"Oh, don't tell me through it, it's a good friend." Mu Fengzhao glanced at the untruthful Ye Yan, and patted him on the shoulder.

Alas, it's not a good thing to have someone who knows his beloved too much around him, there is no mystery at all.

"Are we friends? Don't you know what we are?" Ye Yan held Mu Fengzhao's body ambiguously and pulled her closer to his arms, exhaling warm air in her ears. Speaking of.

Mu Fengzhao was suddenly slapped by Ye Yan, the heat on his face that had finally gone down suddenly surged, and there was an even stronger posture.

In addition, there were so many screams behind him. For Mu Fengzhao, this was a very tormenting thing.

"What are you doing, don't make a fuss, we still have things to do." Mu Fengzhao unceremoniously pushed Ye Yan away from him, and also let the air sway the enthusiasm on his face.

Ye Yan didn't mean to embarrass Mu Fengzhao, he just heard the voice behind him, standing in front of him was his beloved woman. In front of Mu Fengzhao, his willpower was always zero, and there was still some in his heart. Affection gradually rises.

At the same time, I also wanted to take a good look at the blush on Mu Fengzhao's face, and look at the different Mu Fengzhao's posture.

But Ye Yan also knew that it was not the time for him to tease Mu Fengzhao, but to think about what to do next.

Inside the inner room of the three elders' bedrooms, it was a picture of a fiery and absurd room.

The clothes of the three elders and Mrs. Huarui may be too impatient, and they are everywhere on the ground, which can be described as chaotic, and the two people who have caused Mu Feng's bad intentions are even more unbearable to look directly at them.

The two people who were eagerly chasing inside did not realize that two more people suddenly appeared in the room, and they also discovered that they had hidden secrets for decades.

It was as if the two people had been vented in each other's body, endless, and it seemed that they didn't know that the biggest secret was about to be revealed to the world.

Mrs. Huarui felt that all the anger she received at the banquet tonight, being treated like this at the Third Elder tonight, was also relieved and comforted.

"Jun Lang, when can our son call you daddy? I have waited for this day for decades." After Mrs. Huarui and the third elder had some rain, both of them were exhausted physically and mentally. The two hugged each other and talked like a day for decades.

This sentence, almost every time Mrs. Huarui and the third elder Yunyu would ask afterwards, has become a routine.

The third elder hugged Mrs. Huarui. Although he heard this sentence a lot, he didn't have any disgust.

The two of them have been together for so many years, and he still loves his beautiful sister as always.

The years didn't seem to leave any traces on Madam Huarui. Instead, as time went on, her body exuded the charm of a mature woman, which made him fall in love with it and couldn't help himself.

"Why didn't I hear the kindness call me daddy earlier, but you also know that our son can't sit in that position for a day, and I can't take over the power alone, so your two of you will be pointed out for a day. point."

The third elder seemed to think of something that he could not accept, and a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes. If Eunfu does not come back at this critical moment, tomorrow his son will just sit in that position, and he can realize it this morning. Own desire.

"Oh, now that evil seed is back again, do we still have a chance tomorrow? I'm so worried!" Mrs. Huarui thought of the anger received at the banquet today, and the good fortune that evil seed didn't give herself any face, she was upset. .

But Mrs. Huarui also knew that it was not easy for her to be tender with her beloved man at this time, and she could not take such a small matter to destroy their warm and affectionate atmosphere at this moment.

She hugged the third elder's waist and tightened again, wishing to melt herself into the third elder's body so that she could be with him forever and ever.

"Don't worry, I have my own way to deal with him, as long as you best behave as my wife's preparation." Thinking of the plans of himself and Mr. Zhang, the third elder seemed to see everyone kneeling in front of him and bowing respectfully to him.

"Well, I believe you." Madam Huarui smiled, and turned over to press down the Third Elder.

Seeing that Mrs. Huarui took the initiative, the three elders would naturally not let this time off so easily.

Mrs. Huarui pretended to be reserved and pushed and shoved with the third elder, while laughing with the third elder, suddenly thought of something, touched the third elder's waist and asked: "What's the matter with your waist? It's not serious. ?"

Mrs. Huarui did not forget the painful look of the three elders at the banquet, but now that she was with Yunyu again, she didn't see any backache from him, not only she was curious.

"It's okay, I took the peculiar medicine the doctor gave me, and the back injury has healed, otherwise how can I serve you." The third elder smiled, scratched Mrs. Huarui, and went to play with Mrs. Huarui again.

"That's good, you don't know that you are worried that you will kill me. You are all to blame for that wicked species. If it weren't for him, you wouldn't have to suffer such a sin."

Because Huaruifu's face was going to have a private meeting with the three elders, the delicate makeup painted on his face seemed a bit hideous at this time.

"Hehe, I worry about you, don’t worry, I will let him vent your anger when our great cause is completed." The third elders are still waiting to continue eating the deliciousness in front of you, and can’t wait after a word is finished. Continue the action on his hand.

"Okay, I'll go back again." What Mrs. Hua Rui likes to see most is that the Third Elder is obsessed with herself, which makes her feel like she was still young and deeply attracted to the Third Elder.

"Don't be afraid, you take the secret road directly to your room, don't worry about being discovered." The secret road was built by someone secretly in order to facilitate their private meetings. No one knows about it anymore except the more trustworthy people.

In the past few decades, once the three elders and Mrs. Huarui had a private meeting, it was through this secret passage leading to the room of two people, otherwise they would not have kept so many people away so quietly for so many years.

"There are also leaves watching the wind, so don't worry about being discovered." Mrs. Huarui's worry was immediately dispelled because of the words of the third elder, and she began to indulge in the waves of heat that the three elders brought her.

Mrs. Huarui and the third elder didn't know, they were just the usual chattering after the cloud and rain that shocked the two guests who came outside suddenly and silently.

Mu Fengzhao thought that there was a secret collusion between Mrs. Huarui and the third elders, and that such an unconventional hookup was already a very big secret, but he did not expect that there was a bigger secret waiting for them.

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