Mrs. Huarui had never been ignored before, and the most noble Eunfu in it was not so rude to her, which made Mrs. Huarui even more angry.

"Oh, isn't it? Even if it's so low-key anymore, when you get to us, do you have to go to the countryside and do what you like!" Mrs. Hua Rui gave a white look, and her eyes were killing Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan.

Seeing this, Mu Fengzhao rolled his eyes speechlessly as Ye Yan looked at each other. It seems that this Hualiu won't let it go easily.

What kind of people are these one by one, they are all weird.

Although Mu Fengzhao was very disdainful of Mrs. Huarui's deliberate provocation, he also knew that she and Ye Yan were friends brought in by Enfu from the public, which meant that they represented Enfu, the eldest prince of the blood bat family.

If they offend some people, it is equivalent to Ye Yan offending some people, and it will also leave Enfu invisible with a dangerous hidden danger. Therefore, even if they have not yet torn their skin, don’t make too much trouble. Stiff is better.

Moreover, it was not easy for Enfu to calculate the three elders just now, and to earn face in front of the many people of the ancestors, everyone's impression of Enfu was also greatly changed.

Enfu wants to stay firmly in that position. The support of those people is indispensable. It has reached a very critical moment to buy people’s hearts, but Enfu can’t let Enfuping bear the reputation of disrespecting my elders for no reason, and let him be black. Lost the support of those people once.

Therefore, after Mu Fengzhao watched the cold for a while, Mrs. Huarui was fine. It was not possible to do too much in the public. It is easy to lose the population. For Enfu, it is not worth the loss. Today their efforts are in vain. .

Mu Fengzhao didn't think he was a pig teammate, and deliberately dragged Enfu back at the critical moment.

"This..." Enfu waved her hand as if she wanted to say something, but was stopped by a look in Mu Fengzhao's hand. Enfu put down her hand and glanced at Mu Fengzhao, as if she knew Mu Fengzhao. What to do next, there will be no other actions.

"Hehe, isn't Mrs. Huarui caring so much for every guest from outside? Or is she just caring about the guests brought by the prince?"

Since Mu Fengzhao had decided not to sit and wait for death anymore, he didn't plan to just let this matter go to Mrs. Huarui, who was all in trouble.

She still decided to take the initiative to attack, in case she wants Enfu to fall into a bad eloquence in her clan, and it is not conducive to attracting those people's heart.

And for such things, Mu Fengzhao didn't need to look like and couldn't count on Ye Yan, she still needed her to do it herself, but she hadn't forgotten that Ye Yan wouldn't have so much patience to deal with an unrelated woman.

Therefore, Mu Fengzhao stood up, and first politely raised the sake cup in his hand to Mrs. Huarui. It was a kind of politeness from the guests to the people here, and it would not make people think that she would get on someone else’s land. It's not forgiving.

Mu Fengzhao glanced at everyone present, and seemed to realize that another good show would be coming, and everyone's face was full of enthusiasm.

Her behavior seemed very polite, making it impossible for people to say that she was not coming, but Mu Fengzhao's words didn't mean a bit of guest.

Isn't Mu Fengzhao's implication just saying that Mrs. Huarui is deliberately fighting against their elder prince?

Otherwise, why did she never take the initiative to care for the guests invited by others, but when the prince brought the guests into the valley, Mrs. Huarui began to ask eagerly.

Isn’t this just the trouble of deliberately asking for the prince’s guests again, deliberately not letting the prince feel better, and deliberately against the prince?

There are some people in the clan who are over a hundred years old and have become human spirits. They are still considered to have status. They didn't feel anything when they heard Mu Fengzhao's words, but when they thought about it, they began to spell out a different taste. .

There seemed to be a smell of gunpowder spreading around Madame Huarui and the prince.

Everyone looked around, and after quick eye contact with each other, their minds began to liven up, not only began to doubt Madam Huarui's purpose this time.

No matter how Mrs. Huarui would have thought, this Mu Fengzhao's first sentence was so unceremonious. He immediately pointed the key point to her, but she could not wait to get angry on the top of her angry head.

However, although Mrs. Huarui was angry, she knew that they were not standing up at this time, and there was no way to cure Mu Fengzhao's disrespectful sin. After all, her behavior was very polite, which almost everyone took good care of. In the eyes.

Madam Huarui took a deep breath, did not see the third elders cast warning eyes at her, and did not feel Encheng beside her pulling her sleeves to indicate anything.

Nowadays, Mrs. Huarui's thoughts are all about how to deal with Mu Fengzhao well without losing the population, where is there so much leisure to manage other things.

"This girl is serious, am I not caring about Enfu? Anyway, I also treat Enfu as my own son to love. He brought the guests back, so I naturally have an obligation to care about it, right? "

Mrs. Huarui seemed to have thought of something. She took her posture high, as if she was really like what she said, really treating Enfu as her own son.

But with this sentence, let alone Mu Fengzhao, who only understood the internal situation of the Enfu family for a long time, even those people who have been in the valley all the time would not believe Mrs. Huarui's self-righteous words.

Otherwise, as soon as she said this, why do so many people continue to drink to cover up the trembling shoulders that have always wanted to laugh but dare not laugh?

The people here know the facts, the most ruthless emperor's family. This sentence is not all applicable to the human royal family, but also applicable to their blood bat clan.

Each successor to the throne is the best and most orthodox child. Only in this way can it be ensured that the rare blood bats here will flourish and become more prosperous, and will not be wiped out by those who are interested.

And every one of the most outstanding people who appeared was not one who had experienced **** battles, that one did not have the ability to lead the blood bat family to a better life.

There has never been a successor who has never seen blood. They have gone through all kinds of experience, and have gone through all kinds of tribulations. Only then have they smashed a blood path among the many children of the blood bat royal family and made such an excellent blood bat master. Inheritor.

And only this one will continue to be more special in Enfu. The royal family, who was originally a child of him, can just sit in that position and receive the best love since childhood.

But the sad reminder is that his parents, the former king and queen, both died suddenly overnight, leaving him only a child of the royal family's orthodox blood and a concubine.

However, this concubine has become his biggest competitor, with a strong mother clan as the backing. If it were not for the great elder and the second elder to give all of their support, perhaps Enfu would not live like this at all.

And the mother, Encheng, the most concubine, treats the concubine Enfu who prevented her son from sitting in that position. This shows how it is possible to treat him like her own son.

Everyone clearly understands how Mrs. Huarui treated the prince when the eldest prince was young, but because of such a rule, they have no reason to say anything, only watching Mrs. Huarui treat a child who has lost both parents. Ruthless.

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