First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 259


Chapter 259 The son of a thousand gold can't sit down


The night was dark and moonless, and the wind was high and slightly cold.

Deyang Mansion, which is located in the extreme south of Qing State, is slightly hotter than Shunde Mansion. It has been dry and hot for two years.

Even though it's almost late autumn, in the middle of the night and early morning, it's not that cold.

gu lu lu ~
In a small courtyard in the south of Deyang Mansion, the steam is bubbling, and in the purple black wooden barrel, the hot medicinal liquid is shimmering like blood. It is the 'lava grass' added to the medicinal liquid.

This kind of grass, rooted in volcanic crater, blends with many medicinal liquids, can emit extremely high temperature, and can emit medical power faster.

Its value is also extremely high, a single grass is enough for ordinary people to eat and drink for half a year, and at this time, lava grass is densely packed in wooden barrels, I don't know if it is dozens or hundreds.


Soaking in it, Yu Wanghai spat out one mouthful of impure air slowly.

With the improvement of the level of exchange blood, the life force of the exchange blood Martial Artist gradually changed, especially after reaching three or four levels, compared to ordinary people, it can be said that there is a change in Heaven and Earth turning upside down.

Squeeze qi and blood, fine-tuned, and heat locked inside. It can hardly be invaded by cold and heat, and the hot medical liquid can only make its skin slightly red.

Several maids serve carefully.

"Go back."

Yu Wanghai closed his eyes and rested, suddenly opened his mouth and asked the maids to retreat.

Not long after, a middle age person with a beard came over, bowed slightly and said:

"There is good cultivation in the public gate, Chuan Er , have you experienced the past few days when you went down the mountain?"

Yu Wanghai asked.

Yu Wanchuan nodded:

"The mountain is clear, not to mention the medicine pill, it takes a lot of effort and wastes too much time to take a medicinal bath every day."

"Yes, there is not enough time. In one's life, ten years are young and ten years old, and ten years are old and weak. During the fifty years, there are still half a day and a half night. There is really not much time for martial arts and cultivation. How can you be diligent when you are surrounded by trivial matters?"

Yu Wanghai pointed to his son:

"Those Ancient Ones in the door think they are lofty, but in fact they are just eating the ancients and not changing them. Rejected as a father? Now, don't you also rely on my breath?"

"Father said yes."

Yu Wanchuan nodded.

It is not easy to learn the language and martial arts.

People's experience is limited. Although the mountains are quiet, how much time does it take to chant scriptures, prepare meals, work, collect herbs, boil water, and take a medicinal bath every morning?

Three days in the mountains may not be comparable to one day in the city.

This, he is extremely satisfied, being served and serving others, it is naturally two Heaven and Earth.

But thinking about the events of the past few days, he sighed again:
"It's just that the blade light and sword shadows under the mountain, attacking each other, really makes people trembling with fear. This old man Xu The means are cruel, do we really want to fight him?"

Yu Wanchuan had a headache.

In the past few days, his heart skipped a beat in the city.

The number of officials who were killed on the spot after being interrogated by Mr. Xu's methods was too cruel, and the number of officials who were killed in ten days...

"It's not that we are the enemy of him, but that he is the enemy of us!"

Yu Wanghai opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of light. How could he be old?

Yu Wanchuan immediately shut up.

"You've been on the mountain for a long time, and you don't understand the laws of the world."

Yu Wanghai's eyes were gloomy:
"Remember, in this world, everything must be Compete! As small as a penny, as big as a hundred cities, if you don’t fight, no one will give you away!

Teach people who can’t fight, and they will become a dog’s brain when they fight!”

“ But Xu Wenji, what is he fighting for? He has no money in his sleeves, and he is not good at women..."

Yu Wanchuan shook his head.

"You said he won't fight?"

After looking at the son who was still somewhat chaotic, Yu Wanghai sighed:

"Not good Such people are truly terrifying and dreadful.”

He regretted a little.

In recent years, he has been busy with government affairs, keeping his son at home, and his martial arts achievements are not small, but his sophistication is a bit unsatisfactory.

But things have come to this point, and I can only teach slowly.

"It's terrifying..."

Yu Wanchuan seems to understand but doesn't understand:
"Perhaps, he is really dedicated to the people?"


Yu Wanghai sneered, shaking his head with a big laugh:

"There is no such person in this world."

"Maybe there is. ?"

Recalling what he had seen and heard these days, Yu Wanchuan was a little stunned.

He had been cultivating in the mountains for many years, and not long after he went down the mountain, what he saw and heard in Deyang Mansion almost made him sick, and he recovered after several months of cultivation.

Xu Wenji's actions these days, he sees everything, even if he has great hostility to him, he has to admit it.

That's a good official.

Since going down the mountain, the only official he has seen that can match the Confucian scriptures.

"Then he must be stupid."

Yu Wanghai stretched his muscles and bones, absorbing medical power, indifferently said:

"Where Qi Long was born, may there be The news?"

"Father, Bright Gown Guard is no trivial matter, what if Qi Long was born?"

Yu Wanchuan was a little worried:
"Is it Want me to bring someone to meet you?"

"What to meet?"

