First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 251


Chapter 251 Dapeng rises with the same wind! (First Update)
The air waves suddenly rose, from the ground to the sky, and the large swathes of the refugees who rushed up were swept out of several feet like straw.


The silhouette eyelids twitched that fluttered out, staring at it, you can see the Dragon Horse standing upright in the midst of the sudden turbulent wind.

A punch came from the sky.

This fist, like mountains burst and ground split, the long river rolls away, the sea rises, it is approaching the extreme, and it is fierce to the extreme.

The direction of the fist mark, the large space in front of him seems to be pushed together, like a big mountain rising from the ground, with the extremely fast astral wind assaults the senses.

"Big Demon Subduing Fist!"

The silhouette screamed strangely, and the short blade instantly rose horizontally, drumming with its blood energy, and its arms crossed in front.

Fist to, knife to break, people fly!

As the blood splattered, countless ox-hair needles chased up at countless speeds faster than when they came, and penetrated them in the roar of the silhouette.

In an instant, the knife cuts, people die, and blood scatters wasteland!
oh la la ~
Seeing such an astonishing scene, the refugees who were still looting a moment ago suddenly dispersed, screaming and fleeing in all directions.

"The True Aura of the Peng Mo, can't even break the Dragon Mark's needle. It is indeed one of the nine Peak Absolute Art of Bright Gown Guard!"

In the distance, There was a long whistle, followed by arrows that dashed like shooting stars, enough to pierce through gold and iron.

Extremely far away, a person stands on a horse, holding a bow and arrows, and the arrows open a chain!

Beng Beng~~
The arrow pierced through the air, but it was not aimed at Qi Gang, but at the large area of refugees and the other thousand households.

"Sneaky people, damn it!"

Qi Gang's eyes were cold, his legs moved slightly, and the Dragon Horse under the seat spontaneously let out a long hiss, carrying He leaped as high as about one zhang, over the heads of a large number of refugees.

Then, punched out again.

You Ruo Lei came out of the mountain, and the mighty Gang wind poured out with it.

In an instant, the smoke and dust rose, the sand and sand danced wildly, and with it as the center, all the airflow in front of him was arrogantly squeezed out.

The air seemed to have been crushed into a substantial wall of air, soaring up, and it shot in a fan shape. I don't know how many arrows were all smashed into the air.

throws a punch, Dragon Horse has reached the extreme, and the dust, air waves, and sand behind it are all pulled and rolled.

Although there was only one man and one horse, the terrifying imposing manner of a magnificent army with thousands of men and horses charging together was galloping.

"So fierce?!"

Seeing Qi Gang approaching on horseback, the archery man started led, no more showing off arrow technique, so he plucked the horse and left.

But where's the time?

xiū xiū xiū !
Thousands of sharp piercing sounds came one after another, and the big man turned back suddenly, but it was the arrow that was shattered by Qi Gang's punch, and then slapped by the wind like a sharp weapon.


The big man complexion sank, turned over and dismounted, his blood energy soared, and sprang ten several feet, avoiding the arrows and fragments.

However, after this momentary delay, the sound of the fist resumed!
At this moment, the big man's mind was shaking violently, and the terrifying air waves rolled in, making him almost suffocated.

Under this fist, with him as the center, the air within several feet or even ten several feet was brutally squeezed out.

It's still the same big Demon Subduing Fist, but from a distance and from a close distance, they are two completely different concepts.

"Don't come, eldest sister!"

He roared, fist-sized bulging up from his abdomen to his chest, and the hot blood energy instantly permeated his whole body, and at the same time crossed his arms, Slant up.

The next moment, the punch arrived.

It's like hammering a drum!

Ten several feet The ground was almost raging, the sand rolled and burst like water, and countless smoke and dust rose into the sky.

The big man was beaten to death before he could let out a scream, and he was hammered into the ground together with his body. The smoke and dust turned into a pool of bloody mud underground!
And until this moment, the roars of the silhouettes that were ambushing all around, the roars came out.

"Qi Gang!"


all directions, ten people are dormant, some are hiding in the ground, some are covered with weeds, just like lying on the ground with The loess is the same color, and it is more hidden behind the bushes.

They were all ready to go, waiting for Qi Gang to arrive, and even ambush for several days for this moment.

However, too soon.

Qi Gang's movements were too fast, from killing the gangster who was hiding among the refugees, holding a broken gang needle, to punching the big man into the ground, it was like running clouds and flowing water, and there was no stagnation at all.

So much so that even though everyone's hearts have been replaying for a long time, they still fail for a moment.

A moment is the difference between life and death!


Unlike the refugees who were sent to death, this big man was their brother for many years. Seeing his brother's death, all the murderers were furious!

The shrill scream is not as fast as the sword glow.

It was a black long sword with water-like lines on the sword body. With the sword glow, the blood light of scarlet appeared, and it was extremely sharp.

Wherever it went, there was not even a faint crackling sound.

Almost the moment Qi Gang's fist fell, it had already stabbed ten feet in front of him!
Punch three feet, the sword falls four feet!
Sword glow swallowed up to ten feet, almost as if it pierced three feet between the eyebrows, which is hardly a distance for any expert.

However, for Qi Gang, what can't be considered.

