First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 239


Chapter 239 is called Qing State! (First Update)
Qing State is famous all over the world for its soldiers, and Heavenly Wolf Pass is a major border gate. Naturally, countless forces are paying attention to this place. Even small things will soon be placed on the desks of some great characters.

Not to mention the second-in-command of the Qing State army, Xiao Zhan, a veteran general who is close to Grandmaster?

Such shocking news, all the spies who learned about it immediately used the eagle to pass it on to the forces behind it as quickly as possible.

The eagles fly to all directions, or fall in the city, or go to the mountains, or fall into the manor, or fly to the high gate compound.

One of them, through the clouds, flew from day to night, crossed thousands of miles of mountains and rivers, and swooped down suddenly.

Falling toward a mountain.

Changliu Mountain is located between various prefectures and prefectures. Its inner mountains are dense with many peaks, fierce beasts are rampant, and the miasma is deep.

During the past dynasties, there are many strong beams and big bandits hiding in it.

Jilongshan has become a Converging Ground for countless thieves after the 12 bandits and 36 bandits in the Jilong Mountain were taken away.

The state government's crusade against Changliu Mountain has become a place of interest for many forces.

At this moment, it was the early morning, and inside and outside Changliu Mountain, there was a blaze of fire, and there were shouts of killing everywhere.

Everywhere is the collision of soldiers, and there are shouts and roars everywhere.

"Ah! No, no!"

"Forgive your life, spare your life!"

"Kill! Kill these falcons, henchman!"


Fighting, fire, blood, stumps, gunpowder smoke, scolding and begging for mercy... all kinds of colors and sounds form a cruel picture.

Thick ink drops on the bluestone.

Under the crowd of elite Armored Soldier and experts, Nie Wendong stands on the bluestone, splashing ink and brushing, reflecting the firelight and screams in the mountain, one side of the picture scroll is written by itself.

There is blood and fire on it, and the soldiers are fighting and fighting, which shows their superb painting skills.

"Everything is difficult to last forever, no matter how shocking the scenery is, it is difficult to last for a long time. The beauty of Danqing is to keep it."

The wolf brush, looking at the scene of the fighting between the mountain fires, Nie Wendong admired his paintings, and seemed to be in a good mood.

The guards and soldiers stood silently on the side, not saying a word.

"The adults are excellent in painting skills. Only Danqing is the only one, Wang Muzhi, the mountain man in myriad forms. I'm afraid it's not up to par."

Slightly old Yu Wanghai smiled slightly, in admiration.

He naturally knew why Nie Wendong was in a good mood. In fact, since he learned of Ji Longshan's death, he was in a very good mood, never before.

"Wang Muzhi, the junior."

Nie Wendong closed the picture scroll and pointed to the mountain, saying:
"Everyone, it's time to end this farce!"


When the sound fell, the people who responded were like clouds, and all Armored Soldiers rushed down the mountain like a pack of wolves to the place where Changliu Shanzhai and Juyitang were located.

These Armored Soldiers are all elites, more armored and armed with sharp blades. This has been added, and the Changliu bandits, who were already at an absolute disadvantage, were defeated by one blow.

The battle will end when it doesn't seem long.

"The Eagle Dog is dead!"

There was a sudden roar, and the big man with the Ghost Headed Great Saber in one hand rushed out from the mountain fire, the blood energy erupted, just for a moment, Killed a lot of soldiers.

"Who is this person?"

Nie Wendong slightly frowned.

"Master Hui, this person seems to be called 'King Vajra', who is one of the seven major bandits who have been staying for a long time. This person has been hiding for a long time, I am afraid that he is playing the master's idea. I can't stand it."

Yu Wanghai revealed the origin of this person.


Nie Wendong chuckled, indifferently said:
"Where is the wind, tiger, cloud and dragon?"

Let it be The sound moved, and four long whistles suddenly sounded between the mountains and forests.

"Wind, cloud, dragon, tiger!"

The long whistling sounded, setting off a gust of wind in the night mountain forest, Wang Vajra's eyes narrowed, as if he was facing a great enemy.

Of course he knew about the second guard under Nie Wendong's seat, Dragon-Tiger.

According to legend, all four of them were born in Great Sect, and they joined Nie Wendong for various reasons, which is the most powerful battle strength under his men.

As his thoughts turned, his heart suddenly froze, and before he could turn around, he saw a rapier burst from the fire, and in just a split second, it had stabbed three feet between his eyebrows!

'So fast! '

Wang fierce appearance wide open, Ghost Headed Great Saber raised at the last moment, blocking the piercing rapier.

However, after one sword, three evil winds came.

He fought furiously, but only had time to block two of the ultimate moves, and was smashed to pieces by the burly 'Dragon Warrior' who fell from the sky and looked like a monk.

"It's over."

Nie Wendong smiled slightly, then heard the sound of 'pulling', an eagle swooped down from a height, Yu Wanghai stretched out his hand and stopped it Feather Eagle.

After receiving the signal, the letter was opened.

At a glance, he frowned.

"Read it."

Nie Wendong is in a good mood and is also interested in listening.


Yu Wanghai bowed slightly and read out:
"Xu Wenji sent Yang Yu to send a letter to Heavenly Wolf, and later conflicted with Xiao Family, Killed Xiao Family clansman and the old man with a hundred poisons at night..."

