First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 232


Chapter 232 Yin-Yang Transformation (Second Update)
hu ~
Shake the palm of your hand lightly, the air flows out from your fingertips like a substance, the sharp wind is as soft as the finger, and moves with the palm of your finger, do as one pleases.

A Martial Artist is also a physical body and mortal flesh. Except for the 'others' who have practiced the Divine Ability of 'melting body refinement' like Ji Longshan, the Martial Artists of the overwhelming majority can shake swordsmen.

It depends on the grasp of astral qi.

“astral qi.”

Yang Yu was carefully sensing the changes in the bodies of the living dead, and more importantly, he was familiar with astral qi.

Except for the internal refining, external refining, Lightweight Art, Sword Art and other martial arts that have been dispersed by wind and scattered like clouds, the living dead at this time are almost the same as Fang Qidao before his death.

Only until you are familiar with it, or you can already exert 70% of its martial power during his lifetime.

And this is the limit.

After all, his martial arts does not fit perfectly with the living dead. Martial arts cultivation, body and martial arts complement each other.

"Xiao Zhan..."

Listening to the noisy footsteps from far to near, Yang Yu put down a piece of silver and got up and left.

He had done all he could, and all that was left was to wait.

He had a hunch that the man was coming.

Although doubtful about the Great General sending himself to free a prisoner.

But Zhao Jinglong didn't delay in the slightest. He walked towards the starry night, and almost paralyzed the Dragon Horse under his crotch, so he was able to run back to Heavenly Wolf Pass at dusk.

But this time, he was surprised that something was wrong.

"Xiao Qingfeng, are you really dead?!"

Almost two soldiers who looked at him mentioned it, Zhao Jinglong asked sharply.

The soldier didn't dare to hide the slightest bit, and even told everything that happened at Heavenly Wolf Pass these days.

"There have been ghosts attracting yang energy in the past few days? Who asked you this?"

He slapped the soldier to the ground with a backhand slap, and Zhao Jinglong was startled with cold sweat behind his back. .

Having been a colleague for many years, how could he not know the importance of Xiao Qingfeng to Xiao Zhan?
Xiao Zhan, who has never been selfish, can only allow this Young Master Xiao to come and go freely to the military camp without being restricted by military law.

"If Xiao Zhan finds out about this, I'm afraid..."

After a shudder, Zhao Jinglong didn't dare to think deeply. rushed to the prison.

Although he couldn't understand the relationship between the Great General and the Constable of Six Doors, he knew that the Great General asked him to come here to protect this person's life.

"Come here and stop!"

Before reaching the prison, there were shouts and shouts, accompanied by the sound of bowstrings twisting.

"Blind your dog's eyes, can't even this Commander recognize it?!"

The angry shouting stopped abruptly.

Xiao Changfeng, with his face as black as iron and his armored soldiers, walked out of the shadows, his eyes were cold:


"Xiao Changfeng! How dare you! Use a knife and gun on a colleague?"

Zhao Jinglong's face sank, and his heart sank, knowing that this matter is difficult to do.

Xiao Changfeng is a direct descendant of Xiao Zhan. He is of the same status as himself. They are all commanders of the army. Although their martial arts skills are a little worse than their own, they are similar.

And the most famous thing about this person is that he is like a mad dog, and no one except Xiao Zhan pays attention.


Xiao Changfeng was expressionless and repeated.

Chang Ge rises horizontally and stops outside the prison. He is wearing heavy armor and imposing in a fierce manner.

"Xiao Changfeng! This Commander is here, with the Great General's decree, how dare you stop me?!"

Zhao Jinglong's face sinks like water.

Hearing the words 'Great General', Xiao Changfeng's expression changed, but he still blocked the door:

"In the Great Prison, there are criminals, unless the Great General. General, otherwise, no one will be allowed to take a step forward."

"You dare to disobey the military order?!"

The thatched beard trembled, Zhao Jinglong Shocked and angry.

