It is a rare tacit understanding for thousands of years, just like getting a rehearsal, one after another bowed their heads, pretending to be casual drinking wine, eating the delicious food in front of them, it didn't matter to hang up high, it was nothing more than that!

Everyone can't wait to hide themselves, but this rare silent struggle is also very rare, so no one is willing to let this opportunity go, all bowing their heads and ears listening to important people. dialogue.

Mu Fengzhao looked at this funny scene, glanced at Ye Yan, and toasted Ye Yan a glass of wine to continue watching the show.

Patriarch Lin and several people wanted to find the thoughts of the Three Elders' theory, but they were dispelled by the threat of a sentence from the Three Elders. The anxiety on their faces was true, but no one saw the hatred hidden under their anxious faces. meaning.

And this is what Eunfu wants to see. He doesn't look at the three elders like other people, but from the moment he intends to watch the show from the beginning to the end, he leaned where he drank gently in his hand. The wine, the attention has always been on the body of the Lin family and the others to see what they want to see, not only a slight smile, but also the feeling that the wine in this hand is incredibly fragrant, incredibly sweet, and in an incredibly good mood.

Rather than fighting head-on with the three elders and the others, he might as well watch them with cold eyes. It is also a good feeling to watch them biting a dog.

There are always people who want to find their own way. He is such a kind person, he naturally wants to see it happen.

"Prince, I have nothing to say." Patriarch Lin's face was frustrated, his face was irresistible, he regretted it, regretted that he had been on such a thief ship that did not return, and he has never come down again. may.

Patriarch Lin knew that they were not doing it for themselves, but also for the sake of their own family and the family. They couldn’t tell the intentions of the three elders. They were ashamed of death. They had already anticipated their ending, and they directly bowed their hands to Enfu and lay down. On the ground, he squatted his head deeply, which was an acknowledgment of what Li's family master said.

"I have nothing to say, let the prince handle it." When the other people saw that their leader had already confessed, they naturally had no need to continue resisting. They had the same posture as Patriarch Lin, kneeling there, preparing. Disposal of the recipient's favor.

Now they don’t ask for anything else, they just hope that their family can be preserved, and the lives of dozens of family members in exchange for their deaths are worth it.

Enfu watched that this excerpt had gradually come to an end, and it was time for him to come out and give the show a perfect ending.

All of a sudden, the three elders and Mrs. Huarui's five or six minions were cut off. This way of welcoming him back is still very good, he likes it.

However, the final decision still depends on how he decides. When he saw the hatred on Patriarch Lin's face, he already had his own plan. Maybe so, it was a better way for him.

"Since Patriarch Lin and others are guilty, naturally they must be punished properly, and this behavior must not be allowed to continue rampant in Bat Valley. In this case, I will punish you for another month of thinking behind closed doors and handing over the rights in your hands. All are taken back into the hands of the second elder, what do you think?"

Enfu said, and asked the opinions of several people of the Lin Patriarch, but did not intend to execute them in advance, which immediately ignited the hope of life for the few people below who were already heartbroken. This was for them to think they would die. Undoubtedly, for a few people, it is a light punishment.

They thought that after this time, the elder prince, the third elders and Mrs. Huarui were like water and fire. As the people of the third elders, they offended the prince and had a chance to let the prince deal with them properly. They no longer have the chance to survive. Yes, but suddenly hearing such a punishment is undoubtedly Xianle, it couldn't be better.

Patriarch Lin and several people immediately kowtowed their heads to thank Enfu, and at the same time their hearts changed.

They slowly became extremely grateful to Enfu, but they hated the behavior of the Third Elder and Madam Huarui who abandoned them coldly.

In the early stage, he deliberately punished some people with disrespect for his expressions, making Patriarch Lin a few people sincerely and fearfully begging for help like the three elders, but with the minds of the three elders, selfishness, in order to preserve the clean, he will spare no effort to abandon it. Lin Patriarch and others.

And Patriarch Lin and others have done so many unseen things for the three elders. Now that they heard that they wanted to abandon them, they naturally felt resentful and wanted to hate. This little bit of hatred is buried in the bottom of their hearts, and they can have a big deal in the future. Helping.

Then Eunfu was driving them to death again. By the time they were no longer in love, they were relieved and did not kill them. Naturally, the few people who had already hated the three elders and others. I am grateful to him, and with such a great favor, when they are used, the Lin Family Master and others will naturally spare no effort.

This time Enfu had forgotten the hearts of the Third Elder and the others, separated them from the hearts of the Lin Patriarch and others, and planted a big seed of estrangement in their hearts, but it was much more affordable than killing them in a word.

As soon as the third elder and others heard that Enfu was so unexpectedly, they let Lin Patriarch and others go. It seemed that they thought of something and understood something. He immediately forgot about his backache with excitement, and he wanted to stand up and talk about it, but the pain came suddenly. I noticed that it slowed his rise suddenly and no one saw him.

The fourth elder who happened to be sitting next to him stopped the third elder's move to get up, shook his head at him, said no in a low voice, and took the third elder to do it.

The third elder and the fourth elder are so clever people. Enfu gave such a sudden and light punishment. They moved their heads a little, and after contacting the situation before and after, they knew it was just Eunfu deliberately separating him from Patriarch Lin. Nothing.

The third elder has been stupefied by the behavior of one and the other time and time again, so he needs to look for the theory of grace, but the fourth elder did not lose his mind. He knew what the third elder was going to do, so he just grabbed him and didn’t want him to be impulsive. .

"What are you holding me for? I'm looking for the theory of that kid, and dare to stumble me. I want to see what he is going to do?" The third elder glared at his fourth elder, with an angry expression on his face. Endlessly, he yelled at the Fourth Elder at the opportunity.

At this time, it was time for him to be angry, but he just wanted to vent his unhappiness when he caught someone.

And the fourth elder just happened to hit this muzzle, which was unlucky.

However, the fourth elder did not take the words of the third elder to his heart. He looked around and saw that the banquet had been relieved of Patriarch Lin and others, and the depressive atmosphere disappeared suddenly, and the liveliness had been restored. It looked like everyone was drinking and eating, watching the singing and dancing performances that came up when they didn't know, and their faces were elated, as if that thing had never happened just now.

Seeing that no one noticed them, their eyes flashed, watching Enfu seemed to have been addicted to the song and dance show, and then calmly patted the back of the third elder's hand and said: "How can the third elder be at this critical moment? Confused, we actually already know that this is just the prince's strategy, how can other people know it, it's just that no one has broken it."

The fourth elder paused, motioned the third elder to take a look at the very lively banquet at this time, and then said: "Although they all know, no one dared to mention it, but they don't want to suffer the hatred of the prince. If you go out now Looking for the prince theory, but I fell into the trap that the prince had arranged, so now anyway, I have to pretend I don’t know, and the best policy is to attend the next banquet well."

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