He killed the archer with one punch, and with a flip of his wrist, Ji Zhang's five fingers suddenly appeared between his eyebrows.

Come on!
Five fingers flicked and there was a sound.

The sound fell, and the long sword retreated!

No one knows how terrifying the power of Qi Gang's flick of the finger, only the glaring anger of the big man who retreated like a thunderbolt can be seen.

The five fingers trembled, and the terrifying shock was transmitted from the long sword to its fingers, palms, arms, shoulders... to the whole body!
His eyes widened and he was determined to assassinate, however, he retreated involuntarily, retreated violently!

Just this time, his muscles and bones are beating wildly, and his body has lost control!

Five fingers flicked one after another, knocking back the long sword, Qi Gang was expressionless, he pulled back and clenched it tightly, like a black hole, and clenched the large gang wind in front of him tightly into his palm!

The stunned, retreating murderer's eye socket cracked, but uncontrollably flew towards the clenched and handed fist.

As soon as he retreated, as soon as he entered, all of his Sword Art had been disintegrated!

Just close your eyes and wait to die!

"You dare!"

The continuous roars burst out with Ling Lie's murderous intention, but how to stop this fist from falling?

With a flat blow from the fist mark, the huge body of the man floated like a goose feather, and flew out ten meters away with the terrifying sound of the skeleton cracking.

"You're right."

Qi Gang turned around immediately, his broad flying fish suit moved, steel essence cast a general body and shot out a thrilling Terrible murderous intention:
"I dare!"

The roar of the eye socket cracked from the others who didn't came back to his senses from the tragic deaths of the two brothers Before he could spit it out, he was slapped by a faster air wave and closed his mouth!

Retract, twist, and draw again, killing two people in a row!

Qi Gang's imposing manner also changed after the fluent action.

His already lean body became majestic, with an old-fashioned face, and with his raised eyebrows, he became arrogant. The moment before, it was the weight of Motionless As Mountains.

At this moment, it's like a Dapeng with wings ready to fly!

Shocked by the air, the air burst like a cloud, and it sounded one after another with the drumming of his clothes.

It's like, thousands of Divine Birds are heading towards Dapeng!
Qi Gang's toes were a little bit, and his man had escaped from the siege of the crowd, and he jumped ten Zhang high.

The body of the Peng Mo is not only tyrannical and domineering, but also has a terrifying speed that surpasses the same level!

Dapeng rides the wind!
"Big sister, retreat!"



Seeing that Qi Gang got out of trouble, the other thirteen murderers All of them were heart trembled, retreating without thinking, while urging Mrs. Phantom, who was hiding in the dark, to go!

However, how can a voice be faster than a fist?
Pengmo True Aura and Demon Subduing Fist are listed as one of Bright Gown Guard's nine Peak martial arts, but in fact, the horror of these two martial arts lies not only in the former's horizontal training and extreme speed , the latter's fierce and domineering.

It's more about the two, they complement each other!

The Supreme Yang and Hardness of the Demon Subduing Fist is driven by the speed of the Peng Mo, and its power is terrifying, far from the sum of the two excellent martial arts.

In fact, it is precisely because of the three disciplines of 'Pengmo True Aura', 'Great Demon Subduing Fist' and 'Canghai Jiudiexian' that can complement each other Absolute Art.

He will stay in the fourth test for a long time.

But even so, before Yu Fengxian was parachuted into Qing State, he was enough to stabilize all Bright Gown Guards in Qing State and tied with Fang Qidao as the Qing State duo!

Leaping ten feet, then flipping over again, with the head down and the feet up, the flying fish suit hunts and hunts like two wings, the five fingers are pinched together, and the fist print is pressed horizontally.

At this moment, Qi Gang is very much like the great Peng who subdues demons in mythology, and his momentum has reached its peak.

There is no way to avoid it!

No flash!


They came to be surrounded and killed at a high speed, but because Qi Gang rose from the ground, they were reduced to fists facing each other, and the thirteen murderers were all focused trembling.

After making a mournful urging sound, the qi, blood and inner breath burst out brazenly, and each performed the killing move of each other's trump card to meet Qi Gang's style 'Peng King's ambush attack'.

Like thunders falling from the sky, or earth fires rising from below, or both burst out at the same time.

In an instant, the ground shook.

The turbulent wind, the rolling sand, the stumps and the blood blew everywhere all is, and 'crackle' down like raindrops.

Amid the gusty winds, flying fish can be seen hunting like flags.

One person from the sky and the earth, like a divine mountain, crushes all resistance with one blow!


Seeing this scene, hiding in the dark, Mrs. Phantom and the three-footed swordsman who were waiting for the opportunity were all stunned.

Such a martial arts, or a deputy commander? !
How can it be the deputy commander? !

The boxing is consistent and consistent.

With just one punch, nine blood swaps and more than nine times, including two Martial Artists from four levels, they were beaten into rotten flesh flying all over the sky.

So horrible.

So fierce!

hu hu ~
Between the surging air waves, Qi Gang's eyes were like electricity, looking into the dark.

"Qi Gang?!"

The eyes of Mrs. Phantom and the three-footed swordsman were red, and they screamed like ghosts.


Get away!
rub, I have something to do in the afternoon, so it's a little late, so I continue to code.

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