First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 223


Chapter 223 Hundred Poisonous Golden Silkworm Gu

This is Yang Yu's first Once he used Tongyou on a living person, and the effect was so good that he was moved by it.

This is not seeing in the ordinary sense.

It's more like seeing its soul, and even in the legends, it's impossible to tell the fate of the unknown!
The moment Tongyou was activated, Yang Yu felt that his soul was empty, and a huge fatigue emerged in his heart. Immediately, the light and shadow in front of him changed.

Poisonous smoke, long streets, houses, poison insects... everything visible to naked eye is invisible.

It was replaced by an inexplicable machine that he had seen before.

"Old man with poisonous poison!"

Blessed to the soul, Yang Yu recited what he wanted to see in his heart.

In the next moment, the qi rolled and disappeared, leaving only a wisp in front of his eyes. Then, as if moving according to his mind, the light and shadow turned into words and appeared in his heart and eyes.

【Old Man with Hundred Poisons】

【Single Body, Hundred Poisonous Body, Killing Yingye, Hundred Poisonous Golden Silkworm Gu】

'The four Or gray, or white, or green, is the destiny? It doesn't seem right...'

The thought of astonishment flashed away, and all the lights and shadows disappeared. What appeared in Yang Yu's eyes was a dwarf old man who was only four or five feet tall and had a disgusting face. .

"How dare you?!"

The face of the old man with poisonous poison was full of astonishment, as if he didn't expect that he really dared to charge in.

After a moment of concentration, he realized that when the boy from Six Doors rushed in, not only did his breath turn to inward breathing, his ears were closed, but even the tiny pores on his skin were also closed. !
"What convincing method did you practice?!"

The look of the old man with poisonous poison suddenly changed, and he made a sharp hissing noise as he retreated at a high speed, causing countless poison insects to riot.

Yang Yu's movements are so fast, his voice has not yet been revealed, and he is already rushing in.

chi chi chi ~
The poisonous smoke that was so strong to the extreme boiled, and the wind and blood energy were violently dissolving, as if cold water had been poured into the boiling oil.

In an instant, black smoke billowed and the stench overflowed.

Xiao Jingfeng got a little closer, and could not help but smell a wisp between his nose and mouth, and his complexion instantly turned blue and black.

"Not good!"

He turned pale in fright, but how dare he come forward to rescue him?
Immediately, he sat cross-legged, swallowed Jiedu Powder, and began to get rid of poison qi, and the few people behind him saw this scene, even more like avoiding snakes and scorpions.

I watched helplessly as the fierce blade light cut through the poisonous miasma and rushed into the dark green deep poison qi.


Seeing the blade light coming fiercely, the poisonous old man looked ferocious, like a ghost.

From his back, he let out a scream that was enough to pierce the eardrums, and his thin body, which was only four feet tall, seemed to swell with inflation.

Above the skin, there is a crimson like a red-hot pig iron, and it looks like a red-hot prawn.

The harsh symphony of gold and iron exploded in the poison mist, and the old man screamed and fell out.

Have a shell?
Yang Yu heart startled, the long sword that swayed high and twisted along with it, and cut it down again with one sword, breaking the gang with blade glow, and breaking its horizontal training with black iron.


The poisonous old man finally screamed.

The reddened forehead, which was cut down, poured out green blood that smelled like venom.

But he was still immortal, threw away a large amount of poisonous powder and poisonous water, stretched out his arms, and rushed towards Yang Yu, wanting to perish together.


Even if there is a gang-style block, and the turtle's breath is closed, Yang Yu feels that his eyes are dark, as if he was invaded by poison qi.

How dare this Old Guy get close?
But he still didn't retreat, his steps were once again mana, blood surged, blue veins burst out on his arms, inner Qi urged.

blade light is like a dragon, chanting and dangling.

Yang Yu swept across in one step, directly penetrating ten several feet long, all over the long street of poison insect and poison qi.


Behind him, Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry pierced through the night sky, and a terrifying level of poison qi rose up. On the top, the grass and trees are withered, and the houses are corroded with large traces.

At the rusty long knife station, Yang Yu gasped and breathed inwardly, which did not mean that he did not need to breathe, not to mention that he rushed forward and closed all the air holes in his body.

At this time, the brain is slightly hypoxic.

"This old poison..."

Yang Yu straightened up, the martial robe on his body was exactly similar to the steel knife in his palm, both of which were riddled with holes, and there were still many holes all over his body. Light or severe burns.

This is the second time he killed Poison Expert, but it was different from the one at Netherworld Villa. That time, he shot Wang Fu directly. Although he possessed Poison, he didn't have time to react.

But this time, he was the one who killed a hundred poisonous old man with far more poisonous power than Wang Fu.


Looking towards the place where the hundred poisonous old man died, Yang Yu suddenly noticed something different.

With the death of the poisonous old man, a large number of poison insects also died, including those who are hatching mosquitoes and poisonous crows.

However, there are still large swaths of poison insects gushing out from the corpse of the old man with poisonous poison. The number and weight are more than ten times larger than the old man with poisonous poison. .

This surprised him.


"Is this dead?!"

The experts from the Xiao Family in the distance are facing a formidable enemy, and they are in their hearts. Fear arises.

