intent.

Xiao Zhan looked at him coldly. After a long time, he turned around and left. He didn't see how he looked, only to hear a rumble of laughter:

"Hahaha! On your tombstone!"

The long street was quiet for a long time.

Xiao Zhan and the others have disappeared, and the expressions of all the vendors and diners still remain on Yang Yu, like watching the dead.

Heavenly Wolf, killing is strictly prohibited.

It doesn't mean that people will never die.

Can not help, some discuss spiritedly up.

"Who is this person? Dare to talk to Mr. Xiao like this..."

"Ai, it's a pity. He is going to die at a young age, I'm afraid the old people in the family will see one's child die before oneself."

"Sir Xiao also dares to offend, now these youngsters..."


Yang Yu's hearing is very Well, naturally I could hear the arguments coming from behind.

But he didn't care too much. After leaving the long street, he went straight to the many blacksmith shops where orders were placed yesterday.

Heavenly Wolf has more blacksmith shops than Qingzhou City. All kinds of ore and iron are also available, and the craftsmanship of blacksmiths is also superb.

However, Yang Yu naturally didn't need them to build weapons.

After arriving, I chose a furnace and started repairing the arrows.

Yes, fix the arrows.

The role of the armoured psychic is to be accumulated and replaced frequently, which is not feasible.

So, Master Ancestor of Seven Mysteries Sect practiced 'Hundred-Step Flying Sword' instead of 'Flying Arrow'.

"After this incident, it's time to change to build a saber for myself."

Amidst the thumping sounds of sparks flying in all directions, Yang Yu flashed his thoughts.

Spirituality seems to be inconspicuous, but in fact, a weapon with the same spirituality can greatly improve the battle strength of Martial Artist.

Just like Henry Zhang, the king of Zhao of the West Palace.

Under his fists, he used all means to block, and he could still stay half a breath. Even with such an injury, it was impossible to survive.

But once his phoenix wings are gilded in his hand, even if he strikes casually, he can't take it no matter what, and he can only die quickly.

In the following days, Yang Yu still went back and forth between the Inn and the blacksmith shop, going out at sunrise and returning at sunset.

During the day, they beat arrows and collect mysterious thunder stones. At night, they practiced their various martial arts in Cauldron of Gluttony, and used secret techniques to breathe arrows.

At this point, his martial arts has inevitably slowed down his progress, but he will not slack off.

At the same time, the energy storage of the Cauldron of Gluttony is gradually approaching the threshold.


With the thumping of sparks flying in all directions, another day has passed.

Yang Yu left the blacksmith shop with arrows and Xuan Lei Stone. It was a little late today, and it was already dark.

With curfew imminent, the streets are quiet with few pedestrians.


Glancing at the closed blacksmith shop, Yang Yu seemed to feel something, and he slowly put down the iron and arrows in his hands.

A faint whimper could be heard in the night breeze.

The yin and yin are pitiful, like a child crying at night.

(end of this chapter)

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