This is also something he has been unable to forget for so many years. What he cannot get forever is the best. Therefore, for that woman, Mr. Zhang can only think about it in his heart, and has always been firm in his belief. To subvert the situation of the man that the woman loves, let the woman see the price of not choosing herself at that time.

There is no woman who doesn't like her man to say good things to coax, even if she is a high-powered queen.

The queen who had a gloomy face because of her suspicion last second, she immediately smiled when she heard Zhang Moushi's words in the next second.

"Huh, I don't think you dare to lie to me, that woman left nothing except Ye Yan, a wild species. Even the queen's position has been sitting for so many years, just a waste. If it were not because we were twin sisters and had the same faces, I would have forgotten that there was a sister."

Queen, it should be said that the fake queen who is posing as a fake queen can’t help but disdain when she thinks that everything she used to be is better than herself, everything is more likable than herself, but she doesn’t know when she turns into a boneless twin sister. Snorted.

But one thing the fake queen has to admit is that without the empathy of her sister, the things that have been secretly together with Mr. Zhang for so many years would not have been concealed from everyone. I really want to thank her sister who hasn't taken care of her.

After listening to the arrogant remarks of the fake queen, Zhang Moushi showed a look of disdain in the corner she could not see. How do you compare with her, if not because you have the same faces, and he has never After getting that woman, he wouldn't wrong him and the woman in front of him for so many years.

Zhang Moushi's dislike of the fake queen was only a matter of a moment. In order not to cause the fake queen, he wanted to guess wildly, and he immediately echoed it frequently, which provokes the fake queen's satisfaction.

Although the fake queen did not see Zhang Moushi's disgust, it does not mean that Mu Fengzhao, who had been completely shocked by the news revealed in the words of the fake queen and Zhang Moushi, did not see it.

Mu Fengzhao looked at Zhang Moushi who seemed to be obedient to the fake queen, but was also dissatisfied with it. He concealed the shock in his heart and glanced at Ye Yan quietly.

Mu Fengzhao was relieved without seeing the painful look on Ye Yan's face. He didn't expect that today, only on a whim and night to visit the queen's palace, he heard such a heartbreaking news.

In this country, no one would have thought that the queen they had always respected turned out to be a fake, and the real queen had already been tortured to death.

She just said, where is there a real mother who is so cruel to her son, assassinating her son and the place of death again and again, and now she knows it, it turns out that she is not her biological mother at all. Aunt with a trace of blood, no wonder, no wonder.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. I have never experienced the feeling of being a mother, so I don't miss it anymore, but I was shocked by the news." Ye Yan didn't know how Mu Fengzhao at this moment was afraid of hurting him. She has self-esteem, and loves her own life experience. Seeing that she took a careful look at herself, she was just worried about herself.

In order not to worry about him, Ye Yan comforted Mu Fengzhao aloud. He had never enjoyed the feeling of being a mother, so naturally he would not miss it.

Now that I heard the news, apart from some shock, there was no other feeling, as if it happened to him.

Mu Fengzhao nodded, and settled down to continue listening to those things that the fake queen and Zhang Moushi had done embarrassingly.

"The poison on the emperor's body should not be far from the next outbreak!" Zhang Moushi suddenly thought of his actions a few days later, but he needs the emperor's support. If this time the poison cannot occur in accordance with the time, it will delay his affairs. .

The fake queen nodded: "Well, the poison that happened last month, this month the poison is coming soon, don't worry, it won't delay your business. I have been doing this kind of thing for so many years, then? It made you worry about it once."

"Yes, I can't rest assured that you can do this. After this poisoning, if you ask for it for the last time, the emperor is probably going to die, and it's time for our plan to mature."

When Zhang Moushi thought that his grand plan was about to succeed, he couldn't help but feel excited. After so many years of arrangement, it was time to close the net.

"Okay, I hope that the emperor will not let us down. He is a very important figure. If it weren't for his affection for my sister so deeply, we would not be able to control his mind for so many years. Now his usefulness has been used. It's over, it's time to send him to reunite with my sister."

When the false queen thought of the emperor’s feelings for her sister, she couldn’t help but feel jealous. Every good man liked her, so she wanted to show her that the man she loved had suffered for more than 20 years. All the pain.

Zhang Moushi has always known that the woman in front of him, whether she was a girl or a woman, is a powerful and vicious character. Didn't she take advantage of her jealousy of her sister at that time to get the current step.

"Okay, everything has been arranged. It's not good for me to leave and be found out." Zhang Moushi glanced at the sky outside the window and felt it was late, although the harem could be said to belong to them. The world has changed, but it is still more cautious to sail the boat for ten thousand years.

"Oh, no, don't stay with me for a while. You only came back a few days ago, and finally came to the palace to accompany me once. I don't want you to go so quickly. You are no longer, but I am very lonely..."

When the fake queen heard that Zhang Moushi was about to leave, she was immediately unwilling to give up. This harem is already her world, and everyone has been properly arranged, just to make it possible to stay with him tonight and not be disturbed by anyone. The atmosphere, so no one will bother you.

The fake queen hugged Zhang Moushi's neck and didn't give it away, with her other hand wandering on the chest that was leaking from Zhang Moushi, her eyes were perpetually flattering.

How could Zhang Moushi not only mean a fake queen, he sighed, nothing more, he can leave after a while.

Zhang Moushi's general laziness picked up the fake queen and quarreled in the room, teasing the fake queen in his arms in a good mood: "Okay, wait a minute before leaving, I will accompany you well today."

The fake queen and Zhang Moushi entered the inner room with a smile, and Mu Fengzhao didn't need to guess, he knew what he was going to do when he looked at them like that.

The next thing is not to be regarded as rude. Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan have already understood everything they want to know, and there is no need to stay any longer, and they left the bedroom with Ye Yan.

Before leaving the bedroom, Mu Fengzhao deliberately broke the window silently from the position of the window. Even if a person with no force value pushes it gently, the window can be pushed open and you can see at a glance. The view to the bed in the bedroom.

This can be regarded as a small reward for the method Mu Fengzhao gave to the man and woman who had used Ye Yan for so many years.

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