Mu Fengzhao seemed to have expected this second news from the palace, but also unexpected.

Nowadays, there is only one prince who has just turned six years old in the royal family, except for Ye Yan and the deposed prince Ye Ju. For the royal family, there are really few people.

It is understandable that this big matter of handling the government affairs of the DPRK has fallen on Ye Yan's body, after all, he is the only one who can be the master.

Compared with the people who praised the emperor's knowing actions from the outside world, Ye Yan seemed to be somewhat reluctant to this matter.

But there is no way, in full view, the imperial decree has been issued, and it is too late to refuse.

In desperation, Ye Yan could only intervene in the government affairs of the central government.

Because Ye Yan didn't think about it here, and didn't think about sitting in that position, so he had other thoughts and was ready to re-train a talented prince to inherit the throne.

In the end, Ye Yan's goal was set on Ye Li, the young prince who was not so sensible.

So there was such a scene. Whenever a loyal minister went to court, the first thing that came into sight was not the regent Ye Yan who they were for, and a little child, the little prince Ye Li who was ignorant of everything.

On the first day, when the ministers saw this weird picture, they thought they had gone to the wrong place and ran to the residence of the little prince.

He looked up at the plaque again, and found that there was no mistake. The one sitting on the throne was indeed their little prince Ye Li.

And Ye Yan, the regent king they had been thinking about, sat aside in a lazy posture, regardless of the minister's doubts.

Although the doubts in the hearts of many ministers had already reached their throats, no one dared to ask them. They didn't know the reason for the matter until the early dynasty was about to end.

Ye Yan asked the great **** who was waiting for the emperor to read out the imperial decree that had been established, and the courtiers knew what was going on.

It turned out that this little prince is their future monarch, and the current regent is really only assisting, and does not mean to inherit the throne.

At this moment, let all people have some unpleasant tastes.

In their eyes, this throne is a sweet pastry, and it has always been a symbol of the rights of the royal family to fight, but who knows that when the prince is here, it has become a hot potato that cannot be thrown away.

The things that they could not reach for a lifetime, and the things that they dared not to covet all their lives, became unnecessary when they reached the regent. From this we can see how much the hearts of these ministers are.

No matter how unwilling the ministers were in their hearts, they would not dare to make trouble. After all, Ye Yan's words had already been dried one step ahead of time, and there was no room for refutation. Otherwise, whoever would like to sit in the position of the regent would just go.

It was because of this sentence that everyone shut up at once, and no one dared to say anything. It was aggrieved to death.

In the end, there was no way. The imperial decree had already come down, and the emperor had agreed to it. What qualifications did they have to disagree, only to speak sages against their will and vision.

Of course, this imperial decree spread to every corner of the capital at the fastest speed after the resignation. The people in the capital knew the content of this imperial decree, and it was a pity for Ye Yan and this country.

It's a pity that such a talented person, but it's a pity that the country has lost a king who governs the government.

When the news reached Mu Fengzhao's ears, Mu Fengzhao couldn't help laughing a few times, and secretly poked Ye Yan, the gangster.

Such an idea came up unexpectedly, this is a kind of attention to be cut first!

Ye Yan knew that if he stated his intentions in advance, he would be refuted by everyone, and the clumsy ministers would definitely not agree with Ye Yan's decision.

In this way, Ye Yan came with a cut first and then played, and directly put the little prince on the throne, and the imperial decree, even if the ministers disagree, there is no room for maneuver, after all, Jinkouyuyan.

Only then did Mu Fengzhao know why he was so calm when he knew that he had become the regent. It turned out that he had already figured out a way, and he was indeed an expert!

Because of Mu Fengzhao's good mood, he ate a bowl of porridge for breakfast more than usual.

Naturally, Mu Fengzhao's good mood wasn't just Ye Yan's calculation of those civil and military ministers, but rather a solution to a major event.

Now that the Mu family's affairs have been handled, the emperor's affairs have begun to emerge, and the throne has an heir, and if the last thing is done, they can return to the mountains and forests, and they can be together every day.

And this last thing was Zhang Moushi's thing, and the dead prince Ye Su who escaped from the golden cicada's shell.

That's right, Mu Fengzhao didn't think that Ye Xuan would die so easily, and the calamity lasted for thousands of years. How could Ye Xuan just casually die in a fire without harming everyone.

Just because he was the son of Zhang Moushi, Zhang Moushi wouldn't let Ye Su die so simply, after all, that was his last bloodline.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, Zhang Moushi conspired with the fake queen in the capital for so many years, his power will not be so simple and ruined, there must be other existence.

After Zhang Moushi failed to join Mu Qiangwei, he must have guessed that his whereabouts were already known, so when Xia Yu Xiayang took people to Zhang Moushi’s hiding place, there were no more people there. People go to the floor to be empty.

And the prince died by coincidence. No matter how you think about it, one has to doubt that it must be Zhang Moushi who left the prince one step ahead of time and created Yang Zi, whose prince had been burned to death, just to let people know that the prince was dead. There is no need to chase the whereabouts of the prince.

No, after Ye Su was taken away by Mr. Zhang, didn't he just save his life.

Mu Fengzhao felt that after this, Zhang Moushi would definitely do something.

With that greedy temperament of the counselor, it is impossible to just let it go. Let alone other things, it is that Ye Yan and Mu Fengzhao disrupted his plan and let his plan to seize the throne failed. Yes, there will be revenge.

It's just that the location of Zhang Moushi's hiding place is too secret. By now, Xia Yang and Xia Yu hadn't really wanted to find a clue.

Maybe, now I have to wait.

Even if Zhang Moushi wants to take revenge, he will definitely act. If it is impossible, he will keep hiding. If there is action, there will be clues. So as long as Zhang Moushi jumps out of his hiding place, there will be a trace of action, Xia Yang and Xia Yu will do. Based on the trace of clues, you can find the nest of Zhang Moushi.

Now, it is time for the test, who has more patience and perseverance.

After Ye Yan went down to the court, he went straight back to Can Xue Xiaozhu, and saw Mu Fengzhao waiting for him at the door, and a happy warmth came to him.

This should be what he has been asking for in his life, not much, no power, no money, no flowers, as long as there is someone who can wait for him to return home for a while.

"How about it, the first day in the court, those ministers must have very beautiful faces!" Mu Fengzhao poured Ye Yan a cup of tea, with a look of fun on his face.

Ye Yan picked up the tea cup and asked slightly, it was very fragrant and light in color. After tasting it slightly, it tasted good, and a slight warmth came to his heart.

Knowing Mu Fengzhao's curiosity, he didn't deliberately remove Mu Fengzhao's appetite. He held Mu Fengzhao in his arms, let her sit on her lap, and nodded faintly, holding her hand. , His face is wonderful, I want to refute but dare not refute."

Mu Fengzhao's face blushed, and Ye Yan began to be scornful again, and he waved his hand to let the Lv who was waiting next to him go down.

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