But who could have expected that this counselor was not a person who kept himself safe at all. After knowing the identity of his sister, his mind began to become active, and slowly the seducer's sister returned to the clan to let him sit in that position.

At this time, my sister was completely disappointed and resentful about the behavior of her sister and her family. She wanted revenge but never had a chance. Now that there was a chance, her sister naturally had to take good hold of it, and immediately agreed without rejecting it.

After that, the younger sister discussed with Zhang Moushi how to get her to be accepted by the clan if they seized the position of patriarch.

In the end, Zhang Moushi thought of a way with his sister and younger sister's appearance, letting the younger sister pretend to be the elder sister and expelling the elder sister from the clan. Only in this way can he become the patriarch in the shortest time.

Because of the jealousy towards her sister, the younger sister naturally did not refuse. The two of them were combined and prepared to use bitterness, because only in this way would it be possible for the younger sister to return to the clan again.

Sure enough, their plan was effective, and the sister's bitter tricks deceived everyone. After all, it was also a child of their family. She still couldn't bear to live out so miserably by herself, so they all accepted them one after another.

The younger sister called Zhang Moushi his lifesaver to the people in the clan. Without him, she might have died long ago. In order to thank Zhang Moushi for saving his sister's life, the people in the clan saved the foreigner and lived there.

My younger sister came back this time and obeyed Zhang Moushi's words, to be a well-behaved person, not to cause trouble, so that everyone has seen her change, and at the same time, the younger sister once again won her sister's trust, and the relationship with her sister was restored to the past.

The elder sister always has a guilty heart for her sister, and she is naturally happy with her sister's change this time, and she has no vigilance towards her.

The younger sister saw that the initial plan of herself and Zhang Moushi had been effective, and the rescue began to take the next step. Now how to send her sister out and let herself take the place of her sister.

According to the sister's intention, she killed her sister directly and left it to the outside world. However, she was opposed by Zhang Moushi. Although her sister didn't know why Zhang Moushi disagreed with her, she did not continue to insist.

How did the younger sister know that when Zhang Moushi first saw her gentle and virtuous sister, she had already fallen in love with her at first sight, and naturally the reluctant sister died.

But Zhang Moushi was a sensible person, and he knew what he wanted, so he suppressed his vague thoughts about his sister.

Soon after, the elder sister got her sister's medicine and passed out, and the two people began to send her elder sister out quietly. From that day on, the younger sister began to take the place of the elder sister.

Of course, in order not to attract the attention of others, the two deliberately left a letter to the family in the tone of their sister, expressing that they had regrets because of all the past, but they also had no face to continue living in the family. Has left with Zhang Moushi.

Everyone naturally had no doubts. After that, the younger sister began to imitate her sister's every move, every word, and to dismiss the older sisters who had been close to her, and to find all kinds of excuses to send out, and began to arrange her own trust. People from around, Zhang Moushi has been helping his sister sit in that position in the dark.

But what they didn't know was that the sister who was drugged by them and left the hillside not only did not die, but she was also rescued by someone. This person was the emperor.

From the first time when the emperor failed to marry his sister, he did not give up at all, and has always sent his most trusted person to stare around.

The dark guards around the emperor saw that his sister was thrown out, and immediately reported to the emperor and rescued his sister.

Maybe it was because there were too many measurements under the medicine, maybe it hurt my head when I dropped it down the hillside, in short, my sister lost her memory after being rescued and waking up.

The emperor was naturally happy to see this, because then he would have the opportunity to come with his sister again, and he would have the opportunity to let her and himself go back to the palace before and let her marry him.

The emperor panicked at his sister. He didn't tell his sister what his identity was. He just said that they met during a private visit in his own microservice. The two were lovers, and they could get married soon.

My elder sister naturally did not doubt. She and the emperor came to the palace and married the emperor, and she and the emperor lived steadily for a year, until their children were about to be born, and they had undergone earth-shaking changes. Their days of love and affection were also true. From here to the end.

This year, because of my sister’s virtuous and virtuous virtue, even though she did not have a prominent identity, she still waited for the approval of many people. From the very beginning, a concubine took the place of the queen whom everyone expected.

The elder sister and the emperor here live happily, but the sister over there is not as smooth here as the sister. Just after the younger sister is about to take the position of the patriarch, their identities are discovered.

My younger sister usually plays her own sister on the surface, hiding everything from everyone, but secretly communicating with Zhang Moushi. Soon after, her younger sister was pregnant, and she was discovered by the maid who was taking care of her outside. Something is wrong.

Although these people are not the people her sister is close to, they are not the people she trusts most, and they have never taken care of them personally. They have always been waiting in the yard, but it is because of the elder sister's behavior. These maids also respect their masters very much. of.

Over the past year, they have discovered that the master's temper is getting worse and worse, and more and more irritable. The people who have grown up with the master no longer know how much they have been driven out.

Just when the maid noticed something wrong with her sister again, she said it when she was chatting with her little sister. He was heard by the servants who had been serving her next to her sister, and she had a mindset and began to observe her little sister a little bit more.

After observing for a period of time, it really was discovered that something was wrong with the future patriarch. In the end, the subordinate and the patriarch expressed their suspicions. After investigation, it turned out to be a fake.

Then, the matter between my sister and Zhang Moushi was revealed, and the two of them knew their plans were exposed one step ahead of time, and left the clan one step ahead of time, came to the outside world, and began to avoid chasing after them.

That is to say, after going to the outside world, the two people knew that their sister had become a queen. The younger sister hated the good luck of her sister and indicated that she must replace her sister.

But after Zhang Moushi went through the things in the clan, his ambitions became more and more ambitious. Knowing that his status here is low, no one can afford him, so he began to have other attention.

After knowing what the younger sister was thinking, the two began to have other plans.

Zhang Moushi relied on his own ability to sneak into the palace. He saw the queen and knew that her position was so high now that it might not be so easy to replace her. He started to approach the queen little by little.

It's just that although the queen has lost her memory, she has lived in the harem for a year. She is no longer the one she used to be. There is no scheming sister that everyone believes, not to mention that she already has a child, and she is more towards strangers. Stay vigilant.

However, no matter how much vigilance, there was a time when the child was about to be born, so Zhang Moushi and his sister seized the opportunity and prepared to do it on this day.

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