First Cause Of All Realms Chapter 273


Chapter 273 Wind Tiger Cloud Dragon! (Second update)


A Bright Gown Guard, hundreds of Six Doors experts dispatched, the nature of its movement can not be concealed by those who are interested.

In fact, as early as Yang Yu set foot on Six Doors, there were people reporting everywhere.

One of them, like a loach, walked through the crowd and came to the Wonju Mansion, which has been transformed into a base camp for the hungry. He hurriedly entered and found Qiu Zhanyu.

“Yang Yu went to Six Doors?”

Qiu Zhanyu was processing the file, and hearing this was startled, he wanted to rush to Six Doors, but after thinking about it, he still Turn back and go to the backyard.

With Yang Yu's martial arts today, he can't stop what he wants to do.

"The food delivery team must not stop when the book is passed down to various prefectures. In addition, we will send more people to dig water wells. The water veins of Deyang prefecture for many years will not be completely dried up even if there is a severe drought..."

Before the book desk, Xu Wenji was extremely busy, and he hadn't slept all night, his face was tired, and when he saw Qiu Zhanyu hurriedly approaching, he seemed to guess something:
"Boy Yang?"

"Not bad."

Qiu Zhanyu was concise and brief, and quickly reported:
"Yang Yu went to the Six Doors stronghold..."

"This kid is swift and decisive. , the old man thought he would have to rest for a few days."

Xu Wenji stopped and just smiled.

"Yang Yu is too tough, I'm going to Six Doors, I'm afraid it's going to settle accounts. Once troubles are caused, I'm afraid the city won't be able to appease..."

Qiu Zhanyu's expression was solemn.

As a rare civil servant of Bright Gown Guard, he is in charge of Qing State Bright Gown Guard's personnel and rookie training, and has a good understanding of all Bright Gown Guard's temperament.

There is an intelligence file about Yang Yu, he has read it several times, and he does not know that this famous newcomer has always been fierce and merciless.

Xu Wenji took advantage of his free time, drank water, moistened his throat, and said:
"Do you think he is going to check Six Doors?"

"Is it not?"


Qiu Zhanyu was first started, and his expression changed immediately:
"Does he want to move in Wang Hai?"

"Yes, and no."

Xu Wenji paced the room, soothing his sore muscles and bones, and said slowly:
"According to the information we know so far, the death of Cao Baihu and the murder of Deputy Commander Qi are related to Yu Wanghai has a relationship.

But a trifling staff member, could it be possible to really deceive the old man and that classmate?"

"You mean..."


Qiu Zhanyu heart trembled.

Xu Wenji put his hands in front of the window and looked at the south of the city:
"I'm afraid this kid not only wants to take down Yu Wanghai, but also takes this opportunity to attack and take down Nie Wendong!"

"Too reckless, too reckless."

Qiu Zhanyu couldn't stand still, and while he was shocked, he also admired the temperament of this kid's newborn calves do not fear tigers .

Who is Nie Wendong?

Lord of a state!
The Great Ming has a vast territory, with hundreds of millions of people absolutely, but it is only divided into nine and twenty-seven states. If he can become the master of one state, his personal ability is not as important as the forces behind him.

You must know that several bandits before the Qing State, especially the long stay in Jilongshan Juyi, had attracted the emperor's scolding three times, but even so, he did not directly remove the state leader.

It's because of the intertwined roots behind him, pulling one hair and moving the whole body.

This kid...

"It's not necessarily bad to be reckless. If a young man who is inferior to the weak crown has no temperament, the old man will be afraid of him for three points."

Xu Wenji meant something.

"Nie Wendong wily old fox, Bright Gown Guard has not been able to catch this person for decades. He does this, but he will beat the grass to scare the snake..."

Qiu Zhanyu stomped his feet.

Naturally they are not ignorant of what Yu Wanghai did.

How about a trifling staff, even if it is removed?

Nie Wendong is the real root cause and cannot be uprooted. Aides like Yu Wanghai cannot be caught or killed.

"Frightening a snake is better than a snake in Dongzang after all, but this kid still sees the old man, his classmate, with his decision and caution..."

Xu Wenji Shaking his head slightly.

Without waiting for Qiu Zhanyu to think about it, he took out a gold bead from his pocket, handed it to him, and said:
"Go and see, he makes trouble, but he can't really eat it. It’s a loss.”



The bait was thrown, and the fish in the lake scrambled to jump.

Looking at the casual Nie Wendong, and the old monk standing on the lake with his hands clasped together with golden light, Yu Wanghai's heart fell to the bottom of the valley.

He could hear the meaning of Nie Wendong's words clearly and understand the meaning better, but...


Yu Wanghai lowered his eyes.

One day, he actually had a vision, but in his opinion, it is far from that point at this time.

With Nie Wendong's status and the forces behind him, even if Xu Wenji wanted to move him, it would not be easy, and at this time, no matter how you look at it, it hasn't reached that point yet.

"You ask, will this official answer it?"

Nie Wendong poured himself a glass of wine, sniffed it, and poured it into the lake, watching the fry jump, said with a slight smile :

"I know you have a killer move, and if you want to use it, it's fine."

His eyes were calm, reflecting from the sea of forgetfulness A sullen face.

Having been with him for decades, how could he not know the thoughts of the Old Dog beside him, but he doesn't care.

Occasional barking can't be considered anything.

“This poor monk is trying to learn.”

The old monk Yuanjue also smiled.

"It seems that today I will definitely die."

Yu Wanghai looked very calm.

He had made a lot of arrangements, but Nie Wendong was very scheming.