He knew Xiao Changfeng very well, and the only possibility was that he could block himself from entering despite the Great General's order.

Xiao Zhan is very likely already on his way back, or even back!

While Zhao Jinglong's thoughts were turning, outside the prison, the bowmen had already started, and they would pass the important town here and attack the General in the army.

Zhao Jinglong was furious, and only stepped on it with one step.

Before the prison, all the best bluestones were smashed by stepping on it, and the large pieces of sand and gravel were like fragments after the explosion of a cannonball. Bowman.

As for himself, he stepped out by force, and a dark red heavy knife had been unsheathed, with the potential of wind and thunder, splitting the airflow and air.

He slashed at Xiao Changfeng, whose face was as heavy as iron.

The long Ge rises, metal collision, and giant force erupts.

In an instant, before the big prison, it seemed that a small-scale earthquake had occurred, and the large bluestone ground was like a wooden stake struck by a sledgehammer, and the fiercely subsidence was about one chi.


In the symphony of gold and iron enough to pierce the eardrums, there was a deep roar that overcame the screams of the archers all around.

Xiao Changfeng strode, with red blood on his upper body, people like torches, dancing with large shadows, and walking with him like a forest.

dang dang dang!
The two have been colleagues for nearly 20 years, and have a deep understanding of each other. When they made a move, they all rushed to each other's weak spot. In an instant, the clanging voice had resounded through the long street.

Attracting the attention of many people in the distance.

At the same time, it also alerted other Xiao Family experts who patrolled the streets and arrested the perpetrators.

"A bold thief, how dare you break into the prison?!"


"Take it!"

Hearing the shouts and shouts from a distance, Zhao Jinglong's face flushed red to the point of almost bleeding. Suddenly, he felt ruthless in his heart.

A low muffled sound of thunder exploded between his chest and abdomen, and immediately, a surging blood energy surged up:
"courting death!"

He roared like an angry tiger, and the sound waves were still ear-piercing at a distance of several dozen meters. Xiao Changfeng, who was the first to bear the brunt, froze for a moment.

Although it was only for a moment, his eyes also became fierce, like fire True Aura surging layer by layer, in an instant, Chang Ge was all red, exuding huge light and heat.

After stabbing a long whistle, Zhao Jinglong charged towards the prison.

In just one click, the gang wind was torn apart and the blood splashed out.

"Xiao Changfeng, wait for me!!"

Zhao Jinglong was so angry that he wanted to go back and beat him to death, but he still forcibly held back.

With a low growl, the bloody arms were already in front of him, straddling ten several feet, rolling with tremendous force, like a battering ram pushed by hundreds of people on the battlefield.

With just one click, the prison gate made of three-foot steel will all split up and in pieces!
Its arrogance, sturdiness, and ferocity make all the bowmen around, and even other Xiao Family experts who heard the news, have their eyelids twitching wildly.

"I accuse me!"

However, in the next moment, the pioneer in the army, the leader known for his bravery, let out a strange cry.

"Zhi Niang thief!"

Zhao Jinglong's expression changed greatly, and the arms that were protecting him suddenly swelled by three points, like a shield protecting his chest and abdomen. between.

The groan scolded and stepped back.

Behind the steel gate, what awaits him is not a jailer, guard, or soldier, but a God-armed crossbow ready to go!

bang bang bang!
Like spring thunder, it is a sonic boom caused by the air being ripped apart.

Zhao Jinglong retreated extremely fast, his blood energy was soaring, and one step could exceed fifteen feet, but the arrow as thick as an arm came faster.

He only took two steps back, and the arrow that pulled out a substantial wave of white smoke had drowned it.



The air waves rolled and spread.

The sand was surging, the gravel flew around, and the arrows as thick as an arm remained unabated, falling to the ground, and with a sound of 'chi', they disappeared without a trace.

Leaving only the white air in the streets, which is especially terrifying at this dusk.

All the spectators changed their faces.

