After Xia Yang and Xia Yu walked for two hours, they woke up quietly, and the first thing to see was that Ye Yan was sitting at the table next to the window, sipping tea, and looking at the room outside the window. His expression was unclear, I don’t know if I was thinking about something. what.

Mu Fengzhao moved Ye Yan a little, and smiled softly: "Did you sleep well?"

Mu Fengzhao nodded, yawned, and stretched out very impersonally: "Well, I sleep well."

Ye Yan walked into the bed, took Mu Fengzhao's coat, put it on her naturally, and then squatted down to put on shoes for Mu Fengzhao.

Mu Fengzhao just looked at Ye Yan serving him so tenderly, feeling that this day is really good.

"Someone is here?" Although Mu Fengzhao slept well, he seemed to hear someone talking in a daze.

Someone dared to bother at this time, except for Ye Yan's people, it seemed that there was nothing else.

"Well, the prey has already moved." Ye Yan's didn't hide, he led Mu Fengzhao to the table and handed her a cup of tea.

This tea is good, A Zhao would like it.

Mu Fengzhao did feel a little thirsty. Almost all the people in her stomach were in her stomach, and she slept, feeling dry and dry.

After receiving the tea that Ye Yan handed over, looking at the jade-like color of the cup, it exuded a faint tea fragrance. You don't need to guess, you can also know from it that this tea is good.

Even though he was thirsty, Mu Fengzhao did not rush for a while, took a sip, tasting tea, good tea is not a waste, and people who can taste tea should appreciate it.

"It seems that they can't wait any longer." Mu Fengzhao drank the tea with a relaxed expression. He knew the tea's appetite for her at a glance.

Seeing this, Ye Yan smiled slightly. As he expected, Ah Zhao liked the tea.

"Yeah, I can't wait to die." The one who should come is still to come, even if he wants to die, he naturally won't let their wishes come to nothing.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan sipped tea for a while, then went around the nearby mountains. Seeing that it was getting late, the two decided to go back.

They are not going down the mountain like going up the mountain, directly using light work, but in order not to miss the mountain scenery, they are really walking down the mountain.

As soon as they came down the mountain, they were surrounded by hundreds of black-clothed men who looked like dead men before they arrived and the carriage they were riding in.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan glanced at each other, and there was only one message in each other's eyes, and it was here to die.

"It's them, the master should keep alive." The leader of the dead warrior took out a portrait-like thing from his arms, and looked at Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao, making sure that they were not wrong, and instructed the others. .

"Yes!" Each of the dead men in black was expressionless, like a corpse, mechanically replying.

"It seems that this time the dog jumped the wall in a hurry. The two of us sent so many people." Mu Fengzhao didn't feel the slightest tension because of being surrounded by people. Instead, he hugged his arms with a look on his face full of interest.

These over a hundred people may have been a trouble for Mu Fengzhao before, but now Mu Fengzhao is far from the same, not enough to move her shins!

"Then are you afraid?" Ye Yan gave Mu Fengzhao amusedly, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, and it was obvious that he didn't take these so-called dead men seriously.

"Oh, I'm so scared!" Mu Fengzhao deliberately made a frightened look, and glared at the dead warrior leader provocatively.

The dead warrior leader already couldn't stand it when Mu Fengzhao was joking with Ye Yan. How could he not see the deliberate provocation of the two men in front of him, but he knew that this time the task was more important, so don't act recklessly, so he said his heart. Has been holding back a breath.

Mu Fengzhao's deliberate provocation didn't make them stare in his eyes, as if a balloon had been inflated to the maximum endurance, suddenly a needle appeared, and the balloon immediately exploded.

"Come on, all killed!" The dead warrior leader, without any more nonsense, waved his hand and rushed up.

The other dead men immediately carried their knives and slashed at Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao one after another.

Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan glanced at each other, back to back, fighting side by side.

This was almost a stress-free crushing battle. After a while, more than a hundred people came down one after another. When they reached one place, Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan were not at all embarrassed, as if they were just waving. The sleeves are generally relaxed.

"Heh! Just you, let's practice again for a few hundred years!" Mu Fengzhao snorted coldly as he looked at the dozens of dead men who were struggling, with a look of disdain.

Ye Yan didn't speak, but the gentle and petting eyes were on Mu Fengzhao's body.

"You're not ashamed, do you think that's the end?" Almost just after Mu Fengzhao's voice fell, when a voice that seemed to come from afar rang in the mountain, Mu Fengzhao knew that it was Mu Qiangwei's voice when he heard it. .

It seems that this time is really prepared!

Mu Fengzhao's expression remained the same as before, and it didn't seem to have changed at all because of Mu Qiangwei's words.

What Mu Fengzhao can be sure of is that although Mu Qiangwei's voice is nearby, but the person is hundreds of miles away, it seems that Mu Qiangwei has practiced sorcery, and then remotely controls the dead men and looks at them.

But what about it, is it not a threat to her and Ye Yan at all.

"As before, you know that you are hiding sneakily, but this hasn't changed at all." Mu Fengzhao waved his hand and killed another dead soldier, and still had the kung fu against the dead soldier who attacked again. Still not forgetting to tease Mu Qiangwei.

Mu Fengzhao knew that Mu Feng Qiangwei wanted to heal herself and death. She abolished Mu Qiangwei's leg. Because Na Mu Qiangwei had always been unattainable and superior, she thought that her character was invincible in the world, and it was almost impossible to keep her without killing herself. of.

This time, Mu Qiangwei and Zhang Moushi joined together in a treacherous manner. It is estimated that they are determined to kill Mu Fengzhao and Ye Yan.

"Hmph, compared to your despicableness, ruined my legs, even if you smashed your corpse into thousands of pieces, it would hardly understand my distressed hatred." Mu Qiangwei's resentment was deep into the bone, and the voice of gritted teeth rang again.

Those dead men who had been killed by Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao seemed to have reacted because of Mu Qiangwei's resentful voice.

They were originally lying on the ground motionless, slowly began to move their limbs, and then slowly did it, but it was different from what they had just done.

In the beginning, although they had no expressions, they could still be seen as a person, but now they are not only expressionless, but also pale, like a moving dead person.

Looking at this scene, Mu Fengzhao suddenly thought of the world zombies he lived in before. These people saw that they had become puppets of Mu Qiangwei's sorcery, and they changed with Mu Qiangwei's emotions.

Mu Qiangwei controlled them with her own emotions. The more resentful her emotions were, the more powerful these puppets would be. No, because of Mu Qiangwei's resentment towards Mu Fengzhao, these puppets who had already been killed rose up again.

Mu Fengzhao didn't pay attention to Mu Qiangwei anymore, and it was useless to say more. It's better to use actions to be more realistic.

"These puppets are probably not easy to deal with." Mu Fengzhao looked at these puppets without any feeling. He kept rushing here, hurting them, and their strength seemed to be stronger.

It seems that Mu Qiangwei's cultivating sorcery is indeed powerful, and he has even practiced such a puppet.

"It seems that the only way to attack is with fire." Ye Yan had already seen what sorcery Mu Qiangwei had practiced, and knew the solution.

"Well, that's the only way." Unable to touch these puppets, Mu Fengzhao waved his hand and formed a transparent barrier, covering Ye Yan with Ye Yan, preventing those puppets from approaching them.

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