A hundred poisonous old man has been famous for so many years, and the old-fashioned evil expert, who is famous for his strange poisonous art, is very difficult to deal with. Just look at this terrifying wave of poisonous poison and poisonous miasma.

However, such an existence was quickly killed by a young man who had only been famous for a few years and seemed to be inferior to the weak crown.

How can this not frighten them?


At this moment, Xiao Jingfeng spit out a mouthful of Poison Blood, and when the poisonous tide dissipated, it was started first, and then his expression changed.

It's not surprised and angry, but laughing wildly:

"Hahaha! You dare to kill him, he is a poisonous old man, you dare to kill him!"

He laughed, leaning back and forth, his pale face turned rosy, until Yang Yu swept his eyes coldly, and then stopped abruptly.

The mottled long knife raised slightly, Yang Yu looked at it coldly:
"What about killing?"

"No, but perish together!"

Xiao Jingfeng had a strange look on his face and a grim smile:

"This Old Guy is not practicing poison art, but Gu art! And he is practicing the superior Gu Insect from Lingnan Road. , 'Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu', look at your left arm, is there a golden thread?"

"Hundred Poison Golden Silkworm Gu..."

Yang Yu looked down towards On his left arm, from the middle of his wrist to his elbow, there is a faint golden line, and the hair is so thin that if you look carefully, you can't see it.

But his mind fell on the four entries of the number of lives of the old man of hundred poisons that Yi Tongyou saw.

【All alone (grey), body with a hundred poisons (white), murderous Yingye (white), golden silkworm with a hundred poisons (green)]

[a hundred poisonous golden silkworms Gu (coming to maturity): The strange Gu Insect was born among the wreckage of thousands of poison insects.

To coexist with people, it is necessary to provide a hundred poisons and Qi of Metal Essence. If the symbiotic person is killed, they will be transferred to the nearest person. If they cannot provide a hundred poisons and pure gold, they will be swallowed Human blood, brain marrow]

"The energy of pure gold..."

Yang Yu's thoughts flashed, but on the surface, it was sighed:
"I was careless. ."

He has no experience in dealing with Poison Gong expert, and he knows very little about this hundred poisonous old man. The battle was too urgent before, and he didn't have time to read his fate entry.

Although he seems to have a way to feed this insect, it also makes him alert.

"The speed of the Hundred Poisonous Golden Silkworm Gu is extremely fast, don't think about breaking your arm to survive, that's impossible."

Xiao Jingfeng drew his sword and sneered:
"Also, as long as your blood energy boils, the golden silkworm Gu will start to eat, devouring your qi, blood, flesh and blood, until your brain..."

Martial Artist fights, qi and blood, fundamental.

Once the blood cannot be stimulated, the battle strength of any Martial Artist will be greatly reduced, even Martial Saint, will not be an exception.

Xiao Family's experts felt a chill in their hearts when they heard this.

To be amazed by this Gu technique is too terrifying, and also terrified by the deep thought of his own boss, I am afraid that he has already counted the matter of Yang Yu beheading the hundred poisonous old men.

As his thoughts turned, he looked towards the tattered young man with pity in his eyes.

Thinking that both swords and arrows are capable of crushing the same level, Young Expert, who made them tremble just a moment ago, is now meat on the cutting board.

"However, this hundred poisonous golden silkworm gu is also irresistible. Your lord pity you for being a talent, as long as you are willing to kneel down and become a slave to my Xiao Family, it is not impossible to save your life... "

Seeing Yang Yu's stunned expression, Xiao Jingfeng was even more determined in his heart. He wanted to say something, but was interrupted.



Several people are startled.

In the night breeze, the young man in ragged clothes raised his eyebrows, and his scorching eyes reflected a cold smile:
"Then, die!"

"Not good!"

Xiao Jingfeng's heart skipped a beat when he heard a loud bang in his ears.

Sen Leng blade light flickered like a cold wave, and at the moment when a loud bang exploded, on the long street, a full moon seemed to fall, bursting with indescribable light and light. Bright.

This is, ten steps to kill!

Loud noises, air waves, strong winds...

In an instant, like a 3rd-layer frenzy bursting out at the same time, the terrifying weather assaults the senses, just for a moment, including The expressions of all the Xiao Family members, including Xiao Jingfeng, changed.

The power of this blade is even more powerful than before!


Xiao Jingfeng was full of vigor and blood, and he retreated at full speed. In front of him, he couldn't see anything. The fierceness of this blade light made his mind tremble.

He could hardly see anything, and he could only see a vague shadow coming violently at an unimaginable speed.

Wherever he went, the heads danced with blood.

In the blink of an eye, all the digital experts who have passed through it have been swept away by them!
"How dare he?! How dare he?!"

Xiao Jingfeng couldn't help retreating violently. Surprised and angry in his heart, he heard footsteps and blades behind him. and swords unsheathing sound.

Is that Armored Soldier patrolling the streets?
'We are also abandoned sons...'

At this moment, he seemed to have a clear comprehension.

Not only the poisonous old man, but even himself, he is also an abandoned child!
the thoughts got to this point, he was surprised and angry, sad, but more than that, it was fear, he swung his sword, roared and screamed:

"Kill me, kill me I, you will die too, and you will die too!"

The air wave subsided and the blade light dissipated.

With a knife and an owl's head, Yang Yu nodded lightly:
"I see."

(end of this chapter)

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