I was shocked by the power of the God Arm Crossbow, and at the second time, I was shocked by the very ruthless domineering of Xiao Family, who dared to set up such a terrifying ultimate weapon like the God Arm Crossbow in the city.


Many people turned blue, even a few Xiao Family experts felt their eyelids twitching wildly.

This is the commander of the army...

"Not dead!"

Xiao Changfeng took a step forward, and suddenly looked sideways, he could see someone on the other side of the prison. At the wall, the blood-stained Zhao Jinglong gasped for breath, the veins on his forehead burst, and he was extremely angry:
"Xiao Changfeng, I'm doing you a job!"

God-armed crossbow!
He didn't expect, Xiao Changfeng was so very ruthless, just a split second before he died!

"Take a crossbow with a divine arm to deal with your colleagues, Xiao Changfeng, you are really amazing, amazing."

Sweeping the dust on his sleeves and looking at Xiao Changfeng, Yu Liang's expression was somber. cold.

If he hadn't arrived in time, Zhao Jinglong would have died without a whole corpse at this time.

"Mr. Yu is using a supernatural armored horse?"

Glancing at the paper dust under Yu Liang's feet, Xiao Changfengshook the head:

" It's not that this Xiao is cruel, it's Commander Zhao who insists on pushing hard, who's to blame?"

While speaking, his heart sank slightly.

Yu Liang, Qing State military is a special existence.

Even if it is him, he only knows that he is from Longyuan Dao, a mountain man of myriad form, a dísciple of Wang Muzhi, who has a special technique and won the trust of the Great General.

Nowadays, this spell is even more terrifying than previously thought.

Any Lightweight Art can't save people under the already issued Divine Arm Crossbow, but 'Jiama' can.

"Xiao Changfeng!"

Zhao Jinglong gasped in his nostrils, and his steel teeth almost rubbed his teeth into a fire stare:

"I must kill you! "

"Then we'll wait for the best move."

Xiao Changfeng raised his Ge, his eyebrows full of coldness:
"His day, he's talking. Today , anyone who dares to break into the prison will have to die!"

Stopping Zhao Jinglong's roar, Yu Liang lowered his arms, indifferently said:
"Xiao Changfeng, you are guilty of killing your colleagues today. , the Great General will decide in the future, press it for now. However, this great prison, this Yu is going to enter today, how are you doing?"

"Could it be that Mr. Yu can't hear? I said, anyone If you dare to break into the prison, you will have to die!"

Xiao Changfeng let out a long sigh of relief.

Behind him, many Xiao Family experts also lined up one after another, bows, swords, and lances were raised one after another, and murderous intentions overflowed.

"Okay, very good."

Yu Liang nodded, there was no emotion on his face.

I just took out two paper-like and hemp-like leather goods, and slowly put them on both hands, wrapping my five fingers, and pinching them lightly, there was actually a naked eye visible lightning interweaving and rubbing.

Amid the terrifying breath, Yu Liang took a step forward, his tone more desolate and colder than the autumn wind:

"Then, today, this Yu, let's see, Who dares to stop me, who can stop me!"

Cold voices echoed, including Xiao Changfeng, everyone's expressions changed.

This is not a martial arts.

"Is this the yin and yang yin and yang that Mr. Yu learned from the 'myriad forms of the mountain man'? Sure enough, it is so subtle and magical that one dare not stop it."

The unwavering voice sounded from the end of the long street, breaking the origin of the magical thunder hand and breaking the atmosphere of Shen Ning.

Everyone looked sideways, some were surprised, some were sad, and some were endlessly afraid.

The person who came here was dressed in sackcloth, white shoes, with messy hair and a shawl, looking haggard, like a mad lion who lost his son, but it wasn't Xiao Zhan, who was he?

Tap Ta Ta~
The footsteps were low and rhythmic like drums, from far to near, Xiao Zhan came slowly, his tone was flat and cold:
"Xiao Zhan is not talented, I want to give it a try."

Well, the second one will come. Let's have a meal and continue, I don't know if I can write the third chapter.

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