"Let's talk about the main point."

Nie Wendong slightly frowned:
"That nobody called Yang Yu, just There is no need to mention it again and again. What major event happened in Heavenly Wolf?"


Yu Wanghai's expression froze, and said:
"Xiao I'm dead."


Nie Wendong was slightly startled, but then calmed down:

"Xiao Zhanyin is the backbone of the Xiao Family in Qing State, Xu Wenji wants to move the four great leaders, and this person really has to be cut off. Although Xiao Zhan is not an ordinary person, he will not be Wei Zhengxian's opponent."

Xiao Zhan will die, which is not too uncommon Exactly what he expected.

It's just that Wei Zhengxian has been secretive for all these years, but he actually started because of a letter from Xu Wenji?
He had to have Wei Zhengxian and Xu Wenji have several points of incense love, but for people like them, interests always come first.

"It wasn't Wei Zheng who shot first..."

Yu Wanghai looked at it, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and he couldn't say anything in surprise.

"It's not Wei Zhengxian? Xiao Zhan's status in the martial arts, Qing State can kill him, but he can kill him in Heavenly Wolf. Who else can it be if it's not Wei Zhengxian?"

Now, Nie Wendong was also a little surprised.

"It's Yang Yu..."


Nie Wendong didn't seem to come back to his senses, but after a moment, his expression changed.

I grabbed the letter and swept it hurriedly, and my heart shrank.

"How is this possible?!"

Holding the letter, Nie Wendong's expression was moved, even more incredible.

Who is Xiao Zhan?

He was a veteran who climbed out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of blood. Not only was he extremely skilled in martial arts, he also had plenty of fighting experience.

The reason why Yang Yu was able to kill Jilongshan was just relying on Chu Family's talisman and Xu Wenji's plan, not just how great he was.

But this...

"This kid, it's incredible."

Yu Wanghai's heart was also tight, and he murmured.

He still remembers a glimpse outside Qingzhou City a few years ago. At that time, he was just a new Bronze Constable of Six Doors who escorted prisoners to Qing State.

How long has it been?

He has actually come to this point?

"Xu Wenji, I've added an arm."

Nie Wendong paced back and forth, the good mood of many days was gone, and after thinking for a long time, he just clenched the teeth and called Yu Wang. Hai, commanded in a low voice.


Hearing his words, Yu Wanghai's eyes filled with doubts:

"Deyang Mansion?"



An eagle fell from the head of the cloud, and the arrow also seemed to fall into a manor somewhere in Qingzhou City.

Xie Qi, who was lying on the eaves basking in the sun, moved in her heart, jumped up, took the secret letter on Lingyu's leg, and fell into the courtyard one by one.

The rich Big Boss sat on the reclining chair, basking in the sun leisurely, and just opened his eyes when he heard the call of the eagle.

"What happened?"

He glanced at Xie Qi, then waved his hand suddenly:
"Don't say anything, I'll figure it out!"


Xie Qi rolled his eyes helplessly, stood aside and waited, watching the mutter incantations of his own boss, before dropping the copper plate after a long while.

"Why do you need to do this?"

Xie Qi sighed.

He really can't understand Big Boss's strong hobby for fortune telling, especially in recent years, to the extent that he has to make a fortune even before eating.

The problem is, I'm not sure...

"Hi! This hexagram..."

Big Boss straightened up and stared at the copper coin hexagram. , After a long time, he shook his head:

"It seems to be a good thing?"

After muttering, he took the letter, glanced at it, and jumped up.

Xie Qi was startled and took a few steps back.

I saw my Big Boss stomping his feet angrily, beating his chest and feet for a while, even more heartbroken than when his own shipping fleet was robbed.

"I knew this kid was not in the pool, who would have thought, who would have thought..."

Big Boss shivered in distress.

Xie Qi looked towards the letter curiously, and when he saw it, he was shocked.

"Xiao Zhan is dead? Murderer, Yang Yu?!"



Not only Nie Wendong, Yu Wanghai, Big Boss.

As the eagles flew to the desks of various Great Influence and great characters, the name Yang Yu also spread throughout the north and south of Qing State at an unimaginable speed for ordinary people.

The fastest way to become famous has always been to step on the senior's bones and climb up.

And Yang Yu is stepping on this time, but it is the second person in the Qing State army, not to mention Qing State, there is a great character in Longyuan Road!
All the forces with eyes and ears quickly learned of this matter. For a while, the Qing State was shaken, and everyone who heard it was in an uproar.

But no matter who it is, the name is deeply remembered.


Yang Yu, who was in the storm, didn't know it.

Looks like he's still asleep from a hangover, but he's actually mentally active like never before.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz! ~
In Cauldron of Gluttony, a hurricane seems to be rising, and Purple Gold bottle gourd rays of light are released.

This small bottle gourd is full of colors, buzzing and buzzing.

Between the glory days, Yang Yu also suffered a huge impact.

If you fiddle with the fate, you will be backlashed by the fate. However, nine times out of ten, the backlash is resisted by the small bottle gourd and falls on him, which is less than eleven.

I don't know how long it took before the trembling of the purple golden bottle gourd disappeared. Yang Yu opened his eyes and saw a golden light in the bottle gourd.

Continue to code words, this one must be three!

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