Hua Niang's many years of experience has already cultivated the ability to talk to people and talk nonsense to others, and how to entertain people, naturally she has her own method.

This isn't it, it's just a simple sentence, but it contains a lot of skills in it, making a few dudes laugh happily.

"Hua Niang, still be as enthusiastic as ever, hahaha, this time, the few of us can have a good time and call out the most beautiful girls in the building." Carrot waved his hand, a hundred sheets. The two silver notes were delivered to Hua Niang.

"Ah-yo, you are still polite, the girl in our building is not a fairy, please don't worry, and promise not to let a few masters down."

Hua Niang hurriedly turned out the silver ticket with her hands, her face was smiling like a flower, and no one noticed the flash of coldness in her eyes just now.

"That's good, Hua Niang don't hurry up and let us serve our Wu Gongzi." The Evergreen man, seeing Wu Renyao has been patrolling around in the Wanhualou hall, he could not help but smile after he had guessed the thoughts of the man in front of him. Joking.

"That's right, didn't you see that our Young Master Wu can't wait any longer?" The gaudy man continued with the words of the Evergreen Man.

"Yes, yes, I didn't entertain you well, Mr. Wu, is there any girl you like this time?" Hua Niang asked Wu Renyao, who was disappointed.

Seeing that Wu Renyao was obviously much quieter than he had come here this time, not only some cautious questions.

She still knows Wu Renyao's habit. Generally, she has her favorite girl. After she came here, she directly named the person. This time Hua Niang saw that it was not as usual, so she asked.

After all, these are all big customers, happy to serve, and one happy, that is all a lot of money, when encountering such a lavish customer, Hua Niang naturally has to be cautious as a guest.

This is all God of Wealth.

"I heard that there is a new oiran in your building. I want her today." As soon as Wu Renyao came to Wanhualou, he kept thinking of the beauty who had a glimpse of the restaurant. Naturally, Zhou Xuan was not the same as usual.

Wu Renyao went around for a while, but didn't see the shadow he wanted to see. When he was about to be disappointed, he heard Hua Niang's question and immediately said what he wanted.

He was looking at the oiran today and everything else he was blind to.

Now he knows that the beauties he met in the past are not beauties, they are just some rouge and vulgar fans. He has never seen such a beauties before.

So, today, no matter what, he will hold that beauty in his hands, no matter what the price is.

"The new oiran? Oh, Master Wu, how come you have such a big appetite as soon as you arrive. It's really unfortunate today. Our girl Qianqian is a little tired today, thinking about not picking up customers, you have to wait till night."

Hua Niang looked a pity and persuaded her.

But obviously Wu Renyao doesn't eat Hua Niang only one set, his face is cold, and he is unwilling: "If you don't pick up guests, why don't you pick up guests, I want her today."

"This... Mr. Wu, Qianqian is really..." Hua Niang looked embarrassed.

"What? What's the hidden meaning of Hua Niang?" Seeing the embarrassed color on Hua Niang's face, the gaudy man spoke very kindly.

Seeing someone who is always a good talker, Hua Niang opened her mouth, smiled, and waved the handkerchief in her hand: "That's not it, this is not, Qianqian just came back after going out, tired! There will be another big event tonight, if it's not during the day Rest well, what can I do this evening?"

Wu Renyao had a domineering look on his face because of Hua Niang's refusal, because such a sentence was much better. This time he was even more sure that the girl he saw in the restaurant was the oiran in this Wanhualou. The only trace of doubt in his heart disappeared as a result.

His mind was all above discovering the baby's secret joy, naturally he didn't notice the second half of Hua Niang's words, he didn't notice, naturally someone noticed.

This man is an evergreen man.

"Activity? What activity, why don't we know? Stump what we have missed in the mansion these past few days?" Evergreen asked with a puzzled face.

Looking at the other two friends, seeing them also looked strange. I couldn't help feeling that I had really done something wrong, and the doubts on his faces meant even more doubts.

"Ah, how many sons don't you know? Our Wanhualou has announced a few days ago that our new oiran Qianqian will be auctioned for the first night. You see, our Wanhualou is full of guests."

When Hua Niang thought that after today, she could earn a pot full of money at once, she couldn't help but feel excited, and her tone of pride couldn't be faked.

"That's it, we haven't been out of the house for several days, naturally we don't know." The Evergreen man nodded in understanding.

"I just said, why the business in this Wanhua Building is so good during the day? That's how it is." The gaudy man shook his fan and looked around at Wanhua Building, which was already full of people. He couldn't help but slap his tongue. Many times Wanhualou, this time is indeed the one, the most lively one.

"In other words, I can't see Girl Qianqian before the event?" Wu Renyao was a little unhappy. He originally thought that when he came here, he could see the beauty immediately. He didn't expect that he would have to wait for her talent. See that beauty.

The more Wu Renyao thought about it, the more he felt that it was just a cat scratching in his heart, which was very uncomfortable.

"Uh, you can say that, isn't this to keep the mystery?" Hua Niang knew that the person in front of her could not be offended, so she naturally did her best to please Wu Renyao.

"Hey, Ren Yao, think about it, the last is the most beautiful." Seeing that Wu Ren Yao was unwilling to go mad, the Evergreen man immediately stopped him, put his arm around his shoulder, and patted his shoulder, with a look on his face. profound.

He clearly knows Wu Renyao's temperament. He wants to get what he cannot get, but he has to go crazy. If this is normal, it is fine, but now he has finally managed to sneak out from home. He hasn't had a good time. Because Wu Renyao furiously made trouble, his old man would definitely break his leg.

And there are so many people here, it's really not suitable for Wu Renyao to go crazy. If you are not careful, you will kill someone. You don't have to worry about it before, but it is always a very time. Naturally, it is necessary to be cautious.

"That’s right, Ren Yao, it’s fine if you pay the highest price when the time comes. Maybe someone touched, and you will take the initiative to give it away! It doesn’t have to be now. If you provoke a girl, If you haven't been playing to the fullest, then the gain is not worth the loss." The carrot man naturally knows the Evergreen Man's worries, and his worries are also about to worry about him, so he can stabilize Wu Renyao with his energy.

He didn't want to say that Wu Renyao had a single pass. He was the only one. Even if he made a huge mistake, he was not afraid of having such a powerful Laozi.

He has a lot of concubines, no more than one, no more than one less, he doesn’t seem to doubt that if something big is caused, I don’t seem to want to protect himself directly from the seemingly laissez-faire Lao Tzu. Let him go, so he must be careful.

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