"Innumerable midnight dreams, I have thought about what to do if there is such a day, whether it is grief, resentment, or anger and rage, but there is no such thing."

This One day is destined, Yu Wanghai is very clear.

A dirty glove must be discarded after all, even if it was once useful, once it has a hole, it is useless to its owner.

But he has no regrets.

From a poor old man who couldn't survive, to the now rich and powerful side, who had the power to control the government of the seven governments for a while, he had already weighed these costs clearly.


He looked at the sky,faintly sighed:
"How about giving me ten days to send my son out of Deyang Mansion and come back to die?"


Nie Wendong smiled and shook his head:

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, you didn't just teach it a few days ago. Why don't you know about your son?"

Seeing his refusal, Yu Wanghai closed his eyes in pain.

Just as he couldn't trust Nie Wendong, the other party couldn't trust himself either. In a sense, they were the same kind of people.

Seeing that he closed his eyes, as if he was about to slaughter, Nie Wendong was satisfied:
"Your wife and children, I will support them by myself."



In front of the mansion in the south of the city, Yang Yu suddenly stopped.


Bu Lingxu’s footsteps also stopped, but he recognized the house in front of him, and his heart suddenly trembled.

Of course he knows who lives in this house.

More than him?

A group of Six Doors' Catchers and Constables were also started, and they all looked at Bu Lingxu.


Yang Yu pressed his eyebrows lightly to hide the seriousness in his eyes.

The moment he set foot here, he was keenly aware that there were three tyrannical auras confronting each other in this house, and it was one of them that moved him.

This aura...

Yang Yu's heart sank, and suddenly, as if he had noticed something, he stepped on it, and he flew up into the air amid the spread of smoke.

Under the watchful eyes of countless people, he chose to break in directly!
"Stop here!"

The guards outside the manor were photographed by the huge deterrence of the flying fish suit.

With the sleeves swept away, all the guards fell back to their original places under the pressure of the air wave.

So bold? !
This kind of change made everyone at Six Doors stunned, even Bu Lingxu didn't expect Yang Yu to rush as soon as he said it.

This is the home of the Lord of the State!

"Encircle this manor, and no one is allowed to leave without permission. If anyone resists, they will be killed on the spot!"

The silhouette of Yang Yu was no longer there.

The moment he stepped into the house, one after another fierce arrows had been shot, but how could an archer like Yang Yu be injured?
He didn't even take a look, his body undulating a few times, avoiding all arrows, and rushing towards the place where the three qi machines that were suspected to be facing each other were at an extremely fast speed.


Almost at the same time that Yang Yu took to the sky, the old monk Yuanjue, who was always smiling, looked at him in the backyard. to the outhouse.

Nie Wendong was alert, but instead of looking out of the house, he looked towards Yu Wanghai.

"We've been together for decades, you know me, and I know you..."

Under the sudden change, Yu Wanghai opened his eyes, his palms Lift up, the blood energy around your body lights up like fire:

"You don't deserve your wife and son!"

bang! , in just a split second, all the bowmen who were in ambush on the wall were knocked down, and before they landed, a roar resounded.

No, not one, but four!

Four beeps!

The sound wave exploded again.

Yang Yu's heart moved, and when he looked around, he could see dozens of meters away, and at the same time, four groups of rich and scorching blood energy rose up. p> "Wind!"

A person from the east, stepping and moving, following the sound, the astral qi rose up like a hurricane, setting off a gust of air, spreading smoke and dust.


A person came from the west, and the True Aura seemed to have a real tiger-like appearance, rising with the wind, roaring in the air, and its claws were fierce.


The sound waves are ethereal, I don't know if they rise from the ground, or move with the wind, and astral qi whistles, there seems to be steam transpiring, spreading like clouds.


In the cloud and mist, Gold Jade's voice is like dragon roar, one person walking on the ground, jumping suddenly, the sky is full of wind, like a dragon lasing come.


The four people pronounced it like one person opened their mouths, and when they shot, they were infinitely similar.

Wind Tiger Cloud Dragon!

Inside and outside the house, the expressions of everyone who heard the movement changed. The four guards under the state government's seat are not big, but their martial arts are probably no less than the four famous ones in Qing State. catch.

What's especially terrifying is that these four are also good at Combined Assault Technique!
"These four people?!"

Outside the house, Bu Ling, who heard the movement, climbed up the fence without thinking, and looked at the place where the wind was blowing, his eyes fixed.

"Wind Tiger Cloud Dragon?"

Feeling the whistling of the four stray winds, Yang Yu's eyes turned cold. time raid.

It's a pity...


The wind tiger, cloud and dragon's eyes are ferocious. As before, completely shred the enemy.

However, in less than an instant, their expressions changed.

The man who had been surrounded by the four of them in the middle, when he was exhausted, stepped up to the ground, and in the impossible, he jumped up several feet!
"Without help, how can you be in the air?!"

All four of them were shocked.

There are thousands of Lightweight Art in the world, but Lightweight Art is not the legendary soar into the clouds and mount the mists, even if it is the best martial arts, when the strength is exhausted and there is nowhere to borrow it, at most, it will turn around several times. Second-rate.

How could it be vacated instead? !

What Lightweight Art is this? !

"Not good!"

The four people reacted in just a split second. However, the expert confrontation can decide everything in a split second!
While running around Liuxu stepping on the leaves, Yang Yu spun around, the azure light was blooming, his fingers trembled, and he clenched himself tightly, carrying the wind and thunder, and slammed down heavily.

I've had an old problem, my fingers are tingling, and it's two updates today, sorry guys, good night.

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