At the moment when the two of them disappeared, the patrolling and guarding people in the Queen's Palace only heard the sound of the air bursting slightly, and found that light smoke was slowly rising from the small window of the Queen.

Although that voice can be neglected, but the wisp of smoke has to be seen clearly. In order to not only give the name of resignation, dozens of people are rushing towards that cluster. The flames gradually lit up and went away.

The guards seemed to have forgotten that before the queen took a rest, they had told the close maid around him to return, no matter what happened, don't bother here.

The guards had already forgotten those instructions, and just wanted to put out a bunch of flames as soon as possible, otherwise, if this is the queen’s palace because of his consideration of the water, then for them, it will be decapitated. Sin, they don't have the guts to set a flame and leave him alone.

Twenty or thirty people, as if there were money there, all rushed to the seemingly bigger and bigger fire, and extinguished them as quickly as possible. They didn’t know that the foot of the guard was unstable, and the other didn’t stand firm. They all rushed towards the small window sill that was not so high.

Mu Fengzhao had already made the hands and feet of the windows where so many people could stand up to it all at once, and only heard a creak, the small windows on both sides shattered in front of so many people. The inside of the house was once seen by them. It's clear.

All of his people stared at what they were wearing in the room with big eyes and small eyes. Not only were they all dumbfounded, the space suddenly quieted down for a while.

The two people who were busy in the room were just throwing themselves into it at this time. They didn't even notice such a big movement, and they continued to be selfless.

Until one of the guard leaders saw the scene inside, he blushed and swallowed, not only muttering in his heart that the queen usually looks virtuous and virtuous, but he didn't expect it to be like this again with the emperor.


The guard suddenly thought of something and found it was wrong. He glanced at the other guards, whether he was pressing it or pressing him, as if he had recovered. He blinked, and asked that he has always had a better relationship with him. 'S guard, whispered: "Does the emperor let Concubine Wan be attending bed today?"

If I remember correctly, I seem to have heard what my colleagues say today. I also said that when patrolling, I happened to see a group of eunuchs carrying very strict concubines wrapped in quilts, and they ran into a face. The most not decapitating, especially avoiding leisure, saw the group of eunuchs heading towards the emperor's palace.

He listened to his colleagues at the time, and even made a special joke of his colleagues. The two people said something bad for a while. If he read it correctly, the queen inside seems to be talking to someone...

Although the person turned his back to him, I couldn't see what it was like, but since the emperor is not here, then this person is definitely not the emperor, then the queen...cuckold the emperor again?

The head of the guard was taken aback by his own thoughts. Not only did he scratch his eyes and looked in to make sure that he was not mistaken, but he felt that his life was alive soon, he began to tremble, and moved out a little bit. I want to escape here.

But before he removed a foot from the guard who was pressing on him, it was already too late.

Because the guard who was wholeheartedly in the picture when asked, swallowed, although he didn't know why his leader asked, he nodded intentionally: "Yes, the **** who served in the emperor's palace said so. of……"

The little guard seemed to react suddenly, thinking of something, and looked at the red-faced scene in it, unbelievable, and glanced at the leader guard, both of them seemed to have seen a ghost, subconsciously. Suddenly pushed away the people who were pressing on him, screamed, and escaped from the small window at the fastest speed in his life.

"Ah... I didn't see anything... Ah... I must have read it wrong..." The two yelled as they ran, and they were shocked by the fact that one of the guards who had discovered this guard was missing in the Queen's Palace. I was wondering about the other team of guards coming here.

The guard leader of the other team was unknown, so he looked at the two people running here, but couldn't hear what they said. They wanted to catch them and ask what was going on, but they kept pointing at the queen’s bedroom. The smoke is gone.

The head of the guard had an unclear look, so he knew what happened to the queen’s palace. What can I say, he immediately led twenty or thirty people into the queen’s palace, and suddenly saw the dozens by the window because of those two people. The screams suddenly returned to all the people who looked frightened.

The head of the guard realized that something had happened, and could not take care of anything else for the queen’s safety, so he immediately stepped forward, and from the window damaged by those people, he saw the chaos in the queen’s house and the panicked white inside. Two colorful people.

The head of the guard immediately recognized that the woman among them was their queen, but the man was not the emperor, but a man whom they did not know, a complete stranger.

The head of the guard immediately realized something. He wanted to stop the people who were coming from here, but it was already over because they had already reached behind him and saw the scene in the room clearly.

Because the two people who reacted first kept yelling, and kept pointing towards the queen’s palace, it was like a stone being smashed into the calm water, causing a circle all of a sudden. The ripples alarmed more and more guards.

The guards didn’t know the truth, they all rushed to the Queen’s palace. For a while, the Queen’s palace, which looked very large and wide, was surrounded by water, and it was instantly alarmed by the Queen. The resting palace lady eunuch.

Although the guards later had no chance to see the scene inside, the two waves of people who came first saw the scene clearly, even if there were a hundred mouths, they couldn't tell.

Among the first guards, there are some shrewd people who are the first to react, knowing that they have broken the Queen's matter, they will definitely not be able to survive.

Just when their hearts were ashamed, they suddenly saw more and more people in the queen’s bedroom. Suddenly they all hid in the crowd as if thinking of something, yelling: "The queen has given the emperor a green hat. , Doing something wrong with other wild men, we bumped into a righteous, wanting to kill all the people."

At this moment, those people shouted, and those who didn't know what was going on all of a sudden, they couldn't believe it, but they believed the behavior of the two people who had escaped first.

There were more and more people who knew about it, and the palace suddenly became chaotic. It spread from ten to ten, and all of them knew that the queen was having an affair with other men, and they were bumped into someone who wanted to kill. Extinct.

Finally, a news came in like a bomb in the ears of the emperor who was about to rest with the concubine. The emperor was furious on the spot, threatening to drive the queen into the cold palace, and fainted in anger.

The concubine who was about to go to bed was scared to death, and he immediately called the emperor's doctor. All of the emperor's doctors went to the emperor's palace, just knowing the news from the palace, and immediately knew that the emperor was. what happened.

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