Yu Wanghai frowned suddenly, and his tone was somewhat hate iron for not becoming steel:

"The son of a thousand gold can't sit in the hall, you are my son, how can you risk yourself? Whether Qi Long is born or not, what does it have to do with me?"

"Ke Nie Where is your lord?"

Yu Wanchuan hesitated.

"It doesn't mean that Qi Long can't be born, it doesn't mean that he can't be a father."

Yu Wanghai smiled faintly:
"Anything must be prepared with both hands. Qi Longsheng slays Qi Gang. , this is not a complete solution, but as a father, I will not rely on him!"

Here, looking at the son who seems to understand but not understand, he is really helpless:

"Why did your father leak the manor outside the city to Qi Longsheng and the others? Gaining trust is one of them, and the other is to prepare for him to be countered."

"Could it be that in the manor..."

After Yu Wanchuan was startled, he suddenly realized, and he immediately admired it.

"In this world, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy, maybe it won't work? But you have to remember whether it works or not. At any time, don't expose it to others, and don't leave any weak spots for others.

As a father, you have to expose yourself as a last resort. You must not, no matter when you can use people, you can use people. The tone of voice was low, and the expression was dark:

"This is what my father learned from this Master Nie..."

He is not a person who talks a lot.

But in front of him was his only son, he really had to say a few more words, otherwise, he might be a good person after reading a lot of Confucian and Taoist classics.

That's too sad...

"Master Nie? Isn't he already..."

Yu Wanchuan was a little surprised. In the middle of the book, this Lord Nie was madly in search of the Tao, and he had long been overridden by his own father, regardless of everything.

Compared to the swift and decisive Xu Wenji Zhuyu, he actually despised this titular master in his heart.

"You only say that he is being used as a father, but you don't think about it, all the dirty work these years has nothing to do with him..."

Yu Wanghai sighed .

Everyone might look down on this Lord Nie, but he is the only one who knows how powerful this Lord Nie is.

The corrupt officials in Qing State, the control of the Aristocratic Family, the rampant bandits, the merger of land, and the loss of taxes, which one is not the great benefit of his Nie Wendong?
But the blame lies on his own head, and he may also have a great relationship.

However, even if someone goes back to the bottom and falls on his head, it's just a lax and confused.

You can't be foolish, you won't die...



Yang Yu fell down with the wind and landed on a hill so desolate that there were only scattered dead trees. From this distance, beyond the several li, it was faintly visible that a small villa was located.

In these years, those who can independently build villas outside cities, towns, and villages are not ordinary people, especially in this year of catastrophe and famine.

The disaster in Deyang Mansion has reached an extremely serious level. Those who wander above wasteland are not only ordinary people, but also Martial Artists from poor families.

Without enough power, Zhuang Mie would have perished long ago.

In the past ten days, he traveled seven places, and all the villas he saw had strong martial power defense, and abandoned the convenience of the city and chose the wilderness. Most of these people also have problems.

As a matter of fact, there is no such thing as a clean force that can accept Mu Huan.

You must know that although the friction between Imperial Court and Lianshengjiao is extremely restrained for various reasons, collusion with Lianshengjiao is also a great taboo.

"This villa..."

Yang Yu stopped on the hill and looked at it from a distance, and a strange feeling suddenly appeared in his heart.

Mind, and Sixth Sense.

The breakthrough that the old mother wanted to convince of Qilu was not only a significant improvement of his five senses, but also allowed him to perceive the danger to himself faintly.

At this moment, he smelled a dangerous smell.

This seemingly unremarkable manor, far inferior to the White Stone Mountain Village, is not simple, and it is very likely that the person behind the instigation of Qi Longsheng is located.

"Let me sense the danger, who could it be?"

Yang Yu thought to himself, and several names came into his eyes.

Nowadays, he has long been a refugee and beggar.

The huge Qing State, seven prefectures, one hundred and two counties, and hundreds of millions of people, can make him feel the danger, but only the number of palms.

This is not arrogance, but a clear positioning of one's own strength.

By Qin Si's Divine Ability, it is almost equivalent to a quasi-Grandmaster who washes his muscles, bones and blood with the most quintessential blood energy in his life.

In addition, he had no scruples and directly swallowed the blood-changing Great Dan, which could only be swallowed every six months or even a year, and he directly broke through the fourth test.

equivalent to from nine exchange blood, jumped to twelve!

We've arrived at the door where you can condense True Aura!
Not long after Yang Yu stopped, the living dead man with a black robe covering his body, a hood covering his face, and a four-elephant bow on his back also followed.

During more than ten days of raids, although the living dead were few, the loss was not small. Besides the medicine pill, the blood energy that could not be produced on their own was also lost a lot.

"Unfortunately, Qi Longsheng's blood energy level is not as good as above..."

After finding a dead tree in the shade, he sat down and disappeared, Yang Yu thoughts move , the entries of blood energy captured in the fierce battle in the valley have been poured into the body of the living dead through the evil-suppressing seal.

A scorching red light flashed away, Yang Yu closed his eyes, and after the living dead trembled, he opened his eyes:

"Is it dangerous? "

Starting tomorrow, we will fight for three! Goodnight, everyone.

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