These people have been with him when he is most difficult and lonely. Although they are not relatives, they are the general existence of relatives. They also support their support to persevere in the face of the ruthless family.

"Yes!" Thousands of words converge into one sentence, and they have been together for many years, and a tacit understanding is formed naturally, and the expression of the other person can also know the meaning of the other person's expression.

"I have seen the heroine!" After Wang Luo and the others got up, they saw Mu Fengzhao who was looking at them with satisfaction. With a happy face, they immediately paid respect to Mu Fengzhao.

"You don't need to be polite, just get up. You can just call me a girl like you used to. The capital is no better than outside. It's better to pay attention."

Mu Fengzhao slightly dragged the arms of Wang Luo and Xia Yangchao's salute, thinking that they are surrounded by crises now, just in case, it is better to pay attention to the address.

Several people had fought together. Naturally, they knew that Mu Fengzhao's words seemed to have a deep chill on the surface. They didn't say much, and they nodded to show that they knew.

Several people exchanged greetings, and Wang Luo and Xia Yang were responsible for leading Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao into the Grand Prince's Mansion, and the other subordinates began to take charge of dispersing the people safely.

A few people arrived at the conference hall. The people at the Grand Prince's Mansion had already cooked the tea and waited. When they saw Ye Yan coming in, they saluted one after another. They were very discerning and well-trained to serve the tea. After leaving a few waiters outside, they left one after another.

Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao were sitting in the top seat, drinking tea while listening to Wang Luo, Xia Yang and others reporting all the things that happened during his absence.

Because there were too many and too complicated things, Ye Yan couldn't finish it for a while. Seeing that Mu Fengzhao's face was slightly tired, the maids who were guarding outside the door came in and led Mu Fengzhao to rest.

Mu Fengzhao thought that he didn't need Ye Yan to handle all these things perfectly. She was superfluous here, and she was indeed tired, so she didn't insist on too much, so she agreed to Ye. Yan's proposal was led by the maid to the backyard to rest.

Following in the footsteps of the maid, Mu Fengzhao looked at the flowers and grasses along the way, and when he saw the scenery of the great prince, he nodded and secretly commented.

Where is Ye Yan’s taste? Naturally, the layout of this great prince’s mansion is not vulgar. Although it cannot be taken seriously by the royal family, the royal family has always done superficial work. In order not to attract people’s speech, it was bestowed on Ye Yan. The Grand Prince's Mansion is very good.

These five steps on the first floor, ten steps and one pavilion, long bridge curtains, and rockery and lakes are everywhere with beautiful scenery that makes people linger. Mu Fengzhao thinks he has seen many beautiful scenery, but he is sure that there are none. The place can be comparable to it.

Mu Fengzhao looked at the scenery here after a hundred steps, and felt that physical exhaustion was slowly disappearing. Perhaps it was not the beautiful scenery, and the master who lived here had already lived in his heart deeply, that was it. True beauty.

This maid deserves to have been chosen by my thousands to serve in the living room. No matter in appearance or quality, Mu Fengzhao has never seen such an excellent maid in other places.

The maid waited and retreated to a certain degree. Seeing that Mu Fengzhao seemed extremely interested in the surrounding scenery, she faintly introduced her without letting Mu Fengzhao feel bored.

Just the humorous words that popped up from time to time in this one could perceive the maid's goodness. If it were put outside, it would be a class of ladies and no one would doubt it.

Under the leadership of the maid, Mu Fengzhao estimated the time it took to walk a stick of incense, and finally felt that the pace at the feet of the maid slowed down.

This Grand Prince's Mansion is too big. In addition to all kinds of scenery, those who shuttle through the Grand Prince's Mansion are also in an endless stream. The strict people patrolling around are even more staggering.

Slowly, Mu Fengzhao saw a yard with a tall attic, which was approaching in a short while, and after a closer look, Can Xue Xiaozhu.

The name of this yard is the same as the one that Ye Yan gave to her outside the town, but I don't know if the layout inside is the same.

Ye Yan seemed to like the name Can Xue extraordinarily, but she didn't know if there was a story she didn't know about it.

"Miss Mu, this is where the Great Lord lives. You can live here in the future." Seeing that Mu Fengzhao had been watching Can Xue Xiaozhu's name, the maid stopped and kept watching, thinking she had some doubts. Explained aloud.

She is a person with insight. Judging from Ye Yan’s attitude towards Mu Fengzhao, she knows that Mu Fengzhao’s identity may not be simple. Maybe they will be their masters in the future. Be more attentive.

"Well, I have worked hard to help the girl." Although Mu Fengzhao didn't expect Ye Yan to let her live in his yard, he also knew that now that she has reached this point, she no longer has the right to refuse. The temperament is categorical: she won't let her live in a yard alone.

If you come here, you will be at ease. Mu Fengzhao is not an ordinary woman, so naturally he will not be afraid of someone talking gossip, so he walks in Can Xue Xiaozhu with Lufu.

This Canxue Xiaozhu is not Pe Canxue Xiaozhu, and both the structure and the layout of the yard are different from the Canxue Xiaozhu on the mountain outside the town.

The elegance is revealed everywhere, which is in line with Ye Yan's character and temperament. The flowers and plants planted in the yard are naturally rare and precious varieties that have been rare in a century.

There is no doubt that even though it is different from Can Xue Xiaozhu outside the town, Mu Fengzhao still loves this place at a glance.

The yard where the master lives is naturally different from the yard where ordinary people live. First of all, the guarding can see that it is different except here. Being guarded until tightly closed, even a fly may be difficult to enter.

At this time, the maid who had been guarded in advance had already greeted him, so as soon as he saw Mu Fengzhao and paid a salute, there was no more language, and he respectfully invited Mu Fengzhao to enter.

Mu Fengzhao walked around the Canxue Xiaozhuli where there was Ye Yan's breath everywhere, and after everyone's appreciation, he said that the places where Ye Yan was found were all fine products.

Mu Fengzhao was really tired, and he walked here again in Ye Yan's Grand Prince's Mansion. The tiredness on his face could no longer be concealed. Seeing this, the green help led Mu Fengzhao to open a guest room. Door.

"Miss Mu, the master has ordered you to stay here for the time being, and I will let people prepare for a bath." Lu Fuchao Mu Fengzhao said with a respectful bow.

Mu Fengzhao had no objections and naturally agreed, waved his hand, and entered the room.

Obviously Ye Yan's yard should be cleaned frequently, even in the guest rooms where no one has ever lived. It is spotless and very clean.

The location is also very good. When you open the window, you will see a shimmering lake. The lake is full of peach blossoms that never fall in all seasons. The fallen flowers are colorful, elegant and beautiful.

Mu Fengzhao did not expect that the view of the front yard in Ye Yan's yard was the ultimate, but he did not expect that the backyard of the bedroom would also have such a beautiful view. This time, it is certain that Ye Yan is a person who will enjoy it very much.

There is no doubt that Mu Fengzhao likes this place very much. Ye Yan guessed her thoughts and let her live here!

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