Mrs. Huarui looks like this in front of everyone, and she doesn't need to be sophistry or cover up. As long as she is not blind, she can see all the pictures at this time.

"Huh, to ruin the style, the adulterer and adulteress should be killed here, so as not to be ashamed in front of outsiders." The second elder has long seen the eyebrows between Mrs. Huarui and the third elder in the afternoon. Daquan had already dealt with them, thinking that everything had been figured out, naturally he would not continue to allow them to pollute their eyes here.

The second elder immediately showed his anger without being polite, as if he wanted to kill them.

"What the second elder said is that we can't let these two people lose the face of our clan in front of others." This time, because the adultery between Mrs. Huarui and the third elder was exposed, they have been standing by Enfu. The team was often ridiculed by Mrs. Huarui and the people on the third elder's side. This time it was possible to take revenge, and began to fall into trouble.

"Yes, it should be dealt with together with the second son."

"I also ask the king to make a decision to prevent them from messing up the pure blood of the blood bat family."


Many people began to kneel down and worship Enfu one after another, hoping to deal with the three elders of Mrs. Huarui and Encheng immediately.

Those who have always supported the three elders, Mrs. Huarui, and Encheng couldn't say a word at this time, and they all began to tremble, thinking of a way for their own future.

They have already seen that their plan has completely miscalculated at this time, and there is only a dead end waiting for them.

Everyone has regretted their hearts almost at this time, and there is still room for them to choose where they are.

Everything has settled down, because of such a thing as Mrs. Huarui and the third elder, this king's position naturally fell on Enfu.

After that, the great elder and the second elder worked together to find out the various deeds made by many of the three elders and Mrs. Huarui, and directly convicted that group.

Suddenly a lot of people in this clan were missing, but a lot of opposition voices had to be eliminated. It can be said that a lot of help has been achieved.

The civilians who watched the good show below, although the things on the high platform were not very clear, but they probably also knew what happened. Not only did they lament this time, they came to the right, and I don’t know the next time such a wonderful show will be. When will it be.

These civilians don't care who sits in that position, no matter who it is, as long as they are allowed to live a good life, they are a good king, and they are the people they want to support.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan watched that Enfu had already handled the big part of the matter, they didn't continue to do it, they got up one after another, left the square, and returned to the bamboo garden.

"Hey, Enfu's matter has finally been resolved. I didn't expect Enfu's hippie smile to have the ability to punish people like this." Mu Fengzhao thought about Enfu's items against the three elders and Mrs. Huarui on the high platform. Punishment is not something that a person who knows nothing can do. They are all cultivated over time.

It is worthy of being taught by the elder and the second elder since they were young. Naturally, their abilities are not comparable to ordinary people.

"No matter what you say, it is the only bloodline of the blood bat clan, and the talent in his bones is not comparable to ordinary people." Ye Yan read the book with a pause, thought of Enfu's various performances today, smiled, and said faintly.

"Well, this time the great elder and the second elder can rest assured." Mu Fengzhao sat next to Ye Yan, holding his arm that didn't hold a book, and said the incident.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan also went idle for a short time because they resolved a serious matter, and suddenly became a little idle, but it was also rare.

The two of them started to make tea in the yard, chatting and enjoying the scenery as if they had just arrived on the day.

Now they are not at all worried that someone is eavesdropping. The third elders, Mrs. Huarui and others have already broken the law, and no one is fighting against them. Where else will someone come to watch them again. As for the Moutr Zhang, Mu Fengzhao has already investigated. , Actually left early this morning.

This is something that Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan didn’t think about, but if you think about it carefully, you can probably guess that this Zhang Moushi is not an ordinary person, and he probably already feels their existence. In order not to avoid them, he is already a step earlier. left.

This time, Zhang Moushi escaped again, otherwise it would be enough for Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan to teach him the poison that Zhang Moushi gave to the third elder.

Because the poison had already been discovered, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan had already been exchanged. The poison was destroyed yesterday. Otherwise, this time, maybe Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan would really be planted in the little three. The elder and Mrs. Huarui are in their hands.

Now Enfu's affairs have been handled, and the rest is to reorganize the Bat Valley. Their help is no longer needed, so it is time for Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan to leave the Bat Valley.

After Enfu had dealt with the more important things in Bat Valley, all the other things had been handed over to the Great Elder and the Second Elder. He took time out of his busy schedule and came to the Bamboo Garden.

As soon as I walked in, I saw a very beautiful scene of Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan talking, laughing, and laughing. I couldn't help feeling a little bit reluctant to think that the two of them would leave soon.

"The two are still as leisurely as before." Eunfu came uninvited, and sat down in the empty position in the pavilion, and politely offered himself a cup of tea to quench his thirst.

"The matter has been dealt with?" Mu Fengzhao gave Enfu a blank look, but did not say anything. He knew that they were about to be separated, and did not want to say something that would hurt Enfu and hurt Enfu's self-esteem.

"Ah! Don't say it, I don't know if I haven't been in contact before, but now I know how difficult it is to handle government affairs." Enfu has a bitter face. At this time, he still has a look at the high platform in the square. He looked serious, and seemed to be back to the hippie smiley time.

"You are proficient in changing your face, and you are not afraid that those people who are afraid of you will see you so inconspicuous now." Ye Yan glanced at Enfu, and the sarcasm was obvious.

"Heh, I'm tired of pretending to be serious in front of them, and now I'm still pretending to be so decent in front of my friends. Isn't it too tired?" He also only has Mu Feng Zhaohe Ye Yan only relaxes when he is around, and can restore his original temperament. If he can, he does not want his two friends to leave.

But he also knew that he was just talking about dreams. Everyone had their own affairs. Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan still had a lot of things waiting for them in the capital, and he couldn't keep them.

"I agree with this. Everyone should keep their original temperament." Mu Fengzhao thinks that Enfu's words are very correct, no matter when he can't lose his original intention and nature.

"By the way, when are you going to leave?" Enfu asked as if suddenly thinking of something.

"Tomorrow!" Mu Fengzhao said casually. They can't stay here for too long now. They need to leave to go to the capital, so it is better to leave as soon as possible, so they directly set the time for tomorrow.

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